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本文采用质性研究方法,通过比较三所民办高校内部治理模式的相同点和不同点,探讨影响学校 内部治理模式的因素。研究指出,影响民办高校治理模式的内部因素主要包括学校发展的不同阶段、举办 者的特征和学校领导的专业素质。基于同一外部政策体系下三所民办高校内部治理模式发展变化的分析, 该研究提出如下建议:加大党组织建设力度,突出公益导向;完善章程的内涵和功能,提升依法治校水平;加 强董事会和监事会建设,规范决策程序;强化管理团队的专业化建设,增强内部治理能力。研究为民办高等 教育政策的制定者、学校的举办者和管理人员以及从事高等教育研究的学者提供了丰富的实证数据。  相似文献   

This paper scrutinises organisational change in Japanese and UK universities which are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. The study focuses on recent changes in governance, management, leadership, and funding in these universities. The paper argues there are convergent trends between Japanese and UK universities in terms of increasing entrepreneurial activities, a review of institutional strategies, a review of the organisation, the application of market-oriented institutional policy, links with the industrial sector, the notion of a public financial crisis and changing external environment, strong leadership of the university President or Vice-Chancellor, and the notion of the accountability of the university to society as a whole. However, the application of particular institutional strategies, entrepreneurial culture, and the way in which an institution relates itself to the private sector significantly differs among institutions. The paper suggests that those differences are related to different institutional history and characteristics – including those between national and private universities in Japan, and old and new universities in the UK – as well as different government policies between Japan and the UK. The paper first proposes a theoretical model for the five types of entrepreneurial culture of the institutions. It then examines the model by using case studies: Nottingham Trent University (UK), University of Surrey (UK), University of Tokyo (Japan), and Waseda University (Japan).  相似文献   

大学治理离不开全球治理的国际政治环境,西方"逆全球化"动向与中国人类命运共同体战略形成价值张力,大学治理模式出现新的可能性。人类命运共同体是中国全球化战略的理论和实践支点,为讨论大学治理全球化提供了思想资源。理论上的大学治理全球化存在统一模式,但不是当前模式的任何一种。中国大学治理模式"强政府"的制度特征和兼容并蓄的文化基因为全球大学治理提供了更多可能性。人类命运共同体是中国大学治理全球化的实践逻辑,为大学治理全球化提供了在组织、国家和全球层面的治理框架:构筑以信任为特征的大学内部治理,构筑以提升大学治理能力为核心的大学外部治理,构筑以人类命运为支点的大学治理全球化。  相似文献   

办学自主权既是高校有效实施内部治理的基础,也是现代大学制度建设重要内容。改革开放以来,我国高等教育实现了从三级管理体制的建立,进而到以办学章程为载体的治理体系改革的历史嬗变,高校的办学自主权明显扩大。从制度变迁的视角看,高校办学自主权的变迁体现了权力与制度的互构关系:权力秩序呈现出从集中管控到分权治理的特点,制度模式从国家本位到多元导向的发展趋势。受路径依赖和高等教育供给制度的影响,我国高校的办学自主权在变迁过程中产生了宏观鼓励与微观约束、临时性制度过多与总体性制度欠缺、外部放权和内部集权等多对矛盾关系。在当前我国"双一流"建设的背景下,进一步提升高校的办学自主权,迫切需要加大高等教育领域"放管服"改革的力度,实现从行政主导型的制度变革转向发展驱动下的高校自主性治理改革。  相似文献   

This paper examines institutional governance of the public university in China, investigating the extent to which government has sponsored the autonomy of universities since the inception of the opening up reforms of 1978. The paper sets out to explain how the party governance system of China is interconnected with aspects of the university’s governance, little commented upon in academic literature outside of China. In particular, it explores how the Presidential Accountability System under the leadership of the University Committee of Communist Party (UCCP) operates.  相似文献   

Leadership, governance, and management are frequently conceptualized as conflictory institutional logics. The recent shift to a ‘new managerialism’ in universities, for example, clearly favors business-like leadership and management styles over collegial governance practices. This article provides a micro foundation of leadership, governance, and management in universities based on the underlying communication of strategic issues among governing bodies. Reporting on a longitudinal case study of a comprehensive reorganization of a German university, it illustrates how institutional logics translate into micro patterns of communication. The findings suggest that leadership, governance, and management are not necessarily conflictory but reflect in four complementary micro patterns. Rather than ‘managerialism’ replacing ‘collegialism,’ organizational change unfolds in oscillating sequences of these four micro patterns. The findings furthermore indicate that the strategic issues of research and teaching at the university’s core remain largely autonomous, despite their increasing managerial regulation.  相似文献   

中国民办高校发展至今,在高校办学理念的基础上逐渐融合了现代企业利益相关者的治理理念。文章依据中国民办高校办学实践,提取民办高校利益相关者主要构成:董事会(董事长)、校领导(校长)及核心教职工,阐释利益相关者主体间性关系及存在问题,提出并论证期权激励是消解利益相关者间问题的有效策略。在此基础上,提供一套规范科学、可供操作的期权激励的逻辑框架,包括期权确立的原则、选择激励的模式、确立行权的条件、确立辐射对象和数量,以及合理设置等待期和行权期等问题,供民办高校激励人才、优化内部治理结构参考。  相似文献   

我国建设世界一流大学的政策经历了从重点建设到协同创新共五个阶段的变迁历程,根据倡议联盟框架的分析,不同的倡议联盟在建设世界一流大学的政策中都会拥有不同的政策参与者和信念体系,以中央政府为核心的倡议联盟在政策制定中发挥着主导作用。基于此,建设世界一流大学应从信念重组和制度重构两个方面入手:一方面,重组建设世界一流大学的政策信念体系,回归世界一流大学的本质属性和精神内核;另一方面,重构世界一流大学的制度安排,把大学治理结构的构建作为切入点来为世界一流大学的建设构筑新路径。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):533-551

The contribution of universities to regional development has in the last few decades gained significant currency. Inter alia, this contribution has been through steered national, regional, and institutional policies aimed at enhancing national development, good governance, human capital creation and innovation in an increasing knowledge-dependent economy, and through the universities’ core technologies of teaching and research. Based on empirical findings from an African case study, this article argues that other forms of contributions to regional development exist, which are neither from deliberate efforts nor steered by direct policies. This article proposes new forms of contributions termed ‘unintended contributions’, in which universities become growth poles by virtue of being located in a particular region. Using the counterfactual and ‘export and import substitution’ methods of analysis, this study shows the various ways in which a rural university in Cameroon has ‘contributed to regional development as a ‘growth pole’.  相似文献   

The national open universities of China and India are unique adaptations of the open university model that emanated from the UK. These institutions have expanded to become the largest universities in the world as measured by current enrollment of approximately four million each. This article comparatively analyzes how these open universities have differentiated themselves from the open university model and from each other amidst similarities of outcome and differences of approach. Historical contexts, national governance of higher education, institutional administration, curriculum and international operations are the foci of analysis. The article contributes to the literature on national and local forces that shape higher education systems and aims to spur collaborations between the institutions in question for mutual benefit.  相似文献   

随着分类管理改革的推进,现有民办高校将真正分为营利性和非营利性两种不同的法人组织。法人属性的差异,意味着民办高校内部治理机构的调整和变化。从公共性视角来看,目前我国现有民办高校内部治理呈现出较为典型的私人性特征,表现在治理目的、治理主体、治理机制等方面。对于非营利性民办高校来说,其内部治理从私人性转向公共性,是现代大学公共属性、民办教育政策导向、获取公共财政支持的综合使然。提升非营利性民办高校内部治理的公共性,应形成树立以公共利益最大化的治理目的,构建多元共治的治理主体,建立公平、透明的治理机制。  相似文献   

This study focusses on an investigation of the patterns of institutional change influenced by the TEMPUS I (European Community/European Union) assistance programme in Bulgaria during 1990‐1994, specifically at the Technical University of Sofia. The theoretical model of the research has used as its point of departure Burton Clark's concept (1983) of institutional relations and has examined the roles of state, government, market, and academic oligarchy in the dynamics of university administration and management during the transition period. The data collected demonstrate that the role of TEMPUS I JEP grants was a major factor in favour of change in the process of development and the implementation of new institutional policies and organizational structures. The study opens for discussion a number of issues related to the role and the policies of multinational funding agencies in a national university setting undergoing institutional change, forms of academic governance, and the conditions and requirements related to the implementation of market‐oriented approaches in academe.  相似文献   


The key task in the establishment of a university charter is ensuring that the text of the charter is in conformity with the law, in compliance with regulations, and rational. This paper proposes a system of observed indicators for textual expression in private university charters in China, including 6 dimensions for Level 1 indicators and 20?key elements for charter content. Through textual analysis of the charters of 105 private undergraduate universities in China, the authors found that, in terms of their textual expression, private university charters universally exhibit issues such as incompleteness of the key elements of content, failure to highlight individual characteristics, an imbalanced internal power structure, unstandardized operations, imperfect mechanisms for democracy and oversight, and so on. The state’s implementation of categorized management of nonprofit and for-profit private schools should be regarded as a golden opportunity to further strengthen the effective supply of external institutions for private universities, perfect the internal governance structures of private universities, improve the mechanisms by which academic organizations at private universities exercise their roles, and achieve effective linkage between private university charters and concrete internal regulations.  相似文献   

对我国大学信任不平衡结构的实证考察及理论思考,是大学信任研究和大学内部治理效能提升的应有之义。本文从权威文化和制度绩效两方面考察了我国层级性大学信任的生成机制,深入探讨了两者的共同影响和异质性效应。实证研究发现,当前我国大学信任呈现出随着大学层次的下降而逐级下降的层级性特点,这一特点受到了权威文化和制度绩效的负向建构作用。研究还发现,权威文化和制度绩效对层级性大学信任的影响不是单独起作用的,而是共同产生影响。研究结果表明,高等教育公平可以作为威权主义价值观影响层级性大学信任的替代性变量,应建立基于分类分层的大学信任差别化构建机制,以弥合重点大学信任和非重点大学信任的差距。  相似文献   

大学章程是大学治理的基础,从《奏拟京师大学堂章程》到《国立北京大学组织大纲》,从《高等学校暂行规程》到《北京大学章程》起草、从宋代的书院规程到20世纪前半叶的现代中国大学章程以及20世纪后半叶以来的大学立法和章程建设、台湾、香港、澳门等地区大学的章程及大学治理等,中国两岸四地的大学从其章程建设的历程来看,尽管才百余年的现代发展史,却浓缩了古今中外大学治理的思想和机制,呈现出不同的结构形态,不但为中国的大学治理提供了中国自己的道路和经验,还对大学治理的依据、长期发展的基础、世界水准大学的建设有了更加清楚的认识.  相似文献   

我国民办高校发展状态整体平稳向好,但各类风险挑战一直伴随着我国民办高等教育发展进程。现存风险主要表现于资金财务、内部治理、教育质量等领域。建立民办高校办学风险防范机制有利于民办高校实现高质量发展。借鉴组织免疫理论来构建的民办高校风险防范分析框架包括非特异性免疫、特异性免疫、组织与环境间关系三大要素。非特异性免疫是民办高校事先进行的风险防范机制,包括组织结构、制度规则和组织文化。特异性免疫是民办高校后天形成的风险防范机制,包括组织监视、组织防御和组织记忆。在组织与环境间关系层面,要构建民办高校风险治理协同体系,净化社会文化环境,完善政策制度环境,构建常态化评估监测。  相似文献   

本研究运用场域理论对学科交叉进行研究,提出学科交叉场域是“知识生产组织建构行动者参与”三元关系嵌套的结构空间。本研究以我国世界一流大学建设高校A大学为典型案例,对其学科交叉场域存在的创新功能、整合功能和激励功能失灵现象及原因进行深入分析。为应对学科交叉场域功能失灵并促进学科交叉场域与外部系统需求的动态平衡,我国可从理念重塑与模式变革两个方面完善大学治理机制。在理念重塑方面,我国大学应转变学科观念,从学科意识转向问题意识;重塑价值追求,从形式交叉转向交叉创新;拓宽战略格局,从仅立足学科转向立足内生资源、制度环境和外部产业三维坐标。在模式变革方面,我国大学可坚持以创新为根本,将学科交叉深度嵌入大学创新体系;坚持以问题为导向,构建面向成果的学科交叉体制机制;坚持以赋能为核心,助力教师在场域转换中成长成才。  相似文献   

民办高校进入分类管理过渡期后,举办者频繁变更的问题成为社会各界关注的焦点之一。立足民办高校举办者的现实基础与办学动机,从举办者办学和政府规制两个视角分析了变更问题的特征、诱因及影响,阐明民办高校举办者变更的缘由大多是“学校控制权私利”问题。当前推进民办高等教育治理体系与治理能力建设是政府义不容辞的责任,建立“举办者变更规程、强化协同监管和发挥属地治理”的新机制,不断规范民办高校举办者变更工作,是促进民办高校健康发展的有效措施。  相似文献   

21世纪美国大学治理面临的挑战及其对中国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
21世纪的美国大学治理面临来自内外的诸多挑战,本文试从政府的影响、董事会治理、大学自治和教职治理四个方面进行阐述,旨在为中国大学治理提供有益的启示.本文认为,中国政府在大学治理上应该做有限政府,对大学适度宏观控制;建立和健全有利于大学与政府间中介组织健康发展的法律法规;尊重大学发展的内在逻辑,做到大学有限积极自治、逐步实现政校分开;进行体制创新,教职治理"重心"必须下移,切实赋予教师在学术事务上的实质性权力.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):254-268

The growth and development of private universities has been one of the most dramatic features of African higher education in the last two decades. Using the three East African countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda as a case in point, this analysis examines the extent to which developments in the region echo international trends, as well as how they illustrate contrasts. The analysis focuses on three key themes: (a) growth and historical antecedents; (b) institutional developments in terms of continuity and innovation; and (c) internationalism. While only relatively recent phenomena, private universities in East Africa and the increasing privatisation of public universities mirror developments in other parts of the world with a longer tradition of private university developments in terms of growth and historical antecedents, continuity and innovation in institutional development, as well as in internationalism. However, there are some situations in which the East African case is exceptional.  相似文献   

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