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教育惩戒在我国历史上由来已久,又饱受诟病.即使立法明确,教育惩戒规制校园欺凌也不是静等花开,依然遭遇信任危机、权利抗制和司法挤压等困难.究其原因,主要是因为教育惩戒的价值失锚、家长权责的边际误解和司法惩戒的错位适用.教育惩戒的危机背后是教育权的内化重置以及与监护权、司法权之间的博弈.面对校园欺凌,教育惩戒亟待跳出失落的窠臼,变负能为增量,完成现代转型.破局的关键在于"固本培元,合理扩权与限权".具体言之,教育惩戒可以通过法治化与生本化重塑信任体系;增强家长责任意识和自觉性,明晰和落实监护权责;提升教育惩戒的可诉性及其与司法惩戒的黏合性,从而实现对校园欺凌的长远有效治理.  相似文献   

教育惩戒在我国历史上由来已久,又饱受诟病.即使立法明确,教育惩戒规制校园欺凌也不是静等花开,依然遭遇信任危机、权利抗制和司法挤压等困难.究其原因,主要是因为教育惩戒的价值失锚、家长权责的边际误解和司法惩戒的错位适用.教育惩戒的危机背后是教育权的内化重置以及与监护权、司法权之间的博弈.面对校园欺凌,教育惩戒亟待跳出失落的窠臼,变负能为增量,完成现代转型.破局的关键在于"固本培元,合理扩权与限权".具体言之,教育惩戒可以通过法治化与生本化重塑信任体系;增强家长责任意识和自觉性,明晰和落实监护权责;提升教育惩戒的可诉性及其与司法惩戒的黏合性,从而实现对校园欺凌的长远有效治理.  相似文献   

在遏制校园欺凌事件中,严厉的惩戒能起到很好的震慑作用.只有加大对教育主管部门、学校和校长、相关教师和家长、涉事学生的惩戒力度,让管理者不敢麻痹大意,让欺凌者不敢产生欺凌他人的念头,校园欺凌才能得到有效遏制.文章基于给广大中小学生营造一个良好的成长环境的目的,从多个维度探讨了在解决校园欺凌事件中,加大惩戒力度的必要性和可行性,并提出了一系列切实可行的操作性举措.希望通过这些强有力的举措,能让这一困扰已久的肌瘤从根本上得以铲除.  相似文献   

校园违法违纪现象愈演愈烈的一个重要原因是惩戒教育的缺失。面对愈演愈烈的校园暴力行为,教育工作者应依法进行惩戒教育。这不仅仅是为了受欺凌者,也是为了这些施暴者,同时也是教育、教师本身的职责需要。  相似文献   

校园欺凌是一个世界性问题,为了预防和治理校园欺凌行为的发生,许多国家都开展了卓有成效的治理行动,其中,英国中小学校在校园欺凌防治上的许多经验值得我们借鉴。我们要进一步明晰校园欺凌的概念界定,健全和完善校园欺凌的防治机制,强化针对校园欺凌者的惩戒教育,增强师生预防和应对校园欺凌的意识与能力。  相似文献   

计算机和网络信息技术的发展,使得传统的校园欺凌问题向虚拟空间发展,未成年人网络欺凌已成为世界性的“公害”问题.近年来,澳大利亚、欧洲国家和美国结合本国实际情况,针对网络欺凌开展相关研究,探索、采取了一系列预防和干预措施.澳大利亚着重于为学校开发各类网络安全教育课程,从源头防范网络欺凌的发生;欧洲国家在开展网络欺凌研究上采取的态度是通力合作、共同防范,在预防教育上下大力气;而美国则主要是通过制定一系列相关法律来遏制日益蔓延的网络欺凌现象,用立法来保护未成年人的网络安全.  相似文献   

教师教育惩戒不同于学校惩戒,通过对《关于深化教育教学改革全面提高义务教育质量的意见》的解读可以发现,其中所使用的“教师教育惩戒”一词与广义上包含了警告、退学等学校处分在内的惩戒概念不同,而是属于狭义上的惩戒概念。通过与日本中小学教育惩戒权中相关狭义惩戒内容的比较分析,研究者认为,当前我们的视野不应该仅仅局限在如何设定教师教育惩戒的方式与程序上,而是应该将学生失范行为当作一个更大的课题。教育惩戒的目的在于帮助学生遵守正确的校内规范并进一步养成健全的人格,其所要面对的不仅仅包括违反课堂纪律、不认真对待学业,更有可能包括但不限于校园欺凌、校园暴力等等,而后者的问题很难单纯地通过教师教育惩戒进行应对。应该允许教师在实施教育惩戒上具有一定的裁量权。如果认可教师教育惩戒包含一定物理有形力的行使,那么有必要在惩戒方式的客观必要性、相当性与实施主体的主观目的正当性上进行限定,根据事件的具体情境进行判断,防止惩戒过当变为体罚。  相似文献   

近年来,中小学校园欺凌事件频发,严重影响青少年的身心发展,破坏学校的育人环境。学校是学生成长的重要场所,也是校园欺凌事件的高发场所。从学校角度来看,校园文化建设被忽视、校园欺凌防治和惩戒机制不完善、生命教育和法治教育缺位、与家庭和社会反欺凌资源合作不充分等是校园欺凌频发的主要成因。本文就学校在中小学校园欺凌预防和治理中提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

陈波 《教育发展研究》2021,41(20):67-73
中小学生主要是未成年人,这决定了对中小学生进行教育惩戒时应当注意保护未成年人.中小学教育惩戒的根本目的 是教育,直接目的 是"戒",惩罚仅仅是手段而已.在对中小学生进行教育惩戒时,应当侧重于戒除违规违纪行为,只有这样才能实现教育目的 .有必要建立"戒"的考察机制,考察学生的戒除效果,进行家校协作,共同考察.针对学生的特点制定惩戒方案,防止学生受到不利影响;学校和教师在进行教育惩戒时,应当做到合法惩戒、公平惩戒和程序正当.  相似文献   

校园欺凌的法制化治理既是保障未成年人在校安全的客观要求,也是推进依法治校的题中之义。虽然我国相关政府部门已经通过直接或间接的方式相继提出了一系列相应的治理政策与法律文件,但是与校园欺凌的严重程度相比,这些治理措施却显得十分滞后与乏力,并且普遍呈现出治理机构缺失、管理人员职责混乱、责任主体惩处不当、受害者救济缺位等方面的消极态势。为了进一步完善校园欺凌的法律规制,我国亟需成立专门的校园欺凌治理委员会,明晰学校及其他管理主体反欺凌的法定责任,引入恶意年龄补足制度以及完善校园欺凌的法律救济制度。  相似文献   

主体间教育实验的理论基础和方案设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
主体间教育实验以主体间指导学习教育本质理论为依据,目的是在基础教育研究性学科教学、科学发展新学校建设和知行统一高校教育学专业改造实验和教学活动中,通过促进教师专业发展而促进学校改进、师生全面素质提高和创造性发展,形成"教师专业发展——学校全面发展——教师全面发展——学生全面发展"四位一体的师生主体间相互促进、共同发展的关系,提高师生主体性,提高教育质量,同时深化教育教学研究,创新教育教学理论。  相似文献   

Recent meta‐analyses indicate that bully prevention programs produce minimal change in student behavior. This study examined 66 high school teachers' perceptions regarding the effect of cyberbullying on students, which intervening strategies teachers would use when dealing with cyberbullying, and which prevention strategies would assist in preventing cyberbullying. Almost one fourth of teachers indicated cyberbullying does not have long‐lasting negative effects and that cyberbullying “prepares students for life.” Fewer than half of teachers favored implementing a formal cyberbully prevention program. Teachers perceived the following strategies as most helpful in addressing cyberbullying: increasing parental involvement, warning students about consequences for cyberbullying, and increasing consequences for cyberbullying. School administrators should consider teachers' perceptions before implementing prevention programs that target cyberbullying. Additionally, strategies should consider fostering greater teacher buy‐in, thus improving intervention fidelity and creating a unified effort focused on decreasing student cyberbullying. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


This paper critically examines the ways in which ClassDojo is altering the disciplinary landscape in schools through the datafication of discipline and student behaviour. ClassDojo is one of the most popular and successful educational technologies and is used internationally. It is a school-based social media platform that incorporates a gamified behaviour-shaping function, providing school communities with a centralised digital network in which to interact. We argue that ClassDojo’s datafying system of school discipline intensifies and normalises the surveillance of students. Furthermore, it creates a culture of performativity and serves as a mechanism for behaviour control.  相似文献   

This study presents findings from an ethnographic content analysis of 15 chronological district-wide annual codes of student conduct from a large urban US school district. I frame policy creation and modification processes as reflections of societal shifts in perceptions of student behaviors. I looked to the policy documents to explore the possibility that school organizations have, over time, shifted toward school discipline frameworks that get students into deeper trouble today than in years past. The analysis yielded policy changes that, over time, make severe punishment increasingly likely. I refer to the change phenomena as net-deepening of school discipline. I address the pitfalls that net-deepening policy changes pose, with an emphasis on the potential for net-deepening to undermine the effectiveness of proactive and restorative forms of school discipline. The article offers to educators, policy-makers, and researchers conceptual and analytical considerations for developing proactive restorative discipline policies that meets the educational needs of all students.  相似文献   

张明征 《德州学院学报》2006,22(6):57-59,65
依法行政、依法治校,实现教育法治化,是高校学生管理的必然趋势.高校在学生管理中必须以尊重和保护学生的权益为核心,依法建章,保证各项校规校纪的科学性和合法性.建立合法的处罚程序,完善救济制度.进一步培养和增强管理人员的法律意识,提高依法管理水平,实现学生管理的法治化.  相似文献   

In this article, the concept of school discipline will be explored in relation to that of educational interest. Initially, Clark’s account of two different kinds of school order (discipline and control) will be explained. The interest-based theory of school discipline advanced by Pat Wilson will thereafter be analysed. It will be argued that both these scholars persuasively explain how school discipline may follow when learning activities are successfully married to pupil interests and experiences. However, it will be maintained that the epistemic position adopted by Wilson is problematic. Although Wilson suggests that Richard Peters placed too great an educational emphasis on initiating pupils into public traditions of knowledge, it is here claimed that Wilson did not value that development enough. With reference to Whitehead, it is concluded that discipline in schools ought to be arranged so as to help pupils foster wisdom for life, as this concept integrates liberal knowledge and educational interest.  相似文献   

我国高校学生管理中存在自由与秩序限度模糊问题。在高校内,秩序是达成教育活动、实现人的自由全面发展教育目的的必要而非充分条件,而自由是实现这一教育目的的充分条件。高等学校内部需要最低的秩序和最大化的自由。从低度人权与低度义务来看,低度行为规范应该成为自由与秩序限度的校规落脚点。  相似文献   


The quality of social relationships in schools has been considered to be a relevant issue in the prevention of problems related to educational convivencia, such as bullying. Nowadays, these relationships have been enriched by digital devices, which not only offer new potentialities, but also new problems. In fact, convivencia has turned into cyber convivencia and some phenomena, such as bullying, have turned into cyberbullying. In this study, we analysed the possible relation between direct school convivencia and virtual life, and particularly, the predictive power of the school convivencia over cyberbullying. For these purposes, we surveyed 893 Compulsory Secondary Education students (45.9% girls) about the quality of the convivencia and the involvement in cyberbullying. The results offer a good fixed structural equation model in which the quality of the horizontal and vertical relationships is a predictor variable of cyberbullying. Therefore, the results in this study are proof of the relation between the quality of the direct school convivencia and the problems that arise in virtual environments.  相似文献   

Practical reasoning refers to a teacher's capacity to discern particulars and make wise judgements about how to act in pedagogical situations. But how do teachers know what is right? How are teachers' preferences to be grounded and their choices justified? I explore the disciplines as one source of moral perception. Assuming that narrative unities underscore the coherence and continuity of an individual's experience, I generated data in the context of a 2‐year teacher education programme. The case study of an aspiring teacher of secondary school language arts illustrates how the intellectual virtues of a discipline can influence a student teacher's practical reasoning. I conclude that teacher educators must attend to the complex ways in which a prospective teacher's prior discipline may influence aspiring teachers' orientations to experience, their consideration of educational ends, and, finally, their characters.  相似文献   

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