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从社会视角来看,学生数学教学信念可以分成如下几部分:对于作为活动中介的学校数学的信念;对于活动中自我的信念;对于活动中教师与学生角色的信念;对于活动以及活动中社会规范和数学社会规范的信念.学生的数学教学信念是在数学课堂教学的社会活动中产生和发展的.数学课程改革应该重视培养学生形成新的数学教学信念.  相似文献   

"数学味"的课堂实质就是要体现数学的学科性,让学生感受到数学的本质.教师要实现"数学味"的课堂,要努力做到以下三点:研究教材和课标,寻找"数学味"的配方;关注思维和过程,感悟"数学味"的魅力;渗透思想和方法,领悟"数学味"的精髓.  相似文献   

教学活动是教师和学生共同参与的双边活动,在这种活动进程中,师生不仅存在知识的传递,而且还存在着人的感情交流。笔者认为要打造高效的数学课堂要从以下五个各方面做起:1.给学生一个有"亲和力"的课堂;2.给学生一个有"吸引力"的课堂;3.给学生一个有"生命力"的课堂;4.给学生一个有"表现力"的课堂;5.给学生一个有"竞争力"的课堂。  相似文献   

2011版《中学数学课程标准》中倡导"数学问题生活化"的新理念,因为数学知识源于生活实际,而生活本身又是一个巨大的数学课堂.因此,我们的数学教学要尽可能接近学生的现实生活与社会生活,让学生认识到生活中处处有数学,数学中也处处有生活.于是,笔者在数学教学中不断改进教学方法,注重体现"数学生活化,生活数学化"的教学理念.具体教学方法和体会有如下几点:一、注重联系生活实际在数学教学中,笔者尝试着把身边的数学引入课堂,让学生在自己的生活中寻找数学,学会用数学思想方法去观察  相似文献   

数学课堂应该在学生"寻疑、解疑"之后,设法让学生在"有疑"中结束.通过不同的案例展示"悬疑再探"的方法,"悬疑再探"激活学生数学思维,积累活动经验;"悬疑再探"调动学生数学思考,促进问题解决;"悬疑再探"升华学生情感态度,健全学生人格精神,让课堂更加精彩高效.  相似文献   

数学全国卷考试大纲明确考查学生的运算能力,但在高三复习中,教师常会忽略学生运算能力的提高.通过从"课堂展示自我中获得满足感,创设情境激发提高学生运算内驱力;设立数学草稿本,规范书写的步骤;养成认真审题的习惯以及培养学生良好的运算意志品质"等可以提高高三学生的运算能力.  相似文献   

随着我国教学改革步伐的深入,大家对课堂的关注不再只集中注意于教师是否认真教学,学生实际有无学到知识,是否掌握技能,能否"学有所得",能否"学以致用"也成了课堂教学关注的焦点.针对初中数学课堂数学教学效率问题,本文从课堂基础落实,学生学习兴趣的培养,多给学生正面鼓励提高学生学习积极性这几个方面对初中数学教学有效性进行了分析和研究.  相似文献   

初中数学教学的几点实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理想的数学课堂需要最优化地提高学生的思维品质,让学生自己去学,自己去发现问题,分析问题.因此,要实施数学有效教学,打造高效课堂,教师应潜心研究教材,精心设计好每一堂课,重点突出"四大抓手":创设问题情境,激发学生主动参与;重视实践操作,促进学生体验数学;强化学习训练,保证课堂训练到位;培养数学思想,提升处理问题能力.  相似文献   

世上没有完美的人,我们的课堂也是一样,不可能做到完美无缺,出现错误也是在所难免的.当出现了错误,我们应正确对待.错误不应是我们课堂教育教学的瑕疵,而是我们课堂教育教学的宝贵资源.作为教师,应通过错误信息解读学生,分析学生产生错误的原因,以有针对性地进行教学,帮助学生扫清认识上的障碍;用"错误"点缀数学课堂,让数学教学更精彩.  相似文献   

特殊教育学校智障学生"接地气"的数学课堂,是学生心驰神往的真课堂。只有盘活数学教学资源,站得要高——源于生活的数学课堂引入;看得要远——基于生活的数学课堂设计;研得要细——用于生活的数学课堂扩展;做得要大——高于生活的数学课堂反思。在实践和体验实际生活中,引导学生学会用自己所学的数学知识解决生活中一些简单的数学问题,这样才能真正实现教学"接地气",才能有效促进学生数学素养的协调发展和全面提高。  相似文献   

While research suggests that interactive pedagogy drawing on students’ ideas can improve learning outcomes, it has been found difficult to change mathematics classroom practice in this direction. The reasons for this difficulty remain poorly understood, hindering change at scale. This article focuses on the under‐researched normative aspect of such practice which shapes participants’ actions and expectations. Drawing on theories of social practice and interaction, we define norms as recurrent and socially obligating patterns of, and rationales for, behaviour in a particular social practice. We then examine empirically what and how (new) norms associated with this type of pedagogy are manifest in classroom discursive activity by examining talk across 21 school mathematics lessons by 12 teachers implementing a dialogic intervention. While there is a clear distinction between surface norms and underlying rationales, and a consistent set of surface norms relating to classroom talk can be identified, deeper analysis finds norms to be multi‐dimensional. We illustrate how a surface norm, such as ‘Respect others’ ideas’, can be enunciated in terms of multiple underlying rationales which we term operational, interpersonal, discussional and ideational. Our findings shed new light on why the dialogic intentions of such interventions are often realised in a superficial way. We further examine the ways in which teachers hold students and themselves accountable to the ideational dimension—the dimension that relates to taking students’ ideas seriously in classroom dialogue.  相似文献   

严建 《教育教学论坛》2020,(11):330-331
小学数学相对于其他学科来说,学生学习起来具有一定的难度,很多学生在学习的过程中可能会因为对某些数学知识点不理解而对这门课程产生排斥感,而开展小学数学趣味性教学实践活动,不仅可以营造课堂学习的氛围,让学生可以在一个良好的环境下进行学习,而且还可以让学生切实地感受到学习数学知识的乐趣,让学生不再把学习数学知识当作一种负担。为此,教师应该重视趣味性教学,做好课堂教学的工作。  相似文献   

The importance of actively engaging in mathematics discourse in order to learn mathematics is well recognized. In this paper, I use Basil Bernstein’s concepts of pedagogic discourse to document and analyse academic learning time of students in Years 8 and 9 at a suburban lower secondary school: in particular, for what proportion of class time students reported being academically engaged, their explanations for this engagement and how they felt about the discourse. It was found that many students had disengaged from mathematical endeavour as a result of the failure of the instructional discourse either to engage students or to serve the purpose of developing discipline-specific content knowledge. The reasons for this relate to the overemphasis on mundane mathematics resulting in some students lacking the cognitive tools to engage with the concepts and having neither the intrinsic nor instrumental motivation to persist with secondary school esoteric mathematics. The implications for mathematics curriculum development are discussed.  相似文献   

In an attempt to examine dialogue within a second grade classroom, students were encouraged to participate in whole-class mathematics discussions without raising their hands before speaking. Beneficial social and sociomathematical norms developed in place of this traditional social norm. Effects of this change on the dialogue and written mathematical explanations of a class of second grade students are described. Focus was placed on student participation in whole-class discussions. The study helped to determine the effects of student-centered dialogue on students' mathematical explanations and justifications as demonstrated in the students' discussions, participation, and written expression related to their mathematics learning.  相似文献   

Changing perspectives on mathematics teaching and learning resulted in a new generation of mathematics textbooks, stressing among others the importance of mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills and their application to real-life situations. The article reports a study that investigates to what extent the reform-based ideas underlying these mathematical textbooks impact the current teaching of mathematics. Two problem-solving lessons were videotaped in 10 sixth-grade classrooms and a coding scheme was developed to analyze these lessons with regard to three aspects of the classroom culture that are assumed to enhance students’ mathematical beliefs and problem-solving competencies: (1) the classroom norms that are established, (2) the instructional techniques and classroom organization forms, and (3) the set of tasks students are confronted with. Two instruments were administered to measure students’ beliefs about learning mathematical word problem solving, and to assess their problem-solving processes and skills. The results indicate that some reform-based aspects seemed to be easier to implement (e.g., a strong focus on heuristic skills, embedding tasks in a realistic context) than others (e.g., the use of group work, an explicit negotiation of appropriate social norms).  相似文献   

Peer collaboration in schools can be a locus for negotiation of power and cultural norms. Set in the context of ethnically and linguistically diverse urban schools, this study discusses the possibilities and limitations of utilizing video-mediated interviews to reveal multiple voices. Our research method is based on video-recorded peer-to-peer interactions wherein a small group of students engaged in mathematics tasks, as well as video-mediated interviews with individual students while watching the video of themselves engaging in group work. Using the theoretical framework of ideological and sociohistorical nature of voice and figured worlds, our analysis revealed the ideologies and sociohistorical norms that influenced the ways in which the students collaborate with their peers. Based on our analyses of the video-mediated interviews, we raise awareness of potential conflicts that could affect the generation and development of ideas through collaboration. We also discuss ways to use video-mediated interviews as a methodology to interrogate the norms underlying collaboration among students in school settings.  相似文献   

数学课程标准对学生的反思性数学学习给予了很高的关注,但当前数学课堂教学中学生反思性学习的现实状况却不容乐观。这主要表现为:教师的课堂权威挤占了学生进行自我反思的空间;学生在数学学习中的自我反思能力水平普遍偏低。通过分析课堂教学视野下反思性数学学习的具体内涵,可以发现数学课堂教学中学生进行反思性学习的重要意义主要在于发展学生的数学思维能力、促成个体化的数学学习方式和促进学生自主性的发展。  相似文献   

通过对薄弱初中数学教学现状调研发现,"大容量、快节奏、高密度"数学课堂催生了大批跟不上、听不懂、学不会的学生,建立慢教育教学观已成为一线教师的价值追求。近年来,学者们从慢教育内涵的界定,慢教育的艺术、因素分析以及实施策略,慢教育的教学案例等多个方面进行了有价值的探索与研究,为数学课程改革和课堂教学改革提供了很好的智力支撑。实践证明,在数学课堂践行慢化教育理念能让学生跟上、听懂、学会,实现知识有效生成的愿望。  相似文献   

徐英姿 《天津教育》2021,(1):150-151
在小学数学课程教学过程中,课堂练习占据重要地位,同时也是学生学习数学知识、掌握数学技能的重要方式。高效的课堂练习具有重要意义,不但有助于集中学生在课堂学习中的注意力,让他们将所学的数学知识应用到数学习题的解答中,而且高效的课堂练习还能帮助教师了解和掌握学生的学习情况,从而针对学生对数学知识掌握薄弱的地方采取针对性的策略开展教学。但是从小学数学课堂练习的设计现状来看,在教学设计中还存在许多难题。本文主要对课堂练习优化设计策略进行分析和研究,期望能为同行提供一些借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

高职学生数学学习状况剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过课堂听课、查看作业、测试分析、课后访谈、调查问卷等方式,考察高职学生数学学习状况,发现有相当一部分的学生数学学习习惯存在问题,学习态度不够积极,男生的问题多于女生。认为应进一步帮助学生增强自信心,转变数学学习方式,注重数学思想、方法的教学,培养学生良好的数学学习习惯,提升学生的数学学习品质是高职数学教育所面临的重要任务。  相似文献   

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