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This paper investigates the complex history of the taekwondo sport uniform. Although the uniform is an outward symbol of South Korea’s most popular martial art and national sport, few researchers have elucidated the uniform’s history. From studies into martial art uniforms, and the taekwondo uniform in particular, it is discovered that the tradition of wearing white trousers and jacket began with judo in the nineteenth century. This tradition was carried over to karate and other Japanese martial arts in the early twentieth century. After the liberation of the Korean peninsula from Japan, the taekwondo uniform began to evolve from its Japanese progenitors. The first important changes to the taekwondo uniform were implemented by Hwang Gi, who altered it to meet a traditional Korean clothing style. The 1970s saw the second important transformation to the uniform, whereby it became exclusively regarded as sports attire. However, since the 1970s, the taekwondo uniform did not account for traditional Korean clothing styles, and it faced several criticisms. Recent changes to the World Taekwondo Federation’s poomsae uniform have addressed these problems. The distinctiveness of the new uniform will further distinguish it from its Japanese counterparts, and help to promote the true identity of taekwondo, as well as Korean culture, worldwide.  相似文献   


More than six decades after the end of the Korean War (1950–53), the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea (ROK) continue to face each other across the highly fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) along the 38th parallel on the Korean peninsula. Both Korean governments continue to maintain and reinforce a pan-Korean identity amongst its respective populations. At the same time, both states need to provide its respective citizens with distinct national identities, which obviously requires a politically difficult and highly delicate balancing act. The focus of this paper is on the dominant identity discourses in South Korea. These have been observed, interpreted and analyzed in five international events and festivals that the South hosted over the last three decades: the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the 2002 Soccer World Cup (co-hosted with Japan), the Busan Asian Games in the same year, the 2011 Daegu World Athletic Championships and the 2014 Incheon Asian Games. All these events offered a distinctive nationalist flavour, celebrated tradition and modernity, and emphasized South Korea’s rapid 20th century development and achievements, but also served as a reminder of the ethnic homogeneity of the divided Korean people and the unjust political division of the Korean peninsula.  相似文献   

石雷  胡文凤  高平 《辽宁体育科技》2021,(3):118-123,128
基于近五届奥运会跆拳道项目奖牌分布以及东京奥运周期跆拳道项目奥运积分排名,分析当前世界跆拳道竞技格局与发展趋势,旨在为我国跆拳道项目可持续发展提供参考。结果表明:当今世界跆拳道竞技格局亚洲仍占据主导位置,欧洲和美洲紧随其后,非洲发展较快,大洋洲跆拳道水平落后;韩国男子项目实力有所提升,女子项目却受到明显挑战,但整体实力仍处于世界领先水平;中国男子实力有所上升,女子已跻身世界前列;英国女子实力突飞猛进,为韩国和中国的重要对手。备战东京奥运会,中国跆拳道项目拿满女子项目四个级别以及男子-68kg级参赛资格,创造了奥运备战历史的最好局面,但也面临多人卫冕之战、COVID-19疫情影响及奥运会延期的挑战。  相似文献   

The founding of the Korean Women Taekwondo Federation means the fetal movement of women taekwondo in Korea and it can be said to have been quite significant in that it increased women's confidence in their statuses and activities in the environments of the times when women's social activities were increasing. The development of women taekwondo competitions began in earnest when the first women taekwondo hall in the world was opened as a result of passionate activities of early female taekwondo practitioners and the first taekwondo club was established in Ehwa Woman's University. Women's aspiration towards the challenge to the Olympic Games as well as international competitions is gradually increasing through the expansion of the base of women taekwondo. The status of women taekwondo in Korea that has been enhanced through challenges to various international competitions thus far beginning with the single taekwondo championship of foreigners in Korea in 1968 can be said to have contributed to the enhancement of the status of Korea as the birthplace of taekwondo and it is considered that women taekwondo could have continuously developed through diverse taekwondo championships by age held with women's steady effort and the expansion of the base of women taekwondo instructors.  相似文献   

课堂教学是跆拳道教学的重要环节,在教学过程中起着至关重要的作用,其教学质量的高低直接影响学生的兴趣及高校跆拳道课的发展,教学效果太差对学生的兴趣爱好的培养产生不良的影响,最终导致终身体育的目标难以达成。那么,高校跆拳道老师如何成就高校课堂值得深思。本文试图通过课前备课、课堂教学、课外活动与锻炼3个方面,加入信息化教学手段,根据教学经验的总结和课堂中存在的问题,对跆拳道项目的有效课堂进行探讨,总结出合适的方法途径。  相似文献   

Doosik Min 《Sport in Society》2019,22(8):1382-1395

Sport, widely believed to have a positive utility in the diplomatic arena, has been adopted by the North and South Korean governments from the early 1960s onwards. However, sport exchanges on the divided peninsula functioned as a social agent only when political reconciliation and cooperation prevailed already. Thus, the aim of this article is to understand the relationship between sport and international relations with particular reference to the cases of Korea and Germany. It seeks to critically explore the role of sport as a diplomatic vehicle in inter-Korean relations from a historical and political context, while focusing on the integration theories. This article also uses the German case to highlight how sport has played a role in the process of German reunification. Then this paper argues that sport has not been a crucial factor in promoting either reconciliation or unification, and the utmost efforts to institutionalize sport exchanges are essential.  相似文献   

北京奥运会树立了通过大型体育事件开展外交的典范,同时,后奥运时期中国体育外交也面临挑战,如缺乏对体育外交功能的发掘、主动灵活的外交策略亟需重视、国际体育话语权的掌控任重道远、良好的国际体育外交舆论环境尚未建立。随着国际关系的发展,秉承软权力理念的体育外交,在塑造和传播国家形象中的作用日益凸显,势必成为国家外交战略的重要组成。  相似文献   

Lin Jiao 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(12-13):1369-1389

International sport provides an environment where individuals experience their nations in various ways that could shape their identities, knowledges, and behaviours; however, this has been long neglected in the studies of the history of Chinese women’s sports. Remarkably successful in competitions in Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia, the Shanghai Liangjiang Women’s Basketball Team is an ideal case that could answer the following question: how did international sport shape Chinese sportswomen’s sense of nationalism in the early 1930s? Through examining team members’ self-identification, gendered choices in international games, constructions of the Japanese, Koreans, and Southeast Asians, this article explores the complicated relationship between national identity building, women’s daily experiences and international sport. It argues Chinese women’s participation in international sports in the early 1930s reinforced their national identifications and nationalistic sentiments. Female players’ shared national pride and humiliation overshadowed their entire foreign experiences.  相似文献   

体育外交作为独立研究对象得益于实践,但其实践缺乏系统性和统合性。以往研究者采用"例证法",强调体育外交的功能和政治目的,忽略了体育外交的实践逻辑。从韦伯的"工具理性"视角出发,重新整合体育外交的实践逻辑,同时引入社会学中的"资本"概念,提出"资源-行动战略-目的"的实践模型;认为应区分体育外交资源和体育外交行动,体育外交实践的政治目的是"资本生产与累积",经济、文化、社会和象征资本通过再生产的方式再次参与到体育外交实践中。以此模型为基础,进一步检视了中国体育外交实践中存在的部分问题。  相似文献   

体育外交是我国外交的重要组成部分,对中国外交事业的发展具有深远影响。体育外交是"体育"和"外交"的有机结合,良好的体育外交活动对我国外交事业的发展起着重要的推进作用。本文运用文献资料法对中国的体育外交的发展历程进行归纳总结,对中国体育外交发展历程和中国体育外交在不同历史时期的作用进行分析探究,研究结论认为:中国体育外交是促进各国之间交流的纽带,是展示国家形象的平台,是提升国际影响力的重要渠道。  相似文献   

随着中国体育事业发展和多边外交推进,中国与国际奥委会的关系也备受瞩目。从国际组织研究视角切入,运用历史分析法和演绎推理分析法深入阐述了中国与国际奥委会关系。研究认为:中国与国际奥委会关系可以划分为初次接触、曲折前行和从关系破裂到全面合作3个主要阶段。双方在新时代的互动关系推动了中国特色大国外交、促进了中国体育事业和经济发展、扩大了奥林匹克运动在中国的普及和传播。建议中国积极参与全球体育治理,培养国际组织人才以及拓展合作领域、服务国家外交大局。  相似文献   

分析澳大利亚政府为实现其"富有创造力的中等强国"目标而在体育促进发展、体育外交领域实施的一系列资助计划和发展战略,将澳大利亚体育外交战略规划与实践的成功之处概括为6个方面,即体育外交与国家发展战略高度关联、战略目标关注国际社会前沿议题、战略实施中建立多元合作伙伴模式、战略资金保障制度健全、重视发挥大型体育赛事作用、实施体育外交绩效评估。据此提出对中国体育外交的启示:①持续增强体育综合实力,获得广泛国际认可;②构建中国体育外交战略,坚持周边体育外交优先发展;③提供具有吸引力的体育思想,主导国际体育秩序变迁;④建立多元体育外交合作模式,充分动员各种社会力量;⑤重视体育外交绩效评估,确保实现国家核心利益。  相似文献   

Yu Wai Li 《国际体育史杂志》2013,30(15):1723-1734
The various ‘global events’ China has hosted in recent years, most notably the Beijing Olympics, have sparked debate on the country's projection of soft power and invited easy conclusions that China's global public diplomacy has successfully seduced the world via its rich traditional culture and astounding modernisation. A comparison with the London Olympic Games, however, would suggest otherwise. Not only do the two Games differ in relation to the cultural ingredients combined to create overarching themes, they also reveal divergent public diplomacy strategies pursued by the host countries and cities. China's well-orchestrated and nearly infallible debut reveals its adherence to a top-down centre-driven approach that seeks to project the values and messages desirable to the governing authorities. The British approach, in contrast, transcends the elitist tendency by involving a wider set of actors within and without the government for clauses that extend past elites' interests. As a result, although London's Games were less ‘speculator’ than those in Beijing in presentation, the former's public diplomacy legacy may prove more lasting and likely to gain the admiration of the rest of the world.  相似文献   

跆拳道最早起源于朝鲜半岛,后传入我国,受到了我国人民的认可和喜爱,并将其不断传承和发展开来。据权威部门统计,在我国有千万计的跆拳道爱好者,并且跆拳道教育已经普及开来,逐渐成为重要的教育产业。在跆拳道教学中运用情景教学法,可以将游戏、视频、图片、角色扮演等内容融汇其中,再现教学内容情境,给人以亲临现场的体验感。  相似文献   


Dorothy Sears Ainsworth has received wide acclaim for her pioneering efforts in international relations that enhanced collaboration among female physical educators in the decades following World War II. As Director of Physical Education for Women at Smith College (1926–1960), Ainsworth became a global figure, traveling extensively and organizing the first international conference on physical education for women and girls in Copenhagen in 1949. This resulted in the establishment of the International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW), today counting over 400 members from 45 different countries. In this paper we (re)consider the largely hagiographical accounts of Ainsworth’s career and re-examine her contributions to the international stage in light of her maternalist views on female sport and physicality. Indeed, women’s difference from men dominated the discourse of many international women’s movements at this time. We consider what IAPESGW’s long-term governance by primarily white and wealthy women may have meant in terms of the organization’s focus and globalizing efforts and conclude that though Ainsworth’s essentialist approach ignored earlier feminist sporting movements, and would not outlast the more progressive winds of change in the 1970s, neither should her early contributions to establishing bonds among female physical educators globally be minimized.  相似文献   

冬奥会开幕式是东道国文化展示和文化交流的重要平台。基于国际传播视角,运用文献分析法、案例分析法和对比分析法,梳理历届冬奥会开幕式文化变迁的历程,探寻北京2022年冬奥会开幕式文化展示的路径。研究认为,冬奥会开幕式经历了体育(宗教)仪式阶段、政治宣传阶段、民族文化展演阶段、国家形象传播等四个历史阶段,民族文化与国家气质是冬奥会开幕式的内核,媒介仪式与特色故事是外核,科技助力与视听表达是赋能保障。2022年北京冬奥会开幕式宜以中国传统文化为依托,做好文化传播,建构可信中国;以高新科技为载体,做好仪式传播,建构可敬中国;以视听创意为手段,做好共情传播,建构可爱中国。  相似文献   

中国和俄罗斯都是传统体育大国,体育外交在两国外交关系中扮演着重要角色。在中国提出构建人类命运共同体的国际大背景下,以体育外交为切入点,梳理了中俄两国70余年来的体育交流史,认为中俄体育外交经历了嬗变期(1949-1991年)、成熟期(1992-2013年)和繁荣期(2014年至今)。通过分析中俄体育外交的历史流变,提出了新时代中俄体育外交的发展路径:将官方层面的体育外交落实到地方,扶持地方组织的体育文化交流活动;以冰雪运动为契机,与俄罗斯增强合作的广度和深度;加大中俄青少年交流力度,为两国青少年互鉴共进提供平台;以“一带一路”重要倡议为契机,带动两国经济发展,树立互利共赢的典范。  相似文献   


The present study reviews the key contents and issues of Traditionalism, New Traditionalism and Revisionism, the key historical views of Taekwondo, with the purpose of focusing on the validity and limitations of New Revisionism. Traditionalism emphasizes that Taekwondo is Korea’s traditional martial art. New Traditionalism accepts this view and also recognizes the partial effect of Karate on Taekwondo without providing enough supporting evidence on their claims. Revisionism also focuses on the effect of Karate on Taekwondo. While New Revisionism shares a similar focus to Revisionism, it also focuses on the effects of Chinese martial arts on Karate and Taekwondo, which have been neglected previously. The validity of New Revisionism was supported with evidence on the following factors: the effect of Chinese martial arts on Karate, the effect of Chinese martial arts on Korea’s top five martial arts schools and their training methods, and the effect of Chinese martial arts appearing in the book written by the figures related to the top five initial martial arts schools after 1945. Despite a few limitations of the current historical views, New Revisionism suggests that Korea’s Taekwondo was affected by Japanese martial arts and Chinese martial arts, both directly and indirectly, in its formation.  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to analyse the initiative FC Barcelona Peace Tour 2013, in Israel and Palestine. This research is based on lengthy interviews with people associated with the initiative and the use of primary sources, both institutional and journalistic. Secondary sources have also been used, such as journalistic accounts of the initiative. The article thus examines the nature of FC Barcelona Peace Tour 2013, which it defines as an exercise in sports diplomacy, inspired by civil society and articulated through the club. The article concludes that FC Barcelona has been able to act as a mediator between two opposed communities due to the universal values linked to its brand and its nature as a ‘civil religion’. This notwithstanding, the political problems that arose during the planning of the initiative highlight the geopolitical complexity of the Middle East and, by extension, the limits of sports diplomacy.  相似文献   

从“历史观、大局观、角色观”三重视角,对改革开放40年来我国体育外交情况进行系统地梳理与理论反思,并分析了体育外交内涵、判断与分类等基本原理问题。研究认为:我国体育外交经历了“奥运外交”时期、“主场赛事”立体化外交时期、公共外交时期、“全面引领”时期4个历史时期,形成了具有中国特色和时代特征的体育外交实践。取得的成果有:体育外交捍卫了国家根本利益,树立了国际形象,提升了国际地位,彰显了我国和平发展思想;体育外交是我国融入全球化进程中的重要路径与方式,是新时代我国总体外交中的重要战略资源。积累的经验有:1)维护国家利益,服务国家外交战略;2)走中国特色体育外交道路;3)解放思想,勇于创新;4)凸显体育和平思想与价值。当前需要从4个方面推进我国体育外交工作:1)从国家发展战略高度推进我国体育外交战略谋划;2)从全面深化改革战略使命探索体育外交运行机制改革;3)从社会治理思路建立民间体育外交管理机制;4)构建中国特色体育外交理论体系。  相似文献   

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