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图书馆各种类型的读者群,具有各自不同的阅读需要、阅读方式和阅读特点,并在图书馆享有不同的借阅权限.所谓区分服务,就是有针对性地满足各种读者的不同需求.区分服务的实质,在于讲究服务艺术,注重服务效果,着眼服务质量.要做好期刊的读者工作,就必须把握住读者的阅读心理,搞好区分服务.多级别多层次的期刊结构和读者结构,决定了区分服务的必要性.各类期刊及其使用系统,是一个多级别多层次的动态结构.不同的内容范围,不同的使用方式,组成了和谐发展的动态期刊体系.只有在相互联系中加以区别对待,在区分中保持平衡发展,才能做到藏以致用,发挥各自的功能.期刊的种类按内容性质划分可分为:(1)学术性期刊;(2)科普性期刊;(3)资料性期刊;(4)政治性期刊;(5)文学艺术性期刊;(6)检索性期刊;(7)娱乐性期刊.按使用文字划分可分为:(1)中文期刊;(2)外文期刊.  相似文献   

刘允杰 《考试周刊》2009,(52):196-197
随着我国出版体制改革的不断深化,期刊作为一种特殊的商品进入市场竞争领域.品牌是期刊在市场竞争中制胜的重要法宝.在信息技术飞速发展的今天,高校期刊要生存、要发展,就必须走精品化道路.精品期刊不仅要有创新意识,而且要有好的内容、好的栏目和好的形式.本文提出,高校期刊的精品化发展应从期刊定位、用人制度、质量控制等方面着手.  相似文献   

期刊编辑的创造性劳动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了期刊编辑人员是编辑工作的主体.从两个方面(即选题组稿;修改稿件)指出编辑工作是具有创造性的劳动,编辑人员的创造性劳动对提高论文水平,保证期刊的质量有着非常重要的作用.并提出期刊编辑要加强创造性思维的培养.  相似文献   

期刊编辑与作者的关系是期刊编辑出版过程中最基本的关系,编辑与作者的关系是否和谐,是期刊能否可持续发展的关键.在与作者交往中,编辑要正确地处理好与作者的关系,要恪守职业道德行为规范和敬业精神,尊重作者及其劳动成果,从而达到扩大期刊作者群、增加优质稿源数量,不断提高期刊质量之目的.  相似文献   

有怎样的编辑,就有怎样的期刊.就是说,期刊编辑水平的高低,决定期刊质量的高低,只有高质量的期刊编辑队伍,才能有高质量的期刊.这就要求我们每一个期刊编辑人员,除了要有较好的身体素质外,还要有好的政治素质、道德素质和文化素质.  相似文献   

论期刊利用率之提高   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
收藏期刊的目的是为了利用,因此,图书馆应千方百计地提高期刊的利用率,使其充分发挥作用.要提高期刊的利用率,最重要地是采取好的管理体制,加强核心期刊的采购及做好期刊的宣传和揭示等工作.  相似文献   

期刊的全球化浪潮汹涌而来,势不可挡.面对国外大刊的强烈冲击,中国期刊市场处处充满着机遇和挑战.如何应对期刊市场化和国际化的冲击,打造具有中国特色的期刊群.是期刊界面临的重点课题.中国期刊的发展就是要冲破传统的运作模式,打造全新的办刊理念,树立品牌意识,走集团化发展之路,从而参与全球化的市场竞争.  相似文献   

期刊订购工作是高校图书馆工作的重要规部分,改革的目的就是要优化馆藏期刊文献体系,开发期刊文献资源,提高期刊利用率,为教学科研服务.我校是一所高等师范专科学校,肩负着为四化建设培养一批合格的师资人才的任务,当前,高校体制面临改革,期刊工作如何参与改革是期刊工作人员面临的新课题.长期以来,期刊工作老是停留在定编定岗,借借还还较低层次服务水平上,期刊工作要改革,就必须打破常规,打破历年来由订购人员选择订购期刊的局面,应让广大读者直接参与期刊的推荐与选择.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,我国科技期刊面临着新的机遇和挑战.我国科技期刊要办成国际化期刊.就必须全面提高期刊质量,提高编辑人员素质,创办特色期刊,缩短出版时滞,健全管理制度,只有这样,才能在国际期刊时常竞争中立于不败之地.  相似文献   

议图书资料室的期刊管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,随着社会经济和科学技术的迅猛发展,期刊品种和数量也在飞速发展.作为图书资料室的管理人员,怎样合理地选订期刊,科学的管理好期刊,充分发挥期刊的作用,最大限度地满足广大师生对期刊文献的阅读需求,充实教职工的精神文化生活,是一个应该注意研究的问题.1、合理选订期刊,尽量满足广大读者的阅读需要图书资料室,是教师阅读期刊、报纸的地方.选订期刊尽量满足教师对期刊的阅读需求,又要引导教师从阅读期刊中获取营养、增长知识、陶冶情操,以达到提高教师思想政治素质,又要对教  相似文献   

Résumé Cet essai évoque les contextes pédagogiques de l'écriture au-delà des formes d'écriture convenues en recherche, et questionne les usages scolaires de l'écriture. J'y suggère d'autres usages inspirés d'une approche qui inverse les rapports usuels entre communication et représentation, entre kinésis et mimésis. Cette approche vise une démystification du pouvoir de l'écriture à représenter le réel, à dominer la communication, et une promotion d'une écriture expressive et métaphorique, favorisant l'appropriation de cette technologie virtuellement libérante.Université Laval  相似文献   


Consciousness is a natural and integral part of human beings that is at the core of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual functions throughout our lives. However, we tend to be too occupied with or distracted by the details of our daily existence to be fully aware of our own consciousness. More often than not, we are engaged in the surface consciousness in the materialistic world or emotional realm, which interferes us to get connected with our deeper consciousness and capacity. This paper will unpack the layers of human consciousness (or lack of consciousness) from philosophical perspective to examine the relations between our understanding of consciousness and its impact on our holistic wellbeing and growth (Singh, 2016 Singh, L. P. (2016). Science, spirituality, and ontological mysticism: the philosophical enquiry and reflection. Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Co. [Google Scholar]; Suzuki, 1999 Suzuki, S. (1999). Zen Mind. New York: Weatherhill. [Google Scholar]; Thompson, 2015 Thompson, E. (2015). Waking, dreaming, being. New York: Columbia University Press. [Google Scholar]). What is consciousness? How do human beings choose our consciousness? What is the relation between micro and macro consciousness? How do we expand, develop, and apply our consciousness for the maximum wellbeing and growth through education? The paper intends to go beyond the compartmentalized analysis of consciousness (e.g. biological, psychological, neurological etc.) by engaging a holistic metaphysical viewpoint as well as relational and dialectic approaches (Ames & Hall, 2003 Ames, T. R. & Hall, L. D. (2003). Daodejing: making this life significant. New York: Ballantine. [Google Scholar]) Hegel, 1807, 1977 Hegel, G. W. F. (1807, 1977). The Phenomenology of spirit. (A. V. Miller Trans.). Oxford: Clarendon Press. [Google Scholar]; Laozi, 1999 Laozi. (1999). Daodejing (道德经). Shanxi, China: Shanxi Classics Press. [Google Scholar]). It aims to connect theory, learning, and living together with nature and universe beyond the limitation of time and space.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings on a hybrid guidance curriculum in Hong Kong, a place where East meets West in education and in many other spheres. A qualitative case study method is applied that uses questions for understanding the ‘self’ in guidance but incorporates Confucian cardinal human relationships of parent–child, brother–sister, husband–wife, superior–subordinate, teacher–pupil and friend–friend in understanding the ‘other’ relationships. The study of ‘self–other relationship’ is combined with Lawton’s (Social change, educational theory and curriculum planning, Hodder, London, 1973) model of curriculum development in Western traditions. Data obtained from stakeholders in schools include traditional Chinese ideas as well as modern Western ideas. Implications of this framework to the study of other societies with a mix of Western and traditional cultures are discussed.
Pattie Yuk Yee Luk-FongEmail:

Defining what it means to be an “effective teacher” is a difficult, but necessary, undertaking, as research reveals a correlation between teacher qualities and student success (Buchel and Edwards 2005 Buchel, T., and F. Edwards. 2005. Characteristics of effective clinical teachers. Resid Educ. 37 (1):305. [Google Scholar]; Darling-Hammond 2000 Darling-Hammond, L. 2000. Teacher quality and student achievement: A review of state policy evidence. Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy. Seattle: University of Washington Press. doi: 10.1086/ahr/106.2.595-a.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Lupascu, Pânisoa, and Pânisoar 2014; Stronge 2007 Stronge, J. H. 2007. Qualities of effective teachers. 2nd ed. Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. [Google Scholar]). The literature on this topic clearly demonstrates that there is no consensus on exactly what traits and characteristics truly define an effective teacher. Given this lack of agreement, the question for teacher educators becomes how do we prepare teacher candidates to be effective in the classroom when researchers, policymakers, and administrators can’t agree on the traits that encompass what the system has come to deem an “effective” teacher?

Throughout this article, we share our findings from an exploratory case study of National Teachers of the Year. Through an analysis of personal teacher of the year narratives and nomination letters, we learned that even in the ever-changing world of education, specific characteristics and philosophies which support and exemplify outstanding teaching have remained constant over the years. Award winning educators agree that teacher effectiveness is realized only through the intersection of curriculum, relationships, collaboration, engagement, and a commitment to further one’s learning. In this article, we offer insight into each of these ideological constants and discuss the implications they have for today’s teacher education programs.  相似文献   

Masculinity ideology is argued to be associated with academic outcomes. However, relatively few studies have examined these associations. This study examines the associations between masculinity ideology and academic skepticism, self‐presentation of low achievement, academic engagement, academic initiative, and self‐regulation, above and beyond academic self‐efficacy, among a diverse sample of urban youth. With a sample of 135 eighth‐grade students from a Northeastern middle school, 5 separate multiple hierarchical regression analyses were used to examine whether students’ endorsement of masculinity ideology predicted the criterion variables above and beyond academic self‐efficacy. The sample was comprised of 54 girls and 74 boys ages 12–14 years (M = 13.14; SD = .37). Results showed academic self‐efficacy significantly predicted academic engagement (B = 1.26; β = .53, p < .001; f2 = .39), academic initiative (B = .98; β = .37; p < .001, f2 = .16), and behavioral regulation (B = .61; β = .24; p < .05; f2 = .09) and explained an additional 8 and 10% of the variance in self‐presentation of low achievement (B = .54; β = .33; p = .001; f2 = .14) and academic skepticism (B = .56; β = .35; p < .001; f2 = .15), respectively, over and above academic self‐efficacy. Gender, which was dummy coded and entered as a covariate, only predicted self‐presentation of low achievement. Findings from this study point to the need to foster positive academic outcomes through bolstering academic self‐efficacy and, perhaps more important, addressing masculinity ideology.  相似文献   

Chemically processed Nb-doped SrTiO3 films and properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Homogeneous, crack-free SrNbxTi1−x O3 thin films on (110) silicon substrates were successfully fabricated by sol-gel processing. The optimum route and conditions were systematically investigated. Sr(OAc)2 glacial acctic acid solution, after being refluxed and reacted with tartrate, formed Sr(OAc)2(C4H6O6)2; Ti(OBu)4 formed Ti(OAc)4−x (AcAc)x after having the ligand partially exchanged with AcAc, while Nb(OC2H5)5 formed (OAc)2Nb(AcAc) (C4H6O6) by exchanging of ligand in glacial acetic acid with (CH3CO)2O. All the metal species after undergoing partial hydrolysis and polymerization with hydroxyl or oxygen, formed SrNbxTi1−x O13 cluster sol. Methyl cellulose (MCL) caused SrNbxTi1−x O3 sol to have polymeric structure and easily form films. SrNbxTi1−x O3 films with perovskite were subsequently formed after being annealed at 650∼750 °C for 60 min in 25% N2+75% H2 (volume ratio) atmosphere. Resistivity of the SrNb0.1Ti0.9O3 films at room temperature was 64 μω·cm, a particular T 2 temperature dependence of the resistivity, from 25 K up to room temperature, was observed. Project (No. 2002CB613305) supported by the National Basic Research Program (973) of China  相似文献   

We study in this article mathematics teachers’ documentation work: looking for resources, selecting/designing mathematical tasks, planning their succession, managing available artifacts, etc. We consider that this documentation work is at the core of teachers’ professional activity and professional development. We introduce a distinction between available resources and documents developed by teachers through a documentational genesis process, in a perspective inspired by the instrumental approach. Throughout their documentation work, teachers develop documentation systems, and the digitizing of resources entails evolutions of these systems. The approach we propose aims at seizing these evolutions, and more generally at studying teachers’ professional change.
Luc TroucheEmail:

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