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Although the importance of phonological awareness has been discussed widely in the research literature, the concept is not well understood by many classroom teachers. In the study described here, we worked with groups of kindergarten and first-grade teachers (the experimental group) during a 2-week summer institute and throughout the school year. We shared with them research about learning disabilities and effective instruction, stressing the importance of explicit instruction in phonological and orthographic awareness. We followed the experimental group and a control group into their classrooms for a year, assessing teachers' classroom practices and their students' (n = 779) learning. The study yielded three major findings: We can deepen teachers' own knowledge of the role of phonological and orthographic information in literacy instruction; teachers can use that knowledge to change classroom practice; and changes in teacher knowledge and classroom practice can improve student learning.  相似文献   

皖西地区中学英语教师总体素质偏低,好差教师分布不均匀;许多教师的教育观念落后、科研意识淡泊、教法陈旧,学法指导未引起应有的重视,学生英语学习环境偏差.为此,须从教师的职前培养、职后培训及学校教学设施建设等方面寻求改进.  相似文献   

以SOLO分类为基础的学生学习质量评价初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘京莉 《教育学报》2005,1(4):41-45
以SOLO分类为基础的学生学习质量评价,将教育目标表述为对学生学习能力的要求,以测验的方式了解学生解决问题时表现出的认知发展水平。它不局限于考察学生掌握知识的量和类型,而是重视评价学生学习效果的质量。SOLO分类用结构特征解释学生对问题的五种结构反应,通过学生的反应与教师预设的教学目标的比较,分析影响学生学习效果的因素,为教师改进教学提供依据,帮助不同认知水平的学生在他们自身的基础上提高。  相似文献   

中小学生对教师评价行为知觉构成的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵希斌 《教育学报》2005,1(3):35-40
学生对教师评价行为的知觉是指其对教师指向他们的评价行为的主观感受和体验,是学生将教师教育行为内化的基础。本研究采用自编同卷,选取小学4年级到初中三年级共723名学生作为研究对象。研究结果表明,验证性因素分析支持“学生对教师评价行为知觉的结构模型”,即操作要素和基础要素是学生对教师评价行为知觉的两个重要侧面,前包括明确目标、收集信息、反馈改进等三个方面,后包括期望激励、沟通理解、关注过程等三个方面。在此基础上我们对其教育学意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study designed to explore prospective teachers' learning to teach mathematics in the complex context of a university-based curriculum and instruction course. The course, taught with a focus on inquiry, used prospective teachers' weekly interactions with students as springboards for investigations of mathematics, teaching, and learning. A framework of questioning, listening, and responding is used to analyze prospective teachers' understandings and the tensions they experienced. The difficulties and tensions prospective teachers face in turn pose challenges and tensions for teacher educators. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

发展性评价体系中一个重要的工作就是开发多样化的评价工具和方法。在课题研究中我们重点开展了如下七个方面的评价工具的开发与实践:日常观察,等级和分项测试,成长记录袋,表现性任务,通过浓缩孩子成长特点的评价,二次评价,通过家长、学校合作,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

The study inquired into the effect of research-based video-cases on pre-service teachers conceptualizing their understanding of contemporary mathematics teaching. The 43 participants enrolled in a Mathematics Method Course viewed and discussed 5 video-cases of primary teachers teaching. Journal entries, lesson plans, and microteaching observations were collected as data on which the following assertions were based. Pre-service teachers' responses to the 5 videos were more concerned with pedagogical content knowledge than mathematical content and students' learning. They refocused and deepened their awareness of students' learning and questioning skills through discussing the videos. The video-cases improved their construction of pedagogical representation and their ability to identify a problematic situation with multiple perspectives. These effects appeared to be influenced by the scaffold of three factors: vicarious experience to complement personal experience, watching and discussing video-cases enriched by the developers, and journal writing to foster deeper reflections.  相似文献   

学习者的自主学习是大学英语教学的目的,而教师的指导和帮助则是提高学习自主性必要且重要的前提条件。本文主要介绍了自主学习的理论依据,认为大学英语教学实质就是教师帮助学生不断强化自主学习意识、养成自主学习的行为习惯并提高自主学习能力的师生互动过程;并且从笔者的教学实践和学生的实际需求,探讨了教师在培养学习者自主学习能力过程中应承担的角色。  相似文献   

Preservice teachers in a science methods course were provided instruction on performance assessment, then guided through a design and implementation process of performance assessment tasks. We assessed the effect of designing and implementing a performance assessment task on preservice teachers' understanding of standards-based assessment. The findings show that these preservice teachers improved in their understanding of assessment as a formative process as well as their science content understanding of the topic addressed in their designed task. We found that preservice teachers need to experiment with performance assessment tasks in an authentic context in order to understand the full potential and value of the task.  相似文献   

In the last ten years, a number of innovations, mainly inspired by constructivist notions of learning, have been introduced at various levels of the Dutch educational system. However, constructivist learning environments are rarely implemented. Teachers tend to stick to expository and structured learning environments. This consistent finding requires research in order to gain insight into teachers' preferences for learning environments and to determine the factors that support and impede the realization of these learning environments. Regarding the influence of social backgrounds on student learning, is it also important to take stock of parental views on learning environments.This study is focused on teachers' preferences for learning environments, their reported teaching behavior, and how these match with parents' preferences. Three parallel questionnaires were developed for teachers (n = 285), students (n = 951), and parents (n = 636) to measure preferences and behavior at different levels of education, for three types of learning environments: direct instruction; discovery learning; and authentic pedagogy. The results show that teachers often prefer direct instruction, and seldom promote discovery learning. While teachers sometimes realize authentic pedagogy, constructive learning tasks are seldom used. Teachers' reported practice and parents' preferences for their children appear to correspond reasonably.Results of multiple regression analyses show that the use of the three types of learning environments yield different predictors. For the use of discovery learning and authentic pedagogy, confidence in students' regulative skills is an important predictor. In predicting the use of direct instruction, the teacher's own conception of learning turns out to be an important predictor.  相似文献   

ARCS动机设计模型在中学语文课堂教学中的效度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究旨在探讨ARCS动机设计模型在我国课堂教学中的适用性和有效性。采用定量研究与定性研究相结合、前后测现场教学实验的方法,在不中断正常教学秩序的前提下,进行了语课ARCS动机设计模型的教学干预,为期四个月。教学实验班分别为初一年级两个班和高一年级一个班。结果表明,ARCS动机设计模型能被中学语教师有效采纳;在中学语教学中,ARCS动机设计模型的有效性具有一定的年级差异:它能提高初中生的学习动机、学习的努力程度,提高学生的学习成绩,改善差生的学习状况;在高中语教学中,它的有效性不明显。  相似文献   

创新教育要求教师具有较高的创新素质,这是教育改革发展的需要,是培养创新精神和实践能力的需要,也是教师自身不断完善和提高的需要。教师的创新素质具有整体性、综合性、独特性和可开发性等特征。创新教育要求教师进行课堂教学改革,开发学生的潜能,调动学生的积极性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

32名小学数学教师与这些教师所教班级的1691名学生参与了本研究。两个测量工具评价了教师的数学学科知识与学科教学知识,对教师的55节数学课进行了录像,并按照学习任务的认知水平与课堂对话的特点进行了编码,同时测查了学生的期末数学学习成绩。多水平分析结果表明:教师的学科教学知识、课堂学习任务的认知水平、课堂对话中教师提问问题的类型与对话的权威来源对学生的数学成绩具有显著的预测作用;而教师的学科知识对学生数学成绩的影响未达到显著性水平。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the assessment of students' (N=138) versus their teachers' (N=8) self-perception of the latter's personal style (PS) in the context of science and mathematics teaching in college; it uses the Personal Style Questionnaire and structured interviews for this purpose. The teacher's preferred (the ideal) and the actual personal style profiles thus obtained indicate that there is a good correspondence between the students' and teachers' perceptions concerning the preferred personal style of teachers. It also indicates that the students assess quite adequately the actual PS of their teachers. Regarding the significance of the association between the students' preferred and the teachers' actual PS in College science and mathematics teaching for effective learning, the self-modification of PS by reflective prospective and in-service science teachers is recommended.  相似文献   

中小学师生关系对教师的教学和学生的发展有非常重要的作用,但实际上师生的交流还存在一定的困难。如果借鉴心理咨询师对待来访者的促进态度,通过积极倾听的姿态,对学生能做到积极接纳和关注、共感理解、尊重和真诚,健康、和谐的师生关系就一定会形成。  相似文献   

大学教师教学观与大学生学习风格的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师的教学观和大学生学习风格是教学研究中非常重要的课题。本文主要运用笔者自编的“大学生学习方式量袈’以及在对国外几个有关教学观调查量表基础上设计的“教师教学观量表”,调查了西安交通大学2003级504名本科生的学习风格以及他们感知的教师的教学观的基本情况,在此基础上,从学生的视角探讨了教师教学观与学生学习风格之间的关系。研究表明:教师的教学观可以分为两类,即信息传递的教学观和促进学习的教学观;教师的教学观对学生的学习风格具有显著影响。当教师持信息传递的教学观,认为教学仅仅是以传递知识为目的时,学生更可能采用再现导向的学习方式,这将不利于学生学习成绩的提高;当教师持促进学习的教学观,认为教学的目的在于帮助学生发展并改变自己的观念时,学生就会倾向于采用意义导向和情景导向的学习方式,这将有利于学生学习成绩的提高。  相似文献   

在语教学中教师往往重视基础知识的传授,而忽略了语技能的培养,本旧话重提,试图以当前教育改革和教学新理念为出发点,从明确语教学目的和教师的角色位置、语技能培养的方法和途径以及挖掘和训练学生语技能的多元潜能等方面,阐述在素质教育中如何培养和训练学生语技能的问题。  相似文献   

英语专业新生培训课程的实验报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学新生面对新的学习环境、学习内容、教学方法、管理模式等,感到不适应、不知所措,影响了他们的学习积极性。学生非常需要教师的指导。培训课程首先通过问卷调查形式了解学生的语言学习观念和语言学习策略,根据其中反映出的问题,教师有针对性地在语言学习理论,语言学习策略,学习任务和学习要求等方面对学生进行指导、培训,目的是帮助学生尽快适应大学学习,学会如何学习外语,成为独立的学习者。  相似文献   

英语写作教学模式新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统大学英语写作教学一般由教师讲解、学生写作和教师批改三个部分组成。但这种写作课难以吸引学生,容易使写作成为负担。采用建构主义提倡的写作教学模式,联系实际问题,强化教师和学生之间的互动,则能化被动为主动,使学生主动参与到写作过程中去。  相似文献   

中小学教师对学生学业失败归因的反应模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究运用归因反应模式测验,以333名中小学教师为被试,探讨中小学教师对不同类型学生考试失败的归因,所引发的不同生气反应、奖惩以及对学生未来失败可能性的预测。结果发现高能力、低努力、无学习困难三类学生的考试失败会引发中小学教师较强的生气反应、较低的奖励;教师认为高能力学生比低能力学生在未来考试失败的可能性更小。小学教师主要基于学生是否努力,对其考试失败进行归因反应,而中学教师主要基于学生能力高低对其考试失败进行归因反应。  相似文献   

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