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UK scientific advice on the possible health risks of mobile phones has embraced (or seems to be embracing) broader engagement with interested non-experts. This paper explains the context of lost credibility that made such a development necessary, and the implications of greater engagement for the construction (and expert control) of "public concern." I narrate how scientific advice matured from an approach based on compliance with guidelines to a style of "public science" in which issues such as trust and democracy were intertwined with scientific risk assessment. This paper develops existing conceptions of the "public understanding of science" with an explanation based around the co-production of scientific and social order. Using a narrative drawn from a series of in-depth interviews with scientists and policymakers, I explain how expert reformulation of the state of scientific uncertainty within a public controversy reveals constructions of "The Public," and the desired extent of their engagement. Constructions of the public changed at the same time as a construction of uncertainty as solely an expert concern was molded into a state of politically workable public uncertainty. This paper demonstrates how publics can be constructed as instruments of credible policymaking, and suggests the potential for public alienation if nonexperts feel they have not been fairly represented.  相似文献   

"似"与"等"的美学思想在翻译中的体现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中西译论各自所倡导的“似”和“等”翻译原则,都有其美学传统。本文从中西美学思想在艺术实践中的体现入手,探讨了中西美学思想在翻译中的体现,认为“形式对等”和“形似”、“动态对等”和“神似”在诸多方面有共同之处,可以对其加以沟通,并就在英汉翻译实践中如何运用它们提出了自己的观点。笔者认为,像“形似”和“神似”一样,“形式对等”和“动态对等”也可作为英汉文学翻译的原则,以“等效原则”作为衡量的尺度。“等效原则”也是相对的,但应成为译者努力争取的目标。  相似文献   

胡峰 《情报科学》2022,40(4):79-89
【目的/意义】应急情报是公共危机决策的保障,但是其在赋能风险治理的过程中却可能孳生各类情报风险 湍流。全方位感知公共卫生应急情报风险是发挥应急情报风险治理功能的前提。【方法/过程】构建基于循证的公 共卫生应急情报风险三维感知框架,从公共价值、科学证据、主体智慧三个维度对公共卫生应急情报风险进行广谱 系、全景式透视。【结果/结论】以新冠肺炎疫情为例,结合公共卫生突发事件演化周期,运用三维感知框架对每一维 度子系统引发的应急情报模块化风险进行识别,形成突发公共卫生事件场域中互相影响、缠绕的“风险湍流”的“问 题清单”。【创新/局限】引入循证理念,构建全流程的应急情报风险三维感知框架,通过公共卫生应急情报风险识 别,最大程度地发挥“风险情报”资源束和策略集功能。本文只是基于新冠肺炎疫情的个案分析,未来,可进行应急 情报风险测量及治理研究。  相似文献   

Much of the public understanding of science literature dealing with fictional scientists claims that scientist villains by their nature embody an antiscience critique. I characterize this claim and its founding assumptions as the "mad scientist" trope. I show how scientist villain characters from the science fiction television series Doctor Who undermine the trope via the programme's use of rhetorical strategies similar to Gilbert and Mulkay's empiricist and contingent repertoires, which define and patrol the boundaries between "science" and "non-science." I discuss three such strategies, including the literal framing of scientist villains as "mad." All three strategies exclude the characters from science, relieve science of responsibility for their villainy, and overtly or covertly contribute to the delivery of pro-science messages consistent with rationalist scientism. I focus on scientist villains from the most popular era of Doctor Who, the mid 1970s, when the show embraced the gothic horror genre.  相似文献   

"积极关注"让班主任以积极的态度看待学生的积极面、优点和光明面,让学生获得关注、欣赏和赞同,从而使学生拥有积极的人生价值观,激发改变自身的内在动力,促进自身的发展。"积极关注"可以运用在学生个性心理辅导、班团体管理中,有利于学生心理健康发展和班集体的良性建设,促进和谐师生关系的构建,是一种有效的管理和服务班级的心理辅导技术。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎爆发以来口罩的极度短缺暴露出当前公共卫生产品生产运营模式存在着很大的不足。本文以口罩产业链为切入点探讨如何通过公共卫生产品生产运营模式的创新来应对这些挑战。基于价值网络理论,本文从价值要求、产品特性、生产方式和主体关系这四个关键要素构建了理论框架,分析了平时和战时相分离的口罩生产运营模式,指出了当前模式存在的问题,进而提出平战结合的新模式。新模式从产品特性上,通过创新将不同种类产品进行整合,在生产方式上,发展大规模生产定制,在主体关系上,建立市场、政府和民众三方互为一体的协同互动,以应对不同时期的价值要求。在此基础上,我们提出了新旧模式的转换路径和政策建议。  相似文献   

龚艳 《情报科学》2022,40(6):19-24
【目的/意义】随着网络规模的持续扩张,加强公共卫生安全网络舆情的特征挖掘及走向预测,探索舆情预 警机制,已成为当前公共卫生安全治理领域亟待解决的关键问题。【方法/过程】本文基于对公共卫生安全网络舆情 预警特征的理解,采用弱关联挖掘方法构建了包括舆情黏合性、热力性、趋势性三个维度的公共卫生安全网络舆情 预警模型。基于此,以“长春长生问题疫苗事件”的舆情数据为例,对公共卫生安全网络舆情的影响要素进行了详 细分析;同时,综合运用K-Means聚类算法与灰色关联分析方法,对该事件的舆情发展时间进行预警分级,为后续 对策建议提供支撑。【结果/结论】结果表明基于 K-Means聚类算法的弱关联挖掘方法在公共卫生安全网络舆情中 具有较强的适用性。【创新/局限】本文基于公共卫生安全网络舆情特点,采用K-Means聚类算法与灰色关联分析方 法划分预警等级,实现了研究方法上的创新。但仍存在一些不足之处,如预警分级自动化触点的研究等,需要后续 更加深入的探究。  相似文献   

Dunn EC 《Endeavour》2011,35(2-3):107-115
In the late 1940s, Florence Sabin, a retired professor of medicine, returned to her home in Colorado to launch a massive public health campaign. Seeing "filthy milk" as an important vector of disease, she struggled not just pasteurized milk, but a pasteurized state government that was capable of regulating the milk industry. In the process, she brought managerialism into public health by fighting against the political machines and introducing Robert McNamara's systems analysis into government for the first time. Sabin's innovation, which united business, government and public health in new ways, transformed the way that public health is managed even today.  相似文献   

Browsing the Web gives one the heady feeling of walking without footprints in cyberspace. Yet data surveillance can be both ubiquitous and transparent to the user. Can those who browse the Web protect their privacy? And does it matter if they cannot? I offer answers to these questions from the American legal tradition. The American legal tradition focuses on a right to privacy, rather than a need for data protection. To answer these questions I begin by delineating the differences among privacy, security, and anonymity. I then discuss what information is transferred during Web browsing. I describe some of the available technology for privacy protection, including public and private key cryptography and Web proxies. I then describe the American tradition of privacy in common, statutory, and constitutional law. With the support of this tradition, I close by arguing that although privacy in Web browsing has no current legal protection in the United States, the right to privacy in the analogue equivalents has been recognized in the American legal tradition.  相似文献   

The increase in public representation of the science-based concept "genetics" in the mass media might be expected to have a major impact on public understanding of the concept of "race." A model of lay understandings of the role of genetics in the contemporary United States is offered based on focus group research, random digit dial surveys, and community based surveys. That model indicates that lay people identify are primarily by physical features, but these identifications are categorized into a variety of groupings that may be regional, national, or linguistic. Although they believe that physical appearance is caused largely by genetics, and therefore that race has a genetic basis, they do not uniformly conclude, however, that all perceived racial characteristics are genetically based. Instead, they vary in the extent to which they attribute differences to cultural, personal, and genetic factors.  相似文献   

马广军  宋珊 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):140-145
[研究目的]当今舆论场尤其是互联网舆论场中难以进行有效、冷静的对话和沟通,互联网媒介及群体传播是这种情况出现的重要原因。[研究方法]基于媒介环境学和媒介学的基本思路,并结合“中美贸易摩擦”等舆论案例分析,研究互联网媒介特性及其传播组织形态的群体化转向,以及由此带来合法化认同向抗拒性认同的变化及其影响。[研究结论]研究发现,互联网媒介特性构建了“无组织的组织力量”的群体传播,互联网群体之间的认同是以抗拒性认同为主,而与传统群体相比互联网群体中个体情绪、意见、观点等情感化因素成为了其主要认同机制,情感认同和情绪表达成为互联网舆论场域中的主要特点。  相似文献   

Browsing the Web gives one the heady feeling of walking without footprints in cyberspace. Yet data surveillance can be both ubiquitous and transparent to the user. Can those who browse the Web protect their privacy? And does it matter if they cannot? I offer answers to these questions from the American legal tradition. The American legal tradition focuses on a right to privacy, rather than a need for data protection. To answer these questions I begin by delineating the differences among privacy, security, and anonymity. I then discuss what information is transferred during Web browsing. I describe some of the available technology for privacy protection, including public and private key cryptography and Web proxies. I then describe the American tradition of privacy in common, statutory, and constitutional law. With the support of this tradition, I close by arguing that although privacy in Web browsing has no current legal protection in the United States, the right to privacy in the analogue equivalents has been recognized in the American legal tradition.  相似文献   

熊勇清  刘徽 《科研管理》2022,43(9):83-90
    在新能源汽车“补贴型”政策逐步“退坡”的背景下,有效发挥“非补贴型”政策的作用具有重要的现实意义。选择中国目前实施的“路权优先”和“充电保障”两项主要“非补贴型”政策,以新能源汽车示范推广城市为例,应用双重差分模型从时间和区域两个维度分析了两项“非补贴型”政策作用的差异性。结果表明:从时间维度来看, 新能源汽车“非补贴型”政策作用虽然稍低于 “补贴型”政策,但是十分显著并呈现持续上升趋势,新能源汽车“非补贴型”政策可以成为“补贴退坡”后市场持续发展的重要政策支撑,其中,“路权优先”政策作用的增幅相对更大;从区域维度来看,“充电保障”政策作用的区域差异不明显,“路权优先”政策作用则存在比较明显的区域差异性,城市的交通承载压力越高,“路权优先”政策作用越强。在新能源汽车“补贴退坡”的情形下,应在快速推进充电桩等基础设施布局的同时,加大新能源汽车“路权优先”政策实施的力度,同时,要根据交通承载压力的区域差异性,因地制宜地实施差异化的“非补贴型”政策。  相似文献   

姜卉  朱文涛 《科技管理研究》2021,41(11):195-203
利用CiteSpace软件分析该领域的研究现状与热点,对Web of Science数据库中2010-2019年突发公共卫生事件领域共5412篇相关文献进行核心国家分析、期刊共被引分析、文献共被引分析、关键词共现分析和关键词突发性检测.研究发现,突发公共卫生事件研究热点领域为传染病学、急诊医学、应急管理和空气污染,其中有关引发重大传染病疫情的病毒研究一直是研究的热点.  相似文献   

因子分析在上市公司经营业绩评价中的运用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
万建强  文洲 《预测》2001,20(5):39-42
上市公司经营业绩的评价要求客观、公正,然而现实中多采用主观赋权法进行评价,这些方法的运用带有一定的主观性,为此本文度菌 提出另一种系统评价方法-因子分析法,并举例说明。  相似文献   

张天泽 《科学学研究》2020,38(8):1367-1373
列国历史上种种公共卫生危机频繁发生,近些年在世界很多地方爆发的大规模传染病疫情引发各国更新了危机管理模式,这些模式对于本国应对疫情危机的效果之关系值得检讨。采取历史纵向和国际横向比较的方法,阐释美日欧等发达国家和地区防控疫情的制度经验。可以看出,总体上科学完备的公共卫生危机制度较早得以建立,以此构建起合理有效的预警监测机制、应对管理体制和配套保障体系,在危机“精算”系统的支撑下,继之以风险“哨兵”传导持续发出警示之音。法治保障、专业组织、充分警示、大众参与、配套供给为发达国家和地区应对公共卫生危机的主轴,形成法治化、专业化管理模式。其建立的模式和所获得的成功经验可以镜鉴当下。鉴于我国公共卫生危机立法不健全、治理能力体系现代化水平不高、预警监测不够以及保障支持缺乏,应以权利保障立法、联动决策治理、科学预警监测、全过程动态应对以及健全保障等全方位提高我国应对公共卫生危机的法治能力体系。  相似文献   

梁颖 《科教文汇》2020,(1):13-14
不列颠哥伦比亚大学打造了强大的校园网络学生服务平台,构建起颇具特色的网上网下服务联动机制,学生通过点击网络平台的不同板块即可获得所需要的相应服务,值得我国高校学生服务工作借鉴。该校学生服务系统包括“新生进校”“学业支持”“健康”“职业经验”等板块。其中“新生进校”板块主要为新生提供住宿指南、学费支持、熟悉校园生活等服务;“学业支持”板块为学生在学习上遇到的各种困难和困惑提供帮助与指导;“健康板块”根据学生的生理、心理和性健康状况提供自我调节、同行支持、专业帮助等相关服务;“职业经验”板块为学生提供在校期间就业指导与服务,为学生今后就业打下职业基础。  相似文献   

王云杰  陈明娟 《科教文汇》2014,(13):145-146
大多数人都知道音乐能愉悦心情、解除疲劳,给人以美的享受,在运动锻炼时也同样能像音乐那样,这是完全有可能的,轻体育就能帮你实现这个愿望。轻体育是运动领域里的一个新概念,在许多发达国家,促进健康领域,公共卫生领域受到前所未有的重视,故在体育健身中大力推荐轻体育。轻体育非常易于展开,无论你在什么地方什么时候,只要你想锻炼,随时都可进行。  相似文献   

戴建兵  王磊 《科研管理》2020,41(8):229-239
新冠肺炎疫情引起各方对城市重大公共卫生风险的关注。在突发性风险视域下,特大城市公共卫生面临的重大风险主要源于公共治理的碎片化问题。当特大城市面对重大突发性公共卫生风险时,本文借鉴平衡计分卡理论(BSC),构建突发性风险视域下整体性治理模式框架,并使用结构方程模型(SEM)对整体性治理模式框架开展实证分析。研究结果表明:在短期内,“仿真模式”、“考核模式”、“共享模式”对特大城市重大公共卫生风险的整体性治理具有一定影响,而“政策模式”与“定位模式”所产生的影响不够明显。因此,当面对重大公共卫生风险时,应综合五大模式,采取以下防范与治理手段:构建风险治理网络化防线,精准定位公共卫生风险区域;设立城市公共卫生信息共享机制,完善城市卫生部门问责体系;国际视野下强化特大城市总体风险治理思路,制定公共疫情中后期生产生活调整方案。  相似文献   

项目申请需要公关和攻关吗?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公平 《中国科学基金》2005,19(6):352-353
本文披露了基金项目申请中利用公关和攻关的不良手段获取不应有的项目资助的现象,对这些不良行为给以了批评。这一现象不但在基金申请中有蔓延的趋势,而且已经波及成果评定、博士点申请以及开放实验室的评估等领域。尽管目前还只是少数人的行为,但这种不正之风对学术环境的腐蚀和恶劣影响是相当严重的。本文还对如何杜绝这种现象的发生提出了建议。  相似文献   

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