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图书馆X低效率分析及激励机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过简单的介绍哈维·莱宾斯坦的X效率理论 ,文章指出在图书馆工作中也存在着X低效率 ,工作人员的积极性没有有效的激发。笔者认为正确运用激励机制是解决图书馆X低效率问题的有效手段。论文在指出图书馆行业存在的激励认识误区的基础上 ,提出了在图书馆中如何建立科学的激励机制  相似文献   

基于X-效率的企业人力资源激励机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
效率是企业发展与改革的核心。本文在探讨效率理论的基础上,重点分析了X-效率,一个被新古典理论假设抽象掉的企业组织效率问题,并以此为依据,探索我国传统的人事管理存在X低效率现象,本文最后提出现代企业发展中如何X低效率现象的激励机制对策。  相似文献   

X效率理论是以X(低)效率概念为核心的经济理论体系。它揭示了组织内部运行中低效率现象的存在性与重要性,并从不同角度分析了这种低效率现象形成的原因。高等院校作为一种特殊的社会组织,其内部运行中同样普遍存在低效率的问题。借鉴X效率理论,不仅有助于我们认识到高校内部运行低效率问题的重要性,而且可为我们寻找提高高校内部运行效率的途径提供重要的线索。  相似文献   

5G时代实现了高校图书馆数字建设与智能建筑的融合。技术部是为高校图书馆提供技术保障的部门。为解决技术部馆员存在的问题,亟需将人力资本的理念运用到高校图书馆的激励管理中。基于此,分析了高校图书馆技术部馆员在激励机制实施中存在的问题,阐述了人力资本运营的重要性,提出了关于技术部馆员人力资本激励机制的对策,以期推动高校图书馆事业长远发展。  相似文献   

图书馆员工激励机制:问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在认真研究相关文献的基础上,全面分析图书馆员工激励机制上存在的问题,提出完善图书馆员工激励机制的对策。  相似文献   

引入志愿者参与图书馆服务工作,目前越来越受到高职院校图书馆的欢迎和重视,但是,高职院校图书馆在志愿者管理机制上还存在诸多问题,如志愿者服务意识有待提高、服务工作简单机械、缺乏规范的管理制度和激励机制等.为进一步提升志愿者的服务态度、服务质量和服务水平,加强培训、完善管理制度、健全激励机制等是行之有效的途径.  相似文献   

经济学家哈维.莱宾斯坦提出的"X低效率理论",被视为20世纪经济学上的一大发现,X低效率问题被列为当今世界十大管理难题之一,至今未能得到令人信服的解决,而X低效率造成的损失非常巨大。那么继续研究和完善X低效率的来源问题不仅具有重大的理论意义,也同时具有现实意义。  相似文献   

浅谈图书馆图书招标采购的优越性及应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了高校图书馆图书采购招标制产生的背景、优越性,认为国家有关法律的制订、实施为图书馆招标工作提供了法律保障;快速发展的信息技术为图书招标创造了条件等,同时指出在招标采购中存在图书低到位、低效率、服务质量不高、图书品种与订单不符等问题及其原因,并针对不足提出了自己的建议和看法。  相似文献   

图书馆编目数据质量的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书编目工作是整个图书馆工作中的一项基础性工作,编目工作质量的高低直接影响着图书馆服务质量的高低。目前图书馆编目数据中存在着诸多问题,迫切需要制定相应措施加以改进。  相似文献   

随着学院制度的不断建立健全,我院建立了学生勤工助学的体制,在这其中,学院图书馆是一部分学生勤工助学的地方。学生作为图书管理员,缓解了图书馆工作人员少而工作量大的问题,在图书馆的日常工作中发挥着不可或缺的作用,但图书馆对学生管理员的管理以及学生管理员的日常工作还存在着一些问题、该如何改进等问题需要我们在以后的工作中不断探索、不断改进。  相似文献   

大学教育是衔接学生从学校走向社会的最后一站,在我国整个教育体制中举足轻重。针对有较成熟的主观思维模式的大学生,适当的教育方法的选择对于他们未来学习和工作成功与否具有重要作用。论文从教育心理学角度分析了激励教育在大学中的意义,并且也从专业实践角度提出了一些在大学成功实施激励教育的方法途径。  相似文献   

姚远峰  潘沛沛 《成人教育》2011,31(12):13-16
ARCS动机设计模式是教学设计中学习动机的激励模型。虽然成人学习者的学习动机具有主动性等特点,但是大部分成人学习者在其学习过程中,需要正确的引导和激励,从而增强学习动机。文章基于ARCS动机设计模式理论,结合成人学习者的动机特点,对成人学习的动机策略进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

情绪调节的研究及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
情绪是人对客观事物的主观体验,情绪调节是个体以社会允许的容忍方式作出适当情绪反应的能力,使个体在作出情绪反应时可以灵活、有效地控制自己的冲动,并延迟自己的冲动行为。情绪调节理论强调如何对情绪的体验和表达施加正面影响,符合身心健康教育的时代需求,在教育心理学、动机心理学及情绪心理学领域备受关注,其理论研究有着广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

Students' motivation plays an important role in successful science learning. However, motivation is a complex construct. Theories of motivation suggests that students' motivation must be conceptualized as a motivational system with numerous components that interact in complex ways and influence metacognitive processes such as self-evaluation. This complexity is further increased because students' motivation and success in science learning influence each other as they develop over time. It is challenging to study the co-development of motivation and learning due to these complex interactions which can vary widely across individuals. Recently, person-centered approaches that capture students' motivational profiles, that is, the multiplicity of motivational factors as they co-occur in students, have been successfully used in educational psychology to better understand the complex interplay between the co-development of students' motivation and learning. We employed a person-centered approach to study how the motivational profiles, constructed from goal-orientation, self-efficacy, and engagement data of N = 401 middle school students developed over the course of a 10-week energy unit and how that development was related to students' learning. We identified four characteristic motivational profiles with varying temporal stability and found that students' learning over the course of the unit was best characterized by considering the type of students' motivational profiles and the transitions that occurred between them. We discuss implications for the design and implementation of interventions and future research into the complex interplay between motivation and learning.  相似文献   

The control of goal-directed, instrumental actions by primary motivational states, such as hunger and thirst, is mediated by two processes. The first is engaged by the Pavlovian association between contextual or discriminative stimuli and the outcome or reinforcer presented during instrumental training. Such stimuli exert a motivational influence on instrumental performance that depends upon the relevance of the associated outcome to the current motivational state of the agent. Moreover, the motivational effects of these stimuli operate in the absence of prior experience with the outcome under the relevant motivational state. The second, instrumental, process is mediated by knowledge of the contingency between the action and its outcome and controls the value assigned to this outcome. In contrast to the Pavlovian process, motivational states do not influence the instrumental process directly; rather, the agent has to learn about the value of an outcome in a given motivational state by exposure to it while in that state. This incentive learning is similar in certain respects to the acquisition of “cathexes” envisaged by Tolman (1949a, 1949b).  相似文献   

Two previous studies suggested that rats are unable to use conspecifics’ odors when the motivational state of the donor rats is different from their own (Davis et al., 1974; Davis, Prytula, Noble, & Mollenhour, 1976). The effects of motivational conditions on the utilization of such odors were further evaluated in the present study. In Phase 1, test rats were given training either with donors in the same motivational state or with donors in a different state. Differential responses to donors’ odor emissions occurred only when the motivational states of donors and test subjects were the same, thus confirming earlier findings. However, when test subjects’ motivational conditions were changed in Phase 2, discriminations that had been present in Phase 1 were maintained even though the motivational states of these test subjects and their respective donors no longer matched. Thus, any constraint on the rat’s ability to use odors from conspecifics in a different motivational state is not absolute.  相似文献   

农业产业结构调整是关系到全面繁荣农村经济的重大问题。目前各级政府应发挥在农业产业结构调整中的主导作用,通过建立和完善行之有效的激励机制,包括激励原则、激励方式、激励手段、激励方向等来引导农民进行农业产业结构调整,以发展农村经济,增加农民收入。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2006,16(4):295-309
There is a growing interest about learning environments enhancing learning motivation. However, two questions need to be answered to improve learning environment motivational quality: how much motivational value do students attribute to each particular component of learning environments? and in what degree is such value mediated by students' motivational orientations? To answer both questions and in an effort to replicate results coming from previous studies, 630 students, 15–17 years old, from three different schools were given two questionnaires. The first included different learning environment characteristics aimed at enhancing learning motivation. Students had to declare how much motivation to learn was arisen in them by these characteristics. The second assessed students' motivational traits and orientations: Learning orientation, Outcome orientation and Avoidance orientation. Mean, correlation and multiple-regression analyses were performed to answer the questions. As in previous studies, results support predictions concerning both questions. Teaching patterns assessed and expected to enhance learning motivation do it. However, the motivational value attached to the different patterns assessed is modulated by students' motivational characteristics. Implications of these results for designing learning environments aimed at enhancing students' motivation and for teachers' motivational training are discussed.  相似文献   

本文针对当前网络教学活动设计中进行动机设计的必要性,通过对几种动机设计理论的分析,提出了各种动机要素之间的彼此影响的关系,对如何在网络教学活动设计中进行动机设计的整合提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

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