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传统的攀岩者,将大自然视为自己真正的乐园、竞技场、健身房,只要风和日丽,他们便会奔向粗犷豪放的山岩……日前,在地处闹市的北京西单商场搂前立起了一座高8米、宽3米的攀岩墙,众多勇士在众目睽睽下争先恐后一试身手,在专业人员的安全保护下,都爬到了最高点。如果说,在这样的时间这样的地点那些需要克服的更多的可能是众人眼光的压力的话,那么目前北京日益增多的攀岩爱好者渴望的则是对生命极限的挑战。攀岩是在悬崖峭壁上展现攀岩者过人身手的一项运动,攀岩者在攀岩时依靠双手双脚登抓岩面上突起的支点或裂缝,向上移动、攀登。  相似文献   

在"马拉松热"的背景下,对跑步参与过程中马拉松跑者的深度休闲特质进行探究。采用滚雪球抽样方式,对20名马拉松跑者进行半结构式访谈,通过质性分析软件NVivo 11.0对访谈资料进行分析。研究结果表明马拉松跑者具有深度休闲的6个特质:坚持不懈、生涯性、显著的个人努力、强烈的认同感、独特的文化、持久的收益。本研究进一步丰富了已有研究成果,其中坚持不懈中的"毅力"和"自我管理"两方面体现了马拉松项目的特点。对马拉松跑者来讲,经济回报和团队发展并不是明显的持久收益。本研究结果拓展了对我国"马拉松热"现象的理解,未来应采用定量方法进行深入研究。  相似文献   

极限运动(二)攀岩运动   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
攀岩运动是指不借助任何攀登工具,但可以有绳索等保护设备,凭借勇往直前的精神、精湛的攀登技术,利用岩石上的突起、裂缝、洞穴等天然或人工制造的抓手攀登岩壁的运动。攀岩运动由于其特有的惊险性、刺激性、技术性、竞争性和趣味性吸引了众多勇于战胜自我、敢于面对挑战的年轻人的参与。攀岩运动不仅仅是挑战自然,更是挑战自我。攀岩运动使人们在享受大自然博大的胸怀的同时,更能体验到人类挑战自我,实现自我所带来的刺激、愉悦和成就感。 攀岩运动19世纪起源于欧洲,兴起于20世纪50年代末60年代初。攀岩技术是登山运动的基本…  相似文献   

休闲体育:现代人理想的休闲方式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
休闲体育作为一种以身体练习为主要特征的休闲方式,对现代人提高健康水平、丰富化生活、满足个体需求、展现自我个性、塑造健全的人格、端正人生态度、提升道德品质和情操等,有着重要作用,是现代人理想的休闲方式。  相似文献   

大学生休闲体育协会是大学生为完成独特的体育指标、在闲暇时加入同一体育协会而组织起来的群体.本文以江西师范大学为研究对象,对休闲体育协会的大学生参与现状进行调查分析,从参与现状分析存在的问题、性别差异对参与动机的影响、个人满意度对自我提升的肯定等方面着手调查研究,了解江西师大学生休闲体育协会的发展现状,并提出合理建议,希望能促进南昌市大学生休闲体育协会的全面协调发展.  相似文献   

休闲时代的到来是武术发展难得的契机,武术独特的修身养性以及其富含的文化特征能够在一定程度上满足休闲时代人们健身、娱乐、交友、心里放松和自我超越的需要,武术的发展应顺应休闲时代人们对武术的需求,整理挖掘武术的休闲特征,充分利用网络资源传播武术,促进学校武术的发展,建立一批武术休闲养生基地,开发武术旅游休闲项目,让武术结合休闲,成为回归自然的新生活方式。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等探析攀岩运动的起源和国内外发展概况,并对其发展前景进行展望预测,着重从“需要层次理论”、“社会互动理论”、“生态体育理论”等思想理论出发,窥探攀岩运动所涉及的人类学、心理学、伦理学、社会学和休闲学范畴内的文化价值内涵。提升攀岩运动文化的象征性、多样性和共享性,为攀岩运动的快速健康发展做出应有的努力。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法和数理统计法对职业人群参与休闲体育的现状与自我和谐的水平进行了调查与分析.结果发现:职业人群中标准休闲体育人口比率较高,但存在年龄差异;职业人群的自我和谐总体上较为和谐;运动参与程度与自我和谐呈显著负相关,运动参与程度高分组和低分组与中间组人群在自我和谐上均存在显著差异;参与休闲体育强度、次数、喜欢与否和家庭月收入进入对自我和谐的回归方程;休闲体育活动对职业人群具有积极的身心健康价值.  相似文献   

以体育锻炼行为理论为依据,以陕西省高校参加体育休闲锻炼的女大学生为调研对象,建立了陕西省女大学生参加体育休闲锻炼行为的理论分析框架、概念模型和研究假设。研究发现,女大学生个体特征会影响女大学生的体育休闲锻炼动机、导致较高的自我效能,证明了体育休闲锻炼动机与自我效能性对女大学生个体特征有明显的传导作用。女大学生体育休闲锻炼动机的提升、女大学生对自我效能性的认识的增强有利于女大学生体育休闲锻炼承诺(锻炼坚持)的增加。  相似文献   

在新时代的历史方位中,引导人们开展积极健康的休闲活动是促进人们获取休闲效益的有效方式。在此背景下,对深度休闲效益研究进行综述,并以骑行和马拉松两类休闲活动参与者为观察对象,构建了深度休闲、流畅感与休闲满意度关系的理论模型。引导人们如何通过休闲活动获得更高层次的心灵满足和自我成就,并为相关活动组织者制定更为有效的策略安排提供理论支持。  相似文献   

The growth of the climbing industry enables more people to use this sport to promote a healthy lifestyle. Given this trend, it is important to understand the heterogeneity of rock climbers and differences in their attributes, motivations and behaviors. In this study, the characteristics of serious leisure (SL) were used to classify rock climbers. Four hundred and eighty-six rock climbers recruited in this study were classified into three groups: low commitment (LC; N?=?82), high commitment (HC; N?=?355) and dedicated groups (N?=?49). A high mean on the financial return item distinguished the dedicated group (M?=?7.52) from the other two. Subsequently, the results of multinomial logistic regression, with the dedicated group as the baseline category, showed that with increases in experiences (i.e. days of climbing in the past year and years of climbing) and internalized motivations (i.e. intrinsic, identified and introjected motivations), a climber is less relatively likely of being in the LC group. Further, comparing the HC group with the dedicated group, with increases in experiences and introjected motivation, a climber is less likely of being in the HC group. The results of the classification complemented the results of previous qualitative SL studies regarding diverse participation in leisure commitment. The results with respect to motivation supported that internalization is associated with increases in commitment. Service providers should keep current regarding dynamic climbing culture and help clients fulfill diverse needs of commitment to rock climbing. The findings of this study enhance existing knowledge of recreationists’ development in the pursuit of adventure recreation.  相似文献   

从登山运动中衍生而来的攀岩运动,是我国政府2013年公布的首批4项高危险性体育项目之一,其损伤风险日益受到关注。为揭示攀岩运动损伤的流行病学特征,综述了国内外攀岩运动损伤相关文献,对攀岩运动损伤发生率、损伤特征和影响因素进行了梳理。结果表明,室内人工岩壁攀登的损伤发生率总体上处于较低水平;损伤多发生在手、肩、肘、腕、膝、踝等部位,但攀爬方式的转变引起了损伤部位的明显变化,当前手指滑车、手掌和肩关节损伤最为常见;损伤类型中较多为过度使用损伤和急性损伤,过度使用损伤多发于上肢,急性损伤多发于下肢;损伤的程度一般较轻。攀岩运动员的年龄、性别、运动水平、运动负荷等自身因素以及场地、保护员水平、装备器材等外部因素均会对损伤特征产生影响。建议进一步探讨攀岩运动的损伤机制和预防措施,并统一攀岩运动损伤的定义和统计标准,针对不同人群进行长期的跟踪研究,以加深对攀岩运动损伤特征和机制的认识,帮助攀岩教练员与运动员更好地预防损伤的发生。  相似文献   

Climbers often train on indoor climbing walls, which are modifiable to simulate features of outdoor climbing environments at different levels of difficulty. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of regularity of climbing holds on emergent perceptual-motor behaviours. Skilled climbers performed six repetitions of two topographically similar routes on an indoor climbing wall. One route was composed of 18 different types of hand holds (irregular route), whereas the other route had only two types of hand holds (regular route). Preview and climbing durations, as well as visual search behaviours, were recorded. Participants rated the regular route as more difficult to climb, requiring greater perceived effort to complete. The time spent previewing, and then climbing the routes, was reduced on average by 12% and 16%, respectively in the irregular route compared to the regular route. There were more fixations made when climbing the regular route (281 vs. 222 fixations per trial). It seems the climbers were more careful and thorough in their gaze behaviours with the regular route because of the additional technical demands it presented, whereas the irregular route afforded a more superficial visual exploration with use of more frequent saccades between holds. The findings suggest how irregularity in the environment is exploited by skilled climbers, apparently making the practice context easier to perceive and act in.  相似文献   

Cricket and entertainment in India have been inextricably connected deeper and wider than is acknowledged by commentators. They have successfully exploited one another's positive image to intensify their appeal, brand value and consumption potential. This article examines the significance of this convergence of cricket and entertainment within a historical framework, focusing principally on Bollywood's use of cricket as a strategy to maximise publicity. The history of cricket's appropriation for promotional campaigns provides an entry into the cultural modes of cricket's interaction with other forms of leisure, exploring the limits and excesses of promotion and dispelling myths of cricket's pre-eminence as a recent phenomenon. In the first two sections, the article analyses the appearance of cricketers in advertisement, promotional events, films and television serials. In the next two, it explores how entertainment personalities have used the medium of cricket for promoting themselves as leisure products. By examining the agency of cricket and entertainment as constitutively contributing to the ever morphing practices of this consumer culture, the article registers the entanglement between aesthetic and commercial imperatives in the capitalist/personal enterprise of publicity in modern India.  相似文献   


Rock climbing is a popular adventure sport with an increasing research base. Early studies in the field did not make comparisons of ascents using different styles of climbing. More recently, differences in the physiological responses for an on-sight lead climb and subsequent lead climb have been reported. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of style of climb (lead climb or top rope climb) on the physiological and psychological responses to rock climbing. Nine intermediate climbers volunteered for, and completed, two randomly assigned climbing trials and a maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) test on a separate occasion. The climbers ascended the same 6a (sport grade) climb for both trials. Before climbing, heart rate, perception of anxiety (Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2), and blood lactate concentration were measured. Climb time, heart rate, VO2, lactate concentrations, and task load (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index) in response to each trial were also recorded. Results indicated significant differences (P<0.05) between the trials for climb time, blood lactate concentration immediately after and 15 min after climbing, and heart rate 1 min after climbing. During lead and top rope climbing, mean VO2 and represented 44% and 42% of treadmill VO2max and mean heart rate represented 81% and 77% of maximum heart rate, respectively. There were no significant differences in feelings of anxiety before either climb, although climbers reported the lead climb to be physically and mentally more demanding, requiring more effort and resulting in greater frustration (P<0.05) than the top rope climb. Our results indicate that the physiological and psychological responses of intermediate climbers are different for a lead climb and top rope climb.  相似文献   

Self-reported ability assessment in rock climbing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Level of ability within rock climbing is generally expressed in terms of a "best ascent", rated using various grading systems within the sport. The most common method of obtaining this information is via self-report. The aim of this study was to examine the validity of self-reported climbing grades. Twenty-nine competitive rock climbers (17 males, 12 females) were first asked to report their current (defined as within the last 12 months) best on-sight lead ascent grade (Aus/NZ). The participants then climbed a specifically designed indoor route, under on-sight conditions (one attempt, no route practice or preview), to obtain an assessed grade. The route increased in difficulty, and was such that the distance achieved by the climber corresponded to a particular grade. The mean (±standard deviation) self-reported and assessed grade was 22.6?±?3.4 and 22.0?±?3.0 (Aus/NZ) respectively. Despite slight over- and underestimations in males and females respectively, there was no statistically significant difference between self-reported and assessed on-sight climbing grades. The results of this study suggest that self-reported climbing grades provide a valid and accurate reflection of climbing ability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize forearm muscle fatigue identified by the decrease in electromyogram median frequency and/or fingertip force during intermittent exercise. Nine elite climbers (international competitive level, USA 5.14a on sight) and ten non-climbers were instructed to maintain a fingertip force of 80% of their maximal voluntary contraction force on a dynamometer mimicking a rock climbing grip during a 5 s effort/5 s rest cycle for 36 repetitions (i.e. 6 min of exercise). Elite climbers lasted twice as long as non-climbers (climbers: 3 min; non-climbers: 1 min 30 s) before the force could no longer be maintained (i.e. the failure point). After this moment, fingertip force decreased and stabilized until the end of the exercise around 50% maximum voluntary contraction force in non-climbers and 63% in elite climbers. Electromyogram median frequency showed a greater decrease in non-climbers than in elite climbers before the failure point. No change in median frequency was observed after the failure point in elite climbers or in non-climbers. These results confirm that elite climbers are better adapted than non-climbers for performing the intermittent fingertip effort before the failure point. After this point, the better fingertip force of elite climbers suggests different forearm muscle properties, while the electromyography results do not provide any indication about the fatigue process.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to characterize forearm muscle fatigue identified by the decrease in electromyogram median frequency and/or fingertip force during intermittent exercise. Nine elite climbers (international competitive level, USA 5.14a on sight) and ten non-climbers were instructed to maintain a fingertip force of 80% of their maximal voluntary contraction force on a dynamometer mimicking a rock climbing grip during a 5 s effort/5 s rest cycle for 36 repetitions (i.e. 6 min of exercise). Elite climbers lasted twice as long as non-climbers (climbers: 3 min; non-climbers: 1 min 30 s) before the force could no longer be maintained (i.e. the failure point). After this moment, fingertip force decreased and stabilized until the end of the exercise around 50% maximum voluntary contraction force in non-climbers and 63% in elite climbers. Electromyogram median frequency showed a greater decrease in non-climbers than in elite climbers before the failure point. No change in median frequency was observed after the failure point in elite climbers or in non-climbers. These results confirm that elite climbers are better adapted than non-climbers for performing the intermittent fingertip effort before the failure point. After this point, the better fingertip force of elite climbers suggests different forearm muscle properties, while the electromyography results do not provide any indication about the fatigue process.  相似文献   

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