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台湾终身学习社会的营造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾终身学习社会的发展,得益于社会各教育机构与组织的贡献,这些机构与组织涵盖各级正规、非正规及社会教育机构,为民众提供了多元化的终身学习资源与服务。"贯穿正规教育体制的终身学习"、"打破学校藩篱的社区学习"、"面向海外的远程学习"反映了台湾终身学习社会的起源与发展过程。空中教育机构及社区大学是台湾终身教育的两大支柱,台湾通过"非正规终身学习成就认证制度"、"社区大学与空中大学合作"、"两岸终身学习合作"、"融入国际的终身学习社会"等途径建设起终身学习体系。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between international agendas for lifelong learning and financial aid for low income countries, especially those on the African continent. It argues that there are subtle differences in terminology written by policymakers respectively in Europe and South Africa for lifelong learning but that international development agendas reinscribe lifelong learning for countries in receipt of development aid. Taking a postcolonial perspective the paper provides a textual analysis of case examples from policy documents in two African countries to demonstrate how international aid priorities negatively affect government choices and policies for lifelong learning, in spite of more regional analyses of the role of education and lifelong learning for the continent's development needs. It argues that the inclusion of indigenous worldviews from the south have potential to enhance a global agenda for the social purpose element of lifelong learning.  相似文献   

Definitions of social capital, advanced by Coleman and Fukuyama, and definitions of lifelong learning and intergenerational learning are discussed and compared, and a synthetic model is presented. This model relies heavily on the practical implementation of strategies for augmenting social capital, such as those applied within the granddad project, an intergenerational learning initiative conducted in schools in the Stockholm County area. It is concluded that intergenerational learning in this theoretical framework provides a foundation for lifelong learning practice in a social capital perspective, even though the definition of social capital used is broad and bears strong resemblance to the Japanese concept of kokoru, advanced by Okamoto (1992).  相似文献   

This article argues that adult education/lifelong learning policies in Greece, as these are expressed by law 3879/2010 "Development of Lifelong Learning and Other Provisions," have the characteristics of the "statist" model of lifelong learning in Europe, namely strong governmental control and centralization. However, there are also characteristics of the "social partnership" model: regulations through a legal framework and stronger involvement of social partners and local government. Finally, under the influences of European education policy, a special emphasis in Greek policies is placed on the issues of accreditation/quality assurance and the formation of a qualifications framework. These issues are dominant in the market-driven systems of lifelong learning, are consistent with the model of "voluntary partnership," and stress the individualization of the responsibility for learning.  相似文献   

两千多年前孔子就己经提出并实践着终身教育思想:“有教无类”与教育平等的拓展;“学而不厌”与终身教育连续性的贯通;“学而知之”与终身学习自主性的实现;“为仁由己”与人本教育思想的贯彻;“博学而笃志”与通过人的培养来实现对社会的改造。它为构建现代终身教育体系提供了重要的历史借鉴。  相似文献   

This essay examines adult learning in Canada and the USA (1945–1970). It explores this emergence in relation to moves to establish academic adult education as a cultural force that could help citizen learners to negotiate a way forward amid the collision of instrumental, social, and cultural change forces altering life, learning, and work in the emerging postindustrial society. In this regard, it focuses centrally on lifelong learning as an idea designed to have broad appeal in rapid-change postindustrial culture. In particular, it attempts to explicate a cultural politics of lifelong learning, which academic adult educators hoped would give the field a higher profile within what they perceived to be an emerging change culture of crisis and challenge. Two key factors are considered in these deliberations. First, this essay explores the relationship between public education (understood as schooling for children) and adult education. It takes up how this problematic relationship interfered with a post-war turn to lifelong learning. Second, it examines the shift in the meaning of the social in understanding adult education as social education in postindustrial society. It argues that the post-war discourse of democracy delimited this meaning, locating the social predominantly within a concern with preserving the dominant culture and society.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of social change and economic transformation on adult education and lifelong learning in post-Soviet Russia. The article begins with a brief economic and historical background to lifelong learning and adult education in terms of its significance as a feature of the Russian cultural heritage. An analysis of Ministerial education policy and curriculum changes reveals that these policies reflect neo-liberal and neo-conservative paradigms in the post-Soviet economy and education. Current issues and trends in adult education are also discussed, with particular attention to the Adult Education Centres, which operate as a vast umbrella framework for a variety of adult education and lifelong learning initiatives. The Centres are designed to promote social justice by means of compensatory education and social rehabilitation for individuals dislocated by economic restructuring. The article comments on their role in helping to develop popular consciousness of democratic rights and active citizenship in a participatory and pluralistic democracy.  相似文献   

国际劳工组织以实现"社会正义"、"体面工作"为目标,根据社会经济产业的发展,以政府、雇主、劳动者的社会对话机制,形成并不断更新国际职业培训基准,将人力资源开发、教育培训和终身学习政策作为经济社会发展战略的重要组成部分,兼顾经济目标和社会目标,希望加盟国政府在构建国家资格框架、加大教育和培训力度的同时,鼓励企业投资于教育和培训,创新培训方法,促进个人积极利用教育、培训和终身学习的机会。  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to examine how EU lifelong learning policies are trying to reach the vulnerable by looking at what measures against social exclusion they offer and how equitable these measures are. It is a qualitative study that focuses on policy documents that form the European Union’s legal and political frameworks of reference in the lifelong learning area since 1992. The document analysis has been complemented by semi-structured interviews with EU lifelong learning experts. The findings show that early school leavers and migrants are the main target groups in the policies, leaving many other groups at risk of being excluded from learning opportunities. There is not enough attention to measures addressing wider social phenomena. There is also an overemphasis on basic skills which are understood in a very narrow way as literacy and numeracy when referring to the vulnerable. We argue that a greater variety of measures as well as better targeted measures are needed to address the multiple and complex needs of the vulnerable. Such measures would allow a broader understanding of lifelong learning where those that are hardest to reach are offered learning opportunities independent of their personal and social circumstances  相似文献   

Lifelong learning is not only an established psychological fact, it is a compelling political and educational slogan that appeals equally to those concerned with the fulfilment and realisation of human potential, and those who are interested in the pragmatic need to keep up with rapid social and technological change.

A number of recent discussion papers and government reports (see, e.g., Aulich, 1990; Australia Council, 1990; Butler, 1989; Dawkins, 1988; DEET, 1990; Johnson, 1990) have mentioned the concept of lifelong learning as either a cause or an effect of recommended changes in the structure, administration or policy of higher education in Australia.

The purpose of this paper is to examine lifelong learning and to distinguish it from a number of other concepts and practices with which it is frequently associated. The paper then moves on to a consideration of lifelong learning in the Australian context, and in particular in higher education. It is argued that in many instances the rhetoric has outstripped the reality. Yet there are positive signs that notwithstanding the dominant ideology of instrumentalism so prominent at present, there are many initiatives and programs which, taken together, are contributing towards the fulfilment of lifelong learning. It is concluded that Australian higher education institutions are able to realise the ideal of contributing to a learning society, while at the same time being more pragmatic and accountable in aspects of their work.  相似文献   

自学考试作为一种中国独创的教育形式和考试制度,是所有教育形式中与终身教育及终身学习的理念最为切合的一种。自学考试的本质属性是一种开放教育形式,学习机会与学习内容都具有高度开放性。自学考试"个人自学"的基本特点也与终身教育与终身学习的基本主张非常吻合。自学考试能够很好地促进社会助学系统的构建,成为终身教育与终身学习社会助学体系最有力的推动力。自学考试制度完全可以成为我国构建终身学习体系的重要平台,为我国学习型社会的建设发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

终身学习与人的生命完善   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
傅金兰 《成人教育》2009,29(2):36-37
在社会哲学视野中人的存在是一种未完成的存在。生命的完善是通过学习来改变的,学习本身能够组织和改进大脑。正是在学习化社会中,无处不在的教育促进了人的全面的、全方位的发展。终身学习的不断实现是现代社会发展的要求,但并不是为了简单地应对社会的要求,根本是基于生命完善的需要。  相似文献   

终身学习理念与日本当代社会教育的新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
终身学习是当前日本教育改革的中心课题之一,而与之联系最为密切的是日本社会教育。本文从日本终身学习产生的背景及基本理念、终身学习体系中社会教育的地位、日本振兴终身学习事业对社会教育产生的影响等三个方面,来论述日本终身学习理念与当代日本社会教育的关系。  相似文献   

论构建学习型社会过程中成人教育发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建终身教育体系和学习型社会是现代社会和经济发展的必然要求。成人教育在构建终身教育体系和学习型社会过程中具有不可替代的重要作用,但必须调整发展策略,以适应社会变革和自身发展的需要。  相似文献   

终身教育已经由最初的"思潮"或"理念"发展成为一种教育实践或社会运动。鉴于各国国情,这种实践或运动呈现出多样化的态势与局面。各国有不同的终身教育模式,并在终身教育价值取向上具有多元化的特点。随着终身教育理论与实践的发展,这一概念渐有被终身学习所取代的趋势。  相似文献   

王琴  张竹英 《成人教育》2011,31(4):26-28
文章首先围绕高等教育与终身教育的相互关系,阐述了高等教育机构肩负终身教育的社会使命和搭建终身学习立交桥的社会责任。接着介绍了欧洲主要发达国家高等教育中开展终身教育(学习)活动的实践经验。文章最后结合我国实际,探讨了学习国外先进经验对中国高等教育改革发展的几点启示。作者认为,大学是拥有优质学习资源最多的机构,要落实终身学习的理念,必须由封闭转型成为开放型,主动承担起终身教育的社会责任,充分发挥其学术引领、资源共享和道德监督作用。  相似文献   

The curriculum is the totality of experiences which are planned for young learners through their education, wherever they are being educated. It determines the ethos of the school as a learning community, curriculum subjects and areas, interdisciplinary learning, and opportunities to attain personal and learning goals. An effective curriculum, which meets the needs of the twenty-first century learner improves numeracy and literacy, promotes health and well-being, and supports the social and technical skills required for learning, life and work (lifelong learning). Relatively recent developments in the policy frameworks of numerous nations have seen the implementation of an interactive style of teaching and learning called formative assessment. Formative classroom assessment is a potentially powerful instructional process because the practice of sharing assessment information that supports learning is embedded into the instructional process by design. This article uses a range of sources, including policy and framework documentation relating to the development and implementation of a curriculum which drives interactive assessment practices designed to make evidence of learning visible as assessment data with potentially lifelong effects. The purpose of this article is to delineate a ‘formative curriculum’ designed to drive classroom practices that create responsible citizens, confident individuals, effective contributors, and successful learners.  相似文献   

提升学生的思维能力是教育教学的核心目标之一。作为思维能力培养重要手段之一的思维教学于20世纪初在美国萌芽,经历50-60年代的蓄势,70-80年代开始受英美两国思维教学运动的影响,从“潜学”成为“显学”,得到研究者和实践者越来越多的关注。教育哲学层面的理论关注、认知心理学的研究成果以及包括教育在内的实践领域的迫切需求是推动思维教学向前发展的三股核心力量。从思维教学的实践取向来看,思维教学起源于“授之以竿”的“思维技能”教学,发展于“授之以饵”的“思维倾向”教学,回归于“授之以渔”的“知识理解”教学。三种取向的思维教学并没有明显的界限,他们之间是相互重叠的。回归“知识理解”的思维教学并不意味着回归知识的机械学习,而是在提供娴熟思维技能和培育良好思维倾向的基础上,促进对知识的深度理解。我国要实现课程教学的实质性变革,思维教学不仅是有效手段,也是必经之路。如何学习、吸收、应用、创新国外思维教学研究成果,有效发挥后发优势是我国教育界需要认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

当代成人教育与终身教育的发展现状与趋势   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
当前,我国政府正在着手构建一个"学习型"的社会,这一社会的形成应以终身教育理念为指导,并以提高人的精神教养及完善人性和人格为主要目标.那么,具体地说"学习型社会"应该如何建构,终身教育的理念又应如何得到切实地确立;围绕上述这些基础理论问题的研究,在目前的国内学术界仍存在着许多不同的意见和分歧.为了走出理论的理解误区,同时也为了进一步了解与把握当今世界终身教育的发展趋向和现状,笔者特撰写此文,以与国内学术界的同行们共勉.  相似文献   

Social workers practice in rapidly changing and complex environments where they encounter challenges that include increasing evidence-based practice requirements, a shifting information landscape, and diminishing workplace resources. To address these challenges, social workers need to engage in lifelong learning. The purpose of this article is to explore conceptual elements and assumptions underlying lifelong learning; propose social work specific approaches to lifelong learning; present a conceptual model to orient social work educators to the possibilities inherent in lifelong learning for practice, with inclusion of suggested practice behavior; and offer a research agenda for practice.  相似文献   

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