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基于闽南的样本数据,运用结构方程分析方法,创业者认知偏误对创业学习与绩效关系的调节效应得到检验。研究结论认为,创业者认知偏误的调节作用主要发生在信息加工、输出与反馈过程中。具体而言,创业加工与输出偏差一般会削弱开发学习与短期绩效之间的关系,从而使得创业者变得更加冒险。信息反馈偏误通过强化探索学习与短期绩效负相关关系,来影响创业决策。  相似文献   

社会认知学认为,创业者认知是有偏误的.有证据表明,有偏误的创业者认知有损于创业学习效率,导致创业学习的不对称性.因此,除了知识的不对称和认知能力的差异,从创业者认知偏误视角,对创业学习不对称的进一步研究是必要的.令人遗憾的是,人们对此关注不够,也没有取得一致性结论.基于对173份创业学习问卷的分析,从创业者认知偏误与创业学习关系路径角度,对初创期的创业学习不对称问题进行的研究证实:创业学习的中介效应显著,而创业者认知偏误的中介效应不显著.这就意味着,创业者认知偏误主导创业学习,但创业学习难以有效地消除创业者认知偏误.  相似文献   

笔者对创业者知识存量、社会资本与创业绩效的关系进行了实证研究,并选取在广东大学创业园区创业的125名年轻创业者为实证对象。结果表明:创业者知识存量对社会资本提升无显著作用,但对创业绩效有显著的直接影响;而创业者社会资本同样也对创业绩效的提升有显著的影响。  相似文献   

连续创业已成为高校毕业生的常态,对创业认知偏差与高校毕业生连续创业的关系进行探讨,有助于提升高校毕业生创业指导成效。基于创业认知理论,课题组以浙江金华、杭州地区350名连续创业者的调研数据为依托,探索创业者认知偏差对高校毕业生连续创业行为的作用关系。  相似文献   

大学生创业环境和心理环境对大学生创业绩效具有重要影响,自我效能感和创业韧性是创业者心理环境的两个重要组成部分。研究通过构建以创业环境为自变量,以自我效能感为中介变量,以创业韧性为调节变量,以创业绩效为因变量的理论分析模型,把杭州、宁波、金华等地大学生创业者作为调查样本进行了实证分析。结果显示:创业环境能显著预测创业绩效;自我效能感在创业环境与创业绩效之间起到显著的中介作用;创业韧性在“创业环境—自我效能感—创业绩效”关系链的后半段路径发挥调节作用,且高水平创业韧性调节效果更为显著。研究还从改善创业环境、提升创业者自我效能感和增强创业韧性等方面提出对策与建议。  相似文献   

以创业者的创业动机为研究对象,通过对安徽省14个地市新创企业的访谈和调查,实证分析了创业动机与创业学习的关系.研究结果表明,生存动机与创业学习呈显著负相关,这可能由于生存动机的创业者,是被迫创业,不愿意花费一定的学习成本,因此,学习意愿和学习强度较小,且创业者的生存动机越强烈,创业学习行为越弱.机会动机与创业学习呈显著正相关,这可能由于机会动机的创业者是主动把握机会,积极创业,面对创业过程中的不确定性和风险性,愿意花费成本进行创业学习,提升创业胜任力,促进新创企业健康可持续发展,且创业者的机会动机越强烈,创业学习行为越强烈.  相似文献   

有关社会网络与大学生创业绩效关系的研究文献已经积累了一定的数量,但相关实证研究结论并不一致,这就需要通过元分析来寻求一般性的结论.本研究基于20102020年期间国内24项研究的5868个样本对社会网络与大学生创业绩效的关系进行元分析,并分析了取样地区、创业绩效测量方法等5个变量的调节作用.元分析结果显示:社会网络对大学生创业绩效有显著的提升作用,网络规模和网络强度均对大学生创业绩效具有显著的正向影响;研究取样地区、文献发表时间和创业绩效测量方法可以显著调节两者之间的关系.在此基础上,本研究提出大学生创业者要积极通过社会网络来获取创业所需的战略性资源,高校的创新创业教育要注重提升大学生的社会网络拓展与管理能力以及政府应当重视提高政策的支持力度和针对性等建议.  相似文献   

本文以浙江省13所高校的156份高校大学生创业调查样本为基础,对大学生社会网络、学习能力与创业绩效三者之间的关系进行了分析。研究发现,社会网络对于大学生创业绩效具有显著的影响,大学生的学习能力在社会网络与大学生创业绩效之间起到部分中介作用。研究结果对于完善我国高等学校创业教育,提升高校毕业生创业成功率具有参考价值。  相似文献   

近年来,创业教育受到了广泛地关注,但在我国它仍处于摸索阶段。借鉴发达国家的经验是我们降低探索成本的有效途径。在Solomon的2004~2005年美国创业教育调查的基础上,对美国创业教育的课程内容和教学方法进行总结,并用Kolb学习风格模型分析了创业教育的本质特点——采用与创业者的认知模式,即适应者认知模式,相匹配的教学内容与方法是创业教育的有效模式。该研究发现对我国创业教育有重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

企业内创业者是企业内创业的主导者,企业内创业者的素质和能力决定着企业发展的高度。分析素质结构和能力体系组成是培养内创业品质的关键,创新意识、冒险倾向和挫折容忍、综合管理水平、商务觉察、沟通构成了内创业者的素质结构,内创业能力体系包含战略执行、管理、关系、机会、创新、学习六项能力。内创业者素质结构和能力体系培养有自身综合素质提升与营造自由创新的环境、资金支持、应用激励和强化手段、管理支持、创业教育等六项外部措施方法。  相似文献   

An important challenge in higher education today is the growing tutor–student ratio that diminishes the ‘human touch’. As learning and teaching ultimately form an interpersonal process, this will lead to student discontent and impact on their learning. Whilst there is little that teaching practitioners can do in terms of the growing student numbers they have to tutor, they may however influence student learning by enhancing their positive emotions. This study examines the importance of emotions in improving cognitive skills and how they interact with knowledge and reflection. This research contributes to theory by examining the role of emotions as a moderating factor in the learning process. Our findings reveal that emotions moderate the direct relationship between knowledge and cognitive skills, and the indirect relationship between knowledge and cognitive skills via reflection. The findings demonstrate the critical role that emotions play in student learning. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine the mediating effect of learning engagement on the relationship between perceived teacher feedback and college students’ academic performance, and the moderating effect of assessment characteristics on the relationship between perceived teacher feedback and learning engagement. A sample of 2,458 students in a university in mainland China was studied. Results indicated that perceived teacher feedback had a positive impact on students’ academic performance; learning engagement had a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived teacher feedback and students’ academic performance; and assessment frequency, difficulty and diversity had moderating effects between perceived teacher feedback and learning engagement. With the three factors of high frequency, difficulty and diversity assessment, perceived teacher feedback was more likely to improve students’ learning engagement. In contrast, feedback without these three factors could decrease or have no impact on students’ learning engagement. This indicates that teacher feedback indirectly affects college students’ academic performance by promoting their learning engagement, and is more effective when the frequency, difficulty or diversity of assessments is high.  相似文献   

学业焦虑是学生在学业情境中较为常见的消极情绪状态。本文运用元分析方法探究中国中学生学业焦虑与学习成绩的关系状态及其影响因素。研究发现,学业焦虑与学习成绩之间的关系显著,学习成绩获取途径和学科类型对二者之间的关系有显著的调节作用。主效应显著的研究发现支持学业情绪控制价值理论和认知动机理论的核心观点,同时提示教育工作者不能忽视学业焦虑对学生学习成绩的负面影响,建议通过培养学生的健康人格、指导家庭教育方式、改革成绩排名方式、建立同辈互助小组等举措帮助学生减少学业焦虑。学习成绩获取途径的调节效应显著,提示教育研究者在开展相关研究时,最好根据学生成绩单上报告的学习成绩进行科学计算;学科类型的调节效应显著,提示教育工作者在开展中学生学业焦虑干预时,应该重点关注英语和数学两门学科。  相似文献   

TEMPERAMENT is characterised as the relatively stable dimension of human functioning, while intelligence is increasingly seen as a dynamic process. This study investigated the relationship between temperament and cognitive modifiability in an academically successful but disadvantaged South African population. For 92 adolescents in the Soweto Gifted Child Programme, the relationship was determined between their ratings on the Teacher Temperament Questionnaire and their performance on the Learning Potential Assessment Device and other measures of cognitive ability and learning. The Task Orientation and Personal‐Social Flexibility temperament dimensions were directly related to learning, academic performance and cognitive change. A more complex relationship was suggested for the Reactivity dimension, in that more intense and reactive subjects tended to perform better in unstimulating situations, while under more facilitative learning conditions, a higher performance level tended to be associated with a lower reactivity level. The findings support the possibility of an interaction between temperament and cognitive growth and demonstrate the usefulness of considering these individual difference variables in combination with each other.  相似文献   

The present study addressed the question of the effects of developmental positive bias and repeated experiences of failure on the self-perception of mainstreamed first-and second-grade Israeli children with learning disabilities. The self-perceptions of 44 children with learning disabilities and their 36 nondisabled classmates were assessed. In addition, teachers' evaluations and objective measures of cognitive performance and social acceptance were gathered. The children with learning disabilities were found to have a greater positive bias and lower self-perception in the cognitive competence domain than their normally achieving peers. Self-perceptions of peer acceptance among children with learning disabilities are similar to their normally achieving peers' self-perceptions, in spite of their significantly lower sociometric ratings and teacher evaluations in the social domain. These findings are analyzed in the context of the globality-specificity dimension of self-perceptions at the age level studied. The obtained pattern of self-perceptions is discussed in the light of the interrelationships between cognitive deficit and experimental factors among mainstreamed first- and second-grade children.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediator and moderator roles of self‐regulation and motivation constructs in the relationship between learning experience and academic success. Self‐reported measures of learning experience, self‐regulation and motivation were obtained from 384 undergraduate students from a university in Hong Kong. Structural equation modelling indicated that self‐regulation and motivation fully mediated the learning experience—academic performance relation. In addition, hierarchical regression analysis also showed that both self‐regulation and motivation had small moderating effects on the link between learning experience and academic performance. That is, the association between learning experience and cumulative GPA was stronger for students with lower levels of self‐regulation and motivation. The implications of fostering motivation and enhancing university learning experience are discussed.  相似文献   

Today’s working life is increasingly characterized by entrepreneurial challenges. Entrepreneurial challenges start at an individual level with the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities, which is acknowledged as one of the key competencies for lifelong learning. Since the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities relies heavily on the opportunity identification competence (OIC) of individuals, understanding the meaning of OIC is relevant. Until now, OIC has been explored in the young entrepreneurship research field. However, entrepreneurship researchers until now have not fully explored OIC. According to several authors, the research on complex problem solving (CPS) in the cognitive research field might contribute to understanding OIC. In this paper, we review the link between OIC and CPS by comparing the cognitive and entrepreneurship research fields. We argue that those who excel in identifying opportunities share core characteristics with high-level complex problem-solvers. We propose to conduct empirical research in the future to investigate the relation between OIC and CPS within a work context in order to gain more insight into OIC. We believe that the cognitive research field contributes to the entrepreneurship research field and provides a deeper understanding of the initial steps of the entrepreneurial process.  相似文献   

基于组态理论,探讨影响不同新创企业间绩效差异的多重并发因素和因果复杂机制。利用模糊集定性比较分析方法对237个样本企业进行分析,深入探究由环境层面的2个条件与组织层面的3个条件组成的不同组态与新创企业绩效之间的关系。研究发现:①高创业机会识别、高创业拼凑和高创业学习都是新创企业产生高绩效的必要条件,缺乏高创业机会识别、缺乏高创业拼凑是非高绩效产生的必要条件;②新创企业产生高绩效的驱动机制分为4条路径并概括为3种构型模式;③抑制新创企业绩效水平的路径和促进绩效的路径具有非对称性的特征。  相似文献   

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