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陆建国 《上海教育》2011,(10):21-21
"十二五"是奉贤教育实现"跨越发展"的攻坚期,对处于历史转型期的奉贤区域教育来讲,承载着从"基本均衡"到"优质均衡"的现实追求。奉贤是上海远郊区之一,长期以来,区域义务教育的整体发展水平与上海中心城区存在着现实落差,区域内城乡间、乡镇间、校际间也存在较大差异,推动义务教育优质均衡发展任务非常艰巨。  相似文献   

中国地区间的教育均衡发展只是一个层面,县域内的县城学校和设在乡(镇)村中的农村学校之间的差距要远远超过地区间的差距。本文从办学规模、教育质量、办学条件和教师结构等角度对县域内的"校际落差"进行描述和归因分析,探寻县域内教育均衡发展的新思路。  相似文献   

基础教育发展的严重失衡及其所折射出的教育公平问题,已成为当前我国教育发展中亟待解决的课题。现阶段的首要任务是缩小区域内学校间的差距,解决区域内学校间发展不均衡问题,真正实现区域内校际教育的均衡发展。解决校际教育发展不均衡的问题,归根结底,是要促进学校办学条件和师资的均衡发展。其中,区域内校际师资的均衡发展是更为关键的问题。没有校际师资的均衡发展,就不可能有校际教育的均衡发展。  相似文献   

盐都区是江苏省盐城市主城区之一,也是苏北唯一的省义务教育优质均衡发展示范区,但在城镇化大潮的"虹吸效应"下,优质师资向城市集聚,导致城乡、校际办学质量落差加大。如何顺应时代潮流,为城乡人民群众提供家门口的优质教育资源,真正将教育公平的国家政策落实到位,盐都区抓住了区域教师专业发展这个"牛鼻子",依据"场论",探索出了一条有区域特色的实践路径。  相似文献   

义务教育发展不均衡严重威胁了教育公平和公正,校际合作是实现均衡发展的重要措施。“差异性”校际合作是校际合作机制的创新,它致力于学校之间的“差异”,并将这种“差异”转化为共享资源,从而提高合作双方的积极性。文章阐述了“差异性”校际合作制度的设计理念、实施动力机制、实施过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

现阶段,义务教育阶段均衡发展的关键是要实现校际之间的均衡,重点任务是缩小校际之间的差距。但是,囿于我国义务教育阶段以县为主的教育管理体制,穷县办穷教育、富县办富教育现象屡见不鲜。为寻求该困境之突破,成都市率先探索"松散"联盟式的市级教育管理体制,采取"以评促改"的方式开展义务教育均衡发展实践。通过多年有益尝试,成都市校际均衡发展已基本实现,但因以县为主的教育管理体制未变、中央评价地方教育发展硬件为主取向未变等诸多因素的影响,成都市实现市域范围内校际均衡发展仍然有很长的一段路要走。  相似文献   

教师校际交流对促进区域内教师专业发展,提高农村中小学教育水平,推进义务教育均衡发展具有重要意义。当前,城乡中小学教师校际交流有指导式、协作式、协议式和中介式等基本模式。调动交流教师和学校的积极性,增强教师交流的吸引力,发挥教育政策的统筹指导作用,是推进教师校际交流应注意的主要问题。  相似文献   

高职教育质量差异表现为校际间人才培养质量的差异和学校内部人才培养对象的个体质量差异。校际差异的影响因素在于院校发展基础、地方经济发展状况和职业教育标准化程度;校内差异的影响因素在于生源质量差异、校内和专业建设资源不平衡及教育过程中的人为因素。减小校际差异的途径是进行区域教学资源整合、探索建立职业教育的专业教学标准、改良评估工作机制;减小校内质量差异的途径是分层教学、整合校内资源、实施团队教学。  相似文献   

上海基础教育的发展存在着差异,这种差异不仅是经济实力与办学条件之间的城乡差异、区域差异和校际差异,而且还有内在的管理文化、师资队伍、教育质量等深层次的差异。我在对静安区的分析时曾经下过一个结论:上海的三个中心城区教育发展不能作为全市教育均衡发展的一个参照系,因为它们中的很多都不是“常态”。  相似文献   

吴兴富 《职教论坛》2012,(27):20-24,28
江苏省8所高职院被教育部批准立项为国家骨干高职院建设单位,这为促进江苏地方高职教育资源共享提供了可能。建设江苏骨干高职院校的合作育人的校际网络资源平台、校际校长对话平台、校际中层交流平台、校际教师互聘平台、校际学生实践平台、校际专业共建平台、校际校园文化平台、校际暑期学校平台、校际科技创新平台,寻求高职教育的有效组织和运作模式,对提升江苏高职教育的办学质量,推动江苏高职教育和经济社会实现跨越式发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

人本主义教育学和关怀伦理学是20世纪70年代在美国教育领域内相继出现的两股教育思想。虽然它们在关于学校课程方面的理论主张有着许多相似之处,但实际上它们乃是两个独立的课程流派。通过对人本主义和关怀伦理学派的课程观进行比较分析可以发现,它们衍生于不同的理论基础之上,并且在课程目标的确定、课程内容的选择和组织、课程的实施以及课程的评价方面也有着根本的区别。  相似文献   

In Germany, children of immigrants are faced with delayed school entry about twice as often as children of native-born parents because they are more often diagnosed not being ready for school. We investigate these early educational inequalities, focusing on the interplay of individual competencies and the institutional context in terms of the school enrollment procedure. We compare the conventional procedure, where school enrollment is supposed to be bound on school readiness, with reformed procedures where school enrollment is not supposed to be bound on school readiness. Data of school entry examinations from Hesse, Germany from 2008–2012 are analyzed (N = 50,717). The results show that children of immigrants from all origin groups have a substantially higher risk of obtaining a recommendation for delayed school entry than children of native-born parents. However, these ethnic differences are strongly reduced in the reformed procedures as compared to the conventional school enrollment procedure, indicating that these procedures could be an effective measure to reduce ethnic educational inequalities at school start.  相似文献   

在教育组织互动论与主观论看来,学校组织结构往好处讲只反映了学校的部分现实,往坏处讲则是一种假象。此两类质疑虽揭示了组织结构的形式化问题,凸显了学校组织的微观互动与意义生成之维,但也存在着混淆"真假"与"有无",且未追问"假象"之"真义"的不足。一方面,并非所有的学校组织结构都只是徒具形式;另一方面,更重要的是,从合法性逻辑的角度看,形式化的学校组织结构也有着实质性的作用,是学校组织生存与发展不可或缺的基础。  相似文献   

The study examines how parents experience the interaction with teachers and school; do they feel welcome, do they feel that they can influence what goes on in school? And, are there any differences in parents’ experiences in relation to independent variables such as gender and educational background? The empirical analyses are based on a mixed methods approach that includes survey data and qualitative interviews among lower secondary school parents in Norway. The results show that even though parents feel welcome in school and in many ways are satisfied with the home–school cooperation, there are aspects of this relationship that are problematic. The relationship is often experienced as distant and parents feel excluded from the central discussions within the school setting.  相似文献   

Using the biological and adoptive families in the Minnesota-based Sibling Interaction and Behavior Study, we investigated the associations among genetic and environmental influences on IQ, parenting, parental expectations for offspring educational attainment, engagement in school, and school grades. All variables showed substantial genetic influence, and very modest shared environmental influence. No gender differences were evident. There were significant genetic influences common to IQ and parental expectations of educational attainment, parenting and engagement in school, school grades and engagement in school, parental expectations for offspring educational attainment and school grades, and IQ and school grades. A possible interpretation of the common genetic influences involving parenting is that parents use their own experience with school in shaping the ways in which they parent their offspring.  相似文献   

This article intends to identify the effects of school social capital on the educational plans of students, particularly those staying in school and obtaining an intermediate certificate. It is hypothesised that social capital helps to explain individual educational plans and differences between schools regarding the amount of students with particular educational plans. The analyses are based on a survey of 1638?year 8 Hauptschule students in Germany. The results show that the quality of relationships with teachers is of crucial importance for the educational plans of individual students. Furthermore, differences between schools can be explained by the degree of school expectations. This finding supports the assumption that schools provide different settings, not only for learning processes but also for developing educational aspirations and plans.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the closure of poor performing primary schools improved students' educational attainment. It is believed that school closure affects children's educational outcomes positively because children switch to better primary schools. At the same time, school closure creates a social disturbance such that educational outcomes may be affected negatively. There is no previous literature on the effect of this type of school closure on student performance. The empirical results indicate that student test scores are not affected by the school closure. Children are, however, tracked into higher secondary education levels after the school closure if they received more education years at the new primary school. This effect fades out and eventually becomes negative for children who received more than one education year at the new primary school. The results further suggest that there are no detrimental effects of a school closure in terms of educational performance.  相似文献   

从量的研究到质的研究再到量与质相结合的研究,这句话简单地概括了中小学教育科研范式的发展路向。随着研究范式的转向,中小学教师的研究视角也发生了相应的变化:从宏观教育现象到微观教育教学问题,从探究事物的本质到探讨如何认识和实现事物,从"方法中心"到"问题中心"。中小学教育科研发展的趋势对中小学校本研究的定位、教师对教育科研的认识及教师参与教育科研应注意的问题带来诸多有益的启示。  相似文献   

Twenty students from different educational backgrounds within the UK were interviewed to investigate how well they considered their secondary school education had prepared them for the educational and social demands of an ‘elite’ university and life within its most traditional colleges. The study asked them how they perceived students from different educational backgrounds and how they thought they were perceived. Entering a traditional Cambridge college was found to be easiest for students from prestigious ‘public schools’ within the private educational sector. State school students were more likely to experience anxiety, and those who adapted successfully were likely to have strong independent learning skills and a robust sense of self-efficacy. The study suggests that students coming from state schools to Cambridge are making a more difficult academic and social transition than students from private schools, for which they are given no special support.  相似文献   

Thirteen 6-year-old children who had been physically abused by their parents were assessed in school for language development, educational attainments and social adjustment, and compared with children from some of the same school classes who served as a comparison group. All the abused children had attended the Family Centre of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in Manchester before starting school, and they and their parents had received social work support and supervision from the special unit team. Ten of the 13 abused children had made measurable progress in reading. There were no significant differences between the groups in language development or number skills, but the abused group did contain more high (maladjusted) scores on the Bristol Social Adjustment Guide. Monitoring educational progress and social adjustment in school would seem to be a useful method of following the progress of such children. Most of the children in this group are so far making progress within the ordinary school system despite the disturbances which have affected their home life.  相似文献   

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