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培训和继续教育正在成为企业发展和人力资源开发的重要途径,但总体上,我国劳动者的在职培训与社会发展和劳动者自身发展的要求还有很大差距,而且不同行业、不同职业、不同文化程度的劳动者学习培训的状况之间存在较大差距和不平衡性。因此,应在调查研究的基础上,建立并完善在职培训和终身教育的领导管理体制,加快终身学习法律法规的建设,重视弱势人群的培训和学习机会,建立健全有关的学习保障机制,促进教育培训的公平和公正,进一步调动全社会在培训和继续教育方面的积极性,并注意引进国外优质教育资源,加快教育培训信息化的步伐,加强培训机构建设,促进培训主体和经费来源多元化。  相似文献   

随着开放教育事业不断深入发展,全国开放教育毕业生达四百多万,对开放教育毕业生实施继续教育是终身教育的必然要求,学校教育传授的知识不可能满足现代科学技术发展的需要,也不能满足现代社会中人们所应有的知识结构需要。搭建毕业生继续教育平台,建立毕业生继续教育网,设立毕业生继续教育服务基金,定期组织毕业生活动,开展以课程为导向的需求培训及岗位职业证书培训,是加强对开放教育毕业生继续教育服务的有效策略。  相似文献   

英国校本培训对我国教师培训的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师培训是对在职教师实施继续教育,促进教师成长的专业教育。英国校本教师培训强调以学校为教育基地,注重从学校和教师的实际需要来探讨学校教育与教学的规律,以培养具有实践教学能力的教师为目标,帮助教师专业发展。我国在基础教育改革与发展的过程中,应当借鉴校本教师培训的先进经验,重视教师教育的重要作用,结合当前学校教育现实,加强中小学教师的师资培训,培养适应现代教育形势以及富有个性和创造性的专业教师队伍,从根本上提高教师的教学实践能力。  相似文献   

职业技术教育和职业技能培训担负着培养数以亿计高素质劳动者的重要任务,是教育事业中与经济社会发展关系最直接、最密切的部分,是国民经济和社会发展的重要基础。在各方面的共同努力下,近年来新疆职业技术教育有了很大发展,初步形成了以高中阶段教育为重点,初等、中等、高等相衔接,职业学校教育与各种形式的培训并举,并与普通教育、成人教育相互沟通的职业技术教育体系,使各族劳动者的职业技能和素质有了明显提高,为新疆现代化建设事业作出了积极贡献。一、充分认识新形势下大力开展职业技术教育和技能培训的重大意义加快我区新型工业化建…  相似文献   

"校本培训"(school-based training)也称校本教师培训,是指基于学校发展和教师自身专业成长的需要,由学校发起和规划、将本校作为教师继续教育的基地并立足于本校的教育教学实际的培训活动。中小学音乐教师校本培训就是基于这样的理念和要求,为了满足学校和音乐教师的发展目标和需求,由学校发筅  相似文献   

未来的十几年,是我国实现新型工业化、全面建设小康社会的重要历史时期,也是我国教育发展可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期。我国的企业和经济发展迫切需要学校培养大量高素质的、能够参与世界激烈竞争的劳动者和各类专门人才。同时,学校教育的发展和改革创新也迫切需要了解和倾听企业对人才培养的意见、要求和期望,需要广大企业的积极支持、参与和合作。  相似文献   

继续教育是适应新课程改革需要、提高办学质量的重要渠道。多年来,我校坚持要求教师全员参与校本培训,全面提升教师队伍整体素质,不断给教育教学注入活力,增强学校的发展后劲。  相似文献   

展望21世纪 ,终身学习将成为社会发展的必然趋势 ,一次性的学校教育已经不能满足人们不断更新知识的需要 ,不断学习新技术、新技能以适应科学技术进步的需要 ,顺应产业结构调整与新职业、新岗位的需要。因此 ,教育要逐步加快改革的步伐 ,逐步建立和完善有利于终身学习的制度和机制。各级各类职业学校要进一步向社会开放 ,发挥其学历教育、非学历教育、继续教育 ,特别是职业技术培训等多种功能 ,成为对全社会广大劳动者实施职业培训的主要载体和主阵地。改革开放以来 ,我国的职业教育有了长足的发展。到本世纪末 ,有中等职业学校17000…  相似文献   

一、21世纪社会经济发展对成人高等教育需求的特点与20世纪相比,21世纪将对成人高等教育提出更高、更广泛的要求,主要表现为:1.不掌握现代科学技术和现代管理知识,就不可能进行现代化生产。随着科技的迅速发展,社会生产对劳动者的知识和智能水平将不断提出新的要求。人们再也不能满足于凭时间积累经验而获得知识,必需不断努力学习新的知识、新的技能。为此.人们接受成人高等教育的要求将越来越迫切。2.社会主义现代化建设不仅是物质文明的建设,同时也是精神文明的建设。现代化建设需要高素质的劳动者,而改革开放以来所暴露出来的…  相似文献   

要把大力发展职业教育作为优化教育结构、促进各级各类教育协调发展的关键环节,放在更加突出的位置抓紧抓好,为全面建设小康社会培养更多高素质劳动者和高技能人才。  相似文献   

A postgraduate training programme in the areas of student learning and supervision is presented. An experiential method of training is employed which involves laboratory and pilot plant supervisions in the Chemical Engineering Department of Imperial College. A series of workshops is used to facilitate discussion on teaching theory and practice, as well as on student counselling and communication issues. Log-book entries are used for the documentation of specific events arising from the supervision sessions, which provide a good basis for peer discussion, as well as an opportunity for self-reflection. A number of examples arising from the workshops are used to demonstrate the mutual benefits of the training programme to academic staff and students. In addition to training in teaching skills, the programme is shown to provide a mechanism for the quality control of demonstrators involved in undergraduate teaching, as well as a regular feedback mechanism to staff on the efficacy of the laboratory-based courses. Through teaching and a structured staff support scheme, the programme is believed to address some of the current concerns on the non-technical (soft) training, and on the further development of the broad science and engineering knowledge of UK postgraduate students.  相似文献   

Active learning facilitated through interactive and adaptive learning environments differs substantially from traditional instructor-oriented, classroom-based teaching. We present a web-based e-learning environment that integrates knowledge learning and skills training. How these tools are used most effectively is still an open question. We propose knowledge-level interaction and adaptive feedback and guidance as central features. We discuss these features and evaluate the effectiveness of this web-based environment, focusing on different aspects of learning behaviour and tool usage. Motivation, acceptance of the approach, learning organisation and actual tool usage are aspects of behaviour that require different evaluation techniques to be used.  相似文献   

This account of practice explores the benefits and challenges of using Action Learning (AL) with junior researchers. Findings are grounded in an AL set of six doctoral students, organised and convened by the author. The case study reveals the range of emotional and structural hurdles that Ph.D. candidates typically face in completing their programme of study. AL’s streamlined process made space for set members to present themselves as whole persons and to thereby grapple with, and better manage, a wide range of real-life issues that were having direct impact on their academic performance. Set members expressed how participation reduced feelings of isolation and offered a valued space to reflect on their situation. They explored root causes of stress, anxiety, or dips in productivity; strategised plausible actions for overcoming problems; and identified opportunities. The evidence presented in this account strongly supports the proposal that AL be made a core component of research-training programmes. In the conclusion, the author reasons that institutional investment would pay back with dividends: AL cultivates peer-support groups that consequently reduce dependence on academic supervisors, student counselling, and other costly and overburdened support services. Perhaps most crucially, AL incites individuals to take responsibility for their own development and learning: a ‘transferrable skill’ for achieving success in any endeavour.  相似文献   

终身学习在欧洲是一个热门话题。一个原因是在人口统计方面发现劳动力供给减少,这就需要改变就业模式。即延长大龄员工的工作年限;另一个原因是欧洲国家期望普遍提高员工的生产率。增加对大龄员工的培训。在欧洲被认为可以产生两方面的作用。一是有利于提高生产率,二是便于推迟退休年龄。  相似文献   

积极的学习情感在小学生学习中有着举足轻重的作。在学习的过程中情感起着很重要的作用,学习中的情感一般表现出两种。第一是积极情感,这种情感可以帮助小学生在学习方面提高主动性,增强学习兴趣,提高学习效率。第二是消极情感,这种情感能降低小学生学习的学习效率,阻碍小学生学习自觉性的发展。因此,值得我们深思的是现代教育教学中,应该注重培养小学生学习中的积极情感,本文笔者就这一个教育问进行了探讨。  相似文献   

语文学科在注重知识传授的同时,应强调能力的培养,其中思维能力的培养和训练尤为重要。一方面,通过不同体裁间的比较,把握事物的本质特征,从而提高学生对知识掌握的准确性;另一方面,通过同一体裁作品间的比较,变零散为有序,强调知识的延伸,力求思维纵向和深入。  相似文献   

高校旅游专业师资队伍培养和建设探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游学是中国高等教育众多学科中的一个新兴专业.从教学内容到教学方法都存在着亟待完善的地方,而作为高校教育关键因素之一的师资尤为值得关注。目前,提升旅游专业教师素质,构建高水平旅游师资队伍模式,对旅游学教育具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

A primary concern with Information Technology (IT) training has been that IT-based training focuses upon the technical or point and click aspects of learning management system (LMS) platforms and pedagogy-enhancing software without any concern for the content of the courses. The Digital Course Training Workshop (DCTW) approach examined in this article addresses this concern by supporting a content-first approach. The DCTW approach—an initiative at a Midwestern University—is aimed at supporting faculty through the process of transitioning from face-to-face (F2F) courses to online teaching. Participating faculty enter the week-long seminar with traditional course content and leave with digital content transitioned into the appropriate LMS platform. This article is intended to stimulate reflections on the need for systematic faculty professional development programs and activities to help higher education faculty in the transition process from traditional to online courses.  相似文献   

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