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同行评议是当前对科研项目水平进行科学评价的主要方式之一,然而评议过程中专家评审能力的差别将会对科研项目评审结果产生影响。为此,本文提出了一种基于PageRank算法的评审专家信誉度度量方法,该方法首先利用高斯分布函数计算评审专家的评审能力,然后利用PageRank迭代算法对评审专家的信誉度进行求解,最后通过引入时间因子对评审专家的信誉度进行度量。基于同行评议真实数据集上的实验结果验证了本文提出方法的有效性,该方法将为科研项目评审及专家遴选提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Reviewer assignment is an important task in many research-related activities, such as conference organization and grant-proposal adjudication. The goal is to assign each submitted artifact to a set of reviewers who can thoroughly evaluate all aspects of the artifact’s content, while, at the same time, balancing the workload of the reviewers. In this paper, we focus on textual artifacts such as conference papers, where both (aspects of) the submitted papers and (expertise areas of) the reviewers can be described with terms and/or topics extracted from the text. We propose a method for automatically assigning a team of reviewers to each submitted paper, based on the clusters of the reviewers’ publications as latent research areas. Our method extends the definition of the relevance score between reviewers and papers using the latent research areas information to find a team of reviewers for each paper, such that each individual reviewer and the team as a whole cover as many paper aspects as possible. To solve the constrained problem where each reviewer has a limited reviewing capacity, we utilize a greedy algorithm that starts with a group of reviewers for each paper and iteratively evolves it to improve the coverage of the papers’ topics by the reviewers’ expertise. We experimentally demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches w.r.t several standard quality measures.  相似文献   

李飞  李达军  刘茜 《科研管理》2019,40(11):285
同行评议一直是学术界讨论的热点话题,但是在同行评议中普遍存在着非同行评议现象,这个现象没有受到学者们的应有重视。因此,针对这一现象,本文研究并回答了3个方面的问题:首先,非同行评议是不可避免的吗?其次,非同行评议带来的主要问题是什么?最后,如何成为一个优秀的非同行评议人?  相似文献   

李飞  李达军  刘茜 《科研管理》2006,40(11):285-288
同行评议一直是学术界讨论的热点话题,但是在同行评议中普遍存在着非同行评议现象,这个现象没有受到学者们的应有重视。因此,针对这一现象,本文研究并回答了3个方面的问题:首先,非同行评议是不可避免的吗?其次,非同行评议带来的主要问题是什么?最后,如何成为一个优秀的非同行评议人?  相似文献   

科研项目遴选制度的缺陷:证据及其解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马健 《科学学研究》2007,25(6):1151-1155
 虽然科研项目遴选制度在科研资助过程中的作用十分显著。但是,科研项目遴选制度并非完美无缺的。案例研究表明,科研项目遴选制度存在三大缺陷,即同行评议的一致性程度不高,遴选结果具有一定的随机性,以及人情关系可能影响评议意见。这是因为,科研资源与科研成果的所有权并不属于评议专家,评议者与被评者之间存在信息不对称,科研项目遴选过程存在“交易收益”,而科研项目遴选制度还要受到遴选成本的约束。  相似文献   

【目的】对影响开放式同行评议实践的相关因素进行实证研究,发掘开放式同行评议的关键影响因素。【方法】以Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)中开放式同行评议期刊为研究对象,通过网络爬取相关数据。采用变量分类赋值的方式,对影响开放式同行评议的相关定性因素进行量化分析。采用多重对应分析图展示开放式同行评议相关影响因素及其不同类别的内在关联;采用最优尺度回归模型揭示相关影响因素对开放评议类型的影响程度。【结果】开放评议类型与评议专家身份的公开类别具有极密切的关联,评议专家身份对开放评议类型有显著正向影响,且重要性程度值非常高。【结论】评议专家身份是否公开成为开放式同行评议实践模式的关键影响因素,透明性同行评议是当前开放评议行之有效的实践模式。  相似文献   

Automatic review assignment can significantly improve the productivity of many people such as conference organizers, journal editors and grant administrators. A general setup of the review assignment problem involves assigning a set of reviewers on a committee to a set of documents to be reviewed under the constraint of review quota so that the reviewers assigned to a document can collectively cover multiple topic aspects of the document. No previous work has addressed such a setup of committee review assignments while also considering matching multiple aspects of topics and expertise. In this paper, we tackle the problem of committee review assignment with multi-aspect expertise matching by casting it as an integer linear programming problem. The proposed algorithm can naturally accommodate any probabilistic or deterministic method for modeling multiple aspects to automate committee review assignments. Evaluation using a multi-aspect review assignment test set constructed using ACM SIGIR publications shows that the proposed algorithm is effective and efficient for committee review assignments based on multi-aspect expertise matching.  相似文献   

以学术关系为研究对象和切入点,进行同行评议专家回避关系计量初探。在阐述国内外研究现状的基础上,探讨与回避相关的学术关系的抽取与挖掘,进而提出面向不同评议场景的学术关系的融合及回避评估模型构建思路。本研究可为科研管理者遴选同行评议专家提供参考和依据,促进同行评议的规范性、公平性和民主性。  相似文献   

TOPSIS法在科技人员业绩评价中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的:建立一个科学、客观、公正、可量化的卫生科技人员业绩评价方法。方法:针对多指标评价体系综合评价时广泛采用的线性加权求和法的弊端,首次在卫生科技人员科研业绩评价中引入理想状态空间的理论,利用逼近理想解的排序法(TOPSIS法)建立综合评价的数学模型。并在我校专业技术职务评聘中应用此模型予以检验。结果:TOPSIS法的量化评价结果与同行评议的实际结果具有较高的符合率。结论:本文所提出的综合评价方法更趋科学性、客观性、公正性和可行性,可为科学量化工作提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

同行评议专家工作业绩测评及其模型研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
郑称德 《科研管理》2002,23(2):41-45
本文在对国家自然科学基金同行评议运行状况分析的基础上,介绍了同行评议工作业绩评估对于项目评议的重要性及其研究现状,初步给出了基于项目评议结果的同行评议工作测评指标和模型,并对其存在的不足以及下一步的研究内容进行了分析。  相似文献   

为了对学报审稿专家的审稿进行科学客观地评价,对审稿专家进行有效地激励,从审稿专家的"学术水平"、"审稿质量"、"审稿时效"、"职称"、"单位级别"这五个准则层面构建了审稿专家质量综合评价体系。对可以实现量化考核的指标进行量化评价,对无法量化考核的其他指标进行了相对客观合理的定性描述并设置分值,实现与量化评价的衔接。通过使用层次分析法(AHP法)确定审稿专家评价指标的权重,再使用模糊综合评判法(FCE法)来确定评价指标的隶属度,这样对综合两种方法得到的指标进行综合评判,使得对审稿专家的评价结果更加客观和准确。  相似文献   

李磊  范子英 《科研管理》2019,40(5):182-192
随着学术研究的日益规范化和复杂化,合作成为增加科研产出的主要途径。本文通过问卷收集了主要院校的科研评价制度,将其与三大经济管理类期刊的论文发表数据进行匹配,基于2000-2014年间部分高校调整第一作者制度的准自然实验,采用双重差分法(DID)的设计考察了科研制度对论文合作的影响。研究发现:(1)评职称认可非第一作者的制度能够使得论文合作的概率显著提高约33.5%,而评奖励承认非第一作者的制度没有显著影响;(2)在考虑了合作的异质性后,非第一作者制度主要促进了跨校合作,对院内合作和同校跨院合作的影响不明显;(3)作用机制分析表明,这种合作效应主要源自教师面临的晋升压力。本文的结论对于推动科研评价体系改革具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

国家重点实验室评估专家的若干问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在分析国内外基础研究同行评议专家遴选状况及其研究进展的基础上,提出了国家重点实验室评估专家遴选原则;建立了实验室评估专家评分产生偏差的若干效应概念.  相似文献   

在当前我国开展科技评价体制改革的背景下,对现行的国家重点实验室科研成果的同行评议制度进行分析,揭示当前我国国家重点实验室科研成果的同行评议现状和问题。结合当前同行评议模式的不足,顺应国家对优化科技评价体制的要求,提出一套基于科研生态系统视角的国家重点实验室科研成果同行评议创新模式。新的评价模式从科研活动系统出发考虑科研机构的投入,产出及科研环境等要素,以科研产出的学术创新度和贡献度为导向,对科研成果进行系统评价。评议结果更加客观完整,符合科研活动的客观规律。有利于构建良好的,可持续发展的科研生态。  相似文献   

从专家业务能力和评审信誉两个方面构建同行评议专家信誉评价体系,建立评价指标度量,利用层次分析法和熵权法提高评价结果的有效性,并进行实证研究,对科学合理可操性的专家信誉评价体系进行探索。  相似文献   

Review helpfulness is attracting increasing attention of practitioners and academics. It helps in reducing risks and uncertainty faced by users in online shopping. This study examines uninvestigated variables by looking at not only the review characteristics but also important indicators of reviewers. Several significant review content and two reviewer variables are proposed and an effective review helpfulness prediction model is built using stochastic gradient boosting learning method. This study derived a mechanism to extract novel review content variables from review text. Six popular machine learning models and three real-life Amazon review data sets are used for analysis. Our results are robust to several product categories and along three Amazon review data sets. The results show that review content variables deliver the best performance as compared to the reviewer and state-of-the-art baseline as a standalone model. This study finds that reviewer helpfulness per day and syllables in review text strongly relates to review helpfulness. Moreover, the number of space, aux verb, drives words in review text and productivity score of a reviewer are also effective predictors of review helpfulness. The findings will help customers to write better reviews, help retailers to manage their websites intelligently and aid customers in their product purchasing decisions.  相似文献   

中国网络舆情研究文献计量分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对1996~2010年公开发表在CNKI中国学术文献网络出版总库的9012篇网络舆情领域学术论文进行文献计量分析,可以了解近几年国内网络舆情的研究水平与发展方向。研究发现,网络舆情研究的关注度在不断加强,稳定、持续的研究者和研究机构正在形成,近几年该领域的研究成果多受益于各大基金项目的支持,但还需要更加深入和高质量的研究才能促使网络舆情研究的创新和发展。  相似文献   

基于“中国知网”的“中国学术期刊网络出版总库”,文章对“科学语境”、“科学修辞”、“科学隐喻”相关论文进行了调查统计分析,给出了中国关于这三个主题的研究概况:这三个主题研究的时间较晚,而后有了一定的发展;对于大多数单位来说,主要是个别学者从事这三个主题的研究,所发表的论文数量有限,而山西大学已经形成了团队研究的态势,是我国在这三个主题研究上的重镇,在郭贵春教授为学术带头人的引领下,研究团队成员在上述这三个主题上开展了系统性的研究,取得了丰硕成果,在全国产生了较大的学术影响。  相似文献   

Social commerce, an emerging phenomenon rooted in social media and Web 2.0 technologies, has attracted the attention of many researchers. The number of publications on social commerce has grown exponentially in the past 10 years. Now, social commerce has become a significant emerging research area. In this paper, we first define the boundary of social commerce research and then attempt to review the extant literature in this area comprehensively and systematically. Based on the definition, this study surveyed 1369 peer-reviewed academic publications in the social media, Web 2.0, and other related areas. Following the survey, 418 of the publications were identified as social commerce research. Then, latent semantic analysis (LSA), a text mining approach, was applied to summarize the current state of social commerce research. LSA results show that there are three major research themes in the current social commerce research: organization, advertisement, and word-of-mouth. Each theme discusses topics such as innovation, user-generated content, and reputation, among others. In addition, we identify some interesting trends. The first main trend is that innovation, corporate reputation, and user-generated content remain the major research topics, although they are experiencing a slight decline. The second main trend is that online reviews, trust, and e-word-of-mouth are attracting more attention from researchers.  相似文献   

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