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教育在优化成人移民社会结构中扮演着重要的角色。本文通过对美国成人移民在教育和生活等方面的分析,深入探讨教育对美国成人移民经济生活、政治参与度、身份认同的影响和具体表现,以期为教育推动美国成人移民的进一步发展提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper addresses ‘the gift’ as the central concept in a discussion about the literacy education for new immigrants that has been developing in Taiwan since the early 1990s. The point of departure for this discussion is the advent of international marriages that are the consequence of new arrivals from Southeast Asia and China, and their effect guest/host relationship. In the first half of the article, I apply Marcel Mauss' idea of gift in order to examine the interactions within this host/guest relationship, engaging the ideologies that underpin the new immigrants' literacy education, and the ways in which new immigrants are identified in Taiwanese society. In the second half of this article, I use Jacques Derrida's critique of Mauss' theory of the gift to explore Derrida's own idea of the gift, with the particular objective of evaluating the question of how national identity in Taiwanese society relates to the new immigrants' literacy education policy.  相似文献   

穆斯林移民宗教信仰难以调和、历史记忆难以忘却、政治利益群体意识几个因素导致其难以融入欧洲,根源在于穆斯林身份本身。推动穆斯林移民融入欧洲,对于建设和谐世界具有巨大的意义,要展开不同文明之间的对话,构建与本土社会友好相处的新型伊斯兰文明,给予穆斯林群体深切的关怀与理解。  相似文献   

在海外华侨华人社会中,菲华社会被认为是一个典型的"社团社会",社团数量多,参加社团的人数也多,社团在菲律宾华侨华人的社会生活中扮演了重要的角色。20世纪90年代末以后,随着菲华确定了"融合于主流社会"的新方向以及新移民的大量涌入,菲华社团也出现了新的特点:以往缘于政治分歧的冲突缓解,而名利之争凸显出来;新移民在社团中的影响力增强。但目前菲华社团依然面临不团结及后继无人等问题。  相似文献   

通过对江西省上犹县营前镇观音堂碑文的释读,结合营前的社区历史演变,可以观察到清代至民国营前土客关系和政治经济格局的演变,从而为理解营前的地方文化提供了新的素材和视角。在客家传统社会研究中,必须从历史性的角度去解读客家社区神明信仰的变化,从中发现土著与客籍之间、不同宗族之间或其他社会力量之间关系的演变,并仔细考察导致这种演变的因素,从而为解读“地方文化”提供可深入挖掘的素材,获得理解“客家文化”新的视角。  相似文献   

本文拟从文化身份的角度人手,分析薇拉·凯瑟小说《我的安东妮亚》中移民文化身份认同的困境:一方面,移民与本土文化的深刻联系使他们对美国主流文化的认同充满惶惑与困扰;另一方面,移民对美国主流文化的一往情深又使他们在回归本土文化时感到陌生与不安。移民身份认同危机隐现了母国文化在遭遇美国强势文化时的困境,同时也表现出凯瑟对处在边缘状态下的移民及其文化身份的敏感。  相似文献   

19世纪英国移民是美国外来移民中一个有着独特经历和贡献的群体。来自美国移民始祖故国的他们和其他新来者一样远渡重洋而来,却很快融入美利坚社会,并被视作“看不见的移民”。他们拥有美国工业建设和经济发展亟需的先进技术和革新理念,并努力将这些技术和理念付诸实践。无论他们不同于抑或相似于其他进入美国的移民族群,19世纪英国移民定居美国后的种种经历和贡献在美利坚共和国的发展中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展、城市化进程的加速、社会流动的加剧,大批农民流入城市,而这些外来人员的生存和发展,以及伴随的社会问题更发人深思。可以从社会排斥的视角来看当今农民工的生存现状,包括经济排斥、政治排斥、社会关系排斥、文化排斥、社会保障排斥和教育排斥,而开展针对农民工的社区教育是解决农民工社会排斥问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文拟从文化身份的角度入手,分析薇拉·凯瑟小说《我的安东妮亚》中移民文化身份认同的困境:一方面,移民与本土文化的深刻联系使他们对美国主流文化的认同充满惶惑与困扰;另一方面,移民对美国主流文化的一往情深又使他们在回归本土文化时感到陌生与不安。移民身份认同危机隐现了母国文化在遭遇美国强势文化时的困境,同时也表现出凯瑟对处在边缘状态下的移民及其文化身份的敏感。  相似文献   

社区教育:解决农民工社会排斥问题的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展、城市化进程的加速、社会流动的加剧,大批农民流入城市,而这些外来人员的生存和发展,以及伴随的社会问题更发人深思。可以从社会排斥的视角来看当今农民工的生存现状,包括经济排斥、政治排斥、社会关系排斥、文化排斥、社会保障排斥和教育排斥,而开展针对农民工的社区教育是解决农民工社会排斥问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

在留学生或者新移民小说中,"性"是个比较公开也比较隐秘的话题。或因身份的尴尬、生存状况和命运跌宕各异,移民爱情婚姻是海外作家格外偏重的题材。从故国到他乡,东西文化间的冲撞胜过交融,新移民文学的爱情叙事,后现代的文本实验取代了传统表述;异国婚恋题材已是千奇百怪、旧貌换新颜。然而形形色色在欲望中挣扎的性爱窘困,并不全是为性而性、为爱而爱;作品在挖掘人性的复杂和性爱的残缺扭曲的同时,表达现代人对异域荒诞世界的冷峻审视和无形的精神穿透力。  相似文献   

This article investigates the identity construction process of China’s rural-urban migrant children through analyses of their discourses and of their use of language. Rural children have relocated to the urban centers with their parents on a massive scale over the past decades as China has undergone rapid economic changes. Many migrant children are able to attend urban public schools, and their identity construction emerges as an important issue that attracts increasing public and scholarly attention. This study draws on ethnographic data and presents four examples to illustrate the complex process of migrant identity construction. The results show that the migrant children deploy a range of linguistic features and claim multiple identities; in order for their identities to be established in social reality, they have to go through negotiation processes in which their identities are evaluated, ratified, challenged, or denied. Language is at the center of such processes.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of subtractive schooling, including language use in education, on the identity of a group of ethnic minority students in Central Highlands of Vietnam. Drawing on semistructured interview data, a deeper look is taken into the ways in which these students identify themselves with their languages, cultures, and social relations. Findings reveal that the subtractive power of the school language and the institutional milieu profoundly influenced their identity construction by creating the conditions for (a) the devaluation of their language and cultural identity as a consequence of the invasion of their sociocultural territory by the dominant language and culture and (b) the segregation and disunity that affected their identity construction through social relations. Although subtractive schooling apparently facilitated students’ integration into the mainstream, its invisible power forced them not only to integrate but also to bear the full burden of constructing new identities to adjust to the school environment and the mainstream society.  相似文献   

和谐社会正在成为当下中国社会转型时期的目标和主题,然而无论从过程亦或结果而言,紧张与冲突将是扣谐社会构建中的主要现象,尤其在社会经济、政治结构转型的时代。法治的超前和理性,是协调这种紧张与冲突的基本调控方式,且应是和谐社会实现可能的基础和必经之途。  相似文献   

乌江流域移民源远流长,绵延不断。几千年来,他们基于生存选择、政府组织、自发流动等诸多迁移原由,或成规模、或零散迁入并最终扎根定居于此,不但促进了中国西南边疆地区经济、政治和文化的发展,而且促进了各民族之间的融合,为中华民族共同心理素质的形成奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

移民的政治参与是一个典型的跨学科课题。从西方现有献看,西方学关于移民参政的研究主要集中在对影响、制约不同移民集团参与其居住国政治的因素的探讨上。本则主要从移民的族群或化特征、社会经济地位和移民居住国的制度三种不同视角对影响、制约移民政治参与的因素做了理论分析,并分别对它们作了初步的理论归纳和总结。  相似文献   

近年来,农民对其子女享受优质教育的愿望越来越强烈,大量农村中小学学生向城市"移民"。研究发现:"农村教育移民"社会适应状况良好,特别是人际关系方面;"移民"后班级的竞争程度、"农村教育移民"的家庭月收入、移入学校对待"农村教育移民"的态度等是影响其社会适应状况的重要因素。  相似文献   

外来移民(主要指来自国内各地的务工人员)对于上海的城市发展来说,是一股不可忽视的力量。可以说,上海百年来的发展史,其实就是一部移民史。作为上海作家,从创作初期开始,王安忆就一直关注着身边的这一特殊群体。自80年代的《鸩雀一战》、《好婆和李同志》到2000年的《富萍),王安忆的移民书写逐步体现出一种对上海由“认同”到“背离”的写作姿态。文章拟对这三部作品中的主人公小妹阿姨、李同志和富萍三个具有典型意义的移民人物形象进行分析,来梳理王安忆这种书写姿态的转变,以探寻这种转变背后所蕴含的丰富文化内涵。  相似文献   

This paper uses a sociocultural theoretical lens, incorporating mediated agency [Wertsch et al. (1993). A sociocultural approach to agency. In A. Forman, N. Minick, & A. Stone (Eds.), Contexts for learning sociocultural dynamics in children's development (pp. 336–357). New York: Oxford University Press] to examine the dynamic interplay among teacher identity, agency, and context as these affect how secondary teachers report experiencing professional vulnerability, particularly in terms of their abilities to achieve their primary purposes in teaching students. Two mediational systems that shape teacher agency and their professional vulnerability are addressed. These are: (a) the early influences on teacher identity; and (b) the current reform context. Interview data revealed that the political and social context along with early teacher development shaped teachers’ sense of identity and sense of purpose as a teacher. Survey and interview data indicate that there was a disjuncture between teacher identity and expectations of the new reform mandates. Teacher agency was clearly constrained in the new reform context. Teachers struggled to remain openly vulnerable with their students, and to create trusting learning environments in what they described as a more managerial profession with increased accountability pressures. Directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in the public service sector during the last stages of the twentieth century contributed to an international reconfiguration of state-centric governance. Supported by the discourses of individualism, marketization, national governance, and competition, this (re)shaping of governance presents a specific dilemma for the political identity of educational leaders. In response to the troubling lack of international scholarship focused on the political role of educational leaders, this article provides insight into the ways in which the political identity of school leaders within the USA is influenced by dominant discourses. The understandings highlight the ways in which educational leaders are expected to realize their roles as resolute implementers of state policy, while also being directed to act as deliberative advocates within the jurisdiction of educational policy making. We believe that these competing discourses have altered the identity of educational leaders into what we have labeled as the implicated advocate. The purpose of this article is to provide the field of the politics of educational with a concept that may expose the double bind that is experienced by the educational leaders.  相似文献   

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