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在美国少数民族教育史上,有两大革命推动了取消种族隔离的发展,一是"布朗诉托皮卡教育委员会"案(Brown v.Board of Education of Topeka),它提出了取消种族隔离制度,学校"自由选择计划"开始兴起;二是"格林诉新肯特县学校"(Green v.School Board of New Kent County.Virginia)一案,它导致了学校一体化运动的广泛流行.2泄纪90年代出现了重回邻近学校的趋势,但在种族日益多样化的时代,取消学校种族隔离的方向不会改变,而且它的范围更加深远.  相似文献   

特许学校运动是发端于20世纪90年代的一项美国教育改革运动,旨在通过市场机制来促进公立教育改革.特许学校已成为美国联邦政府推进公立教育改革的重要政策抓手.新上任的特朗普总统将包括特许学校在内的学校选择设定为其最优先的教育事项.特许学校在本质上仍然属于公立学校.其关键特征是将公共资金支持和私人管理相结合,通过以"责任"换取"自治",特许学校获得改革创新的空间,从而引发整个公立教育系统形成健康的竞争环境,并最终促成教育的公平与优秀.  相似文献   

20世纪美国农村"学校合并"运动述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
19世纪与20世纪之交,美国教育的城乡差距显著.为了应对这一挑战,历时长久、影响广泛的美国农村"学校合并"运动兴起,其目标是通过提升农村学校的"规模效益",提高美国农村学校的"学术内涵"和教育质量.农村"学校合并"运动积极推动了美国农村教育的发展.  相似文献   

孙碧 《比较教育研究》2018,40(2):96-103
平权运动对促进美国少数族裔争取教育平等权利作出了巨大的贡献,但也引起了广泛的争议和不满.近些年,美国亚裔群体认为同样作为少数族裔的他们却被平权运动所伤害,隐形的"种族配额制"成为其子女进入哈佛大学等一流大学的障碍.这引发了亚裔和哈佛大学之间就招生中是否存在歧视的控告和辩驳、亚裔群体内部就平权运动得失的讨论以及美国社会就平权运动存废的新争议.问题的实质是不同群体关于平等内涵及其实现形式的不同理解,以及由此展开的政治博弈,它彰显了美国大学招生中种族政治的复杂性.  相似文献   

对"学校服务"的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
"学校服务"是社会主义市场经济条件下学校管理的一个新概念,也是教育发展的一种新理念.教育分宏观层面和微观基础,学校是教育的微观基础,因而具有与教育不同的属性."学校服务"是学校的产品,在一定的历史阶段不一定是公共产品或准公共产品,市场可以是"学校服务"的调节器.政府要通过调控"学校服务"来保证教育的公平,学校要经营好各自的"学校服务"品牌,还要构建在"学校服务"理念下的新型师生关系.  相似文献   

二战后,美国普及教育阶段的城乡差距和种族歧视依然严重.为了应对这一挑战,美国掀起了农村"学校合并"的运动高潮,大规模合并农村学校,重组学区,提升农村学校的"规模效益"、学术内涵和教育质量.20世纪60年代,在教育机会均等理论思潮的影响下,美国农村普及教育在价值取向上发生了转折,开始追求城乡各类学校学生的教育机会均等,从而步入"多元均等"的发展路径.  相似文献   

大连经济技术开发区第十高级中学是一所省级心理健康教育特色高中,多年来,学校致力于心理教育"三个融合"建设,所谓"三个融合"即心理教育与学校文化、学校管理、学校教学的融合,为此,学校确定了建设心理教育特色学校的发展目标,将心理健康教育工作渗透到学校工作的方方面面,成为了学校的发展战略,学校以此进行国家课题"构建学校发展性心理健康教育融合体系的研究"的实践探索,特设两个心育特色班进行全方位研究,并取得了大量可喜的成果.  相似文献   

磁石学校设立之初强调以特色来吸引学生入学就读,以改进教育教学质量为宗旨,它是美国公立学校改革的一种实现形态。然而,纵观美国磁石学校的发生与发展过程,它在实现多元化种族融合的目标、实现特色化教学从而促进学校改进以及促进教育公平等方面并未达到预期的效果。美国磁石学校特色创新的理念与实践给当前我国盛行的追求办学特色之风提供了一定的启示与警示意义。  相似文献   

美国特许学校运动历经17余年的发展,在提高学生学习成绩、为家长提供更多教育选择方面取得了一定的成就.在新的形势下,需要通过创办新学校、关闭表现欠佳学校等策略将特许学校的发展方向转移到提高质量上来,从而推动整个公立教育系统追求卓越化的进程.  相似文献   

在学校管理中,人为地"制造复杂"可能会带来管理的低效甚至无效,因此,化繁为简是管理变革的重要原则.作为学校管理者,应从明确办学目标、工作程序、工作方式等方面入手,追求并实现管理的简洁高效.  相似文献   

论五四散文运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
五四文学革命初创期10年的散文倡导和创作,是一场有承传关系、有领袖人物、有外来影响、有理论主张、有创作实绩且影响深远的散文运动。其源头是清末“文界革命”,领袖人物为鲁迅、周作人。它挣脱旧散文“文以载道”的传统束缚,主张“言志”和张扬个性,反对文言文,提倡白话文;它重视白话散文的文学性,强调既要学习生动口语,更要研究语言的逻辑次序、结构关系、美感意味。五四散文运动作者多、报刊上散文栏目多、散文作品集多,各种散文流派已然形成。  相似文献   

The vision of the public schools as the “great equalizers” of society is as yet unfulfilled. One of the reasons why the schools have not achieved this goal is attributable, in part, to the administration of the public school system. This article examines the nature of school bureaucracy in light of the power it grants to some and denies to others. Second, it is shown that the nature of administrative acts can work to displace the goals society has set for the schools. Third, the political nature of school administration is examined. The article concludes with reference to several significant changes occurring in educational administration: “marketplace politics”; the productivity movement; and collective choice policymaking.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,瑞典政府对教育实行了根本性的改革,通过地方分权、择校、对独立学校拨款等措施积极鼓励独立学校的发展。事实证明,瑞典独立学校在学校数量和学生规模上增长极快,相对于市立学校而言,具有比较明显的优势。独立学校的发展对公立学校产生了积极的影响,激发了整个学校体系的活力,同时也为其他国家的教育改革提供了一种可以借鉴的模式。  相似文献   

In China, education has always been the exclusive preserve of the landlords, and the peasants have had no access to it. But the landlords1 culture (5) is created by the peasants, for its sole source is the peasants' sweat and blood. In China, 90 percent of the people have had no education, and of these the overwhelming majority are peasants. The moment the power of the landlords was overthrown in the rural areas, the peasants' movement for education began. See how the peasants who hitherto detested the schools are today zealously setting up evening classes! The texts used in the rural primary schools were entirely about urban things and unsuited to rural needs. Besides, the attitude of the primary school teachers toward the peasants was very bad, and far from being helpful to the peasants, they became objects of dislike. Hence the peasants preferred the old-style schools ("Chinese classes" as they called them) to the modern schools (which they called "foreign classes") and the old-style teachers to the ones in the primary schools. Now the peasants are enthusiastically establishing evening classes, which they call peasant schools. Some have already been opened, others are being organized, and on the average there is one school per township.  相似文献   

杨思信 《教育学报》2012,8(1):113-121
20世纪20年代发生的收回教育权运动从教育思想、教育学派、教育制度、教育编纂四个方面对中国现代教育产生了重要影响.教育思想方面,该运动提出了“教育为国家主权”、“教育与宗教分离”、“国家主义教育”三大观念.教育学派方面,该运动时期所形成的国家主义教育学派,丰富壮大了中国现代教育流派的队伍.教育制度方面,该运动促使政府形成了较为成熟的管理教会学校的体制.教育编纂方面,该运动时期提出和形成的“教育侵略”论、“文化侵略”论,成为中国近现代教育史上最有影响的学科研究话语范式.  相似文献   

为促进义务后教育公平,国家和地方政府出台了异地中考政策。利用“中国教育追踪调查”基线数据中的1071个九年级随迁子女数据,采用多项分类logistic回归分析方法,实证检验了异地中考政策的不同入学条件对随迁子女高中教育选择的影响作用。研究发现,当异地中考政策的入学门槛为“只能报考普通高中”时,对随迁子女选择普通高中没有显著影响;当异地中考政策的入学门槛为“可报考重点高中”时,对随迁子女选择普通高中具有显著促进作用;当异地中考政策的入学门槛为“不能报考普通高中”时,对随迁子女选择职业高中没有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

Although the literature on school choice rationalities is extensive, different authors interpret the processes of school choice for poor families in different ways. Positions vary between those that consider that poor families have the same capacity to choose as middle class families and those that value structural factors as constraints for choice. The objective of this article is to identify different school choice rationalities of low income families in the context of a highly marketized education system such as Chile. Beyond the restrictions of a different nature that poor families face, this social group mostly expresses high levels of reflexivity and complex sets of preferences when it comes to choosing schools for their children. This article tries to overcome the dualistic division that prevails in school choice literature between choice as an outcome of utility maximization for all, and choice as a denial for deprived groups.  相似文献   

近二十年来,择校在美国规模不断扩大,形式日趋多样。除学券计划外,各种税收抵免和教育储蓄账户应运而生,一部分公立学校也打开校门,实施"开放入学"政策。每种择校形式内,又有不同的变式。不过,由于家长和学生的择校标准不同于决策者的假设,各校也想办法选择成绩较优或家庭背景较好的学生,所以择校在某种程度上没有实现预期的效果。它很少服务于最贫困、最需要帮助的学生,在推动公立学校改革方面作用有限。  相似文献   


Oslo introduced a combination of school choice, per capita funding, balanced management and accountability in their public schools. Recent studies point out that this has increased segregation. In this study, teachers have been interviewed about their experiences. Bernstein´s classification and framing tools have been used to analyse the consequences for schools and relations between schools and parents/students. ´Marginalised´ and ´privileged´ schools find themselves in negative and positive spirals when it comes to popularity. These spirals are classed, raced and, (in upper secondary school), also gendered. Since attracting the ´right´ students and avoiding getting the ´wrong´ ones is essential for both school categories, school choice creates a mutual interest between the school and privileged parents/students in fortifying the latter´s voice. Three findings are especially interesting: 1. Cream skimming occurs in undersubscribed schools in a strictly public-school context. 2. School choice affects internal priorities in marginalised schools so that segregation at the class level increases, thus the educational context may be more segregated than what is indicated by school level information. 3. School choice increases segregation in the local communities, as two schools near each other may have very different student compositions. Segregation is thus not only explained by segregated housing.  相似文献   

The spectacular growth and equally spectacular decline of the eighteenth-century charity school movement prompts this examination of the contribution made by the movement to nineteenth-century schooling – particularly superior or secondary schooling. Educational historians have argued that the movement was a failure. This paper argues that only in the case of one charity school-type – the charity day school – may failure be safely attributed to the charity school movement. The charity boarding schools, hospitals and asylums were far from being a failure. Indeed, in nineteenth-century Ireland, these schools, in response to social change, advanced from “straw bonnets” to superior schooling. Historians have also noted that the real difficulty surrounding the charity school is that of defining it. For Jones, it was an omnibus term that embraced all schools of a like nature. And indeed charity schools constitute a broad genre of schooling. In order to qualify the received assessment of the charity school movement in terms of “failure”, it has been found necessary to classify the charity school types within the broad genre they constitute. The paper assembles a number of charity school types and identifies the charity boarding school as that institution that successfully made the transition to superior status. The characteristics of the superiorisation process are outlined, as are the unique circumstances of nineteenth-century Ireland that facilitated, indeed required, it.  相似文献   

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