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My Grandma     
A lot of things are easily forgotten,but the time when I lived with my grandma is hard to forget.I was sent to my grandma not long after I was born.It was my grandma who looked after me and brought me up.So I liked her very much.  相似文献   

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It was mining hard that day. I was sitting in front of the window and looking outside. I was very excited because it was my sixteenth birthday. I cherished it very much for it was my best time, Besides, my parents had promised that they would celebrate it for me.  相似文献   

我正在赴一个重要的约会,可我已经晚了,还迷路了。我把自己的男人自尊压了压,打算找个地方问问路,最好是个加油站。我在城里绕了好久了,油箱快空了,而时间更是重要。我发现从消防站里透出的琥珀色灯光。还有比这个更好的问路的地方吗?我很快从车里下来,穿过马路去消防站,三扇吊门都开着,我看见红色的消防车门都开着,  相似文献   

我叫萨姆。我家里有4口人:妈妈、爸爸、妹妹和我。我妈妈38岁,是一名英语教师。她非常喜欢打乒乓球。我爸爸40岁,是个商人。他喜欢打篮球,而且打得非常好。我和我妹妹都是学生。她在六年七班,我在七年五班。我们在同一所学校。我12岁,她10岁。今天是10月25日,是我的生日。妈妈和爸爸想要给我买一些生日礼物。他们在我们学校附近的商店买了一个大蛋糕,两盒彩笔,  相似文献   

It's Sunday today,I get up very late.After breakfast I help my mother do housework at home.I wash dishes and clean the floor.  相似文献   

Last Weekend     
我上个周末过得很愉快。星期六上午.我在家做作业。下午。我跟爷爷奶奶一起给花章树木浇水。星期天。我和朋友们去了镇江。我们游览了一个公园。公园里有许多漂亮的树木和一个湖。许多小孩在草地上玩游戏。我的朋友给我拍了一些照片。我们都很兴奋。我过了一个很棒的周末。  相似文献   

Summer Holidays     
My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the coun-tryside to spend my summer holidays. It was very beautiful there. There were  相似文献   

从前,有一位渔夫,他有一个很丑的妻子。他们家里很穷。一天,渔夫捕到一条金鱼。但这条金鱼会说话:“请放我走吧!我会报答你的。”“啊,我的天啊!,’渔夫吃惊地叫道,“别担心,我不会吃一条会说话的鱼的。”于是他把金鱼放进了水里。渔夫回家并把这件事告诉了他的妻子。妻子非常愤怒。“你多愚蠢啊!”她说:“看看这个破草屋,到海边去,向金鱼要一间小木屋。”于是渔夫来到海边。“怎么啦?”金鱼问。“我的妻子想要一件小木屋。”渔夫说。“别担心,她会有的。”渔夫的妻子得到了一间小木屋。但过了几天,她对此感到厌倦了:“告诉金鱼,让它给我一座宫殿。”渔夫又返回海边。他的妻子得到了一座宫殿。  相似文献   

这个学期我们有很多的科目。我们有请文、数学、英语、皂然科学、社会科学、美术、体育和电脑课。我非常暑欢电脑溧,它十分有趣。我经常在网上冲演,有时候我还和我的好朋友们一起玩电脑游戏。我可以从中得到许多乐趣。坦是,我们每周只有节电脑课。我希望每局能多上一些电脑溧,这样我就能从中学到更多的东西了。  相似文献   

从礼拜二到拜五我每天早晨大约7:30起床。由于天气太冷无法冲澡,我只是刷刷牙,穿上厚外套,然后就冒着严寒出门了。我喜欢早起。与大多数人不同的是,我喜欢在寒冷中步行到地铁站。这样我就有时间用mp3听我最喜欢的音乐,还可以做点锻炼(我在北京生活以来这点做得一直不够)。我要乘地铁2号线抵达西直门。我在那儿的一家幼儿园执教。  相似文献   

网页设计是计算机专业教学中一门实用性、综合性很强的课程,该课程理论与实践紧密结合,对学生的实践能力要求很高,因此上机课对学生掌握这门技术至关重要。针对学生在网页制作过程中如何妥善解决遇到的困难和问题,最终制作出优秀的网页,根据笔者多年的教学和实践经验,总结出教师在上机指导过程中需重点把握的几个问题。  相似文献   

一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,我叫了他一声:“能跟你借个火吗?”他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟。  相似文献   

If I recall my first teaching experience, it is only to suggest that perhaps, in many congregations, the situation has not materially improved. It was the season of 1923–1924. I was a freshman student at Columbia College, and I was invited to assist the backward students at Temple Anshe Chesed (in Harlem, New York) in their reading of Hebrew, and to serve as substitute for any teachers who might be absent on any particular day. I had as much right to serve as anything at all in any classroom as I had to perform surgery in a hospital. But to Cantor Marcel Katz z”I who doubled as principal of the school (Dr. Jacob Kohn was the Rabbi) no further credentials were necessary besides my willingness to do my best — which was not, clearly, very good.  相似文献   

I often passed the kindergarten on campus during my assignment as a teacher of English at the Sichuan Institute of Finance and Economics in Chengdu. Each time I marveled at the charm of the children as they intently learned while playing. I vowed to arrange a visit before my year was over. It was a bright April day in 1984 when my interpreter and I were welcomed to this busy place.Jane Stillman is a teacher of world cultures and reading in Broadway High School in San Jose, California. She spent a year in China teaching English.  相似文献   

Let me share with you how honored I am to receive an award named after the late Dr. Jay Millman. In 1983, after completing the first of our research studies that began our continuing work in value-added, our report was sent by officials in the Tennessee Department of Education for review by Dr. Millman. It is no secret that many in the Department at the time were assuming that his anticipated critical review would put an end to such a preposterous idea—that student achievement data could be used as part of teacher evaluation. Days turned into weeks; each time that I would inquire of the Department as to when we would hear from the review, I was always told that they had not received it. One day I called Dr. Millman and explained my frustration of not hearing from the review and inquired as to when it might be available. He immediately interrupted and explained that he had sent the review several weeks previous to that day and that he would be glad to send me a copy of his remarks, obviously very angry that they had not been passed on to me. Upon receiving and reading his review, it became obvious why I had not received a copy from the Department. Even though he raised many important questions, his review was most objective and generally very positive. Later, he asked us to submit chapters to the book on student outcomes assessment models that he edited. In all of my interactions with Jay, I developed the utmost respect for this distinguished scholar, and I am glad that fate let our paths cross.  相似文献   

My first position as a teacher was in 1935 in Buffalo, N.Y. at Temple Emanuel. The rabbi was Morris Adler, a scholarly man and a rising star in the conservative rabbinate. My wife and I were sent as shlichim by the Hashomer Hatzair Zionist Youth Organization to Western New York to organize and train leaders for their branches in Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse. Specifically our duties consisted of recruiting and educating youth from ages 11 and up for eventual Aliyah. Some of our time was spent traveling between cities, especially on weekends. No budget was allowed. We were expected to find employment and finance our expenses. It is under these circumstances that we accepted positions at Emanuel. First my wife, a seminary graduate, got a job. Rabbi Adler told her that he also needed a male teacher. She described my background to him and he invited me for an interview. He was favorably impressed with my background in youth education, both in Lithuania and in New York City, my fluent Hebrew, my familiarity with the sources, and my positive approach to Jewish traditional practices. I was hired. The salary? Over $600 — for a 10 month year! Thus started my career in formal Jewish education for nearly half a century.  相似文献   

1我已经不记得手写体的大写字母“Z”是如何写的了。剩下的字母我写得不是歪歪倒倒就是生硬呆板,我的字总是歪七扭八地斜向各处。这并非缺乏尝试。在小学里,有些女孩让人无法容忍,她们用粉红色铅笔画一个小小的圆圈来代替“i”上那一点,我就是那些女孩中的一员。我曾尝试了各种字体,曾经有段时期我甚至花时间去练习写双层的“a”,就是那种在许多字体中出现过的有突出部分的花体字。  相似文献   

This article shares my experience as a doctoral student researching within the domain of art and design education. This is a professional doctorate bringing together my experience as an educator and that of researcher where boundaries between education and social science research disciplines cross. My research paradigm is situated within critical theory. It is an interpretive hermeneutic study where I am cast as a participant ethnographer. At the time of writing I wanted to make known the issues and tensions that I encountered with research protocols, such as permissions mechanisms and ethical gatekeepers. These tensions I still perceive as confining, but more significantly, I realise that knowing and understanding research methodology is key to achieving creative and unpredictable research practice. This article is, therefore, focused on my journey to discover a research methodology that enables me to use a creative voice. By this I mean a method by which I can develop a writing style that articulates my practice that enables me in the construction and reporting of my research analysis to fully capitalise on my reflexive self. I have referenced papers produced by others at the time of writing their doctoral thesis and have found this enlightening. This is my contribution.  相似文献   

女儿出生时,我们给她取名叫迈尔斯,和我深爱的已过世的父亲同一个名字,尽管家人提醒这个名字太男性化了。 几年以后,我觉得迈尔斯已经长大,能够理解了。我对她解释说:“你的名字很特别。我给你取了一个和我爸爸一样的名字,因为我非常爱他。我相信他会为你而深感自豪的。”  相似文献   

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