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INTRODUCTIONPFCcircuitrysimulationhassomeinherentdifficulties,astwofrequencieshavetobecon sideredduringsimulation :oneistheswitchingfrequencyofabout 50kHz,anotheristhemainsfrequencyof50to 60Hz.Itcausesanextremelylargedynamicoperationrange .Tosurmountthesedif…  相似文献   

With the use of this novel everage model for Single Stage Flyback PFC+Flyback DC/DC converter, voltage control mode, peak current control mode and average current control mode can be simulated easily by changing the model's parameters. It can be used to do various analysis not only for small signal and static behavior but also for large signal and dynamic behavior of the converter. By using this average model the simulation speed can be improved by 2 orders of magnitude above that obtained by using the conventional switched model. It can be applied to optimize the trade-off between high power factor, voltage stress, current stress and good output performance while designing this kind of single stage PFC converter. A 60W single stage power factor corrector was built to verify the proposed model. The modeling principle can be applied to other Single Stage PFC topologies. Project (No. 50077020) supponted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

A new family of converters, high-performance AC/DC power factor correction (PFC) switching converters with onecycle control technology and active floating-charge technology, was derived and experimentally verified. The topology of a single-phase CCM and DCM Boost-PFC switching converter was also analyzed. Its operating prniciples and control methods were expounded. Based on these, a new type of AC/DC switching converter circuits for PFC combined with one-cycle control technology was presented herein. The proposed AC/DC switching converter significantly helps improve the converter efficiency and its power factor value.  相似文献   

提出了一种LED调光方式,设计了基于单片机控制的调光装置。采用MSP430单片机产生PWM信号控制调光模块。调光频率可达2MHz,且占空比可调。调光系统具有功率因数高、调光无闪烁、调光输出稳定的优点。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于FOT模式的PFC电路设计方法,以L6562为控制芯片,给出了470W PFC主电路及控制电路方案。采用C语言编程的方式对电流等关键参数进行模拟计算,在满载情况下,对设计电路进行了实验验证。计算及实验结果表明,在优化参数:电感值350uH,固定关断时间为5us情况下,470W FOT模式PFC电路能有效减小输入电流谐波,提高功率因数。  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-mode control scheme for a soft-switched flyback converter to achieve high efficiency and excellent load regulation over the entire load range. At heavy load, critical conduction mode with valley switching (CCMVS) is employed to realize soft switching so as to reduce turn-on loss of power switch as well as conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI). At light load, the converter operates in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) with valley switching and adaptive off-time control (AOT) to limit the switching frequency range and maintain load regulation. At extremely light load or in standby mode, burst mode operation is adopted to provide low power consumption through reducing both switching frequency and static power dissipation of the controller. The multi-mode control is implemented by an oscillator whose pulse duration is adjusted by output feedback. An accurate valley switching control circuit guarantees the minimum turn-on voltage drop of power switch. The prototype of the controller IC was fabricated in a 1.5-μm BiCMOS process and applied to a 310 V/20 V, 90 W flyback DC/DC converter circuitry. Experimental results showed that all expected functions were realized successfully. The flyback converter achieved a high efficiency of over 80% from full load down to 2.5 W, with the maximum reaching 88.8%, while the total power consumption in standby mode was about 300 mW.  相似文献   

This paper explores and proposes a design solution of an integrated skip cycle mode (SCM) control circuit with a simple structure. The design is simulated and implemented with XD10H-1.0μm modular DIMOS 650 V process. In order to meet the requirement of a wide temperature range and high yields of products, the schematic extracted from the layout is simulated with five process corners at 27℃and 90℃. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed integrated circuit is immune to noise and achieves skipping cycle control when switching mode power supply (SMPS) works with low load or without load.  相似文献   

An accurate circuit of PWM/PFM mode converting and a circuit of auto-adaptively adjusting dimension of power transistor are described. The duty cycle of the signal when the control mode converts can be gained accurately by using ratios of currents and capacitances, and an optimal dimension of power transistor is derived with different loads. The converter is designed by 0.35 μm standard CMOS technology. Simulation results indicate that the converter starts work at 0.8 V input voltage. Combined with synchronized rectification, the transfer efficiency is higher than 90% with full load range, and achieves 97.5% at rating output.  相似文献   

本文通过对各种串并联谐振DC-DC开并变流器和输出整流器的比较,阐述了在分布式电源系统中,在DC-DC原边变流器中采用串并联谐振LLC谐振变流器和输出端采用全波整流器电路,在高输入电压的情况下,循环能量减小,输入电压范围可以拓宽,并且效率可以提高,损耗可明显减小。本文对串并联谐振谐振变换器的工作原理和控制方法进行了细致的分析,建立了谐振变换器的各个工作模式的条件,并给出了计算机仿真实验分析数据。  相似文献   

为了解决高频逆变电源负载参数变化引起固有谐振频率变化,导致逆变器效率降低及开关器件应力增加的问题,提出了一种以集成高速锁相环74HC4046为核心的、应用于功率MOSFET为主开关器件的高频串联谐振逆变电源的无相差频率跟踪控制系统,对电源的输出频率进行实时控制,并用Pspiee进行了仿真分析。结果证明,该系统具有较好的应用前景和推广价值。  相似文献   

为了智能测量和研究直流稳压电源、蓄电池等电源的负载特性,设计了一台以TI公司的16位超低功耗单片机MSP430F169为中心控制的直流电子负载。外置16位D/A转化芯片ADS1115实时高精度采样电源电压和电流信号,经过单片机程序控制,单片机内置12位D/A转换电路输出一个直流信号并经过运放放大后驱动功率MOS管工作。MOS管作为功率消耗元件,整个电路构成了电压和电流闭环调节系统,可工作于恒压和恒流2种模式。被测电源的输出电压、输出电流和负载调整率可以实时测量并显示在图形液晶显示屏上,电流和电压的测量精度可达(0.02%±0.02%FS)。电子负载人机交互友好,测量精度高,单片机外围电路简单,可靠性高,扩充性好,具有很强的实用价值。  相似文献   

在大多数工业运用场合,三相整流电路由不可控二极管或相控晶闸管组成。这种变换器具有功率因数低、输入电流谐波成分高等缺点。利用功率因数校正(PFC)技术可以解决这些问题。论文对最常用的单、三相开关功率因数PFC进行了深入的研究。利用功率平衡和相量图,建立了三相电压型高功率因数整流器的静态数学模型,深入研究了系统参数与功率因数之间的稳态关系。在分析系统静态模型和稳态关系的基础上提出一种间接电流控制(PAC)方案,该方案与传统方案相比,并不检测输入电源电压,因而能减少硬件和降低成本。  相似文献   

小功率风光互补发电系统控制算法的变步长扰动方法可通过调节触发脉冲的占空比来实现最大功率的跟踪控制.利用MATLAB/Simuiink中的一些元器件搭建了最大功率控制模型.  相似文献   

随着人们生活质量的不断提高,各个领域的电气设备不断地向自动化、智能化方向发展,而电能是这一发展的关键。为了保证供电质量的要求,可以采用一种控制原理简单、成本低、维护方便的双路电源自动控制柜的设计方案。这是专门针对中小型用电单位使用的备用电源投切装置,该装置不仅能实现备用电源自动投入功能,还能监视各相电压及电流,实现手动∕自动切换模式,对市电、发电进行电能计量等功能。  相似文献   

为满足对直流电源试验要求,提出了一种采用滞环控制的恒流电子负载模拟功率负载系统的方法,用该方法研制了恒流电子负载装置.试验结果表明,该恒流电子负载能根据所设定的负载性质自动调节负载电流,满足直流电源的试验要求.  相似文献   

职务犯罪是由职务权力失控而引发的犯罪。究其原因:一是在职务权力产生、运行制度上缺少对职务权力进行监督、控制的制约机制,形成权力无监督的运行状态;二是在法律体系中权力处于至高无上的位置,宪法和法律中缺少对权力运行给予监督的限制性规定;其三,市场经济的发展,使职务权力成为社会各阶层争夺的利益资源之一,在腐蚀、攻击掌握职务权力人的过程中,缺少监督的权力,必然出现失控的运行状态,导致职务犯罪的发生。因此,通过法律控制权力的运行是预防职务犯罪的必要路径。  相似文献   

文章研究了智能控制技术在通信开关电源系统变换器中的应用。针对变换器为非线性、时变系统的特点,提出了一种模糊自适应PID控制算法。与传统的PID算法相比,该智能控制算法提高了开关电源的动态性能,减小了负载变化时的输出电压恢复时间和电源启动时输出电压的超调量。  相似文献   

多输入DC-DC变换器由于其独特的电路拓扑结构,在结合利用诸如太阳电池,燃料电池,风力发电等电源容量及电压级别各不相同的无公害能源方面,具有很好的应用前景。但其功率开关器件在硬开关状态下动作,由此产生的功率损耗及噪音污染成为问题。本文对多输入变换嚣中最常用的2输入升降压型DC-DC变换嚣的部分共振特性进行了探讨,在储能电感处于非连续电流工作状态下,以极其简单的电路方式,实现半导体功率开关的零电压零电流导通,输出整流二极管的振荡电压的消除及零电流关断,从而改善了变换器的转换效率并降低了其所产生的噪音。  相似文献   

从能量、电量和电压三个平衡关系出发,分析了静电除尘装置中倍压整流电路的输出电压与负载、倍压整流电路元件参数、升压变压器分布参数、PWM逆变电路的工作状态的数量关系,给出了它们的关系表达式,并把计算结果和实际装置的实际输出进行了对照,说明分析结果是符合实际情况的,同时也指出了分析结果与实际情况不完全符合的地方,为以后进一步的分析研究指出了方向.  相似文献   

集中供电方式智能广告灯箱群的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究一种具有集中供电方式、集中控制模式、备用灯管模式的广告灯箱群,包括总体方案、功能模块、高频主电源设计、备用灯管的切换控制部分等内容.通过集中供电方式和备用灯管模式可减少EM I干扰,提高节能效果,延长灯箱使用寿命,通过集中控制模式可实现多种控制模式,从而克服控制模式单一的缺点.因此这种灯箱具有多功能、EM I小、节能效率高、经久耐用且经济实用的特点.  相似文献   

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