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当前在高等教育快速发展的背景下,大学教师群体发展不平衡、不充分的问题普遍存在,主要反映在职业角色、权利地位和经济收入等方面的分化。究其原因,这是大学教师群体对学术资本主义和新管理主义在我国高等教育领域渗透的适应性反应,与大学教师个体的禀赋差异有着内在的关联。  相似文献   

创业型大学是在市场需求与学术传统的平衡点上生长出的一支奇葩。深入研究并发展之是各国大学应对学术资本主义新要求的首选战略。然而,缺乏西方真正意义上的学术传统的中国是否存在创业型大学?若不曾拥有,何谈发展,或许重塑学术传统并新建真正意义上的创业型大学是我们当前最为紧迫的任务;若早已实质存在,研究中国模式的特征以及适时交流与借鉴,进而构建本土化的创业型大学模式当是最为明智的选择。为彻底走出令人厌倦的争论,还需从享有"东方剑桥"美誉的浙江大学、"中国麻省"美誉的清华大学与"具有新中国高等教育缩影"盛誉的华中科技大学这三所研究型大学的那些闪烁着"中国特色"的创业实践中寻找问题的答案,并见证中国创业型大学的演变路径。  相似文献   

最近几十年,学术资本主义的概念引起了学界广泛的关注。关于知识经济背景下的大学和其新角色的研究文献在逐渐增加,但是很少有研究完整的阐释教师及学生的角色有哪些变化。本文通过阐释学术资本主义理念的发展历史和原因,探索学术资本主义对高校教师、学生及师生关系的影响,为高等教育在新经济环境中的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

美大学发生的"学术资本主义"倾向使大学教师的核心身份也同时发生了解构和变迁,如以往被认为无之则不成为大学学者的学术自由和自治传统逐渐失落。因此一些关注学术身份问题的学者提出重构教师的学术身份的设想,他们主张以多重身份解脱"学术资本主义"带来身份的困境。这一情况给今天中国大学的发展提供了域外的借鉴。  相似文献   

学术资本主义作为大学组织回应外部社会环境的变化、谋求自身生存与发展的产物,正成为推动高等教育系统变革的一股重要力量。在学术资本主义的渗透下,大学组织在知识生产模式、国家针对高等教育发展的政策、教学科研人员管理、与社会各界的协同合作以及宣传策划和市场推广等方面面临着变化,高等教育系统也发生着变革与转型。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的知识经济时代,大学及其教师为了获得更多可能的外部资金来源,通过整合高等教育和全球知识资本的方式,把跨国因素融进教学、研究和服务的活动,即跨国学术资本主义行为.跨国学术资本主义突出表现在跨国化的产学研合作、大学董事会成员的跨国组成、大学建立海外分校跨国化拓展和在线教育的跨国化扩张等四个方面.跨国学术资本主义对全球高等教育的发展有着深远的影响.  相似文献   

学术资本主义与大学三大职能产生冲突,发展科学的"求是"目的遭到腐蚀,培养人才的教学活动被弱化,原创性的基础研究受到挑战。知识经济时代的全球竞争、组织的资源依赖以及两种高等教育哲学思想对立是这些冲突存在的原因。费孝通先生提出的文化自觉理论可以为我们解决大学的冲突提供新的视角。  相似文献   

上世纪末以来,学术资本主义成为影响世界高等教育发展的最主要思潮之一。在此思潮影响下,大学的学术导向、教育理念、组织属性与管理模式都在发生着深刻的变化。本文试图从知识论的视角对学术资本主义这一概念进行解读,并以知识为基点对大学的传统核心使命进行回顾与重审。在此基础上,分别从知识创造、知识养成、知识传播三个维度指出学术资本主义与大学核心使命之间存在着难以调和的冲突,以此作为对学术资本主义的一种反思与警醒。  相似文献   

西方大学和我国大学都正在经受"学术资本主义"浪潮的考验,由此,有必要吸取西方大学的经验,探析我国大学教师"学术身份"如何变革与坚守。"身份"建构于"个体—情境"互动中,大学组织、学科部落和教师个体的学术生活等三者是大学教师"学术身份"建构最为重要的意义来源。受"学术资本主义"浪潮的影响,当下大学组织情境存在程度不同的"市场化生存"问题,学科部落情境存在学科地位分化和知识生产方式变化问题,教师个体学术生活存在契约化变革和自由空间被挤压问题。随着大学"情境"的变革,大学教师"教育者""研究者"和"社会服务者"学术身份将面临重新建构,还将可能生成一种新的"创业者"学术身份。很有必要从传承历史的传统精髓、借鉴成功的变革经验和回应现实的迫切需求三个维度来反思大学教师的"学术身份"建构。  相似文献   

学术资本主义是20世纪后半叶大学中产生的一种现象,是院校及其教师为确保外部资金的市场活动或具有市场特点的活动。学术资本主义的兴起使得"学术至上"使命受到挑战、"学术自由"传统遭到侵袭、"学术自治"理念面临威胁。在学术文化传统与学术资本主义的博弈之中,大学究竟何去何从是一个待解的命题。  相似文献   

本文主要从学术资本主义的观点整理讨论当前台湾高等教育人才培育政策的取向与主要措施。首先,本文讨论了近代以来高等教育机构之角色与功能的改变;其次,对于学术资本主义的产生与概念的演变做了扼要的整理与讨论,以及就学术资本主义在高等教育机构角色与功能的转变中所扮演的角色进行讨论;接着从学术资本主义的立场讨论影响当前台湾高等教育人才培育政策的因素;最后,从学术资本主义的观点,讨论了当前台湾高等教育人才培育的主要政策。  相似文献   

This article highlights the multifaceted character of the Swedish higher education sector and investigates senior academic management positions from a gender perspective using theories about an academic prestige economy and academic capitalism. The focus is on an aspect often overseen in research on Swedish academia: the distinction between universities and university colleges. The analysis draws on interviews with 22 women in senior management positions in Swedish higher education and a quantitative mapping of the Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions in universities and university colleges between 1990 and 2015. The results illustrate that the academic prestige economy is interwoven with both gender and academic capitalism and produce different working conditions and requirements for senior managers at universities and university colleges.  相似文献   

高等学校教师:概念与特质   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
叶赋桂 《教育学报》2005,1(5):82-87
本文从高等学校教师的词源和历史发展揭示了高校教师的内涵,并在此基础上,通过知识社会学和职业社会学的分析,阐述了作为从事学术职业的高等学校教师的特质为学术性和专业性。  相似文献   

This article is based on the idea that if we are witnessing an on-going shift towards the transnational phase of capitalism, this objective structural change should also be taken into account in higher education studies. In this sense, this article reflects the increased scholarly attention into the relationship between globalisation and higher education since the 1990s. The main purpose of this article is to contribute to these discussions by developing dialogue between global capitalism theories and the theory of academic capitalism. In order to achieve this, William Robinson's concept of the transnational capitalist class (TCC) will be amended to include also the informational fraction. Furthermore, the causal history of TRIPS (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) will be used as an illustrative example of how transnational corporations have stimulated the emergence of academic capitalism at transnational level. First, I will discuss the theory of academic capitalism. Second, I will introduce and amend the concept of the TCC. Third, I will present my conclusions.  相似文献   

当代美国高等教育研究理念主要包括“学术资本主义”、“学术资本主义与新经济”、“大学的企业性”、“全球一体化与社区学院”、“知识和金钱对研究型大学的影响”和“大学的组织转型”等。这些理念对高等教育实践具有解释作用,对决策人员具有参考、引导作用,对高等教育行政管理人员具有指导作用。这些理念的应用有一定限度。  相似文献   

This article begins with a brief review of research on the development of ideas about the knowledge-based economy (analysed here as ‘economic imaginaries’) and their influence on how social forces within and beyond the academy have attempted to reorganize higher education and research in response to real and perceived challenges and crises in the capitalist order since the mid-1970s. This provides the historical context for three ‘thought experiments’ about other aspects of the development of academic capitalism. The first involves a reductio ad absurdum argument about different potential steps in the economization, marketization and financialization of education and research and is illustrated from recent changes in higher education. The second maps actual strategies of the entrepreneurial university and their role in shaping academic capitalism. The third speculates on possible forms of ‘political’ academic capitalism and their changing places in the interstices of the other trends posited in these thought experiments. The article ends with suggestions for a research agendum that goes beyond thought experiments to substantive empirical investigations.  相似文献   

The effect of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) strategies in higher education has arguably been transformative despite the not-insignificant barriers existing in this context. Throughout the discourse very little attention has been paid to those primarily responsible for this implementation—academic teaching staff. This paper aims to highlight the impact of academic workload allocations, an often silent barrier to the uptake of TEL strategies in higher education. We will discuss the effects of academic identity and culture, preferential time allocation to associative activities, academic technological capacity, university policies and workload and funding models on the uptake, and implementation on TEL in higher education. Our aim is to highlight the risks to staff, students and institutions should these concerns not be addressed and to propose a model for utilisation by all staff responsible for implementing flexible workload models supportive of further implementation of TEL strategies across the sector.  相似文献   

Assessment regulations in higher education, which are important for assuring threshold academic standards, reflect institutional cultures and histories, and are shaped by pragmatic concerns about quality indicators such as retention and progression rates, as well as principles of equity. This paper articulates some of the tensions that confront higher education institutions in the development and revision of regulatory frameworks, and describes a survey of assessment regulations from a sample of UK higher education institutions for the first year of undergraduate study. The survey identifies key variations in regulatory policy and practice that challenge assumptions about comparability of academic standards between higher education institutions. These findings imply that student success and progression may not be a simple reflection of academic attainment, and raise questions about notions of equity. It is intended that this research will contribute to informed discussion in the sector about academic standards and the regulatory frameworks underpinning first-year assessment policy and practice, and thus potentially lead to more transparent and consistent practice.  相似文献   

学术资本主义的运行与发展,要求大学治理结构作出适应性调整。它在推动大学外部治理结构由三元主体向四元主体转变、内部治理矛盾向外部治理矛盾局部转移、治理权力向治理结构顶层和基层双向延展等方面起到了显著性作用。大学治理结构早在学术资本主义产生前就已基本形成,并成为学术资本主义可持续发展的重要前提。学术资本主义只有秉承大学自治与学术自由、专业治理与学术治理协调发展理念,不断强化大学的学术性、公益性、独立性法人地位,才能持续对大学治理结构产生积极影响。  相似文献   

学术资本主义是大学或教师为获取外部资金支持所表现出的市场行为或类似市场的行为,学术资本主义在中国兴起的原因除了知识经济与经济全球化、政府财政政策、新公共管理等公共影响因素外,中国特色社会主义市场经济体制改革和教育产业化也是重要影响因素。面对学术资本主义对大学及大学教师学术行为带来的种种影响,文章从宏观和微观两个层面给出了相应的风险规避措施。  相似文献   

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