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化学概念都是抽象的知识,都是比较难理解和不易掌握的.概念教学课的一个重要特征是:以化学实验提供的事实,让学生参与概念的形成过程.故若在化学概念的教学过程中,适当运用“实验-探究”的教学模式能促进形成概念,有利于学生理解和掌握概念.“实验-探究”教学模式可按“问题-实验-讨论”的基本教学程序去组织教学.在该模式中,“实验”是手段,“探究”才是模式的核心.[第一段]  相似文献   

现行初中化学课本中的H2燃烧演示实验,按教科书和有关参考资料进行演示,均看不到蓝色火焰.为此,我们从改进实验装置人手,对影响本实验的因素进行了研究,使该实验现象明显,适合课堂演示.现介绍如下:一.实验装置如图1-反应器2-支撑柱3-燃烧室4-避光罩5-观察窗6-稀硫酸7-锌粒8-淡蓝色火焰1.反应器如图a中1由250ml锥形瓶、单孔胶塞和一根长10-12cm内径0.5-0.6cm的直玻璃管三部分组成,用于产生和导出H22.支撑柱如图a中2和三根10-11cm的粗金属丝做成,插于导气管周围的胶塞上互成三角形,用于支撑燃烧室,避免燃烧室底和导气管…  相似文献   

加强实验教学,培养无机非金属材料工程创新人才   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
针对实行了学分制后,学校实验教学面临的一些问题,提出立足于已有实验条件加强实验教学的思路,建立课程实验-专业实验-创新实验的实验教学新体系,在实践中培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力以及创新能力,同时也讨论了实施改革过程中可能面临的问题和解决方法。  相似文献   

1 存在问题 人教版高中化学教材(必修)第一册第二章在介绍钠的物理性质和化学性质时,共设计了四个随堂实验:[实验2-11切割钠和观察钠的颜色;[实验2-2]钠与氧气的反应:[实验2-3]钠与水的反应和[实验2-4]检验钠与水反应所生成的气体,一个学生分组实验(实验三碱金属及其化合物的性质)。在实际课堂教学中,完成上述几个实验存在以下几个问题.  相似文献   

高中生物实验“观察植物细胞的有丝分裂”的实验步骤为:取材-解离-漂洗-染色-制片-观察。在用碱性染料染色时,很多学生存在这样的疑问:醋酸洋红液为何称为碱性染料?碱性染料龙胆紫是与酸性细胞核发生中和反应染色吗?漂洗去解离液能避免与碱性染料发生反应吗?这些问题涉及到染料性质和染色原理,一些教师也没有明白,使得教学过程中学生认识不清。我们通过大量实验和资料查阅,辨明植物细胞的染色原理。本文特就植物细胞一些结构性质和染色剂的特性作出解释,希望同学们在实验操作中引起高度重视。  相似文献   

废镍镉电池的再利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从废镍-镉电池的碳酸铵-氨水浸取液中,利用硫酸铵-聚乙二醇2000-铬黑T双水体系萃取分离镍与镉,实验表明,在常温常压下,碳酸铵-氨水浸取液中不合铁,在pH=8.95的硫酸铵-氨水缓冲体系中,经过两级萃取就能实现镍、镉的定量分离,消除了镉对环境的污染.  相似文献   

初中化学教材(九年义务教育三年制初级中学教科书)第80页[实验5-2]活性炭(或木炭)投人到充满红棕色的二氧化氮气体的锥形瓶中,[实验5-3]活性炭(或木炭)投人到水中滴有红墨水的锥形瓶中,通过振荡,看到红棕色的二氧化氮气体和溶液的红色变浅或消失了这一实验现象.说明活性炭(或木  相似文献   

本研究在前期调查的基础上,从初中物理中选取了两个重要概念——摩擦力和惯性作为干预对象,借鉴国内外概念转变研究成果,提出了“外显-冲突-澄清-练习”四阶段干预模式,对一所普通中学初二年级的两个班实施了教学干预实验。由于研究者、实验教师、实验组织等方面的问题,导致教学干预效果不显著。为此,本研究在探讨干预效果的基础上,分析了这些干扰因素的负面影响,期望为后续研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

九年级化学教材无论是什么性质的版本,都编排了二氧化碳性质的教学课题,且十分相似地涉及众多的探究性实验和教师演示实验,究其实验方案,基本上都采用了传统而又经典的操作方法.根据化学教师的演示经历,结合笔者自身的操作感受,经过长期的悉心思考,发现教材中一直沿用的二氧化碳灭烛实验和二氧化碳密度比空气大的验证性实验,存在着可见性低、严密性差、安全系数不高的弊端.经过精心研究和整合,沿着“细思考-勤实践-再验证”的路径,对上述两则实验进行了广角创新设计.  相似文献   

A沉淀滴定中贵金属银的回收再生 银量法学生实验及例行分析中,作为标准溶液的AgNO3用量较大,滴定后生成的沉淀银AgX(其中X包括CL^-、Br^-、I^-、SCN^-、CN^-、CrO4^2-等)以及实验操作中洗涤滴定管用的AgNO3标准溶液,在以往的实验中都不自觉的丢弃了,作为贵金属的银,资源有限。因此,我们在实验中把它收集起来,再生利用。  相似文献   

伽达默尔哲学的七个关键术语   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
"存在之显现" 是伽达默尔的真理观念."时间性"指的是通过语言性、书写性、和诗歌的奇迹,产生了文本战胜历史"时间"而具有"同时性" 的奇迹."实践智慧" 是伦理方式选择善的理智."应用"的意思是当我们理解过去的某件事物时,我们同样领会它在今天是如何应用的 "传统"是指我们在语言中继承下来的态度和方法,在我们试图弄懂任何事物时都会在我们的意识中发生作用,而"效果历史意识" 是一种历史总结在发挥作用的意识.语言最典型地生存于交谈、问答、对话的平等交换之中.使人类团结在一起的的节日庆典是真正交流的基础.  相似文献   

领域或现场的可编程门阵列是一种新型可编程逻辑器件,它具有大容量、小时延、易改进和灵活性等特点,基于神经模糊系统原理,本文提出了一种基于VCN模糊数值算法的FPGA技术方案。该算法采用了一种VCR运算路径可重复使用技术、中间结果可变形处理及存放于RAM中实现的方法。经深入研究和试验分析,该算法是切实可行的。  相似文献   

道:中国文化的字徽   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道是中国化最根本的概念,它起源于原始仪式,理性化于先秦,关联到中国化的方方面面,通过与无、气、理的关联,与心、路、言的关联而展示了中国化的特质。  相似文献   

应用于液压集成块优化的一种混合遗传-退火算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper establishes a mathematical model of multi-objective optimization with behavior constraints in solid space based on the problem of optimal design of hydraulic manifold blocks (HMB). Due to the limitation of its local search ability of genetic algorithm (GA) in solving a massive combinatorial optimization problem, simulated annealing (SA) is combined, the multi-parameter concatenated coding is adopted, and the memory function is added. Thus a hybrid genetic-simulated annealing with memory function is formed. Examples show that the modified algorithm can improve the local search ability in the solution space, and the solution quality.  相似文献   

Optimal strategy of searching FPD weights scanning matrix using GA-PSO   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses a kind of optimal method used for searching flat panel display (FPD) scanning matrix. The method adopts bionic algorithm: genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The method using single GA is more time-consuming, and the search efficiency is low in later evolution; the PSO algorithm is easily falling into the local optimal solution and appears the premature convergent phenomenon. Hence, a hybrid approach of GAPSO is found to optimize the search for high grayscale weights scanning matrix. Finally in the acceptable time, it finds a weight scanning matrix (WSM) of 256 gray scales with Matlab, whose scanning efficiency reaches 94.73% and the linearity is very good.  相似文献   

廖峰 《丽水学院学报》2005,27(4):64-66,92
教师课堂授课是一种信息传播行为,影响传播效果的教师是个人因素(PersonalFactors)主要包含视觉因素(VisualFactors)、行为因素(BehavioraFactors)、理念因素(MindFactors)三个方面。高校教师只有充分将三者有机结合在一起,才能使授课达到最佳效果。  相似文献   

The surface acoustic wave (SAW) identification (ID)-tags have great potential for application in radio frequency identification (RFID) due to their characteristics of wireless sensing and passive operation. In the measurements based on the frequency domain sampling (FDS), to expand the range of detection and allow the system work in harsh environments, it is necessary to enhance the identification capability at low SNR. In addition, to identify the tags in real time, it is important to reduce identification time. Therefore, estimation of signal parameters based on the Procrustes rotations via the rotational invariance technique (PRO-ESPRIT) is adopted. Experimental results show that good identification capability is achieved with a relatively faster measurement speed.  相似文献   

* A defected ground structure (DGS), realized byetching defects in backside metal ground, is devel-oped froma photonic bandgap (PBG) structure. DGScan change the equivalentcircuitand therefore changethe transformation characteristic of a microstrip line. PBG structure is a kind of artificial crystal, inwhich one dielectric material arranges periodically inanother. This structure can prevent the propagation ofthe electromagnetic wave in a special frequency band.PBG structure has a verybroa…  相似文献   

As one of the most important components of the wideband wireless access technique, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has a high usage rate of spectrum and combats inter-symbol interference (ISI) in multi-path fading channel. However, when there are frequency offsets during the signal transmission, the inter-carrier interference (ICI) is introduced, which significantly degrades the performance. The existing ICI self-cancellation schemes such as PCC-OFDM are not optimum to minimize the interference considering both noise and ICI. In this paper, a new metric named S1NR (signal-to-interference- and-noise ratio) is proposed. We discuss the optimization issue when a constant frequency offset exists and in time-varying channels. The optimum weighting-coefficient-pair (OWCP) is obtained, which maximizes SINR theoretically through the alternant iteration algorithm. Simulations show that the performance of OWCP-OFDM is better than that of PCC-OFDM, especially when the frequency offset is large. Although the ICI self-cancellation scheme suffers bandwidth inefficiency, from the simulation results we can also see that the performance of OWCP-OFDM is much better than that of the standard OFDM systems with the same bandwidth efficiency when a frequency offset exists. Moreover, since the redundant modulation provides the capability to suppress ICI as well as a receiving SNR gain, it can be considered as exchanging the bandwidth for SNR.  相似文献   

The double Rayleigh backscatter (DRB) effect in long distance CATV systems using fiber Raman amplifiers (FRAs) is investigated theoretically in the paper. As a comparison, performance of a system with erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is also evaluated. According to the simulation results, it is found that, in case of FRA, the increase of carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) due to the DRB effect will not impair the performance more than that using EDFA.  相似文献   

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