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Numerous studies have examined the enrollment responses of traditional undergraduate students to the introduction of government-provided tuition subsidies, but far less attention has been devoted to the elasticity of demand for graduate education. This paper examines how the tax code and government education policies affect graduate enrollment and persistence rates along with the ways in which students fund their graduate education. Our empirical methodology is based on exogenous variations in the availability of an income tax exemption for employer-provided tuition assistance for graduate courses. We find that graduate attendance among full-time workers age 24–30 is higher when the tax exemption is available, mostly due to higher persistence in public universities and vocational course work. The use of employer aid for individuals enrolled in full-time and public part-time graduate programs also increases. We present some evidence that universities may adjust tuition to capture part of the incidence.  相似文献   

This study employs a simple enrollment demand model to investigate the regional market environment of a private, church-related, comprehensive institution of higher education offering undergraduate, graduate and professional education. The focus is on price and cross-price elasticities of demand as measures of the competitive threat posed by prominent public and private educational alternatives within the region. We find a significant competitive threat coming from the private sector within the region. This competition raises the net price elasticity of demand for education at this institution to well above unity. We conclude that tuition price subsidies play a critical role in managing enrollment demand at this institution. [JEL J3, J24, J41]  相似文献   

中国大学生价格反应行为的基本特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文应用对中国13511名大学生的调查数据分析了学生价格反应行为的基本特征。结果表明,虽然接受高等教育需要承担较高的私人成本,学生的付费意愿却非常强烈,在学费上涨30%—300%五种不同幅度时,学生的高等教育需求对学费的弹性介于—0.045~—0.288之间。大学生的价格反应行为具有如下几个方面的特点:首先,学生的高等教育需求对学费及有些学生资助(如奖学金)具有灵敏的反应;其次,学生对学费及不同类型学生资助的反应不仅在性质上存在差异,而且在程度上也有所不同;第三,不同收入水平家庭学生对学费的反应是不同的;第四,学生对学费及学生资助的反应随着学生资助政策及学费的变化而变化。本文也讨论了上述结果对制订高等教育规划与财政政策的意义。  相似文献   

This paper studies whether the introduction of tuition fees at public universities in some German states had a negative effect on enrollment, i.e., on the transition of high school graduates to public universities in Germany. In contrast to recent studies, we do not find a significant effect on aggregate enrollment rates. Our study differs from previous studies in three important ways. First, we take full account of the fact that tuition fees were both introduced and abolished in the German states at different points in time. Second, we consider control variables, which are absent in previous studies but turn out to have a significant impact on the evolution of enrollment rates. Third, we allow for state-specific effects of tuition fees on enrollment rates. We conclude that there is no evidence for a general negative effect of the recent introduction of tuition fees on enrollment in Germany.  相似文献   

美国高中教育与高等教育正从并行的改革路径走向统整的改革方向,经过新世纪以来的不断努力,确立了美国高中至大学过渡政策的法律基础与社会基础,并通过建立P-16整合责任机制、升学准备以及标准和招生体系、完善大学学费负担和学生融资政策以及实施双学分课程等的系统运作,实现学生从高中到大学的良性过渡。其有益经验为我国高中课改和高等教育改革的有效性在管理体制、课程体系和教师发展等方面提供了重要借鉴。  相似文献   

We estimate the effects of three sequential reforms undertaken between 2000 and 2006 on school enrollment for poor, rural families in China. Using difference-in-difference approaches and sample children from the China Health and Nutrition Survey 2000, 2004, and 2006 waves, we find that tuition control has had a minimal effect on primary and junior high school enrollment. Furthermore, a policy that includes tuition waivers, free textbooks, and living expense subsidies starting from 2003 had a significantly positive effect on school enrollment of rural girls, but not rural boys. This gender differential effect results from the improvement in the enrollment of girls who live in poor households. Finally, the provision for tuition waive for all rural children since 2006, although having no statistically significant effect on the overall enrollment, indeed improved the enrollment of children who were less likely to have enjoyed two-waiver-one-subsidy.  相似文献   

本文利用统计数据对国家财政经费与个人学杂费变化状况、高等教育经费弹性系数和个人负担率进行了计算分析,在此基础上建立自回归模型对2010年的国家财政经费与个人学杂费进行了预测研究,获得的研究结论是:中国的高等教育成本分担政策已经快速实现,国家财政经费比重显著降低,个人学杂费所占比重较快地增加;人均高等教育经费在1999年之前保持增长,1999年之后呈现稳中趋降;个人及其家庭的财政贡献增长速度远远大于政府财政贡献的增长速度,也意味着个人及其家庭对高等教育的经济负担大大加重;今后一段时间内高等教育财政需求面临相当大的压力和隐忧。建议控制高等教育规模的过快扩张,关注生均教育财政指标变化状况,实现高等教育财政来源的更加多样化。  相似文献   

The motivational index and the demand index were developed to forecast the motivations and intentions of high school students toward postsecondary education. These indices were tested with surveys of more than 13,000 high school students and validated with respect to actual outcomes by surveying more than 5,000 students as to their post-high school plans. The theoretical basis of these indices, their use in enrollment forecasting, and the accuracy of the enrollment prediction model are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Students admitted to more than one institution of higher education face one of the most difficult decisions of their lives. The determinants of these enrollment decisions are crucially important to the yield of qualified students from the number admitted to colleges and universities. This paper specifies an empirical model of the enrollment decision for students admitted both to Rutgers University and to at least one alternate college. Our estimates of the parameters of the model with a binary choice multiple regression equation show that students base their enrollment decision on the relative quality of the schools, their own abilities and family resources, and the net costs of the schools. The results are relevant to university tuition and financial aid policies. The general methodology is replicable by other institutions seeking information on the determinants of the enrollment decision.  相似文献   

市场扭曲与高等教育学费定价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等教育学费在一定程度上已经具有价格的某些功能,发挥着价格机制对教育资源的配置作用。但由于高等教育的巨大外部性,往往导致其市场扭曲,高等教育的学费定价不能完全按照等价交换原则来进行。高等教育收益的不可分割及其风险性、高等教育资源的稀缺及其垄断性、高等教育供需矛盾以及教育信息不对称等对学费定价有着不同的影响。规范政府和学校定价行为,改革政府学费规制是学费政策的现实选择。  相似文献   

做好高职贫困生工作的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国高等职业技术学校招生规模的逐年扩大,以及高等教育成本的逐步提高,我国高等职业技术学校贫困生数量也日益增多,贫困生的问题也随之凸显出来,成为令人关注的社会问题。国家、社会和高校都采取了一系列的措施,进行了积极的探索,在我国初步形成了以“奖、贷、助、补、免”为主体的贫困大学生的资助体系,这一体系对于解决我国贫困生就学问题起到了非常重要的作用。目前全国高校中经济困难学生占在校生总数的15-30%,其中经济特别困难学生所占比例为8~15%,高职院校贫困生的比例更大。因此做好贫困生的工作成为高职院校发展的一大课题。  相似文献   

以贵州省部分高校为例,研究贵州省大学生资助现状和影响学生资助的各种因素,学生对资助政策变化的反应与对学费变化的反应;讨论学生高等教育需求是对单一“纯价格”进行反应。还是受学费及不同类型的资助政策的影响,学生高等教育需求的价格弹性随着收费及资助政策的变化和影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines how a reduction in the cost of college for undocumented students affects college enrollment and adolescent risky behaviors. Prior to 2001, undocumented students in the United States faced high out-of-state tuition costs at public colleges and universities. From 2001 to 2014, twenty-one states passed in-state tuition policies, reducing the average cost of college by more than half for these students. To the extent that teens are forward-looking and aware that lower tuition increases the likelihood of attending college, this price reduction should decrease the incidence of risky behavior during adolescence among the undocumented. Exploiting the variation in timing of in-state tuition policies across states and using Mexican foreign-born non-citizenship as a proxy for undocumented status, I find that these policies increase college enrollment by about 1.2 percentage points (12% of the sample mean), decrease high school dropout incidence by about 5 percentage points for female youth (27% of the sample mean), and decrease the likelihood of first birth before age 20 by 2 percentage points (9% of the sample mean).  相似文献   

以全国56所高等院校的硕士研究生收费标准为样本,通过对影响硕士研究生收费的六个主要因素(生均教育成本、学校类型以及办学水平、国家投入、专业区别、不同地域与经济水平、学生需求与未来收益)的构成分析,利用数字化原理,对影响因素进行相应量化,通过BP神经网络构建高校硕士研究生收费模型,得出六个因素的影响权重,依次是生均成本、地区经济发展水平、学校办学水平、专业差异、学生需求与未来收益、国家投入。模型可根据不同高校的相应因素进行调试,得出相对合理的收费标准。  相似文献   

This study uses fixed-effects panel data techniques to estimate the elasticity of community college enrollment demand relative to local unemployment rates. The findings suggest that community college enrollment demand is counter-cyclical to changes in the labor market, as enrollments rise during periods of weak economic conditions. Using national data for the years 1990 through 2009, we find that a one percentage-point change in unemployment is associated with 1.1–3.3 % increases in enrollment demand. We disaggregate the analysis by total full-time and part-time enrollment, concluding that high levels of unemployment are also associated with greater demand for full-time attendance. Additionally, enrollments are slightly more responsive to unemployment in metropolitan (rather than micropolitan) areas. Informed by enrollment demand theory, our analysis provides an update to the “unemployment elasticity” literature and could aid in current enrollment planning, economic development, and public policy efforts to educate students on the margin between college and work.  相似文献   

Since school voucher funds are public, policymakers fiercely debate how those funds should be spent. A goal of many decision-makers is to ensure that every private school option is “high-quality” through program accountability regulations. Private schools, however, decide whether to participate in a private school choice program and likely factor the amount of state regulations into that decision. This paper estimates the program participation decisions of the private schools in D.C., Indiana, and Louisiana. We specifically examine the impacts of voucher regulations on the supply-side of voucher programs. We employ a linear probability model to examine how school quality, as measured by revenue, tuition, enrollment, and Great School Review scores, is associated with program participation for schools. Results indicate that higher tuition-levels and larger cohort enrollments, conditions normally associated with high quality schools, identify schools that are less likely to participate in voucher programs. We also find a consistent negative relationship between Great Schools Review score and the school participation decision in all three locations; however, these coefficients are not statistically significant. State fixed effects reveal that private schools in D.C. and Louisiana, the two states that have higher regulatory burdens, are less likely to participate in voucher programs.  相似文献   

基于福建省普通中小学专任教师结构发展现状调查,依据福建省教育事业统计资料和发展规划等相关文献,对全省中小学在校生人数和师资发展需求进行预测。结果表明:2010—2020年间,全省高中教师缺口较大,初中教师需求有限,小学教师需求较小;扩大高中教师研究生学历,实现初中教师本科化、小学教师大专化的任务仍然繁重。今后十年,适当控制师范招生规模,突显师范专业办学特色,优化本科教育专业结构,加快发展研究生教育,是福建省高师教育结构调整、改革与发展的主题。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的发展和对初、中级技术人员需求的增加,职高教育招生规模迅速扩大,社会各界对职业高中的教学质量也越来越关注,保证职业高中的教学质量问题是其生存与发展的关键问题。针对职业高中数学教育教学的特点,提出建立和健全职高数学教研组教育教学质量管理体系,切实保证与提高职高数学教育教学质量。  相似文献   

The present study estimates the effect of a one-year preparatory program on the likelihood of completing upper secondary school in Denmark. We identify the effect using discontinuations of the program and add to the literature on multiple unordered treatments by suggesting approximations of the effect against a specific option (here 9th grade). Discontinuation significantly increases enrollment in and completion of high school education for students at the affected margins, which under LATE assumptions translates into a negative effect of the preparatory program. There is no effect on enrollment in and completion of a vocational education. Robustness and placebo analyses suggest that results cannot be explained by violations of LATE assumptions.  相似文献   


The assumption that rational choice dynamics will lead to diversity of school supply is at the heart of K–12 school choice arrangements. Yet as the field of school choice becomes more established, there will be the “inexorable push toward homogenization.” If vouchers, tuition tax credit scholarships, and education savings accounts become more significant players in the education market in the years to come, isomorphism, if it occurs, will limit the utility of school choice. Drawing on experiences from the charter sector and the Louisiana Scholarship Program, this article considers whether education savings accounts might encourage less isomorphism of practice among participating private schools than school choice options such as vouchers and tuition tax credit scholarships.  相似文献   

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