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大学生学习动力缺乏的原因及对策探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以学习动机为核心的学习动力在大学生的学习中起着决定性的作用。然而,缺乏学生动力的情况在相当一部分大学生身上不同程度地存在着,这严重影响了大学生的学习.大学生学习动力缺乏的表现形式多种多样且成因各异,如何采取相应措施值得深思。  相似文献   

如何发掘非英语专业大学生英语的学习动力,提高英语教学成效,俨然已经成为了英语教学工作者和研究者的重要课题之一。非英语专业大学生普遍缺乏可持续性的英语学习动力,英语学习动力的缺乏因素是多方面的。积极进行教学改革,创造和谐的英语学习氛围,以就业为导向激发学生英语学习动力,改革课程评价体系和教学方法,鼓励克服困难等方面培育非英语专业大学生英语学习动力。  相似文献   

大学生主动学习的动力不足是高等院校普遍存在的一个现象。缺乏明确的学习目标是其主要原因。本文分析了当前大学生学习目标缺乏的主要原因,讨论了大学生学习目标确立的方法。  相似文献   

本文阐述了高校扩招以后大学生学习动力不足的原因,介绍了激励机制的含义和大学生学习过程缺乏激励机制的表现,提出了激励理论在大学生学习过程中的运用,论述了构建多层次的大学生学习激励模式.  相似文献   

自主学习能力是大学生的基本能力之一,我国大学生自主学习意识薄弱,缺乏正确的学习策略的选择能力,自主学习能力较差,针对这些原因制定了大学生自主学习动力的培养方案。  相似文献   

许佩卿 《文教资料》2010,(5):228-230
对于当前大学生存在学习动力不足、学习方法缺乏效力、学习毅力缺乏、学习创新活力缺乏等问题.本文提出要通过确立高远学习目标、积极参加实践活动、掌握科学有效方法、经常磨炼学习意志、树立学习创新理念、激发多元能力来增强大学生学习力。  相似文献   

当前大学生学习动力不足成为我国高校面临的最为普遍和严峻的课题.导致大学生学习动力不足的原因主要是严进宽出的教育体制弱化了学生的苦读意识,部分学生奋斗目标模糊、缺乏专业兴趣以及高校间缺乏顺畅的退出机制.因而高校采取淘汰机制对大学生内在学习动力可以起到激发作用.在借鉴欧美大学的实践经验的基础上,我国高校应从观念上明白建立淘汰机制的必要性,要有自由竞争的理念,要建立公正、合理、有效的淘汰机制.  相似文献   

一、为问题生精心设计奋斗目标,帮助其树立信心 问题生之所以在学习上出现问题,虽然因素很多,但归根结底,主要还是问题生们学习、生活缺乏目标和动力,对自己能不能把学习搞好缺乏信心.学习动力问题是当今大学生中普遍存在而又很难从根本上解决的问题.  相似文献   

植物保护学科是冷门学科,地方农业高校的植物保护学科招生中有很大比例的调剂生。这些调剂生对植物保护学科缺乏了解,表现出缺乏专业认同感,学习动力不足。本文分析了植物保护学科调剂生存在的问题,并提出了提高大学生专业认同感和学习动力的对策。  相似文献   

当前,受传统教育思想和教育体制的限制,大学生在校期间缺乏对未来的职业设计和规划,学习目标不明确,缺乏学习动力,在就业前不知所措,严重影响学生就业。本文以调查问卷为基础,结合平时教学实践,对理工科大学生职业规划中普遍存在的问题进行分析解剖,并提出解决问题的方法和思路。  相似文献   

基于目标设置理论的高职学生激励问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职学生学习动机不足是目前阻碍高职院校教学效果和教学质量提升的一个重要问题。根据高职学生的特点,以目标设置理论为理论基础,通过以目标为主导激励措施,提升学生的努力程度,形成持久的学习动力,最终提升高职教学的绩效水平。  相似文献   

张娜  李静 《职业技术教育》2006,27(17):48-50
目前高职高专学生英语词汇学习有以下特征:学习动机和学习态度较好;学习方法欠佳,学习能力不强;专业知识薄弱,词汇量严重不足。促进学生提高词汇学习效率的策略是:使学生正视挫折,树立信心,持久地保持良好的学习动机和学习态度;培养和提高词汇意识,针对个人特点选择不同的词汇记忆模式,恰当运用词典,深层理解词汇。  相似文献   

Self-Determination Theory and Flow Theory propose that perceived autonomy fosters the positive qualities of motivation and flow-experience. Autonomy-support can help to maintain students’ motivation in very interesting learning activities and may lead to an increase in the positive qualities of motivation in less interesting learning activities. This paper investigates whether autonomy-supportive or controlling teaching behaviour influence students’ motivation and flow-experience in biology class. In study 1, 158 students of grade six worked on the adaptations of Harvest Mice (Micromys minutus) with living animals. The 153 sixth graders of study 2 dealt with the same content but instead worked with short films on laptops. Previous studies have shown that students perceive film sequences as less interesting than working with living animals. Students’ intrinsic motivation and flow-experience were measured at the end of the first and the third lesson. In study 1, autonomy-supportive teaching behaviour led to significant differences in students’ intrinsic motivation and flow-experience when compared to controlling teaching behaviour. In study 2, motivation and flow-experience were not always in line with theory. The positive effects of autonomy-supportive and the non-beneficial effects of the controlling teaching behaviour seem to be dependent on the interestingness of the teaching material.  相似文献   

Accountability mandates often prompt assessment of student learning gains (e.g., value-added estimates) via achievement tests. The validity of these estimates have been questioned when performance on tests is low stakes for students. To assess the effects of motivation on value-added estimates, we assigned students to one of three test consequence conditions: (a) an aggregate of test scores is used solely for institutional effectiveness purposes, (b) personal test score is reported to the student, or (c) personal test score is reported to faculty. Value-added estimates, operationalized as change in performance between two testing occasions for the same individuals where educational programming was experienced between testing occasions, were examined across conditions, in addition to the effects of test-taking motivation. Test consequences did not impact value-added estimates. Change in test-taking motivation, however, had a substantial effect on value-added estimates. In short, value-added estimates were attenuated due to decreased motivation from pretest to posttest.  相似文献   

The development of psychological counselling for students of music schools in Poland is presented. The author's counselling experience has shown that crises in music school students can be analyzed in terms of values, technology and socio‐emotional factors. An important feature of psychological diagnosis is the analysis of musical achievement motivation (short, medium and longterm).  相似文献   

北京地区大学生成就动机的特点研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生的成就动机对大学生的学习、生活有着十分重大的影响作用,是一个人成功与否的关键因素之一。但在当前的就业形势、教育环境的影响下,大学生的成就动机出现了一些新的变化。因此以北京地区6所大学的712名学生为被试,采用成就动机量表(AMS),调查了当代大学生成就动机的特点。结果表明:(1)总体上,大学生有比较高的成就动机,他们追求成功的动机要明显高于避免失败的动机。(2)亚群体上,大学生的成就动机存在显著的性别差异、专业差异和学校类型差异。男大学生追求成功和避免失败的成就动机都高于女生,理科大学生避免失败的动机显著低于文科和工科大学生,师范类学校的大学生避免失败的动机低于其他类型的学校。在年级因素上没有发现显著的差异。  相似文献   

梅州市中专学生课外体育锻炼的现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘芬 《嘉应学院学报》2007,25(3):119-122
采用问卷调查、数理统计、文献资料等方法,对梅州市12所中专院校的561名学生进行了课外体育锻炼现状的调查。结果表明:中专学生体育锻炼目的明确、动机正确,态度积极肯定,大多数中专学生参加课外锻炼,参加项目广泛。但是,学生体育锻炼的主动性不高,频率不够、时间短、运动强度不合理;运动场馆不足(运动器材缺乏)和体育群体活动少是影响中专学生参与体育锻炼最主要的因素。  相似文献   

采用问卷对西南大学382名免费师范生的成就动机进行调查研究。结果表明:免费师范生具有正向的成就动机,但总体水平不高;不同年级的免费师范生的成就动机差异显著,大一学生显著高于大二学生和大三学生;不同性别的免费师范生的成就动机无显著差异;不同专业的免费师范生的成就动机差异显著,理科生的成就动机显著高于文科生。  相似文献   

马树芳  林森兰 《海外英语》2011,(8):94-95,105
It is known that the IELTS test has not been a good predictor of English capability in academic settings. More information is required. Are students not motivated to keep improving their English; what obstacles do they face? The English language issues facing international students from China at one University are explored through a survey and focus groups. It is observed that a lack of motivation is not the key factor. Rather one core problem is the very difficult demands of acculturation within a short time frame which would enable confidence for the students to continue to engage with other English speaking students. When faced with such immediate and hard to achieve acculturation, many retreat to their language groups. In the academic context, support for the transition to discipline based academic genres is double difficult as the time frame for second language learners is longer, but performance requirements are more immediate. Many first language students also have difficulties in this area, but have the easier language path to mastery. The study draws usefully on a comparison made with students studying English in China.  相似文献   

In the study, based on a representative sample of 26,670 Italian fifth-grade students, the authors examine the academic motivational profiles of immigrant and native students, as well as of boys and girls. To reliably estimate mean differences, the measurement invariance of a short version of the Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire was first established across the groups. Boys reported less autonomous motives for studying than girls while first-generation immigrant pupils showed higher levels of intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, and external regulation for studying than natives did. Also, second-generation immigrants had higher levels of academic motivation than natives did, although they were less motivated and reported less autonomous reasons for studying than first generations. While confirming the immigrant paradox in a country with a rapidly increasing level of immigrant students, findings show that second-generation immigrants not only report a lower quantity of motivation than first-generations, but also appear to have a different quality of motivation.  相似文献   

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