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在全球化进程中,人与地方的关系成为突出问题,由此"地方依恋"逐渐成为心理学研究的热点。地方依恋是人与地方之间相互作用而形成的联结,涉及情感、认知和行为三种成分。地方依恋三维框架结构理论采用一个包括人、心理过程、地方三个维度的框架阐述地方依恋的本质,地方依恋发展理论试图说明这种依恋的形成与变化机制,而地方芭蕾观点关注人的身体动作在特定时空中的常规模式。然而,关于地方依恋,无论是理论还是经验研究都存在值得改进的方面。  相似文献   

依恋理论孕育着丰富的心理健康教育思想。依恋的内部工作模式影响个体的认知、情绪及行为产生。大学生负性情绪已严重影响他们的学习和生活。有关依恋与负性情绪的关系研究为如何调节大学生负性情绪提供了参考。  相似文献   

为了探明童年创伤、亲子依恋对青少年问题行为的作用,采用儿童创伤问卷、依恋方式问卷和长处困难问卷对300名青少年进行调研。结果显示:童年创伤与安全型依恋显著负相关,与不安全型依恋显著正相关,与问题行为之间显著正相关;问题行为与安全型依恋之间显著负相关,与不安全型依恋之间显著正相关。结论:童年创伤可能破坏亲子依恋关系,进而导致青少年问题行为的发生。家长应该为子女创设良好的成长环境,良好的童年经历、高质量的亲子依恋关系意味着更少的问题行为。  相似文献   

以393名大学生为被试,采用<大学生依恋问卷>和<大学生消极情绪调节策略问卷>,分析、探讨了不同依恋行为大学生的消极情绪调节策略的差异.结果:(1)年级与院校类型在消极认知、消极行动、消极情绪调节策略的交互作用显著,在情绪定向上不显著;不同年级的大学生在消极情绪调节上有显著差异;不同院校的大学生在消极情绪调节上有显著差...  相似文献   

目的:探究大学生同伴依恋与冒险行为的关系,考察自尊的中介作用。方法:采用亲密关系经历量表、自尊量表以及青少年冒险行为量表对283名在校大学生进行问卷调查。结果:(1)同伴依恋、依恋回避、依恋焦虑与冒险行为均存在显著正相关;同伴依恋、依恋回避、依恋焦虑与自尊皆显著负相关;自尊与冒险行为显著负相关;(2)自尊在同伴依恋与消极冒险行为间起部分中介作用;自尊在依恋回避与消极冒险行为间起部分中介作用,并在依恋焦虑与消极冒险行为间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

目的:探索留守儿童情绪性问题行为与亲子依恋的关系。方法:采用留守儿童情绪性问题行为量表和亲子依恋量表对湖南省醴陵市226名中小学生进行调查。结果:父母离开时间长短导致留守儿童情绪性问题行为中感冷漠因子存在显著差异;情绪性问题行为因子与父母亲亲子依恋、母亲依恋、父亲依恋因子存在显著的负相关。结论:亲子依恋能够对留守儿童的情绪性问题行为做出预测,母亲依恋比父亲依恋的预测力要好。  相似文献   

父亲与亲子依恋一种特别流行的文化成见是婴幼儿有一种相对惟一的与母亲的依恋,母婴关系被认为是婴儿最初社会化的基本需要。但与这种观点相反,最近的研究揭示,在生命的第一年内就存在婴幼儿与父亲之间的大量的强烈的依恋。这些依恋清楚地表明婴幼儿对父亲行为的兴趣。比如,依恋父亲的婴幼儿会花很多时间看他的父亲;当父亲离开或进入房间时,他的行为反应会很活跃,并经常作出移动表明  相似文献   

依恋对婴幼儿情绪调节能力发展的影响及其教育启示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
依恋是儿童早期社会关系的重要内容,对个体情绪调节能力的发展具有重要影响。文章在归纳大量相关研究的基础上,认为依恋对个体情绪调节的影响主要体现在:依恋对象是婴幼儿情绪的“外部组织者”;婴幼儿在与依恋对象交互作用中学会情绪调节;依恋安全性是导致情绪调节策略个体差异的重要因素;依恋对象提供身体和情感的安全依赖;婴幼儿依恋具有情绪动机功能和促进儿童对情绪的理解的功能。依恋的这些功能促进了婴幼儿情绪调节能力的发展。文章还依据这些心理机制归纳了对幼儿教育的启示。  相似文献   

目的:考察青少年世故性、同伴依恋与青少年行为及情绪问题的关系,检验同伴依恋在世故性与行为及情绪问题间的中介作用.方法:采用儿童马基雅维利主义量表中文修订版、父母和同伴依恋问卷、长处和困难问卷(自评版)对郑州市383名初中生进行调查.结果:同伴依恋、世故性以及行为情绪问题间存在显著相关(P0.01);同伴依恋在世故性与行为及情绪问题间存在部分中介作用,中介效应占总效应的比例为19.66%.结论:同伴依恋、世故性及行为情绪问题间的关系密切,世故性通过同伴依恋影响青少年的社会行为和情绪.  相似文献   

说起依恋,凡做父母的人,都会感受到婴幼儿对自己的依恋。你看,当爸爸、妈妈有事出去,宝宝就会伤心地啼哭;爸爸、妈妈回来了,孩子立即就会欢天喜地地迎出来。这些,都是孩子对父母的依恋。此外孩子对父母的吸吮、抓握、偎依和跟随等行为也是依恋的具体表现。依恋在心理学上的定义是:婴幼儿寻求并企图保持与另一个人亲密的身  相似文献   

This study used longitudinal cross-lagged modeling to examine reciprocal relations between maternal depression and child behavior problems. Data were drawn from 3,119 children (40% Hispanic, 30% African American, 20% White, and 10% other) from the Family and Child Experiences Survey of 2009 (a nationally representative sample of children served by Head Start). Results documented reciprocal relations between maternal depression and child behavior problems across early childhood (i.e., child age 3–5). Furthermore, the effect of child behavior problems on maternal depression was moderated by child race/ethnicity during children’s first year in Head Start, such that the negative effect of child behavior problems on African American mothers’ depression was more pronounced compared to Hispanics and other racial/ethnic groups.  相似文献   

This study investigated the long-term relationship between abusive parenting and adolescent mental health, and the path to delinquent behavior. Longitudinal data from 5th through 7th graders from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) were analyzed to examine if abusive parenting was a predictor of early adolescent delinquency behavior, via aggression and depression as mediating factors. The results were as follows. First, parental abuse (both emotional and physical) was found to have significant effects on children's psychosocial factors (aggression and depression), while parental neglect (both emotional and physical) had significant effects on depression alone and not on aggression. Second, aggression exerted significant effects on both violent and non-violent delinquent behaviors, while depression had a significant effect on only non-violent delinquent behaviors. Third, children's psychosocial factors (aggression and depression) played significant mediating roles between earlier abusive parenting and delinquent behaviors. Fourth, for children living in a family with their grandparents, paths from abusive parenting, psychosocial adaptation, and later delinquent behaviors were not significant, implying that living with grandparents played a protective factor in these relationships.  相似文献   

Children of depressed mothers are at risk for behavioral and emotional problems. Infants of depressed mothers exhibit behavioral disturbances and atypical frontal brain activity. The mechanisms by which children develop such vulnerabilities are not clear. Three-year-old children of mothers with (N = 65) and without (N = 59) a history of depression were assessed in terms of behavior problems and brain electrical activity. Children of mothers with chronic depression exhibited lower frontal and parietal brain activation compared with children of mothers without depression and those whose depression remitted. Depressed mothers reported higher contextual risk (e.g., marital discord and stress) and their children had more behavior problems. Children's frontal brain activation and contextual risk level mediated the relation between maternal depression and child behavior problems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate long-term effects of parental use of physical and verbal punishment on Mexican women. To study both direct and indirect effects of these phenomena, a structural model was developed and tested. METHOD: One hundred and fifty Mexican women were interviewed with regard to their history of child abuse, their level of depression, alcohol use, antisocial behavior, and punishment of their own children. Factors representing such constructs were specified within a structural equation model and their inter-relations were estimated. Women's history of abuse was considered as an exogenous latent variable directly affecting three other factors: mothers' antisocial behavior, their alcohol consumption, and their levels of depression or anxiety. These factors, in turn, were specified as influencing mothers' harsh discipline of their own children. RESULTS: Data supported this model, indicating that a history of abuse has long-term effects on women's behavior and psychological functioning, which in turn cause women's punitive behavior against their children. CONCLUSIONS: These results are discussed in terms of the theoretical framework of intergenerational transmission of violence. The direct consequences (depression, anxiety, alcohol consumption, and antisocial behavior) of child punishment act as risk factors for the next generation of child abuse.  相似文献   

Using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), we analyzed individual developmental trajectories of disruptive behavior problems between ages 3.5 to 6.0 years for 183 children of adolescent mothers. We examined how the level of problem behavior (intercept) and the rate of change over time (slope) are influenced by child's sex, mother's depression/anxiety symptoms, and mother's use of negative control for regulating child behavior. On average, disruptive behavior decreased from age 3.5 to 6.0. Child sex and maternal depression/anxiety related to the level of behavior problems but not to the rate of change. Boys and children of more depressed/anxious mothers exhibited higher levels of disruptive behavior. Maternal negative control was associated with both level of disruptive behavior and rate of change, and negative control mediated the effects of maternal depression/anxiety. Greater negative control corresponded to higher levels of behavior problems and no reduction in their display over time. Child race moderated effects of negative control.  相似文献   

采用调查问卷对228名中学生进行调查研究。探讨不同气质类型的青少年的逆反心理的现状及差异以及青少年的气质类型对其逆反心理的影响。研究结果发现,从性别上看,男生在行为逆反上显著高于女生,女生在情绪逆反上则显著高于男生,男女两性在认知逆反方面无显著差异;从年龄上看,初中学生在认知逆反上显著高于高中学生,高中学生在行为逆反上则显著高于初中学生;青少年的抑郁质对其情绪逆反有显著预测作用,胆汁抑郁混合对认知逆反有显著预测作用,胆汁质对行为逆反有显著预测作用,抑郁质和胆汁质对逆反总分具有显著预测作用。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between low-level depressive symptoms in mothers and teacher-reported child behavioral outcomes. Participants included 442 low-income mothers of preschool-age children who were screened for maternal depression by their child's preschool teacher. Teacher reports of child behavior problems were collected on a random sample of the children (n = 264). Of mothers screened for depression, 16.7% reported low-level depressive symptoms (below the cutoff on the screener indicating clinically elevated symptoms). Analyses revealed that children of mothers with low-level depressive symptoms had significantly greater problems with externalizing behavior compared to children of mothers with no depressive symptoms. Practice or Policy: Results suggest that children whose mothers experience even low-level depressive symptoms are at risk for problems with behavior, pointing to the need for screening and interventions to address maternal depression at all levels of severity. Early childhood education providers are in an excellent position to support families impacted by symptoms of maternal depression through screening and education, supportive daily interactions, and referrals for services if needed. Teachers can also provide direct support for high-risk children's social and emotional skill development through the provision of sensitive, nurturing care.  相似文献   

通过对一例抑郁情绪来访者的案例概念化咨询,检视案例概念化对于抑郁情绪来访者的干预效果。应用Blackburn,James和Flitcroft提出的压力特异质模型制订一例抑郁情绪认知行为咨询的案例概念化咨询方案。按照案例概念化流程和要求将个案内容以模式图形式呈现给来访者,并根据每一部分具体问题按照相对应咨询方法进行干预。综合评价结果显示,来访者抑郁情绪减轻,生活向积极方向转化。  相似文献   

Cognitive ability and behavioral adaptability are distinct, yet related, constructs that can impact childhood development. Both are often reduced in deaf children of hearing parents who do not provide sufficient language and communication access. Additionally, parental depression is commonly observed due to parent-child communication difficulties that can lead to parents' feelings of inadequacy and frustration. We sought to assess whether adaptive behavior in deaf children was associated with nonverbal intelligence and parental depression. Parents of precochlear implant patients seen for neuropsychological assessment were administered the Parenting Stress Index and Vineland Behavior Adaptive Scales to obtain measures of parental distress and child's behavioral adaptability. Precochlear implant patients' cognitive functioning was assessed via the Mullen Scales of Early Learning or the Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised, depending on the child's age at the time of testing. Regardless of age or neurological status, the deaf child's adaptive behavior consistently showed a strong relationship with intelligence. Moderate correlation between parental depression and the child's adaptive behavior was observed only in the younger group. The relationship between parental depression and communication subscale was moderated by intelligence for deaf children without neurological complications. The findings provide important implications for promoting family-centered interventions with early communication and language development.  相似文献   

回顾儿童的情绪及行为问题的家庭疗法,发现从1995年以后,相关研究逐渐增多,治疗模式也逐渐不同。外显障碍(比如行为障碍、注意障碍性多动、反抗行为)的研究要多于内隐障碍(如抑郁、焦虑障碍)。研究表明家庭干预对治疗儿童的情绪和行为障碍与个体治疗起同样作用,甚至优于个体治疗。到目前为止,家庭认知行为治疗与父母训练是已有的两种应用较为广泛的家庭干预模式。  相似文献   

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