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Drawing on interview data from a study of one School Sport Partnership (SSP) in north-west England, this paper examines (from the perspective of teachers): (1) some of the ways in which the SSP programme facilitated the increasing use of sports coaches to deliver aspects of physical education (PE) in state primary schools in England and (2) how coaches were accommodated within existing curricular arrangements. The use of coaches was found to be widespread and normalized, especially in extra-curricular PE which was often a coach-only zone. In some schools, coaches delivered all aspects of PE provision without the presence of teachers regardless of when the subject was delivered, and in other schools teachers were present but often acted in a supervisory capacity. This raised questions about the degree to which teachers were meaningfully involved in the planning and delivery of sessions and whether the use of coaches was likely to enhance teachers' confidence in, and specialist knowledge of, PE. Grounded in discussions of the differences between teaching and coaching pupils, teachers felt that coaches made a valuable contribution to the delivery of individual sports but often experienced particular difficulty in controlling pupil behaviour and classroom management, and that their lack of knowledge about pupils limited learning. It is concluded that it is only possible to adequately understand the trend towards using sports coaches and other non-specialists in PE by locating them within the context of broader social processes, especially the globalization of education policy and practices supported by shifts towards the privatization and marketization of education and other public sector reforms occurring in neo-liberal economies.  相似文献   

Continuing professional development (CPD) is currently high on the Scottish Education agenda. Recent curriculum reform in Scotland, with the introduction of Curriculum for Excellence, places physical education (PE) at the forefront for its role in directly supporting learners' mental, emotional, social and physical well-being. This emphasis on PE, along with concerns about the health of the nation, has resulted in a nationwide initiative providing non-specialist teachers of primary PE with the opportunity to develop a specialism in the subject through government-funded CPD programmes at postgraduate level. Using Knowles' andragogical model as a framework, this paper reports data from a larger research study that evaluated a Scottish PE-CPD initiative. This paper comprises a single case holistic study investigating the impact and implications of a PE-CPD programme through the professional learning journeys, from the outset until completion, of four teachers: a nursery teacher, a class teacher, a cluster cover teacher and a PE specialist who participated in the programme. Data were collected over one academic year using two-stage questionnaire interviews and were analysed thematically with special attention given to the emerging general themes to achieve a holistic understanding of the case. Study findings endorse the positive impact of using the andragogical model of adult learning combined with the literature-supported characteristics of effective PE-CPD programmes. Teachers' perspectives on their CPD experiences, integration of acquired learning into working contexts and teaching post-PE-CPD were then examined to determine the next steps. This led to critical reflection on the implications of the findings for the teachers' ongoing professional development. We then challenged the role that university providers play in supporting teachers' lifelong learning. Instead, we suggest new school-university partnerships and alternative ways to support capacity building and lifelong learning towards a sustainable transformational change in Scotland's primary PE.  相似文献   

Primary physical education (PE) lessons tend to be taught by one, or a combination of, three different groups: generalist classroom teachers, specialist primary PE teachers and so-called adults other than teachers, who are almost exclusively sports coaches. Drawing upon data gathered from one-to-one interviews with 36 subject leaders (SLs), this study sought answers to two main questions: ‘Who delivers primary PE nowadays?’ and ‘What are the consequences?’ The findings revealed that the most common model for the delivery of PE involved responsibility being shared between the generalist class teacher and either a sports coach or specialist PE teacher. The SLs recognised strengths and weaknesses in all of the three main approaches used. However, while they favoured the use of specialist teachers because of their subject knowledge and expertise, the more prosaic constraints of cost and flexibility meant that the use of coaches had become increasingly popular. Whether or not, the growth of coaches is de-professionalising the delivery of PE, it certainly appears to be exacerbating any existing tendency to turn primary PE into a pale imitation of the sport-biased curricular of secondary schools. Ironically, the apparent ‘threat’ to the status of PE in the primary curriculum (as well as the status of PE specialists) posed by the growth of coaches in curricular PE in primary schools may well be exaggerated by the Primary PE and Sport Premium which appears to have added momentum to a change of direction regarding staffing the subject—towards sports coaches and away from generalist classroom teachers and PE specialists. As the shift towards outsourcing PE to commercial sports coaches becomes increasingly commonplace, it seems appropriate to talk of transformation, rather than mere change, in the delivery of primary PE.  相似文献   

近十年来我国学校体育科研论文状况分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
周红萍 《体育学刊》2005,12(2):140-143
以中国期刊全文数据库检索系统(CNKI)为工具,对1994年以来我国学校体育主要研究领域的体育教学、体育课、体育师资、体育教材、体育评价、学校课外体育和中外学校体育比较研究等7个方面进行检索,对典型资料进行剖析。结果表明:体育教学论文数量最多,涉及面广,观点百花齐放;体育课研究的类型、结构、组织、评价与教学目标相对应;体育师资队伍建设论文向宽知识、强能力、高素质要求发展;体育评价论文向人性化、综合化转变;体育教材研究呈滞后状态;课外体育研究与社会体育接轨不够;中外学校体育比较研究显得薄弱。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法,通过对太原市初级中学校园足球布点17所学校的教练员现状进行调查与分析,与其他发达城市的校园足球进行比较分析,得出结论:太原市初级中学校园足球布点学校教练员从年龄结构上看,整体比较年轻,而作为一个成熟的足球教练员还需要一个不断充实专业知识和不断积累执教经验的过程;太原市初级中学校园足球布点学校足球教练员的学历水平一般,大部分都是本科学历,为了进一步提高教练员的学习能力和指教素质,需要更多的吸引高学历足球专业人才进入青少年足球后备人才培养的系统工程中;教练员的训练和比赛业绩没有和教师考核系统合理对接,这将直接影响到教练员对代表队训练比赛投入的热情,如此下去,必将导致教练员的综合执教素质停滞不前,直接影响到"校园足球"活动的进一步开展;太原市初级中学校园足球布点学校教练员的培训机制不健全,导致教练员没有系统的学习和提高的计划,制约了教练员的自身水平的提升。  相似文献   

Liu Li 《国际体育史杂志》2017,34(17-18):1898-1914

This article aims to understand the current policies, practices, and challenges in the sphere of football training in schools of China by investigating campus football development in Anhui province. From 2009 to 2016, China has formulated policies to improve the popularity of football at the school level. With the Chinese government’s investment, the number of primary and secondary schools with specialized football training facilities has increased to 13,382 by 2016. These schools with football as a specialty (SFS) enjoy policy support in teaching, training, competitions, and in many other fields. By employing semistructured interviews, participatory observations as well as an analysis of various policy documents, this article provides an insight into the implementation of China’s school football policies by local government. It shows that these SFS have demonstrated desires and capacities to develop football performance in response to demands from the Chinese government. However, a number of developing issues exist in both SFS and non-SFS, such as lack of football fields for training and shortage of professionally qualified coaches as well as tensions between football training and other subjects learning. China still needs more time to fulfil her task for the promotion of grassroots football on campus and to achieve elite football dreams.  相似文献   

《体育课程标准》评价的可行性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国中小学正在全面进行课程改革,教学评价则是改革的中心任务之一。以部分参与《体育课程标准》实验的国家级实验区的中小学体育教师和学生为研究对象;采用了文献资料、问卷调查、教学实验等方法,既从理论上论述了传统体育教学评价的弊端,探索了体育教学评价的发展趋势;通过问卷调查对当前中小学体育课程标准实施中评价的现状及存在的问题进行了研究;同时对不同地区、不同学校分别选择了不同的评价方法进行了实验研究。  相似文献   

在运动能力、健康行为、体育品德3大体育学科核心素养视野下,对中小学体育教学改革进行探讨。采用文献资料、调查和逻辑分析等研究方法,挖掘中小学体操项目教学对发展体育学科核心素养的独特贡献,进而提出教学改革的建议,以期为我国中小学体育课程教学改革和学科核心素养、学生核心素养的提升提供参考。  相似文献   

Within the UK and internationally, schools are increasingly being encouraged to call on external agencies and draw on the services of individuals, including sport coaches, to ‘help teach or lead sports within the school setting and out of school time’. This trend arises from and has contributed to a changing policy landscape and relations that characterise ‘physical education and school sport’ (PESS) and the growing use of the terminology of ‘PESS’. Previous research has highlighted that neither PESS considered broadly as a policy space, nor specific initiatives centring on ‘partnership-based’ development of physical education (PE) and/or sport in schools, can be assumed to facilitate greater equity in provision for young people. This study reports on research that has sought to build on past studies revealing gender and ability inequities amidst PESS developments. The research was designed as a small-scale case study investigation to critically explore the equity-related messages being conveyed in and through the hidden curriculum in a context of coaches’ involvement in extra-curricular provision. Utilising observations and interviews with coaches and PE teachers, data collection focused on ways in which ideas of ability, masculinity and femininity were being constructed and reproduced in and through coach's pedagogy, and sought insight into the prospective impact of the particular constructions on girls’ and boys’ involvement in extra-curricular PE. Analysis revealed that the hidden curriculum expressed in and through the organisation of extra-curricular PE and coaches’ pedagogical practices in this context can be seen as reaffirming limited conceptions of ability in PE and gender inequity in relation to girls’ and boys’ respective participation opportunities. Discussion critically addresses the relationship between policy and pedagogy in PESS in pursuing apparently ongoing tendencies for long-standing inequities to be reproduced in and through extra-curricular provision.  相似文献   

对体育专业教学几个基本问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨斌 《体育学刊》2001,8(6):112-113
从我国对体育专业人才的需求出发,对体育教学改革中所涉及的一些问题,包括知识传授与能力培养、教学目标与教学评价、教学内容和课程体系及教学方法、教师与学生、理论教学与实践性教学等进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

该文采用逻辑分析法和文献资料法来进行社会足球青训机构教练员能力因素的研究。社会足球青训机构教练员是足球教练员这个群体中的一个分类,随着草根足球和校园足球在中国的不断发展,社会足球青训机构教练员的数量正在不断增加。现阶段,社会足球青训机构教练员是绝大部分青少年的“足球启蒙教练”,因此对其能力因素的研究十分重要。该文以社会足球青训机构教练员为研究对象,研究了其指导运动训练能力、临场指挥比赛能力、团队管理能力和影响能力的综合因素。通过研究发现社会足球青训机构教练员需要各种能力,但最为重要的是指导运动训练的能力。  相似文献   

文章通过问卷调查、实地走访等对青海牧区6州33个县、市、行委的186所中学和1043所小学体育教学状况进行了相关调查分析后发现,牧区学校近一半左右体育教学计划不够完整,国家统一的教学大纲并不能完全适合青海的教育实际,体育教师大多数都处于满负荷的工作状态,84%以上的中小学生喜欢上体育课,球类项目、跳跳绳、踢毽子、武术、打秋千等比较受欢迎。文章进一步提出了结合牧区教育实际,研究制定青海牧区学校体育教学大纲和相关教学文件,充分挖掘青海牧区各类体育资源,整理编写青海地域民族特色学校体育教材,加快落实农牧区特聘教师岗位制度,加大牧区基层学校体育教师的引进力度,尽快缓解牧区中小学体育教师超负荷工作的状态,整合州县乡镇各类教育资源,统筹利用各类文化体育和校外活动基地等设施,以尽最大可能解决牧区学校体育场地器材设施匮乏的实际问题。  相似文献   

湘西少数民族地区拥有丰富的民族民间体育资源,但由于历史原因、地域问题,导致在新一轮的体育课程改革中没有得到及时的开发和利用,课改步伐严重滞后,文章针对目前存在的问题,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实地考察法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,就湘西少数民族地区学校如何利用和开发好这些优质的民族民间体育课程资源进行了阐述,旨在为湘西少数民族体育教育改革的加速发展提供理论参考依据。研究结果表明:湘西少数民族地区学校教师师资力量雄厚完全具备了开发民族民间体育课程的能力;民族民间体育课程资源、自然地理环境资源丰富;教师和学生获取民族民间体育资源的渠道比较单一;体育教师对新课程实施标准了解程度相对较低;体育教学场地设施可以满足民族民间体育课程的开发条件;学生从不参加课外活动或较少参与课外活动。  相似文献   

中国学校体育教学现状及2000年发展战略目标与对策研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
综合运用各类调查法对我国中小学体育教学现状进行抽样调查和实证描述:目前多数中小学能正常开设体育课;已开课学校中多数能实施体育教学大纲并有进度和教案上课;多数学校将体育课成绩列为学生评“三好”条件之一;目前不能开设体育课的原因城乡学校基本湘同。依据现状调查结果和“九五”期间至下世纪初“优先发展教育”的方针和普通基础教育的宏观规划与目标,预测提出2000年中国中小学体育教学发展目标,并针对实现这一目标提出6点对策与建议。  相似文献   

中小学体育与健康课程标准在苏北地区适应性的调查   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
采用按比例分配样本额分层随机抽样调查法,研究面对体育与健康课程标准,苏北地区中小学体育软、硬件指标能否适应新课程的发展要求。调查显示,苏北地区中小学仍受城乡二元格局的影响,市、县、乡三类学校差距大,师资配置不均衡,教育资源严重不均,特别是面广量大的农村小学正面临“三无”困境;虽然绝大部分体育教师面对新课程标准的态度是积极的,但其课程理念、教学方式、知识结构和学历层次与新课标的要求还有一定距离。  相似文献   

李谦 《精武》2013,(35):190-191
本论文首先针对吉木乃县小学足球运动开展现状进行了初步调查。采用文献资料法,问卷调查法等方法收集所需要的第一材料并进行分析得出吉未乃县小学生中对足球运动的兴趣、参与程度、课外活动,足球队的建立及足球训练参赛情况,校领导,家长对子女参与足球运动的支持程度,掌握了本县对足球运动课外活动,足球训练的水平及场地器材等一些情况。论文根据实事求是的态度和所掌握的材料进行科学统计的方法分析、研究后对本县小学足球运动的发展情况有了正确的认识,同时通过现状调查对足球运动将来的发展提出几条建议,希望足球教师和教练员在足球训练及足球教学实战工作中参考。  相似文献   

中美体育知识教学现状比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对中美两国体育知识教学在目标、时数、内容、方式、效果等5个方面的比较,发现我国体育知识教学在时数、内容、方式、效果等3个方面与美国存在的差距是导致我国体育知识教学效果不如美国的主要原因,并提出了大力加强中小学体育知识教学方式等基本建议。  相似文献   

新校园足球启动已近3年,各省市地方学校充分利用各自的优势开展了多种形式的校园足球活动,取得了初步的成果。但在快速发展的过程中及发展到一定程度时,新校园足球却遇到一些诸如运动员出路狭窄、教师教练缺乏、校园场地不足等新的困境。这些困境从"学""教""用"3个方面制约了新校园足球进一步延伸发展。德国青少年足球运动员培养非常成功,对我国校园足球的发展提供了借鉴的样板,通过分析其成功的因素来解决我国新校园足球发展所遇到的新困境,结合我国新校园足球发展的实际情况,提出新思路,进而促进新校园足球的更好发展。  相似文献   

The current study sought to explore the relationship between personal school physical education (PE) experiences and current PE teaching practices of classroom teachers. Questionnaires were completed by 189 teachers from 38 randomly selected schools. Additionally, semi-structured interviews of 31 classroom teachers were conducted. The results indicated that many teachers had negative memories of school PE and believed that they were not taught anything. Interestingly, teachers involved in the study held reasonably positive attitudes towards teaching PE but examination of their current teaching practices indicated that little ‘teaching’ was evident in their PE programmes. A hierarchical regression model was used to examine key predictors of PE programme quality and accounted for 32% of the variance. Personal school experiences in primary school PE, quality of preservice education and attitudes to teaching PE were established as significant predictors. A key finding of the current study was the significant relationship evident between personal school experiences in PE and current PE teaching practices which has not been previously established with classroom teachers. The implications of these findings for preservice education and professional development will be discussed.  相似文献   

李桂祥 《体育科技》2014,(2):106-107
采用文献资料法、调查访问法、数据统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对体育课程资源的内涵、湖南省农村中小学学校体育课程资源的现状进行抽样调查,并探讨在农村中小学学校体育课程资源开发的影响因素以及存在的问题,为湖南省农村中小学学校体育课程资源的开发研究提供参考,并提出申请体育经费,合理利用现有体育器材;合理利用自然地理课程资源;提升体育教师综合素质;充分开发学生资源;建立合作的学校文化;把民族传统体育纳入体育课程资源开发等相应的建议和举措,以推动我省农村中小学学校体育课程的发展。  相似文献   

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