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上海市教育委员会于2007年5月正式启动了海市新农村教师专业发展培训项目。该项目的目标在于促进上海农村地区教师的专业发展,提升其专业水平。本论文以此培训项目为例,从评价的角度出发,从课程开发、培训者的选择、培训的展开方式等方面进行剖析,阐述作为一个有效的教师培训项目的因素,以及需要改进的方面。  相似文献   

以上海市新农村教师专业发展培训项目中培训活动实效性评估为例,从方法角度阐述如何考察培训活动的实效性。培训活动实效性可以从培训活动开展过程、培训活动的承受客体和实施主体三个角度去考察;反映培训活动实效性的数据可通过组织网络问卷调查、召开不同类型群体座谈会、奔赴培训活动现场实地考察、个别访谈等形式收集;对于数据的解读可使用整体思维关注所有样本的共通问题、使用求异思维寻找不同群体表现出的独特问题、使用联系思维从看似没有关系的结果中发现问题、使用对比思维反映相同问题在不同层面的差距等。  相似文献   

和谐社会的建设必然使教育走向和谐,走向和谐的教育要求教师培训要率先倡导和谐。以和谐的培训关系与培训形态开展教师培训,就要致力于培训者与受训者之间,受训者与受训者之间,培训者、受训者与培训环境之间的和谐,努力营造一个教师培训课堂的高度和谐。  相似文献   

《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010~2020年)》提出要重点发展农村学前教育,组织实施推进农村学前教育重大项目,开展改革试点,这对全面促进我国农村学前教育的发展具有重要意义。参照国外有关经验,我们认为,要切实发展我国农村学前教育,必须正确认识农村学前教育的价值和意义;必须尽快立法,以确立学前教育的性质和地位;必须明确政府责任,加强对农村学前教育的管理;必须加大中央财政投入力度,以真正实现学前教育公平。  相似文献   

The Michigan Technical Education Center (M-TEC) at Bay de Noc Community College is leading the way in workforce development for Michigan's Upper Peninsula. By leveraging resources through strategic alliances with industry, government, labor, and education, the M-TEC has become a powerful tool for training solutions. A March 1998 State of Michigan initiative sought applications from community colleges interested in a no more business as usual approach to technical skills training. The Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) awarded the M-TEC construction grant to Bay College in January 1999; groundbreaking took place in May 1999 and the center was dedicated in March 2000. The M-TEC concept - anytime, anywhere, customized training - proved itself through dramatic first-year increases in the number of workers trained (89%), total training hours (90% ), and MEDC training grant funds (500%). This has been accomplished in part through the impressive variety of resources the M-TEC leveraged from its strategic alliances. The M-TEC's sustaining partners, a group that has doubled in size after 1 year of operation (i.e., from 9 to 18), have increased the capacity of the center, even as they have contributed to its operation's budget. Equipment the center could not afford is now in use because the supplier wants its local customers to have access to it - and because the center could provide the training laboratories to house it. Dedicated computer laboratories make workforce training simple, with resources always available when needed by business and industry. The M-TEC is generating multiple revenue streams through nontraditional means to meet the state s 5-year mandate of self-sufficiency.  相似文献   

关于加快发展农村教育的思考   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
农村教育已成为我国教育的首要问题。随着农村城镇化和现代化的进程,广大农村的经济结构和各项改革正在稳步推进,而农村教育却呈现出了明显的滞后性,必须进一步加大力度发展。有鉴于此,本文通过分析当前我国农村教育存在的问题,呼吁充分认识发展农村教育的重要性,并在认真学习《国务院关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》和《中:共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》的基础上,提出了一些有针对性的建议。  相似文献   


Finland's Ministry of Education sponsored the development of an environmental education (EE) course for practicing educators of teachers. One to 3 persons from each teacher training unit at various universities and training schools attended a tutor training session, during which a course for other teacher trainers was developed. The course focused on personal development and curriculum development. Tutors used distance education with some locally arranged contact teaching to teach the course. Tutors also led local study groups. Teacher trainers who attended the course learned and applied new teaching practices and produced new model lessons. They also reflected on their personal environmental philosophy and gained in environmental knowledge. Preliminary evaluation of the program indicated that high-quality learning experiences occurred. This 2-step distance education model could be used for large-scale implementation of EE for in-service teacher training.  相似文献   


The cascade model has been widely used as a means of reducing costs and maximizing benefits in large-scale teacher training. This article focuses on the first step in the cascade process, training the trainers, and argues that we need to integrate more social and cultural awareness into this area of training if the cascade approach is to succeed. It does so through reference to two projects in South Africa which used a 'cascade' approach to train trainers, one at secondary level and the other at primary level, and attempts to show not only why we should include such areas in our training, but how this can be done in practice.  相似文献   

民族教育是达成各民族之间相互理解 ,学习与尊重的根本性途径 ,也是整个民族工作的重要内容之一。建国五十年来 ,我国民族教育事业有了长足的发展 ,取得了显著成果 ,但中国的民族教育是一个复杂庞大的系统工程 ,有较多的特殊性 ,因此就要大力开展民族教育的研究工作 ,培养本民族的创造型、复合型人才。《藏族高等数理教育比较研究》和《藏羌民族教育与阿坝州经济社会发展战略研究》两项课题的意义和目的就在于抓住特点 ,找到规律 ,探索开发民族智力 ,培养民族科技人才和经济社会发展人才的路径和方法 ,实现民族教育新的跨越  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试中存在的问题及其对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高等教育自学考试(简称高教自考)创办以来,迅猛发展,为我国高等教育改革与发展做出了重要贡献。与其迅猛发展相伴相随,高教自考中存在的一些问题和不完善之处也逐渐显现出来。解决问题,改进与完善高教自考,必须做到:转变观念,实现高教自考的机制创新;在高教自考教育过程中实施职业能力教育;发挥高等教育大众化实现途径的特点与优势;完善其各项制度,提高相关人员素质。  相似文献   

本研究通过书面问卷、访谈等方法,有代表性抽取本市(县)农村中小学教师为样本对浙江省"农村中小学教师素质提升工程"培训实效性作调查研究。旨在深入、真实、全面地了解一线教师对培训实效认可度及其原因。为各级师资培训机构更有实效地开展教师教育培训提供参考。研究结果表明:"工程"取得了显著的实效,但同时存在实效性欠佳的一面。培训实效同参训者对培训的心理期待、内容、方式和组织、培训者水平、校本培训、评价等相关。  相似文献   

培训师资队伍数量不足、质量偏低、比例失调、培训者培训不到位,是“十一五”中小学校长培训工作中暴露出来的非常突出的矛盾,它直接影响培训的质量和校长参与培训的积极性。问题形成的主要原因是因为从事培训教学工作的专职教师青黄不接、一些兼职教师的工作岗位的变换、缺乏对从事培训教学的师资的继续教育和教学的理论性要求不断提高,等其中缺乏对从事培训教学的师资的继续教育是诸多原因中的主要原因。要想有效解决这个问题,必须从加强培训者培训和加强制度建设两个方面入手,在省域区位内统筹解决。  相似文献   

高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,是高等教育大众化的重要推动力量,承担着为社会经济发展培养生产、服务、管理等一线高素质技能型专门人才的责任。高等职业教育具有人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三大基本功能,其中科研工作是提升高职院校教师专业水平,提高学院教学质量和社会服务能力的有效途径,更是经济社会发展和学院自身发展的客观要求。  相似文献   

远程开放教育与高等职业教育的沟通研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国务院关于《中国教育改革和发展纲要》的实施意见中指出:“积极发展高等职业教育,各类大专层次的高等教育应适当扩大规模,注意充分利用网络、电视、广播、函授等办学形式,为广大农村,乡镇企业以及中小型企业生产第一线培养人才。”当前由省级电大基础上建立了高等职业技术学院,形成了“一套班子、一套人马”、“两块牌子、两块教育”。一校两制、一校两牌,远程开放教育与普通高职教育并举的双轨模式。如何利用这种跨越时空的开放教育:汇聚了最优质的教育资源,形成了最强大的网络系统,提供最人性的支持服务,开展最鲜活的教学活动。让其开放教育独特的理念渗透到高等职业教育中,而高等职业教育是:以能力为本位,培养高级技术应用型人才,注重职业技能和职业素质的培养,这样高等职业技术教育才能保持其“高”的特质。如何将这种专业技术职业能力的训练与职业素质的培养也应溶合在开放教育的教学中。“两翼齐飞、血脉相通”两种制度不仅是并立的关系,互相之间更有交叉和渗透,你中有我,我中有你,并行而不悖,这就是中国特色。  相似文献   

千呼万唤始出来:俄罗斯大学生资助系统一瞥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转轨以来,俄罗斯高等教育的巨大增长伴随的是政府高等教育拨款的大幅削减.从1996年至2000年,俄罗斯大学生资助计划几经波折,在经历了学生商业贷款的流产、政府资助计划的夭折后,国家统一考试和高等教育券终于付诸实施,该计划对于减少招生过程中的腐败行为,缓解学生财政压力以及促进高等教育公平都取得了较好效果.  相似文献   

文章以《新疆维吾尔自治区中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要———高等教育发展规划(2011—2020年)》为依据,以培养新疆少数民族学前双语教师为突破口,从新疆教育学院学前教育专业培养目标、培养层次、课程体系、支持平台、队伍建设、制度建设、考核评价等多角度、多领域研究和探讨学前教育专业培养模式及保障机制.其目的是培养以实践为导向的学前专业新型人才,创新培养体制,满足自治区学前教育及学前双语教育事业发展的需求.  相似文献   

The qualitative study on which this article is based examined key individuals’ perceptions, both within a research university community and beyond in its external governing board, of how to improve benchmarking as an accountability method in higher education. Differing understanding of benchmarking revealed practical implications for using it as an accountability tool. A change model is presented for enhancing the effectiveness of benchmarking in higher education communities.Sue D. Achtemeier received the B.A. in mathematics and computer science with High Honors and the M.S. in mathematics from Florida State University and the Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of Georgia. She has held teaching positions in Illinois and Georgia and is now Assistant Director for Institutional Effectiveness for the University of Georgia with particular interest in accreditation and accountability. Ronald D. Simpson is Professor Emeritus of Higher Education and Science Education and Director Emeritus of the Office of Instructional Support and Development at the University of Georgia. He holds degrees in the biological sciences and in science education from the University of Tennessee and the University of Georgia and continues to teach and advise doctoral students in UGA’s Institute of Higher Education.  相似文献   

This article examines the lessons from a collaborative project that worked with women agricultural leaders in Papua New Guinea. The project sought to build the capacity of these leaders as trainers in a way that would enable the development of a sustainable community of practice and worked within a critical and place-based pedagogy underpinned by asset-based community development principles. Whilst the process of our collaborative work has a number of salutary lessons, the co-construction of the training course with PNG women farmer leaders did illustrate a particular knowledge design continuum: that is, surfacing knowledge, distilling knowledge, clarifying knowledge and then consolidating knowledge. From this consolidated knowledge, together we were able to design locally valid and locally relevant modules. As the trainers went out to trial their training, they were then engaging in sharing knowledge and reviewing that knowledge which then lead to our collective ability to improve knowledge that will enhance future training in this area.  相似文献   

Since 1998, the Flanders’ educational government in Belgium has been urging teacher education institutions by decree to implement competences in teacher training programs. Since then, years have gone by, and institutions have acted in order to achieve the competence-based goals. However, have they succeeded in implementing them? This is the research question that is central to the current study. An online survey inquiry was set up in eight elementary teacher education institutions using two questionnaires; one for final year elementary institution pre-service teachers, who were about to graduate at the time of completing the questionnaire (N = 218), the other for teacher trainers throughout the elementary teacher training program (N = 51). Ten years after the decree was issued, results show that competence-based education has become a reality in terms of its implementation. However, the process has not yet come to an end. Whereas some competences are clearly present in the institutions’ policies and practices (e.g. teacher as guide to learning and development, teacher as subject expert), others are poorly represented (e.g. teacher as partner of parents, external parties and as a member of the educational community). Moreover, teacher trainers tend to take four different approaches to the implementation of competences (1) during internship, (2) through the institution’s policy and program planning, (3) by means of their integration in both theoretical and practical components of the curriculum and finally, (4) a lack of implementation because the competences are considered insufficiently applicable by the teacher trainers. In particular, more experienced and subject expert teacher trainers tend to adopt the final approach more often than do younger colleagues and pedagogues. Student teachers’ results, on the other hand, suggest important differences between institutions concerning their understanding of competences and the integration of these competences in the curriculum; suggesting different paces of adaptation between teacher education institutions. Moreover, even within schools, the trajectory towards implementation is not always clear for all members of the teaching team, nor for the students of most teacher education institutions. Consequently, there is still important work to be done in order for successful competence-based change to occur.  相似文献   

Higher Education (HE) is experiencing disruption from technologies, demographics, the globalising world and longer life expectancy. Historically Higher Education has had a legacy of being seen as the requirement for an educated ‘elite’, there has been a policy ambition set in various countries (including the UK) for it to become the expectation for much wider segments of the population as a whole. As students become ‘everyone’ and learning becomes ‘all the time’ Distance Teaching and Research Institutions have a tremendous opportunity but there are also many disruptions and barriers to overcome. Higher Education institutions have an important role within Education for Sustainable Development and sustainable lifestyles; one of the important goals and targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development goals for 2030. Higher Education can contribute to sustainability in many ways – social, technical and environmental; globally and locally. In particular distance-learning universities due to the flexibility in the learning process, use of technologies, and inter-disciplinary approach to teaching and learning, constitute key factors in education for sustainable development. But what will this contribution look like? In this paper, the responses from senior leaders in four major European distance-learning universities are presented, compared and discussed. The tentative conclusions draw out some strategic imperatives for sustainable higher education in the twenty first century.  相似文献   

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