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为生活的体育还是为体育的生活--现代体育教育目的辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育教育与学生的生活之间的关系正被颠倒,不是体育教育适应学生生活而是学生生活适应体育教育.学生原本渴望丰富多彩的体育活动,体育运动也原本为繁荣的学生生活自然展开,学生则可以自由自在的在运动场上"玩耍"、"游戏",充分吸收体育运动的营养助长其生活能力,张扬起生命能力并创造美妙的生活.然而现实生活中的体育教育则肆无忌惮地控制了学生本该属于他们的生活,出现了"学生爱打球、喜欢玩耍,却不喜欢体育课"的奇怪现象,这使得他们不自然、不自由和不自主,同时,也产生了对体育课的逆反,甚至厌恶的抵触情绪.因此,体育教育者应当深刻反省自我,为了学生今天和明天的幸福生活.  相似文献   

This series of three studies considers the multidimensionality of exercise self-efficacy by examining the psychometric characteristics of an instrument designed to assess three behavioral subdomains: task, scheduling, and coping. In Study 1, exploratory factor analysis revealed the expected factor structure in a sample of 395 students. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed these results in a second sample of 282 students. In Study 2, the generalizability of the factor structure was confirmed with CFA in a randomly selected sample of 470 community adults, and discriminant validity was supported by theoretically consistent distinctions among exercisers and nonexercisers. In Study 3, change in self-efficacy in conjunction with adoption of novel exercise was examined in a sample of 58 women over 12 weeks. Observed changes in the three self-efficacy domains appeared to be relatively independent. Together, the three studies support a multidimensional conceptualization of exercise self-efficacy that can be assessed and appears to be sensitive to change in exercise behavior.  相似文献   

关于全民健身服务业的调研报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梁晓龙  李辉 《体育科研》2005,26(3):5-10
全国政协教科文卫体委员会有关委员就全民健身服务业在我国的发展状况,先后赴天津、北京、浙江3省市进行了专题调研。揭示了全民健身服务业的内涵及其基本特征,分析了全民健身服务业在我国发展的基本现状,指出发展全民健身服务业的重要意义与作用,进而提出当前我国全民健身服务业发展中存在的主要问题及对策。  相似文献   

俄罗斯青少年体育发展的战略目标是:创造条件使青少年能够利用先进的体育场地设施进行系统的体育锻炼,养成健康的生活方式。为实现这一战略目标,俄罗斯政府大力加强各种体育场馆与体育设施建设,为青少年体育锻炼提供场地设施保障;推行新的国家体育教育标准,提高体育教学质量;设立各种体育活动计划,完善各类学生体育竞赛活动体系;广泛宣传体育是健康生活方式最重要组成部分的理念。俄罗斯青少年体育发展战略对于我国青少年体育发展的启示是:俄罗斯宣传体育与健康生活方式的举措对于解决我国青少年体育所面临的"重智育,轻体育"问题是一个很好的启示;与俄罗斯新的国家体育教育标准相比较,应该提高我国青少年体育活动的标准;俄罗斯对体育基础设施建设的重视及所采取的措施值得我国学习借鉴。  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine differences in cognition between acute bouts of resistance exercise, aerobic exercise, and a nonexercise control in an untrained youth sample. Method: Ninety-four participants performed 30 min of aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, or nonexercise separated by 7 days each in a randomized crossover design. After each exercise intervention, participants were assessed using 2 cognitive tests. The Dot, Word, and Color elements of the Stroop Test (Victoria version) and Parts A and B of the Trail-Making Test were used to measure cognition. Results: Acute resistance and aerobic exercise resulted in similar improvements over nonexercise in all forms of the Stroop Test. Acute aerobic exercise led to improved performance over nonexercise and resistance exercise in Part B of the Trail-Making Test. Neither exercise intervention showed significant changes in time to complete Part A of the Trail-Making Test. Boys outperformed girls on the Stroop Dot and Color Test following acute aerobic exercise, in the Stroop Dot, Word, and Color Test following acute resistance exercise, and in the Stroop Color Test and Trail-Making Test Part B following nonexercise. Conclusions: Both acute resistance and aerobic exercise increased measures of cognition over a nonexercise control in untrained high school youth. These findings suggest the merits of acute resistance exercise as an alternative or complement to aerobic activity for educators aiming to increase youth physical activity and cognitive function concurrently.  相似文献   

Being attentive to and aware of one’s experiences in the present moment with qualities of acceptance and openness reflects the state of mindfulness. Positive associations exist between state mindfulness and state autonomous motivation for everyday activities. Though this suggests that state mindfulness links with adaptive motivational experiences, no suitable measure of state mindfulness exists that would facilitate the examination of these relationships in a physical activity context. Thus, we revised the State Mindfulness Scale (Tanay & Bernstein, 2013) and provided score validity evidence for the measure in a physical activity context. A bi-factor model reflecting mindfulness of the mind and body as specific factors and a general mindfulness factor was supported. Validity evidence, such as positive relationships with intrinsic motivation, and a negative relationship with body surveillance support score use. The revised scale can facilitate investigations of the role of mindfulness in physical activity settings.  相似文献   

对体育教育专业学生素质教育的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
素质教育的实施对体育专业学生素质的全面发展提出了新的要求。构建切实可行的学生素质培养方案,应从思想品德、知识、能力方面入手,根据各年级学生在上述各方面的差异,具体方案的制定应体现出递进性、差异性与可操作性。  相似文献   

空气清新,海水明澈,点点白帆,暖暖阳光,摩纳哥留给世人的印象,恐怕首先是纸醉金迷的生活气息。这里是有钱人的天堂,这里是交际花的舞场,而这座被称为天堂岛的城市曾经拥有的称霸法甲的劲旅,似乎已经消失在人们的视野之中——目  相似文献   

Call for papers     
《Sport in Society》2017,20(11):1815-1816

约翰内斯堡西南.足球城体育场外,正午时分。 这是2010年6月11日,再过四个小时,南非世界杯揭幕战就要开始.东道主和墨西哥队的比赛之前.还会举行一个有着浓郁阿非利加州风格的开幕式.迫不及待的全球媒体.已经纷纷开始不间断直播,足球城体育场外随处可见在摄像机纯前侃侃而谈的现场主持和记者,  相似文献   

Call for Papers     

4月的第一周,足球史上又一位伟大的名字和我们说了再见。罗马里奥,一个桀骜的名字,一段不屈的历史,他的离开,不但是一段记忆的终结,甚至是一个时代的告别。绿茵世界今后会属于乖乖仔,不再属于坏小孩。无论是昨天的贝肯鲍尔、马拉多纳,还是今天的罗马里奥,他们是垮掉的一代,却不是被遗忘的一代,我们所能做的,只是让昔日重来。日耳曼个性沉沦这支德国队越来越没有个性。克林斯曼接过德国队教鞭的第一天就对福格茨抱怨。老头子回应说:我们要做的就是把失去的找回来。  相似文献   

The training and competitive programmes of elite athletes incorporate travel schedules, often long journeys, across multiple time zones. In such cases, travel causes both transient fatigue and a malaise known as "jet-lag" that persists for some days. Jet-lag is due to the disturbance of the body's circadian rhythms: diurnal and performance rhythms are displaced, depending on the direction of travel and the number of time zones crossed in flight. Attention to diet and hydration is relevant during the flight and following disembarkation until adjustment to the new meridian is complete. The consequences of jet-lag on rhythms in digestion may be compounded if food preparation and hygiene are inadequate in training camps or competitive venues overseas. The irony of travel is that it often places athletes at a greater risk of failing to meet their specific nutrition goals or succumbing to illness, at a time when the demands or outcomes of performance are of greatest importance. In addition, gastrointestinal infections related to travelling are frequent among athletes. Fastidious planning and organization among the support staff is recommended before the journey to prevent any such problems arising. Equally, athletes often need special education initiatives to assist them to cope with the challenges of a new and unusual food supply, or altered access to food.  相似文献   

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