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运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等,对武汉市社区居家养老服务中心的体育服务需求与供给现状进行研究。研究表明:社区老年人有较强的参与体育活动愿望,且参与体育活动在时段选择、时间长度、时间频率、活动强度等方面有着自身的规律;而养老服务中心的体育服务在场地设施、健身指导、信息宣传等方面与老年人的需求存在差距。建议:社会转型期的社区居家养老服务中的体育服务应做到体育服务供给主体多元化、体育服务内容多样化、体育服务人员专业化、体育志愿服务常态化。  相似文献   

周平 《精武》2012,(33):67-68
随着我国人口城市化、老龄化进程的加速,城市社区老龄人口比例将越来越高,社区体育是60岁以上人员体育活动首选地。为分析城市老龄化社区体育活动安全防范问题,运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,从老龄化社区特点、成因以及老年人体育安全视角,论述城市老龄化社区体育活动安全防范措施,结果认为:老年人在体育运对中更容易受伤;资金、场地和管理因素是城市老玲化社区安全隐患的主要影响因素;加强城市老龄化社区体育活动安全防范是提高城市老龄化社区体育活动的必要条件。  相似文献   

在如今老龄化日益严重的社会发展背景下,体养融合对于提升老年人身体综合素养、避免老年人失能、预防老年慢性疾病发生等方面具有极为重要的现实意义。通过加强社区体育公共服务供给工作,不仅能够实现城市美好社区养老群体生活,满足社区老龄人的各项体育服务体验需求,切实提升他们的身体健康水平,还可以促进我国和谐社会建设稳定持续发展。该文将进一步对体养融合视角下城市社区体育公共服务的供给困境展开分析与探讨,旨在提出相关解决对策。  相似文献   

老年人离退休后,有了充足的休闲时间,如何让老年人利用休闲时间进行一种有益于身心健康的体育活动,解决老年人的生理健康、心理健康和社会适应能力的问题,提出发展老年人休闲体育活动的几点建议,从而提高他们的生活质量。  相似文献   

李庭坚 《精武》2013,(23):124-125
《中国人口老龄化发展趋势预测研究报告》指出,21世纪是人口老龄化的时代。我国已于1999年进入老龄社会,是世界老年人口最多的国家。《报告》最后建议,要把老龄社会作为21世纪中国的一个重要国情认真对待,树立者龄意识,增强应对人口老龄化和者龄社会挑战的紧迫性和自觉性。而体育生活是老年人生活的重要组成部分,体育生活质量对老年人体质、身心状态等方面有着直接影响。本文采用文献资料法和问誊调查法,对石龙社区老年人参与体育活动进行调查分析,对老年人的体育生活现状调查研究,了解老年人的体育价值观和体育活动方式,旨在为今后石龙镇各社区老年人体育活动的深入开展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

根据国家老年工委公布的2014-2018年,中国养老机构55-70岁以上老年人身体各项指标的调研数据。运用数理统计、灰色模型GM(1,1),对老年人的身体形态指标进行预测,其目的是,寻求、掌握养老机构老年人身体生长、身体形态变化内在规律,并采取科学有效的体育运动干预手段,延缓和改变养老机构老年人体质呈逐渐衰弱发展趋势,为国家老龄办制定、出台相应的支持政策提供理论依据。  相似文献   

身体活动水平是影响公共健康的重要因素,而提高人们身体活动水平的本质在于干预个体及群体的行为。因此,提高个体或群体身体活动水平有必要对身体活动的干预机制进行研究。本文综述了几种经典理论,分析其在国内外发展情况、在促进身体活动方面的应用情况、存在的不足之处以及未来可能的发展方向。最终综合各项理论,建立了指导、干预个体或群体身体活动的理论框架,为体育工作者、健康相关从业者、政策制定者等提供参考依据。  相似文献   

“银色浪潮”正在给社会带来广泛而深远的影响,推动健康老龄化是现今亟需解决的问题。本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等,对“体养融合”养老服务模式进行研究。结果表明,现有的养老模式可以满足老年人的基本生理需求,但现有养老模式服务供给单一、服务层次低下、精神文化建设匮乏,难以满足老人群体日益增长养老需求。在现有的养老服务模式中,融入体育资源,多层次发挥体育功能,通过“运动保健康复+社区居家养老”满足健康需求;通过“体育文娱活动+社区机构养老”满足社交需求,通过“体育核心文化+社区互助养老”满足自我价值需求,以满足老人群体多层次、多样化养老需求。  相似文献   

老年体育事业是老龄事业和体育事业的重要组成部分,是提高老龄人生活质量、维护安定团结大局、推动两个文明建设的重要环节。党和政府历来十分重视老年体育工作,我国已颁布的《体育法》、《老年人权益保护法》、《全民健身计划纲要》对开展老年体育活动都作了明确规定,使老年人参加体育健身活动有了法律保障。过去一个时期,由于部分地方和单位过多地强调经济建设,忽视了老龄工作,使封建迷信的伪科学和邪教有了可乘之机,给国家、集体和家庭带来了沉重的灾难。因此我们要用健康、科学、文明、有益的健身活动来占领老年活动这块阵地,做好老年体育工作已成为摆在各级政府和企事业单位面前的一个重大课题,应当从以下几个方面着手。  相似文献   

于峰 《健身科学》2014,(12):16-17
我国目前已大步迈入了老龄化社会,随着生活水平的不断提高和养老观念的逐渐改变,不少离退休的老年人在家庭经济条件允许的情况下,开始把旅游与养老相结合,寻求积极养老、健康生活的理想模式。而由于气候是影响老年人身体健康的一个重要因素,许多老人会随季节的变化进行两地养老——冬天到温暖舒适的南方避寒,夏天则去清凉宜人的北方消暑、  相似文献   


Most countries across the world are facing one problem: how to provide support to retired athletes and help them in re-employment. Different countries have different solutions. Study of the retirement and re-employment of professional athletes in China will help us to understand the differences between it and other countries in dealing with this issue. It will also reveal how China’s elite sport system works and how the government played its part in managing and supporting the athletes. This paper studies the formation and implementation of government policies in relation to the re-employment of retired athletes and points out that the Chinese Government plays an important role in providing financial and human resource support for them. However, the policies have also had some shortcomings. For example, the government takes too much of the burden. Only elite athletes who won medals at important national and international sporting events could get solid support after retirement and most of the athletes who failed to make it to the top were neglected by the government.  相似文献   


This article presents results of a systematic review of the literature (2000–2017) examining the prevalence and correlates of psychological distress among retired elite athletes. Forty articles were selected and included. Our review suggests the prevalence of psychological distress among retired athletes is similar to that found in the general population. However, subgroups reporting medical comorbidities, significant pain, a greater number of concussions, less social support, and adverse psychosocial factors were at greater risk for psychological distress. Additionally, athletes experiencing psychological distress in retirement often do not seek treatment for their distress. Based on the existing literature, there is a need for greater standardization and use of reliable measures, as well as use of diagnostic interviews in order to assess the most accurate prevalence of psychological distress among these athletes. Longitudinal designs, matched control groups, more heterogeneous samples, and use of multivariate analyses would also help to more accurately determine the prevalence and risk factors of psychological distress in this population. This review suggests a number of different clinical implications and highlights directions for future research to enhance our understanding of the long-term psychological health of former elite athletes.  相似文献   

文采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,对全国退役运动员的安置现状进行了调查研究,分析出其影响因素:应从改善运动员自身退役后的从业就学条件和加强对运动员祖国培养意识、普通公民意识等内环境,以及完善退役运动员安置工作的有关政策,加强与社会各有关部门的合作等外环境两个方面采取有效措施改善退役安置工作.结合重庆市退役运动员再就业的现状以及存在的问题进行分析,并在此基础上进行相关对策的研究,旨在为重庆市退役运动员转型政策提供参考.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the role of sport in immigrant youths integration into a host society. The analyses are based on a survey of 454 first-generation immigrant youths from secondary, vocational, and pre-apprenticeship schools located in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. In short, our results indicate that for most immigrant youth, sport is an important part of their free time, even though the proportion of female immigrant youth doing sport in sports clubs is twice as low as that of male immigrant youth. Our findings also illustrate that female and male immigrant youth who do sports in clubs have considerably more personal contact with Swiss peers during these sporting activities. Moreover, the young people who have frequent personal contact with Swiss peers during sporting activities reported having considerably more intercultural contacts in their free time and among their close friends. Finally, immigrant youths’ contacts with Swiss peers during sporting activities increase their feeling of being integrated in Switzerland.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(4):365-378
The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect that participating in extracurricular sporting activities has on academic performance among students in higher education. Prior research on this topic has yielded contradictory results: while some authors find a positive effect of sports participation on academic outcomes, others report a negative impact. Accordingly, the authors seek to provide a more rounded understanding of these mixed findings. The empirical evidence is provided by a panel dataset of undergraduate students who studied at a Spanish University over the period 2008–2014. The academic performance of sports participants are compared with those of non-participants in terms of their outcomes in the form of grades. Results reveal that participation in formal sporting activities is associated with higher grades among students at this university. The analysis reinforces the idea that apart from their health benefits for practitioners, sporting activities lead to the attainment of the performance goals to which higher education institutions aspire.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法,调查访问法及数理统计法对293名已退役的可测量项目优秀运动员进行退役年龄特征分析及退役致因分析,结果得出:我国可测量项目优秀运动员退役年龄偏小,退役的平均年龄小于国外运动员破世界纪录时的年龄,而且退役年龄因项目和性别不同而不同,存在着心理年龄早于生物年龄现象。优秀运动员退役类型分为4类,其中3/4的运动员属不正常退投。导致运动员不正常退役的因素是多万面的,主要有成绩因素、管理因素、心理因素和伤病因素。  相似文献   

适当的身体活动对于维持和提高老年人的健康和功能水平具有重要作用,而积极良好的环境被认为是促进老年人身体活动的关键因素。因此,老年友好环境建设是世界卫生组织(WHO)提出的应对人口老龄化的重要策略。总结归纳了老年友好环境与身体活动研究的相关文献,论述了老年友好环境包含的物质环境、社会环境和服务环境3个方面对于老年人身体活动水平的影响机制,以期为老年友好环境建设和促进老年人身体活动领域提供新思路和方向。  相似文献   

Background: Retirement from professional sport has been recognised as a major psychological stressor, and there is a need to identify factors that increase the risk of mental health problems after career termination. The current study examined associations between career-ending injury, chronic pain, athletic identity, and depressive symptomology in retired professional footballers. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed with 307 retired male footballers who had played within a professional United Kingdom league. Participants completed measures of depressive symptoms (Short Depression-Happiness Scale), chronic pain (Pain Intensity Numerical Rating Scale), and athletic identity (Athletic Identity Measurement Scale), and reported their reasons for retirement. Results: A total of 48 participants (16%) met the cut-off score for possible cases of clinically relevant depression. These participants were more recently retired, and had higher athletic identity than those without depressive symptoms. Former players with depressive symptoms were more likely to cite injury as a retirement reason, and report higher levels of ongoing injury-related pain. Multivariate logistic regression revealed that the presence of depressive symptoms was independently associated with retirement through injury (OR?=?3.44; 95% CI?=?1.39, 8.51), higher pain levels (OR?=?1.38; 95% CI?=?1.02, 1.86), and increased athletic identity (OR?=?1.28; 95% CI?=?1.14, 1.44). Conclusions: Career-ending injury is strongly associated with higher odds of depressive symptomology during retirement, while experiencing chronic pain, and maintaining a high sense of athletic identity, are additional potential contributors.  相似文献   

乒乓球运动在我国占据重要地位,作为一项极具群众基础的项目深得退休老年人的喜爱。本文运用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法及数理统计法等研究方法,分析乒乓球运动对退休老年人的锻炼价值。结果表明,乒乓球运动可以有效改善退休老年人的身体状况,特别是增强腕部、手臂、肩部、腰部的灵活性。同时能够在一定程度上调节负面情绪,缓解平日里精神紧张的程度。扩大了退休老年人的社交范围,增进了人际交往。  相似文献   

于文谦  李强  牛静  刘科 《体育科学》2004,24(7):16-18
由于竞训体制的不合理和运动员自身文化素质的低下,在很大程度上造成了我国竞技运动员退役难和就业安置不畅。以辽宁省退役运动员为研究对象进行分析研究,进一步提出了在转型时期解决运动员退役的具体措施,包括竞技与高等院校有机联合、竞技与职业技术型学校有机联合、宏观控制政策化、法规化、运动员退役市场化等,以期更好地促进我国竞技运动的发展。  相似文献   

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