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2009年2月3日,绍兴市委、市政府授于张杰先生“2008年度绍兴市市长奖”。他手捧着绍兴市市长奖给他的5万元奖金,对采访他的记者说,这5万元钱他决定拿出一半捐给绍兴市慈善总会,另一半捐给家乡上虞办教育事业。至此,这位82岁的华侨,在20年间累计捐给家乡上虞的助学费已达1200万元之多。在遍布他家乡的15所学校里,有  相似文献   

盈盈活水话文明—访萧山中国水利博物馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国水利博物馆位于杭州市萧山区新围镇顺坝旧围垦区. 一个国字头的博物馆为何会落户这里,有何内在背景?记者专门做了探访.萧山在钱塘江入海口杭州湾的上游,是宁绍平原的尾声,却也是浙东运河的发端,有史记载,春秋越国以来水利发达,科技与文化积淀深厚,建馆此地自然而然.这诚如全国政协文史和学习委员会原副主任、浙江省政协原主席刘枫的题词所言:“传承水利文明,推动水利和社会发展.”  相似文献   


This study illustrates the narrative construction of diasporic refugee identities in times of sociopolitical tensions. Specifically, this paper is concerned with how Iraqi refugees living in the United States constituted their identities through narrating in times of the War in Iraq. Gergen's social constructionist approach towards narrating and current theorizing in diaspora studies build the theoretical bases for the analysis. Narratives were collected through participant observations, interviews, and group discussion in the Pacific Northwest of the United States before, during, and after combat operations in Iraq were declared to be over by President Bush. The paper answers three questions. First, which events triggered the construction of Iraqi refugee identities in the United States? Second, what is the role of narrating in constituting Iraqi identities? Third, do the Iraqi narrators construct diasporic imaginations and if so, how? The findings show that the narrative construction of being Iraqi and a refugee was a relational achievement and situated response. The respondents constructed imaginations of transnational communities that included Iraqis in Iraq, Iraqis in refugee camps, and Iraqis in the United States. By integrating their emerging political voices in the United States with their political resistor identities in Iraq, the narrators made salient transnational links between being Iraqi, a displaced person, and a member of U.S. society, disrupted political discourses about Iraqis in the United States, and affirmed moral values.  相似文献   

The growth of employment in audiovisual andperforming arts activities during a ten year period(1981–1992) in France and in Great Britain was theresult of a double tendency: An increasing number ofindividuals with cultural occupations working incultural industries and structural changes in thelabour market (more flexible workforce, increasingfragmentation of work opportunities). Qualitativedifferences emerged between both countries, leading totwo different forms of flexibility. Full timeemployment decreased in France, while it increased inGreat Britain with, during the same period, aconsiderable growth of self-employment.This paper explores different hypotheses forexplaining such a divergence. It concedes that thestrategies of organisations, and especially the risingnumber of adhocracies (according to Mintzberg'stypology) rather the choices of workers trying tooptimise their earnings were responsible. Publicpolicies played also a central role. In Great Britainthe Enterprise Allowance Scheme, and in France, thespecific Social Security benefit for artistscontributed to the increase in self employment in thefirst case, and in temporary employment in the othercase.  相似文献   

Perception of quality in demand for the theatre   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Conclusion In this paper some of the problems and prospects in studying the role of quality in demand for the theatre have been discussed. A set of criteria for evaluating quality judgments in the performing arts has been proposed, and in a limited way some of these criteria have been used in estimating demand and utility functions. Although results are tentative and qualified, they do confirm unambiguously the importance of qualitative variables in influencing both demand and supply decisions in the performing arts.Macquarie University Editor's Note. Because several persons have suggested it and noted its quality, this paper is being reprinted. It was originally printed in one of the Maastricht proceedings volumes for the Second International Conference on Economics and the Arts,Markets for the Arts (1982). That volume is no longer in print.  相似文献   

Morris Low 《Minerva》2001,39(4):445-460
There have been two Japanese Nobel laureates in chemistry, three in physics, and one in the category of medicine or physiology. This relatively small number has been attributed to shortcomings in Japanese science. The award of the Physics Prize in 1949 to Hideki Yukawa and to his colleague Sin'itirô Tomonaga in 1965 gave public evidence of how Japanese could make outstanding individual contributions to science. Paradoxically, the Prize also reinforced a belief that such men formed part of a traditional hierarchical system. This essay examines how the Nobel Prize has been represented in Japan.  相似文献   

Kreimer  Pablo  Lugones  Manuel 《Minerva》2003,41(1):47-69
The first Latin American molecularbiology laboratory came onto the scientificscene in Argentina in early 1957, only to bedismantled in 1962, following a ministerialchange. This paper explores the social,political, institutional, and cognitiveinteractions present in this short experience,and assesses their importance in understandingthe development of a new scientific field in a`peripheral context'.  相似文献   

1913年,吴昌硕被公推为西泠印社首任社长。他在印社观乐楼题写长联道:“印讵无原,读书坐风雨晦明,数布衣曾开浙派;社何敢长,识字仅鼎彝瓴甓,一耕夫来自田间。”  相似文献   

徐华铛 《文化交流》2009,(10):41-45
今年,浙江嵊州籍世界乒乓球冠军、欧洲乒乓球冠军倪夏莲和她的丈夫托米,率卢森堡乒乓球代表团赴日本比赛后回到祖国,受到热烈的欢迎。在江苏省江阴中学一个以她的名字命名的体育馆内,倪夏莲现场表演打乒乓球,并作了“祖国荣誉高于一切”的演讲。倪夏莲又到江阴市新华书店参加Ⅸ乒乓大使倪夏莲》一书的签名售书活动。  相似文献   

王东  刘恒 《中国名城》2020,(3):86-91
以列入《中国传统村落名录》的五批共67个安顺市传统村落为研究对象,运用GIS技术与叠置分析、缓冲区分析方法,分析安顺市传统村落的空间分布特征及其影响因素。研究表明:安顺市传统村落整体位于中北部的平坝区、西秀区以及黄果树风景名胜区,其中沿滇黔古驿道两侧高密度分布,其他县域则零散分布。总体空间布局特征为"大集中,小分散"。从地理环境、交通干道、历史文化三因素探究安顺市传统村落空间分布形成的原因,旨在为安顺市传统村落的地域性保护与开发提供前期依据。  相似文献   

International Trade in Art   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This paper investigates the extent to which trade theory is applicable for explaining trade in art. Reproducible art is distinguished from unique art and it is argued that the trade in reproducible art is, at least in principle, governed by the same economic laws as trade in other differentiated products. However, trade theory needs to be amended in order to account for the addictive character of art consumption: culture specific consumption capital is built up with art consumption. Moreover, trade in unique art is mainly trade between consumers, a phenomenon largely ignored by standard trade theory. Empirical evidence on trade in art is presented and a gravity model of international trade in works of art is estimated. Finally, the paper discusses open questions for future research.  相似文献   

The use of phase change materials (PCMs) in civil buildings as an effective thermal energy storage solution has been well documented in literature and proven in the field. When applied to Cultural Heritage, PCMs’ technology needs to be adapted to specific requirements. Besides the important objectives of economic return and human comfort, the indoor microclimatic conditions have to be suitable for conservation purposes. The application of PCMs’ technology to Cultural Heritage has been investigated within the European MESSIB (Multi-source Energy Storage System Integrated in Buildings) project. Firstly, several methodologies of incorporation of PCMs in different materials were studied and tested. The thermal properties of gypsum panels and silicon coatings incorporating micro-encapsulated PCMs in the form of powder and emulsion were analysed in the laboratory. Then, PCMs incorporated in gypsum panels in contact with a wooden panel were tested and their effect on the thermal behaviour of the wooden panel was evaluated under thermal cycles in a climatic chamber. PCMs incorporated in silicon coatings in contact with a painting were also tested. Moreover, gypsum panels containing PCMs were tested in the S. Croce Museum in Florence, Italy, where the microclimatic monitoring has shown thermal conditions potentially dangerous for the works of art preserved. The research performed both in the laboratory and on the field confirmed the effectiveness of the PCMs as thermal storage solutions, but also gave evidence on an important drawback when the material incorporating PCMs is in direct contact with an object of art.  相似文献   

Until recently women's roles in the French colonies received little or no attention although they, like men, played a significant part in the construction of the colonial identity. In colonial Algeria (1830–1962), gendered and racial structures were already in place when, after the civilian takeover in 1871, women emerged as players on the colonial scene. Women writers responded to colonial social structures in a number of ways. This article will explore the ambiguities and paradoxes of their situation in the colony and the ways in which they assumed the role of mediators of gender and race, to further their agendas.  相似文献   

“山是柯尔克孜的父亲,水是柯尔克孜的母亲-- 这是沿着阿拉套山迁徙的人们,这是在层峦叠嶂里成长的人们,这是用雪水洗尘涤垢的人们……” 《玛纳斯》是一部大约产生于公元1000年前后的英雄史诗。史诗通过玛纳斯英雄家族八代人前仆后继捍卫民族尊严、摆脱异族统治的故事,展示了古代柯尔克孜族的历史、经济、道德、文化、民俗、民风。  相似文献   

This article presents the first study of a painting, possibly the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, which has been concealed for over 500 years, and which has, this century only, re-emerged through plaster removal in the church of SS. Peter and Paul in Famagusta, N. Cyprus. Though very badly damaged the painting, which has remained undocumented and unstudied in the history and art history of Cyprus, may offer vital clues concerning internationalism and cultural interaction in Cyprus in the 14th and 15th centuries. It also offers specialists a rare glimpse at Italian ecclesiastical wall painting from this rich period in western art history, and makes clear the intellectual loss that might be felt if some basic conservation processes are not begun soon. Lastly, in the light of the changing political situation in that island it invites scholarship in a range of disciplines to the church and to other historic landmarks within the old city walls.  相似文献   

Sampsa Kaataja 《Minerva》2011,49(4):447-460
Regardless of the increased interest in technological innovation in universities, relatively little is known about the technology developed by academic scientists. Long-term analyses of researchers’ technological contribution are notably missing. This paper examines university-based technology in Finland during the period 1900–85. The focus is on the quantity and technological specialization of applications created inside the universities and in the changes that occurred in scientists’ technological output over nine decades. In the long-term analysis several aspects in universities’ technological contribution, which are typically considered a recent phenomenon, turn out to have long historical roots. Thus the empirical evidence provided in the article challenges views emphasising that the world of science has faced a drastic change in recent decades.  相似文献   

What is it that statesmen have generally wanted from science? They have not wanted admonitions or collaboration, much less interference, in the business of government, which is the exercise of power over persons, nor in the political maneuverings to secure and retain control over governments. From science, all the statesmen and politicians want are instrumentalities, powers but not power: weapons, techniques, information communications, and so on. As for scientists, what have they wanted of governments? They have expressly not wished to be politicized. They have wanted support, in the obvious form of funds, but also in the shape of institutionalization and in provision of authority for the legitimation of their community in its existence and in its activities, or in other words for its professional status.  相似文献   

一家子全“玩”陶艺 虽然生活在太湖边的小县城浙江长兴雉城,但青年陶艺家钱樟法却常有上海、杭州、南京及国外喜欢陶艺、紫砂人士的拜访,一些国际性赛事和会议也常邀请他参加。就在去年5月,他应邀向在日本举行的2008年日本美浓国际陶艺展寄去了作品《溪水源源》;接着又收到9月在西安举行的第43届国际陶艺协会大会的参会邀请。这是联合国教科文组织在中国首次举行的大会,钱樟法的作品通过筛选将参加“精品”展……  相似文献   

郑立新 《文化交流》2014,(11):50-54
作为2014年中俄文化交流的重头戏—"永恒的记忆"庆祝中华人民共和国成立65周年暨中俄(苏)建交65周年音乐会,于2014年10月2日在莫斯科爱乐之家音乐厅隆重上演。近年来中俄文化年和各个方面、各个界别的文化交流活动广泛开展。这使我想起去年我参加阿列赫姆国立大学国际科学教育论坛的情景与感受。2013年10月29日,我们佳木斯大学一行10人通过萝北名山口岸出境,前往俄罗斯远东比罗比詹阿列赫姆国立大学参加国际科学教育论坛。会议是在30日进行的,上午共有7人在主楼会议室进行大会主题发言,下午在分会场进行小组发言。  相似文献   


Two studies examined similarities and differences in how European Americans and Chinese view seeking social support as a strategy for coping with an upset. Participants (407 European Americans and 595 Chinese) completed instruments assessing the appropriateness of seeking social support and several self-reliant coping strategies (problem-solving, emotion management, avoidance) when confronting upsets. Both studies detected cultural and sex differences in support seeking. However, there were also substantial similarities in coping responses. Americans viewed seeking support as a more appropriate coping strategy than did Chinese. However, both Americans and Chinese viewed seeking support as more appropriate than the solitary coping strategies of avoidance and emotion management. Culture moderated sex differences in support seeking; American women viewed seeking social and emotional support as more appropriate than American men, whereas few sex differences were evident among the Chinese samples. Individual differences in interdependent and independent self-construals partially mediated cultural and sex differences in support seeking in Study 2; in addition, culture moderated the mediating effects of self-construal, with self-construal mediating sex differences among Americans but not among Chinese. The cultural and sex differences in self-construals, however, did not conform to theoretical expectations. Moreover, cultural and sex differences in self-construals were quite small in magnitude.  相似文献   

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