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We study the production of knowledge when many researchers or inventors are involved, in a setting where tensions can arise between individual public and private contributions. We first show that, without some kind of coordination, production of the public knowledge good (science or research software or database) is sub-optimal. Then we demonstrate that if ‘lead’ researchers are able to establish a norm of contribution to the public good, a better outcome can be achieved, and we show that the general public license (GPL) used in the provision of open source software is one such mechanism. Our results are then applied to the specific setting where the knowledge being produced is software or a database that will be used by academic researchers and possibly by private firms, using as an example a product familiar to economists, econometric software. We conclude by discussing some of the ways in which pricing can ameliorate the problem of providing these products to academic researchers.  相似文献   

Performances of various kinds were central to the strategies adopted by Victorian natural philosophers to constitute their authority. Appealing to the senses of their audience through spectacular effects or ingenious demonstrations of skill was key to the success of these performances. If we want to understand the politics and practice of Victorian science-and science more generally-we need to pay particular attention to these sorts of performances. We need to understand the ingredients that went into them and the relationships between scientific performers and their publics. In particular, we need to investigate the self-conscious nature of Victorian scientific performances. Looking at science as performance provides us with a new set of tools for understanding the politics of knowledge, the relationship between producers and consumers of scientific knowledge, and the construction and constitution of scientific authority.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a conflict between private defence firms and government procurement agencies related to Intellectual Property management issues that emerged during the privatization process of the main UK defence research establishment. Our analysis questions a common argument found in studies of the defence industries: that a close confluence of interests exists between private suppliers and their public customers, so much so that the boundaries between public and private actors become blurred. Instead, we argue that the tensions between private suppliers and their government customers are jeopardizing the success of process innovations in defence procurement that rely on “partnership” and collaboration between defence and government customers and users.  相似文献   

This essay recovers the experiences of women at the meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) from its founding in 1831 to the end of the Victorian era. It aims to add to research on women in science by reconsidering the traditional role of women as consumers rather than producers of knowledge and to that on science popularization by focusing on audience experience rather than on the aims and strategies of popularizers. The essay argues that, in various ways, the ubiquitous and visible female audience came to define the BAAS audience and "the public" for science more generally. The women who swelled the BAAS audiences were accepted as a social element within the meetings even as they were regarded critically as scientific participants. Portrayed as passive and nonscientific, women allowed the male scientific elites to distance themselves from their audiences. Arguing from diary and other evidence, we present examples that complicate existing notions of audiences for science as necessarily active.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(9):104867
Technical progress increasingly relies on the use of scientific knowledge. But if much of this knowledge is in the public domain, can it be a source of private value? We find that average private returns to using public science are small, especially in crowded technical fields. This is consistent with the view that the expected profit from an input that competitors can easily access is low. However, private value is higher when a firm is the first to use science, partly because it can secure broader patents relative to later users. Corporate participation in scientific research is a strong predictor of first use, consistent with the view that participation in science raises familiarity with relevant scientific advances.  相似文献   

朱冰 《资源科学》2012,34(10):1997-2006
主要建立在土地资源上的物权理论扩大适用于多样态的自然资源时, 资源的公共属性与私人排他支配的制度特征, 两者间的矛盾就变得紧张。自然资源开发利用的市场路径要求顺应资源兼有公共利益与私人利益双重特性, 拓展传统私法利益内涵, 将自然资源纳入物权法“物”之概念的范畴。通过对风能资源实践活动的考察, 资源公益符合法益的正当性要求, 在具备了效用、稀缺, 建立了自然资源市场体系后, 物权立法能够实现“物”之概念对资源独特性的制度回应。自然资源物权立法理论探讨的起点即不是有体物还是无体物的争论, 也不是以物之名还是以财产之名的质疑。借鉴英美法系从权利角度(某种法律关系)理解和把握财产的立法技术, 各类有形的或无形的、单体的或集合的自然资源均有成为物权客体的可能。  相似文献   

随着近代自然科学的发展,许多民间科学开始走向消亡.但在心理学领域,特别是在解释人们的日常行为时,民间心理学(folk psychology)依然保持着它独有的魅力。但是另一方面,科学心理学和神经科学也告诉了我们关于大脑的许多知识。这就产生了民间心理学与科学心理学之间在解释与预测人类行为上的对立。民间心理学是否应像其他民间科学那样被取消掉呢,抑或它就是我们真实的心理过程?文章将主要探讨关于这个问题哲学家们都提出了哪些理论并作出简要评价。  相似文献   

杨正 《科学学研究》2018,36(9):1537-1544
科学传播的理论与实践在经过“科学普及”、“公众理解科学”、“科学对话”等阶段时候开始逐渐进入“公众参与科学”领域。然而传统的“公众参与科学”所强调的实践多集中在科学民主化与科学决策上。“公众科学”概念的出现开始将“公众参与科学”引入到一个全新的科学知识生产领域。本文梳理了“公众科学”概念在西方语境中的提出与发展,并将其与科学传播体系中的其他相关概念进行了比较分析,并结合实际案例阐述了“公众科学”项目的实践模式。最后,在比较“公众科学”在实践中的利弊的基础上为其未来发展提出了讨论。对“公众科学”领域的研究不仅有助于我们与西方科学传播领域的研究相接轨,更有助我们利用全新的理论体系与实践方法为提高公民科学素养提供助力。  相似文献   

Scientists played a key role in the first systematic introduction of nature study into North American public schools in the late nineteenth century. The initiatives of Wilbur Jackman and John Merle Coulter, affiliated with the young University of Chicago, and Liberty Hyde Bailey and Anna Botsford Comstock, at Cornell University, coincided with the "new education" reform movement that found object lessons and experience-based education superior to textbook teaching. Educational psychologists and philosophers of the 1890s, including G. Stanley Hall, related curriculum methods to perceived developmental stages in children, with a focus on immediate experience. Putting these pedagogical ideas--gained in summer institutes, normal schools, and programs at Chicago and Cornell--into practice were administrators and classroom teachers in both urban and rural classrooms. By 1900, a consensus about the value of nature study among scientists, community leaders, and teachers established it as the recognized general method of studying the natural world in public schools across much of the United States.  相似文献   

科学文化本质上是一套价值体系、行为准则和社会规范,是人们自觉或不自觉遵循的生活态度和工作方式,其影响所及远远超出科学共同体本身,对于塑造现代社会、促进科技发展乃至推动一个国家和民族的现代化进程有着举足轻重的重要作用。在科学文化的形成与演进过程中,科学文化与人文文化的融合,从小众文化向大众文化的嬗变,普适原则基础上呈现出的民族特色,无不彰显着科学文化的强大张力,进而对于世界科技强国建设发挥着重要的支撑作用。从这个意义上来说,科学家有义务着力培育并弘扬科学文化,而科学文化研究也应该适度地把学术研究与政策需求有机结合起来,这是科技界、学术界乃至社会公众必须共同担当的时代责任。  相似文献   

劳丹提出了概念问题,并将其分为内部概念问题和外部概念问题,扩展了传统观点的视野,为我们理解科学及科学进步的合理性提供了新的认知标准。而概念问题却往往为传统的科学观所忽略,使得大多数科学哲学家把科学的发展与评价归于非合理性。实际上,概念的明确和融贯性要求,正是合理科学发展模式的另一环。  相似文献   

民营企业准入自然垄断产业不仅对我国的经济生活产生重大影响,而且给我国的产业安全与社会公共利益带来收益和风险。因此,应当全面考量和正确评估民营企业准入行为给我国产业安全与社会公共利益带来的收益和风险。在改革途径与路径选择上应强化产业安全责任与社会责任,以防范风险,达到自然垄断产业民营化的预期目标。  相似文献   

Greek historical accounts of ancient eclipses were an important, if peculiar, focus of scientific attention in the nineteenth century. Victorian-era astronomers tried to correct the classical histories using scientific methods, then used those histories as data with which to calibrate their lunar theories, then rejected the histories as having any relevance at all. The specific dating of these eclipses--apparently a simple exercise in celestial mechanics--became bound up with tensions between scientific and humanistic approaches to the past as well as with wider social debates over the power and authority of science in general. The major figures discussed here, including G. B. Airy, Simon Newcomb, and T. H. Huxley, argued that the critical question was whether science could speak authoritatively about the past. To them, the ability of science to talk about the past indicated its power to talk about the future; it was also the fulcrum of fierce boundary disputes among science, history, and religion.  相似文献   

Werrett S 《Endeavour》2008,32(1):32-37
Everyone is familiar with fireworks, common to festivals and celebrations across the world. At first glance, the history of science might appear to have little to do with the history of these explosive devices. However, fireworks were an important element of court culture in Europe, which relied on spectacle and festival to manifest the power of princes. From the fifteenth century, courts regularly set off fireworks around elaborate theatrical scenery and ephemeral temples, fascinating audiences with a variety of exotic motions and effects exploding in the night sky. Fireworks also intrigued natural philosophers, and over several centuries there were diverse interactions among the sciences and pyrotechny.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104400
In standard economic theory, government support of science is expected to confer external benefits and ‘crowd-in’ additional private sector research. However, higher rates of economic growth from this effect are not easily discerned from the long run data, and government and business financed R&D have moved in opposite directions (as a proportion of GDP) since the early 1960s in the US and elsewhere. This paper looks at potential sources of ‘crowding out’ as well as ‘crowding in,’ and compares standard analysis with a ‘contribution good’ model of science. Two different policy issues are identified – the assembly of ‘critical mass’ for the ‘kick starting’ of commercial science, and the expansion of commercial science beyond its ‘private equilibrium’. We analyse the allocation of scarce business as well as scientific skills between sectors. The model produces regions of both crowding in and out. The latter dominates for very high wages in the public sector as the government deprives the private sector of the means to exploit new knowledge.  相似文献   

面对自然,科技可以主宰一切的观念是极端错误的,科学技术带给我们的是福祉与祸害同行.正确的自然观应建立在生态伦理与生态科学这两个基础上,"检视科学"与"敬畏自然"应该成为人类文明前进的"护佑神".人类不应该将作为智慧结晶的科学置于自然的对立面,在运用科学对自然进行改造时一定要谨慎行事,有所为有所不为.对科学技术进行批判、监督、制约和改造,是对科学技术负责,更是对人类、对整个宇宙负责.敬畏自然,才是真正的科学观,也才是真正科学的自然观.  相似文献   

During the 1960s, a growing contingent of left-leaning voices claimed that the social sciences suffered mistreatment and undue constraints within the natural science-dominated federal science establishment. According to these critics, the entrenched scientific pecking order in Washington had an unreasonable commitment to the unity of the sciences, which reinforced unacceptable inequalities between the social and the natural sciences. The most important political figure who advanced this critique, together with a substantial legislative proposal for reform, was the Oklahoma Democratic Senator Fred Harris. Yet histories of science and social science have told us surprisingly little about Harris. Moreover, existing accounts of his effort to create a National Social Science Foundation have misunderstood crucial features of this story. This essay argues that Harris's NSSF proposal developed into a robust, historically unique, and increasingly critical liberal challenge to the post-World War II federal science establishment's treatment of the social sciences as "second-class citizens."  相似文献   

By the second half of the nineteenth century, local and regional voluntary societies were among the most widespread, accessible, and familiar public scientific institutions in America. Collectively, they made up an institutional network that converted individuals' private interest in science into a public activity. They played an essential role in the dissemination of scientific information, the growth of a scientifically literate population, and the extension of public support for science in the decades after the Civil War. This essay delineates and maps the spread of these societies throughout the country, as well as the flow of scientific information both among societies and between a society and its regional hinterland. Using the Davenport [Iowa] Academy of Natural Sciences as an example, it demonstrates how local societies were embedded in a national scientific community and mediated between it and local scientific enthusiasts, to the benefit of both.  相似文献   

When we recognize the development and use of information technologies as an emerging global public good, we can move away from the stark dualisms of profit versus human rights, market share versus accessibility, and competition versus inclusion, to an understanding of how both public and private interests are at play in the development of this global public good. Governments, industry, and disability advocacy organizations are all involved in the construction of this public good in a complex three-way dance. We argue that in the context of this three-way dance it is possible to create a common ground between disability advocacy organizations and the IT industry by developing tools that address the tensions that arise from their differing motivating forces. Specifically, we argue that three sets of tools—regulation, developing ease of use products and standards, and using education to increase the market strength of people with disabilities as consumers—can change the relationships between these two communities of interest in ways that will benefit each.  相似文献   

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