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Operational agility has increasingly become essential for survival and prosperity for contemporary organizations. Given its significant role in a turbulent business environment, this concept has garnered considerable research attention over the past ten years. However, due to the complex nature of operational agility, how to achieve this important organizaitonal capability is still not clearly understood. Thus the present study attempts to open this black box through examing a case study of Haier, the largest household appliances producer in China. The findings of this case highlight the significant role played by IT leveraging competence in achieving operational agility. It shows that IT leveraging competence helps enhance firm's ability to process information in a turbulent business environment, which results in information processing efficiency and information processing effectiveness. With the enhancement in the ability to process information, the focal firm is capable to sense and respond to market changes more readily.  相似文献   

Small enterprises play an important role in the technology innovation and economic development of most countries all over the world, particularly in Taiwan. Due to a lack of financial resources and expertise, small enterprises tend to find novel ways to utilize IT resources in order to reduce IT adoption costs, to achieve better flexibility, business agility and scalability, and to react faster to market demands. Whereas Taiwan has been promoting cloud computing to help Taiwanese enterprises adopt more effective information technologies, we found that the service strategies of small cloud service providers are individually differentiated in order to survive in the competitive cloud computing market. This paper reports a case study of a small e-learning service provider and its four clients in Taiwan. Some novel insights are revealed through this case study and recommendations are provided accordingly.  相似文献   

梁晨昊 《科技广场》2014,(6):130-134
商业模式是当今比较流行的词汇之一,企业要始终保持竞争力就必须依靠完善的商业模式,正如戴尔的直销、盛大网络游戏模式、E-bay的C2C等。虽然商业模式被许多学者和企业家们所重视,但是商业模式的概念到目前都没有统一的答案。本文在分析战略、盈利模式、运营模式和商业模式四者关系的基础上尝试构建商业模式体系。  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) incidents that make data inaccessible may cause businesses to lose customers, reputation and market position. Previous studies on information management have identified data availability as a key priority, and the literature on disaster recovery and business continuity describes ways of preparing for and avoiding IT incidents. However, no frameworks for information system continuity management (ISCM) have yet been validated. This research draws on a framework for business continuity management, and extends it to the context of information systems. The framework is validated in a survey of IT managers and chief information officers in large private and public organisations operating in Finland. The results suggest that the embeddedness of continuity practices in an organisation has perceived business impacts whereas, in contradiction of previous theory, there is no such direct relation in the case of organisational alertness and preparedness. The theoretical contribution is to validate the ISCM framework statistically. On the practical level, social factors such as committed managers and employees are influential in decreasing negative business impacts. Further research on the embeddedness of continuity practices is called for.  相似文献   

本文论述了商业模式对于发展信息产业具有的重要意义.并以三家企业为例.归纳了应用软件企业的商业模式:深入分析所服务行业的业务需要,找出该业务与IT技术的整合点,在此基础上通过编制应用软件对该业务提供支持.提高该业务处理的质量和效率.这种应用软件必须在理念上、技术上、或经营方式上引领行业发展方向;并具有行业进入壁垒,在所在地域的所在领域领先.  相似文献   

刘石兰 《科研管理》2013,34(1):116-123
国内外学者对公司治理结构与公司绩效的关系做了大量的实证研究,但有关公司治理与产品销售绩效的关系研究非常少。文章以金融危机时期的上市信息技术企业为样本,将销售绩效视为一个包括销售利润率、销售增长率和销售费用率等指标的整体多维构念,研究了公司内部治理结构与整体销售绩效的关系。结果发现:与以往研究结论不同的是,董事长兼任总经理分别与整体销售绩效、销售利润率和销售增长率呈正向关系;大股东持股比率与销售费用率呈负向关系。这些结论在理论上揭示了在经济萎缩的背景下,市场能够对董事会与管理层之间的矛盾有自动调和作用,这为信息技术企业的治理机制建设有重要启示。  相似文献   

The extant literature shows that the connection between KM strategy and business strategy and business strategy and IT strategy has been extensively studied. However, the link between KM strategy and IT strategy remains unclear. To better understand how KM strategy influences IT strategy and vice versa within the context of business strategy, we synthesize the literature and contribute to the conceptualization of a triadic connection of the influences between business, KM and IT strategies and its deeper understanding in determining efficacy of knowledge use in organizations.  相似文献   

本文以我国信息和生物制药产业230家上市公司的95条创新信息为样本,采用事件研究方法,分析了公司创新事件信息发布对股票价格的短期影响。分别采用 t 检验、符号检验和秩检验,发现在创新事件发布当日,样本股票显著获得了正的非正常收益;在[0,1]、[-1,1]及[-2,2]事件窗中,样本股票分别显著获得了正的累积非正常收益,说明公司的创新行动为股东创造了价值。对异常收益进行截面回归分析,发现创新事件所导致的异常收益与公司市场价值、资产规模、净利润、帐面市值比呈显著的负相关,而与上市时间存在显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

The ability to change organizational routines according to the need of organizational transformation is difficult to achieve, but increasingly vital for an organization to survive in a highly turbulent business environment. However, despite fruitful research on organizational routines, how routines evolve through feedback remains unclear. This study aims to investigate the role of feedback in routine changes by examining a case study of Haier, the largest home appliance manufacturer in the world. The findings of this case show that feedback of a routine plays a critical role in routine changes. It highlights that feedback helps an organization to make sense of its behavior patterns and evaluate these patterns properly, which enable the organizations to better initiate and advocate routine changes that are necessary for a successful organizational transformation. Further, this case shows the importance of leveraging IT in managing routine changes.  相似文献   

基于华为的战略转型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
庄学敏 《科研管理》2017,38(2):144-152
本文以战略转型为导向、以资源基础理论、生命周期理论和可持续增长理论为支撑,提炼了一个针对企业战略转型的分析框架;并以华为为例,运用案例分析和财务分析方法,分别从企业所拥有的资源和能力基础、转型时机的把握以及采取的财务激励政策等方面归纳了实施战略转型成功的关键要素。具备了这些要素,企业就可能通过战略转型实现可持续增长。  相似文献   

一种由需求驱动的信息技术创新与扩散政策生成体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了信息技术创新扩散的因果关系。认为 ,IT市场的信息不完全性、市场结构、信息技术网络外特性 ,是决定信息技术创新扩散的原因。针对传统的、单一的以信息技术R&D为目标的IT政策 ,或单一的面向扩散的信息技术政策 ;提出了一种由信息技术市场需求驱动的、协调信息技术供应商、信息技术潜在接受者、信息技术政策决策者关系的IT政策产生系统及其输出 ,其目的在于调节信息技术扩散速率 ,使其达到Pareto意义下的最优扩散路径 ,并详细地分析了该信息技术政策体系的结构与原理。  相似文献   

分析云计算产业发展现状,通过在互联网搜索找到公开报道的2009年到2014年2月间149起国外云计算企业并购交易,分析这些交易的特征、动因及对我国的启示,以期为我国云计算产业的发展提供理论和实践上的借鉴。  相似文献   

发挥IT的商业价值——一个业务与技术融合的观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石代伦  潘九朱 《软科学》2006,20(5):9-15
从IT与商业的关系角度探讨业务与信息技术融合的商业价值,并运用实例加以论证;讨论IT应用的现状与发展趋势,分析IT与业务融合的程度与层次;结合实例阐释IT与业务融合的五个要素,并由此揭示发挥IT商业价值的路径。指出通过业务与IT融合,可以促进业务的发展与创新,发挥IT的商业价值。  相似文献   

惠娟  谭清美  王磊 《科技管理研究》2020,40(20):204-211
从客户价值主张、关键资源、盈利模式、关键流程四要素入手,探讨制造业服务化转型趋势如何影响企业商业模式变革,分析制造业企业新型商业模式运行机制;在此基础上,以企业服务化综合水平测度为基础,定量设计企业新型商业模式选择基准;最后,以江苏3家无人机制造企业为例,分析服务化转型背景下新型商业模式选择,从而检验新型商业模式构建及选择的合理性。研究发现:(1)制造业服务化转型促进企业商业模式发生变革,客户价值主张以客户为导向,由产品需求向服务需求转变;关键资源由产品、产品质量向服务、服务质量转变;盈利模式由产品利润向服务利润转变;关键流程由产品售出为终结向产品全生命周期服务转变。(2)企业服务化水平、商业模式组成要素特征不同,衍生出服务配套、服务均衡和服务主导的3类新型商业模式,受外界因素影响,企业新商业模式四要素之间的交互作用更加敏感、高效;根据测算结果,企业服务化综合水平属于[0.75,1]的应选择服务主导商业模式,属于[0.50,0.75)的应选择服务均衡商业模式,属于[0,0.50)的应选择服务配套商业模式。(3)案例分析表明,案例企业分别依据其服务化综合水平测度结果选择的商业模式符合企业实际发展需求,新型商业模式及选择基准的合理性得以验证。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a current trend that reveals the next-generation application architecture and it is estimated that by 2013 the cloud market will have reached $8.1bn. While cloud services such as webmail, Flickr and YouTube have been widely used by individuals for some time, it not until relatively recently that organisations have began to use cloud services as a tool for meeting their IT needs. This study aims to investigate how cloud computing is understood by IT professionals and the concerns that IT professionals have in regard to the adoption of cloud services. The study was carried out in Taiwan and used a survey by interview approach to understand IT professionals’ understandings and concerns about cloud computing. The findings of the study suggest that while the benefits of cloud computing such as its computational power and ability to help companies save costs are often mentioned in the literature, the primary concerns that IT managers and software engineers have are compatibility of the cloud with companies’ policy, IS development environment, and business needs; and relative advantages of adopting cloud solutions. The findings also suggest that most IT companies in Taiwan will not adopt cloud computing until the uncertainties associated with cloud computing, e.g. security and standardisation are reduced and successful business models have emerged.  相似文献   

While economies in the industrialised World have become increasingly knowledge driven and service based, much of the work on capturing and measuring business value is still constrained and steeped in the thinking of the manufacturing era. One area that is more susceptible to measurement is the field of technology based or enhanced services. This case analysis seeks to explore how a service operator, such as an international airport, can gauge value from investment into IT. We examine how the airport operator combines a variety of accounting techniques and other tools to capture value from their IT investments. We explore how the operator could improve their measurement of business value derived from their IT investment. One observation of practice is that value capturing tools and techniques are used in parallel rather than ‘in sync’. Drawing on the notion of user innovation, we argue operators should embrace a systemic approach in adapting and modifying measuring regimes to accommodate service based innovation.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(2):104677
There is empirical evidence of how challengers in an industry can take advantage of technological discontinuities that open “technological windows” of opportunity, which allow them to reduce their market share gap with market leaders, a phenomenon known as “catching-up.” However, this literature has examined leader–challenger catching-up processes within a particular industry as a whole, without considering the different product categories that can usually be identified within that industry. In fact, firms may have different market shares depending on the category under consideration, and technological discontinuities can be product category related. We extend the literature on windows of opportunity and changes in market leadership by showing that the chance a challenger has to reduce the market share gap with the market leader in a product category during a technological window depends on (a) whether the market leader in the focal product category is also the market leader in other product categories, (b) the share of a challenger's business in the focal product category relative to its overall business in the industry, and (c) the relative size of the product category with respect to the other product categories in the industry. We contend that such across-category factors influence the leaders and challengers' propensity to exploit opportunities resulting from technological discontinuities in a product category. We test a set of hypotheses using data on 31 mobile phone makers competing in India from 2003 to 2020 in the feature phone and smartphone product categories.  相似文献   

企业管理创新、整合与精益六西格玛实施研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
企业管理创新的实质是持续改进和优化企业管理流程,不断提高其竞争力和盈利能力.在对企业管理创新特点和精益六西格玛本质属性进行分析的基础上,提出精益六西格玛是实现企业管理创新的有效方法,并给出精益六西格玛管理创新实施的成功案例--宝钢六西格玛精益运营、中国一航精益六西格玛和戴尔BPI.  相似文献   

Understanding how the application of big data analytics (BDA) generates business value is a persistent challenge in information systems (IS) research. Improving understanding of how BDA realizes business value requires unpacking theories to study the phenomenon. This study unpacks the task-technology fit (TTF) theory toward generating new and improved insights into the business value of BDA. Extant studies on TTF have mainly focused on traditional IT which is different from digital technologies like BDA that are malleable and dynamic. While TTF has primarily focused on how the technology meets task requirements, this study contends that tasks can also be structured to fit the functionality of technology. This study proposes a 2 × 2 matrix framework to explain how BDA and tasks interact. The framework indicates how the reconfigurability of tasks and the editability of BDA impact the fit between tasks and BDA. Future research should explore how the fit between tasks and BDA changes over time.  相似文献   

Efforts in IS research have long sought to bridge the gap between the information technology (IT) function and strategic business interests. People perceive affordances (possibilities for action) in information technology artifacts differently as cognitive structures (schema) which bias individual focus. This study explores how an individual's tendency to perceive the ‘trees’ in an IT ‘forest’ (artifact preference) affects their assessment of efforts to achieve more effective IT outcomes. The effect is demonstrated using a relatively simple IT success model. Further, in a sample of 120 survey responses supported by ten semi-structured interviews, we demonstrate that job role and organizational IT complexity systematically impact artifact perception. A better understanding of IT artifact bias promises to help organizations better assess information systems.  相似文献   

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