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构建“试点”教学模式,要遵循教学基本规律,广泛吸收传统教学模式的精华,寻求师生分离状态下教学信息畅通、实现师生交互、满足学习需求、保证教学质量的途径;构建“试点”教学模式,关键在于使教师的主导性和学生的主体性在和谐统一的层面上实现最佳组合,在于形成具体课程教学的较为定型的操作方式和流程。  相似文献   

教学模式改革是“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”的核心内容之一,事关试点工作的成败。“以案讲法”教学模式来源于案例教学法,整个课程借助于多媒体和网络以案例教学推进.“以案讲法”教学模式将面授课教学定位在检查与督促、训练与巩固、促进与提高上,充分体现了“以学生为中心”的开放教育思想,实现了学生自主性学习、研究性学习和协作学习。  相似文献   

"123"教学模式的构建与实践   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
构建适合现代远程开放教育条件的、具有本土化特色教学模式,是人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点重点和核心内容.湖南电大在全力打造基于网络的学习平台和建设、整合多种媒体教学资源,积极为学生个别化自主学习提供技术和教学资源保障的同时,积极开展现代远程开放教育教学模式改革的研究与实践,在实践中不断丰富以学生为主体的教学模式内涵,逐步形成了以学生自主学习为中心,利用网络学习平台和多种媒体教学资源为基础,通过教师的引导、辅导、督导,实现学与教多元互动的教学模式.并在试点教学的实践中得到了积极的推广,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

“三自”能力是“自我教育、自主学习、自觉创新”的能力;“创新”教育是根据创新的原理,培养学生具有一定创新精神、创新意识、创新思维、创新能力以及创新个性为主要目标的教育活动。在开放教育试点教学中,尝试通过培养“三自”能力,实施“创新”教育,引导学生在牢固、系统地掌握学科知识的基础上,发展他们的创造力,对提高学生的创新素质不无现实意义。  相似文献   

在开放教育英语本科课程的学习中,评价学生学习成绩的优劣不能完全依靠期末终结性考核成绩,而应侧重于学习过程(形成性考核)的评价,科学和正确地评价英语课程的学习过程,已成为开放教育英语本科教学中的一个重要问题,在目前的开放教育试点中还无完整的规章和现成的答案的情况下,本提出一些建议性的思考,试图探索一套比较科学和合理的评价方法,有效地监督,指导和促进开放教育英语本科学生的开放学习。  相似文献   

远程开放教育中"双主互动"教学模式的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新的学习观认为,学习是每个人的经验积累,教学是教师和学生两者之间的相互作用进程。现代远程开放教育中的课程教学应在采用多种媒体手段进行系统教学和通信联系的基础上更好地体现教师与学生在教与学之间的互动作用,才能有效地提高教学质量,培养学生的自主学习能力。本文结合开放教育试点课程《组织行为学》(教育方向)的教学实践,对“双主互动”教学模式作了探索。  相似文献   

在人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点中,自主学习被大力倡导。试点电大必须引导学生树立自主学习观念,着重培养学生的自主学习能力,同时为学生提供良好的学习支持服务。  相似文献   

电大分校是“中央电大人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目实践的主体。岳阳电大在长期的试点实践中积极探索基层电大人才培养模式实践模型,构建了“主导助控”人才培养模式基本框架,并取得了较好的实际效果。“主”是指学员主体和以学员自主学习为主;“导”是指教师对学生自主学习的引导、指导、辅导和督导;“助”是指学校对教师导学和学员自主学习提供全方位、全过程的支持服务;“控”是指对学员自主学习、教师导学和学校助学的效果与质量进行全方位、全过程的监控。“主导助控”四是一个相辅相成、相互联系的有机整体。  相似文献   

远程开放教育经过五年的试点,教与学模式的实践是以改变传统校园教育的教学模式,创建网络条件下新的教学模式为核心的。从传统校园教育以教师为中心、以课堂面授为中心、以书本媒体为中心的教学模式,向教师指导性教学,学生自主性学习,多种教学形式和多种教学媒体并存与交互使用的教学模式转变。  相似文献   

开放教育从试点转入常规后,加强网上教学,引导学生利用网络学习,成为内涵建设的重要组成部分。2007年春季推出的午间直播网上教学栏目正在受到越来越多学生的关注,随着上网人数的不断增  相似文献   

During my first year of practice as a new action learning facilitator undertaking an ‘ILM Level 5 Certificate in Action Learning Facilitation’, an innovative Individual Service Fund pilot was launched by ‘Certitude’, the organisation for which I work. The aim of this pilot was to enable people with learning disabilities and mental health needs in London to have more choice and control over their support. By recognising the opportunity that this pilot provided, I was able to design, introduce and facilitate an action learning intervention to develop the confidence of leaders and managers involved in implementing the pilot's project plan and in turn explore my own emerging practice. This paper focuses on my journey from an opportunistic to expedient action learning facilitator; responsible for introducing, planning and establishing a new model of learning and development in Certitude.  相似文献   

本文结合电大“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”课题研究工作,论述了新形势下电大教师面临的新任务,分析了开放教育试点与课题研究相结合的必要性和重要性,探讨了科研与教学和管理之间的辩证关系,对于深化电大教学改革、推动电大科研工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Although literature about problem based learning (PBL) is not scarce, there is little research on experiences about learning methodologies that combine PBL and the use of simulation tools. This lack of studies is even more notable in the case of engineering courses. The motivation for this study is to show how such a combination of PBL and simulation has been designed in a group work course for engineers and to analyze how the underlying factors of this methodology are related to perceived learning. This exploratory study focuses on how perceived enjoyment, interaction, collaborative learning, perceived satisfaction, and time dedicated to the course affect the learning perceived by the students in an engineer's degree course. The outcomes of this pilot study show that only three of these factors (satisfaction, time dedication, and collaborative learning) affect the students' perceived learning. Despite the high ratings obtained for interaction and perceived enjoyment, no significant relation between these factors and perceived learning was found. The reasons behind these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe and evaluate an approach to student learning that aims to instil a culture of formative assessment based on peer-assisted learning. The idea is for suitably qualified undergraduates to assist in the running of weekly first-year tutorials. They mark submitted work, provide written and verbal feedback and lead problem-solving discussions during tutorials. However, contrary to normal practice, the marks they award do not contribute to the students’ end-of-year total; all tutorial work becomes essentially voluntary. We report results from a pilot implementation of the scheme over a 12 month period in an engineering department at a leading academic institution. The scheme was such that a comparative and triangulated assessment was possible among the students and tutor team. Results show no discernible degradation in student attendance, submission rates and performance in either the weekly exercises or end-of-year examinations. Important benefits to the peer tutors are also found.  相似文献   

This paper reports students' perceptions of the technological supports that assist problem-based learning (PBL). There are a number of tasks in the PBL processes, which can be supported by technological advances. A Web-based system has been developed to support the problem-based learning strategy. The system provides facilities to both teacher and students to facilitate learning and teaching. These include on-line teaching materials retrieval, a discussion area for problem analysis and brainstorming, a facility for project planning and monitoring, a private group area for the purposes of discussion, a facility for the submission of development work and learning resources, and a posting area to display good work to motivate students. The progress of the students can be monitored and feedback can be given to them. This paper presents a pilot study of student views of and preferences for various technological supports used to enhance learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

The conventional lecture has significant limitations in the higher education context, often leading to a passive learning experience for students. This paper reports a process of transforming teaching and learning with active learning strategies in a research-intensive educational context across a faculty of 45 academic staff and more than 1000 students. A phased approach was used, involving nine staff in a pilot phase during which a common vision and principles were developed. In short, our approach was to mandate a move away from didactic lectures to classes that involved students interacting with content, with each other and with instructors in order to attain domain-specific learning outcomes and generic skills. After refinement, an implementation phase commenced within all first-year subjects, involving 12 staff including three from the pilot group. The staff use of active learning methods in classes increased by sixfold and sevenfold in the pilot and implementation phases, respectively. An analysis of implementation phase exam questions indicated that staff increased their use of questions addressing higher order cognitive skills by 51%. Results of a staff survey indicated that this change in practice was caused by the involvement of staff in the active learning approach. Fifty-six percent of staff respondents indicated that they had maintained constructive alignment as they introduced active learning. After the pilot, only three out of nine staff agreed that they understood what makes for an effective active learning exercise. This rose to seven out of nine staff at the completion of the implementation phase. The development of a common approach with explicit vision and principles and the evaluation and refinement of active learning were effective elements of our transformational change management strategy. Future efforts will focus on ensuring that all staff have the time, skills and pedagogical understanding required to embed constructively aligned active learning within the approach.  相似文献   

This article analyses the learning opportunities afforded pre-service teachers when participating in a primary school placement in London, England as part of their university teacher education course. Cultural historical activity theory is used as a theoretical framework to address how pre-service teacher learning opportunities are constructed. Building on a previous year-long ethnographic study which explored how and why pre-service teacher learning opportunities differed in school settings, this paper introduces a small scale pilot study. The study integrates developmental work research into an initial teacher education school/university partnership, and considers the role of the school leader in this. Possibilities for pre-service teachers, teachers and teacher educators to work together in a research process that is integral to an initial teacher education partnership are forwarded, with the aim of ensuring that critical enquiry and learning are kept at the forefront of the activity.  相似文献   

大学英语读写一体化不是单向的“以读促写”,也与以往工具式的训练型“读写结合”有所不同。作为一种教学理念,它更强调学生对语言的整体感悟,更强调通过研究性学习培养学生的批判性思维,并扩展其人文素质。通过贯穿始终的学生合作学习活动,阅读一讨论一写作一评议四个环节中的师生互动,以培养思辨能力为目标的深度阅读,高度融合的读写技巧讲练,体验式网络自主学习等教学设计,达到读写水乳交融、相互促进的效果,显示出大学课程的通识教育功能。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings from an evaluation research project undertaken by Henley Management College in 2006. This project followed an earlier research study that focused on identifying the leadership development needs for leaders of small and medium sized-enterprises (SMEs) in the UK, developed a leadership development model and made recommendations for a leadership development programme. The principle challenges facing the SME organisations overwhelmingly concerned leading change in their organisation. Their personal challenges concerned implementing change initiatives, communicating these and motivating the people in their organisation. In consideration of the challenges identified, one of the key recommendations was to pilot an action learning programme and evaluate the effectiveness of action learning to develop leadership skills in SME leaders. Henley Management College then conducted a research project to evaluate the pilot programme. This pilot consisted of three learning sets, run in three geographical areas in the UK and facilitated using three very different styles. Following the pilot programme, there were several wider reviews by academics, advisors and representatives of relevant government boards. This has since resulted in a significant programme of action learning for SME leadership development being implemented. This paper provides an overview of the relevant literature and research methodology and then presents the evaluation results from the pilot programme. The dominant theme was that action learning does indeed deliver significant business benefits and provides a real opportunity for SME leaders to develop their leadership skills.  相似文献   

针对高校计算机房自主英语学习和教室课同时并行的教学模式进行了两年的自主英语学习能力及问题跟踪调查,通过问卷和访谈的形式着重对大学生机房自主学习中存在的问题进行了分析研究,旨在了解学生对自主学习的认识,探讨影响学生自主学习能力提高的因素,提出了提高大学生自主学习效果的针对性建议。  相似文献   

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