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与平原相比我国足球运动员高原训练血清睾酮无明显变化,血液有形成份中RBC、HB和RBC平均体积及RBC体积分布宽度显著性增加。中等强度运动时高原心率反应大于平原,而大强度运动时则低于平原心率反应,同时12min跑成绩也劣于平原。说明RBC、HB的增加是单纯高原轻度缺氧所致,限制高原大强度运动能力的因素仍然是心血管机能。  相似文献   

研究目的:分析青少年足球运动员在逐级递增负荷运动中各生理指标的变化,并探讨心率拐点在青少年运动员有氧能力评定中的应用的可能性,为优秀青少年运动员的科学选拔和科学训练提供可能的理论依据。研究对象与方法:U-15队的20名男子青少年足球运动员,测定最大摄氧量、心率、氧脉搏、通气量、呼吸商值;确定通气无氧阈、乳酸无氧阈、心率拐点。研究结果:本研究测得U-15男子足球运动员心肺功能各指标之间均具有显著相关性。受试者乳酸无氧阈、心率拐点的出现在时间上有高度的一致性。不同受试者个体乳酸阈、心率拐点、通气无氧阈出现的时间和所对应的运动强度有明显差异,随着最大有氧能力的增大向右漂移。Conconi心率拐点可以用来评定青少年运动员有氧能力。  相似文献   

与平原训练比较,高原体能训练时足球运动员大强度运动的最高心率和运动后1m in 心率恢复速率均低于平原地区,表明高原轻度缺氧对心血管机能水平的发挥有明显的制约作用。但从5m in后的恢复心率看与平原没有显著性差异,表明这种作用影响不大。实际上轻度缺氧是对心血管机能的良好刺激,有助于提高其机能水平。  相似文献   

戴成 《中华武术》2020,(4):23-24
足球运动员体能训练的内容包括身体形态、机能、专项技能、心理以及运动素质等方面的训练。训练方法一般包含有氧耐力训练和无氧耐力训练两个方面,通常情况下足球运动员在进行有氧耐力训练时常用的方法有重复训练法、交替跑法、高原训练法以及持续负荷法。无氧耐力训练下对运动员的耐力要求较高。  相似文献   

运动后乳酸清除率与运动能力的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
测定中跑运动员、足球运动员和常人在800m全力跑后的血乳酸浓度、乳酸清除率和心率恢复率,研究无氧运动能力与最高乳酸值、心率恢复率与乳酸清除率之间的关系。结果发现:运动员的无氧耐力成绩和运动后5min血乳酸值呈显著负相关;中跑运动员较足球运动员和常人有更强的产生乳酸能力和更高的乳酸清除率;心率的恢复速度较乳酸清除率更快。说明良好的产生乳酸能力是无氧耐力成绩的重要因素,良好的乳酸清除率有利于乳酸的清除和运动后的恢复,同时运动后的心率恢复率并不能反映体内乳酸的清除情况。  相似文献   

对12分钟跑和YOYO训练这两类发展足球专项体能的训练方法进行比较,找到更适合发展足球受试者专项有氧能力的方法.将20名大学体育专业足球专项男生随机分为12分钟跑组和YOYO训练组,结果表明四周"YO-YO"间歇耐力训练显著提高了足球运动员的有氧代谢能力."YO-YO"间歇耐力训练运动模式、能量代谢特点相对12分钟跑与足球专项特点更接近,YOYO训练手段更有利于提高足球运动的专项体能.  相似文献   

目的:通过观察世居高原中长跑运动员在高原—亚高原交替训练后各项指标及机能的变化情况,探讨不同海拔的交替训练对耐力性运动项目运动员有氧运动能力的影响.方法:甘孜州体校世居高原的中长跑运动队队员共28名,将运动员随机分为两个组:实验组和对照组,每组14人.实验组采用高原—亚高原交替训练方法,在海拔高度变化的条件下进行训练.对照组采用传统的高住高练模式进行训练.训练结束后进行12min跑测试,并记录在规定12min内跑出的距离,然后对运动后即刻的心率、最大摄氧量、血氧饱和度、血乳酸以及血液指标(红细胞RBC、血红蛋白HB)进行检测.结果:(1)高原—亚高原交替训练后,运动员RBC数目增加,HGB显著增加,高原训练4周后相比,RBC增加更加明显,但HGB数量低于亚高原训练后;(2)交替到亚高原训练2周后12min跑成绩提高了12.2%,连续高原训练4周后成绩降低了2.6%,P<0.05;(3)高原—亚高原交替训练后心率变化不明显,但高原训练4周后心率有所增加,运动后即刻血乳酸水平显著降低,且低于连续高原训练4周后血乳酸值,P<0.05.最大摄氧量和氧饱和度显著提高,P<0.01,与高原训练4周后相比,高原—亚高原训练后最大摄氧量和氧饱和度升高更加明显.结论:(1)高原—亚高原交替训练后,运动员专项有氧运动能力得到提高,而连续高原训练后运动员专项运动成绩反而降低,可能是长时间低氧环境下运动突破了机体对低氧的耐受极限所致.(2)高原—亚高原交替训练能够给予机体一定的缺氧刺激,又能避免高原训练中的不利因素,能够保证有一定的训练强度,从而提高中长跑运动员的专项有氧运动能力.建议:高原—亚高原交替训练能够有效提高中长跑运动员的有氧运动能力,平原地区的运动员到高原进行训练时很难在缺氧环境下保持一定的运动强度,可以让运动员先在高原居住一段时间,等到机体出现高原习服时,对低氧有一定的耐受后再进行小负荷训练,然后再到亚高原进行大负荷训练,从而提高高原训练的成功率.  相似文献   

高原训练逐渐成为提高耐力项目运动能力的主要训练手段之一。国内外许多实践及理论研究均证明平原耐力性项目运动员通过适宜的高原训练后,可以明显提高运动员的VO2max、ATV、Hb等。但在对世居高原耐力性运动员的高原训练的成功经验却较少,尤.其对在高原训练期间的生理、生化指标系统观察鲜为报道。.本文则主要对10名世居西宁(海拔2260m)的中长跑运动员进行2260m-2630m交替训练期间的生理、生化测试。测试是以跟随训练追踪测试生理机能,系统观察世居高原人在高原训练期间的生理机能变化规律,以便为其高原训练的计划制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中长跑的高原训练在我国已经开展好多年了,近些年国家长跑队和各省市的中长跑队伍继续着高原训练的历史。众所周知高原训练有助于提高耐力运动员的奔跑能力,通过高原训练提高训练难度,利用高原缺氧的环境来达到生理内部负荷的改变,从而实现运动能力的提高。再通过平原训练的过渡,进一步提高运动员专项跑的能力,进而提高专项成绩,这是高原训练的最终目的。  相似文献   

亚高原训练对优秀拳击运动员专项运动能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨在海拔1 600 m的亚高原训练是否会对拳击运动员的体能和机能产生影响,以进一步挖掘我国拳击运动员的内在潜能及更有针对性地解决拳击运动员的体能问题.方法:以国家集训队16名优秀运动员为研究对象,在海拔1 250 m(贵州清镇)、1 600 m(内蒙古武川)的亚高原及下平原(河南郑州)后的训练过程中,对运动员专项运动能力、身体机能等指标进行系统检测和比较分析.结果:1)亚高原训练对部分运动员心血管系统及无氧乳酸供能能力改善有帮助;2)1 600 m的海拔高度更有利于调动拳击运动员的无氧糖酵解供能能力,提高拳击运动员的速度耐力和力量耐力;3)在亚高原进行有针对性的训练对提高拳击运动员的有氧能力有帮助.结论:1)亚高原训练对拳击运动员的专项运动能力及体能和机能会产生一定程度的影响,并存在着一定的个体差异;2)有针对性的亚高原训练可以作为提高拳击运动员专项运动能力的选择手段.  相似文献   

对219名甲级队足球运动员的运动学指标的现场测试和对112名运动员生理学指标的实验室测试,结果表明我国优秀甲级队足球运动员的有氧和无氧能力均处于较低水平,并呈现下降趋势。确定的12分钟跑和最大吸氧量在高原和平原的差值,供训练参考。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、录像解析、数理统计等方法,对国家男子足球队与比赛对手相同位置运动员的跑动距离进行了比较分析,结果发现:1)与比赛对手相同位置运动员相比,国家男子足球运动员在跑动总距离上均少于比赛对手。2)在各级跑速的跑动距离上,守门员中速跑的跑动能力显著优于比赛对手;边后卫高速跑的跑动能力显著优于比赛对手;中前卫慢跑以下的跑动能力明显多于比赛对手,而低速跑的跑动能力明显少于比赛对手。3)高强度的跑动能力,尤其是冲刺跑的跑动能力较差,是国家男子足球运动员与比赛对手体能水平的差距所在。  相似文献   

目的:通过对上海女足2012年联赛中比赛活动特征的分析,了解上海女足比赛中的跑动特点及体能状况;通过与国内最高水平比赛、国家队及其他世界强队的对比分析,了解与高水平运动队之间的差距,寻找到上海女足训练的突破点,为上海女足在第12届全运会中夺取金牌提供有效的科技支撑.方法:通过已取得专利的自主研发的足球训练负荷监控系统对上海女足2012年联赛上海赛区上海—大连、上海—长春的两场比赛进行跑动负荷的测试.结果:(1) 2012年联赛期间上海赛区的比赛与国外高水平运动队相比,上海女足运动员高速跑和冲刺跑的距离及所比重偏少.(2)上海女足在2012年联赛中不同位置运动员在比赛中整体跑动能力存在差异,边后卫和中场球员总跑动距离最多,而边前卫和边后卫的高强度及以上跑动距离最多,前锋高强度以上跑动距离最少.(3)上海女足在2012年联赛前准备期高强度的有氧间歇训练不足,导致联赛期间体能贮备不足.结论:我国女足联赛水平较低、对抗性不强,上海女足运动员联赛期间的跑动能力与国内最高水平比赛及世界强队相比存在一定的差距,今后的训练必须加强高强度的有氧间歇训练.  相似文献   

"八一"男子排球队高原训练体能指标测试结果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对"八一"男子排球队一线运动员高原训练过程中的3项体能测试项目(助跑摸高、连续 摸高和800 m跑)进行了跟踪测试研究,初步探讨了高原训练对优秀男子排球运动员的影响。结 果表明,1)运动员高原反应症状比较明显;2)在不同的高原适应期,可采用平原训练方法进行高 原训练,训练负荷的结构应有所不同;3)在高原环境下进行6周训练,对运动员助跑摸高和连续 摸高成绩的影响有显著性意义,对800 m跑成绩的影响没有显著性意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate effects of speed and plane of motion on stability during locomotion in skilled football players. Ten male national-level football players participated in this study to run forward, backward and in lateral directions on a treadmill at 80%, 100% and 120% of their preferred running speeds. The coordinate data of passive reflective markers attached to body segments were recorded using motion capture systems. Time series data obtained from the ankle marker were used for further analyses. The largest finite-time Lyapunov exponent and maximum Floquet multiplier were adopted to quantify local and orbital dynamic stabilities, respectively. Results showed that speed did not significantly change local and orbital dynamic stabilities in any of running patterns. However, both local and orbital dynamic stability were significantly higher in the secondary plane of progression. Data revealed that in running, unlike walking, stability in the direction perpendicular to the direction of running is significantly higher, implying that less active control is required in the secondary plane of progression. The results of this study could be useful in sports training and rehabilitation programmes where development of fundamental exercise programmes that challenge both speed and the ability to maintain stability might produce a tangible enhancement of athletic skill level.  相似文献   

Childhood sport participation is argued to be important to understand differences in self-regulation and performance level in adolescence. This study sought to investigate if football-specific activities in childhood (6–12 years of age) is related to self-regulatory skills and national under 14- and 15-team selection in Norwegian elite youth football. Data of practice histories and self-regulatory skills of 515 youth football players selected at Norwegian regional level were collected and further analysed using multilevel analyses. The results revealed that high self-regulated players were more likely to be selected for national initiatives, and increased their involvement in peer-led football practice and adult-led football practice during childhood, compared to players with lower levels of self-regulation. While national level players reported higher levels of peer-led football play in childhood, the interaction effect suggest that the regional level players increased their involvement in peer-led play during childhood compared to national level players. In conclusion, the findings indicate that childhood sport participation may contribute to later differences in self-regulation, and highlights the importance of childhood engagement in football-specific play and practice in the development of Norwegian youth football players.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the science of rugby league football at all levels of competition (i.e. junior, amateur, semi-professional, professional), with special reference to all discipline-specific scientific research performed in rugby league (i.e. physiological, psychological, injury epidemiology, strength and conditioning, performance analysis). Rugby league football is played at junior and senior levels in several countries worldwide. A rugby league team consists of 13 players (6 forwards and 7 backs). The game is played over two 30 - 40 min halves (depending on the standard of competition) separated by a 10 min rest interval. Several studies have documented the physiological capacities and injury rates of rugby league players. More recently, studies have investigated the physiological demands of competition. Interestingly, the physiological capacities of players, the incidence of injury and the physiological demands of competition all increase as the playing standard is increased. Mean blood lactate concentrations of 5.2, 7.2 and 9.1 mmol . l(-1) have been reported during competition for amateur, semi-professional and professional rugby league players respectively. Mean heart rates of 152 beats . min(-1) (78% of maximal heart rate), 166 beats . min(-1) (84% of maximal heart rate) and 172 beats . min(-1) (93% of maximal heart rate) have been recorded for amateur, semi-professional and junior elite rugby league players respectively. Skill-based conditioning games have been used to develop the skill and fitness of rugby league players, with mean heart rate and blood lactate responses during these activities almost identical to those obtained during competition. In addition, recent studies have shown that most training injuries are sustained in traditional conditioning activities that involve no skill component (i.e. running without the ball), whereas the incidence of injuries while participating in skill-based conditioning games is low. Collaborative research among the various sport science disciplines is required to identify strategies to reduce the incidence of injury and enhance the performance of rugby league players. An understanding of the movement patterns and physiological demands of different positions at all standards of competition would allow the development of strength and conditioning programmes to meet the precise requirements of these positions. Finally, studies investigating the impact of improvements in physiological capacities (including the effect of different strength and conditioning programmes) on rugby league playing performance are warranted.  相似文献   

运用“简极-茵战K1”智能足球运动表现分析系统采集12名大学生运动员在8场正式足球比赛中的跑动和心率相关指标,量化运动员的外部和内部比赛负荷。结果显示:(1)在外部负荷方面,大学生足球运动员在正式的足球比赛中场均跑动距离(8 464±822) m,其中,慢速跑跑动距离约占39.8%,低速跑跑动距离约占30.2%,高强度跑动距离约占5.1%,场均高强度跑动次数(30±14)次;在内部负荷方面,运动员在比赛中的平均心率为(160±11) 次/分钟,52%的比赛时间处于80%最大心率以上区间,仅有14.5%的比赛时间内处于70%最大心率以下区间。(2)后卫球员的跑动总距离大程度地低于中场(ES=1.2,可能性>95%)和前锋(ES=1.4,可能性>95%),高强度跑平均间歇时间则中等程度地高于中场(ES=0.6,可能性>75%)和前锋(ES=0.9,可能性>75%),后卫球员在比赛处于中高强度心率区间的时间比例中等程度地低于中场(ES=1.0,可能性>95%)和前锋(ES=1.1,可能性>75%)。前锋球员在比赛中的最大跑动速度(ES=0.7,可能性>75%)、步行距离(ES=0.8,可能性>75%)、慢速跑跑动距离(ES=0.6,可能性>75%)和中等强度心率区间占比(ES=0.7,可能性>75%)皆中等程度地高于中场球员,而低速跑跑动距离(ES=0.8,可能性>75%)、平均心率(ES=0.6,可能性>75%)和高强度心率区间占比(ES=0.6,可能性>95%)则都中等程度的低于中场球员。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the science of rugby league football at all levels of competition (i.e. junior, amateur, semi-professional, professional), with special reference to all discipline-specific scientific research performed in rugby league (i.e. physiological, psychological, injury epidemiology, strength and conditioning, performance analysis). Rugby league football is played at junior and senior levels in several countries worldwide. A rugby league team consists of 13 players (6 forwards and 7 backs). The game is played over two 30?–?40 min halves (depending on the standard of competition) separated by a 10?min rest interval. Several studies have documented the physiological capacities and injury rates of rugby league players. More recently, studies have investigated the physiological demands of competition. Interestingly, the physiological capacities of players, the incidence of injury and the physiological demands of competition all increase as the playing standard is increased. Mean blood lactate concentrations of 5.2, 7.2 and 9.1?mmol?·?l?1 have been reported during competition for amateur, semi-professional and professional rugby league players respectively. Mean heart rates of 152 beats?·?min?1 (78% of maximal heart rate), 166 beats?·?min?1 (84% of maximal heart rate) and 172 beats?·?min?1 (93% of maximal heart rate) have been recorded for amateur, semi-professional and junior elite rugby league players respectively. Skill-based conditioning games have been used to develop the skill and fitness of rugby league players, with mean heart rate and blood lactate responses during these activities almost identical to those obtained during competition. In addition, recent studies have shown that most training injuries are sustained in traditional conditioning activities that involve no skill component (i.e. running without the ball), whereas the incidence of injuries while participating in skill-based conditioning games is low. Collaborative research among the various sport science disciplines is required to identify strategies to reduce the incidence of injury and enhance the performance of rugby league players. An understanding of the movement patterns and physiological demands of different positions at all standards of competition would allow the development of strength and conditioning programmes to meet the precise requirements of these positions. Finally, studies investigating the impact of improvements in physiological capacities (including the effect of different strength and conditioning programmes) on rugby league playing performance are warranted.  相似文献   

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