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从自动包馅鱼丸机切边机构入手,分别对压杆装置和切刀分离装置进行优化设计。以切边机构的速度和加速度曲线为优化参数,对压杆装置进行形状拓扑优化设计并提升了机械的传动精度,结果表明,连杆尺寸在132~142 mm,压杆装置的力学性能最好。此外,对切刀分离装置进行结构优化,在保证切刀分离装置性能的前提条件下,使刀盘的质量减少21%。  相似文献   

分析了六自由度运动体位置解算问题,提出了一种基于微变动力的新型位置正解算法。还分析了该算法的实际物理意义,进行了数学推导,研究了程序实现具体流程。该方法通过运动体内部动力学机理计算系统实际位置参数,优点是运算结果稳定,速度满足控制系统要求,根据初值可以始终跟踪运动体实际的物理姿态。通过与激光陀螺位置传感器测量的结果比较,研究了该正解算法的误差并研究了计算速度。该正解算法可作摇摆台控制系统的反馈计算环节,用于提高摇摆台相应的动态性能。  相似文献   

In order to compensate for the limitation of conventional XY table used in semiconductor integrated circuits(IC) packaging and improve its speed and accuracy, a voice coil actuator (VCA) direct-drive high-speed and precision positioning XY table used in wire bonder was proposed. Also, a novel flexible decoupling mechanism was used in the positioning table, and the small moving mass enabled the positioning table to move at high speed and precision. XY table deformation interference caused by assembly error and instant interference generated by dynamic load moving with high speed and acceleration can be eliminated through the flexible decoupling mechanism. Considering the positioning table as lumped mass spring system,the dynamic equations of the mechanical system and the VCA were built according to the Newton mechanics principle and electromagnetic theory. Then the electromechanical coupling control model of the system was created through Laplace transform. Based on displacement PID controller, the loop-locked controlling algorithm of the positioning system was investigated. The dynamic control algorithm effectively improved the system dynamic performance. The precision test of the prototype machine was carried out, and the results validated the correctness of the model and the theory. Compared with traditional XY table, the table has higher speed, acceleration and positioning accuracy.  相似文献   

作研发了一套高精度、低成本的精密数控谐波传动系统,并就如何提高精密数控谐波传动系统的传动精度和动态性能进行了分析探讨,指出要获得高精度的数控谐波传动系统必须充分考虑谐波传动的啮合性能、加工精度、系统的动态性能和电机的矩频特性及其控制技术的机电性能匹配问题。  相似文献   

针对应用型高校机械类传统专业与智能制造、精密制造行业发展深度融合的迫切需要,结合新工科建设的要求,提出应用型高校机械类传统专业改造升级的思路。面向智能制造与精密行业对机械工程专业人才培养提出的新要求,以CECCCDIO校企深度融合工匠型项目式工程教育为指导,以OBE理念为人才培养目标,对面向精密制造、智能制造业的高技能复合型机械工程领域人才培养方案和培养模式进行探索与改革,构建校企深度融合工匠型项目式一体化课程体系,面向行业需求开展多层次、多元化、个性化的校企合作机制改革,为应用型高校机械类传统专业人才培养提供新思路。  相似文献   

用Matlab来进行机构运动、动力学仿真分析,有利于精确、简便、高效地实现机械传动设计。文章应用Matlab对一种曲柄摇块机构的无级变速器进行运动学和动力学分析,推导了无级变速嚣各构件加速度关系的闭环矢量方程和所受力与力矩的齐次线性方程组,建立了机构的运动和动力仿真模型。经Matlab/Simulink求解和动态仿真,结果表明:基于Matlab的机械传动设计。能有效的获得机构的运动和动力特性,缩短开发周期。  相似文献   

用多尺度方法对-土-平台系统进行了摄动分析,发现此系统存在多种组合共振现象,其固有振动频率与模型平台实测结果一致.在主参数共振条件下,文章讨论了在不同振动类型(自激,锁定,强迫)下的非线性动力学特性,这与现场观察到的冰激平台共振现象一致,本文还解释了冰激振动的机理,为海洋平台系统的非线性分析建立了一个合理的力学模型.  相似文献   

If the measuring signals were input to the chaotic dynamic system as initial parameters, the system outputs might be in steady state, periodic state or chaos state. If the chaotic dynamic system outputs controlled in the periodic states, the periodic numbers would be changed most with the signals. Our novel method is to add chaotic dynamic vibration to the measurement or sensor system. The sensor sensitivity and precision of a measurement system would be improved with this method. Chaotic dynamics measurement algorithms are given and their sensitivity to parameters are analyzed in this paper. The effects of noises on the system are discussed. Project support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 59805017) and the 863 High-Technology Project of China (No. 863-512-9805-08).  相似文献   

In this paper modelling of the translational motion of transportation rail-guided cart with rope suspended payload is considered. The linearly moving cart,driven by a travel mechanism,is modelled as a discrete six degrees of freedom (DOF) dynamic system. The hoisting mechanism for lowering and lifting the payload is considered and is included in the dynamic model as one DOF system. Differential equations of motion of the cart elements are derived using Lagrangian dynamics and are solved for a set of real-life constant parameters of the cart. A two-sided interaction was observed between the swinging payload and the travel mechanism. Results for kinematical and force parameters of the system are obtained. A verification of the proposed model was conducted.  相似文献   

动态转矩的测量对于机械传动过程的监测和控制具有重要意义,现有的测量方式大都是有源接触式的测量,多具有接触滑片磨损和测量精度下降等问题。本实验采用声表面波(SAW)技术的动态转矩测量方法。通过分析其工作原理,以典型ST切片石英基体材料为例,推导SAW器件谐振频率与转矩的关系表达式,提出采用差分连接方式来消除温度对于测量结果的影响,并简要分析测量系统的构成与工作原理。  相似文献   

The structure stiffness of presses has great effects on the forming precision of workpieces, especially in near-net or net shape forming. Conventionally the stiffness specification of presses is empirically determined, resulting in poor designs with insufficient or over sufficient stiffness of press structures. In this paper, an approach for the structure design of hydraulic presses is proposed, which is forming-precision-driven and can make presses costeffective by lightweight optimization. The approach consists of five steps:(1)the determination of the press stiffness specification in terms of the forming precision requirement of workpieces;(2)the conceptual design of the press structures according to the stiffness and workspace specifications, and the structure configuration of the press;(3)the prototype design of the press structures by equivalently converting the conceptual design to prototypes;(4)the selection of key structure parameters by sensitivity analysis of the prototype design; and(5)the optimization of the prototype design. The approach is demonstrated and validated through a case study of the structure design of a 100 MN hydraulic press.  相似文献   

测试系统采用Labview和Visual C++分层开发,用Visual C++编制硬件的驱动程序和接口程序形成动态连接库(DLL),用Labview调用动态连接库(DLL)来实现数据的采集,用Labview实现数据的显示和保存以及数据处理和结果输出等功能。该系统主要完成破碎、振动等机械的性能参数测试和分析,具有智能化、小型化、高精度、高可靠性等特点。  相似文献   

我国新闻出版业诚信体系亟待构建,本文首先在归纳新闻出版业的三大功能特点基础上,从宏观理论角度分析了新闻出版业诚信的重要性。其次,从政府主体和消费者角度着重分析了新闻出版业的诚信体系现状,剖析出新闻出版业诚信缺失的三大原因:计划经济时代诚信关系不坚实,市场经济时代机制政策不健全,利益驱动盈利目标过重。最后,在此基础上,鲜明提出了加强新闻出版业诚信建设的五大具体措施和建议,以此为新闻出版业提供一个借鉴作用。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe great majority of docUments about magneticbearings dealt only with the characteristics when thejournal was concentric with the radial magnetic bearing inthe past, and few research involved the ones when thejournal was eccotic with the radial magnetic bearing.For example, the bulk of documents suPPosed thecomponents Fx and F. of magnetic force depended onlyon the cUrred in x and y direchons respeGtively, bac theair gap thickness and the curvatUre of suiface shape werenot co…  相似文献   

This paper is based on the example of a radial magnetic bearing possessed of eight-pole, and derives the calculation formulas of static and dynamic mechanical characteristics of the bearing, in which the shape and curvature of surface, eccentricity and tilt of the journal are taken into account. Variations of the static and dynamic characteristics of the radial magnetic bearing versus static tilt parameters of journal are discussed. The outcomes show that the static tilt of the journal has influence on the mechanical characteristics of radial magnetic bearing, and change the static load capacity between two radial magnetic bearings and exert coupling effect between them. To study the dynamics of a practical rotor-magnetic bearing system, at least six stiffness coefficients in each radial magnetic bearing must be considered in ideal case, and twelve stiffness coefficients must be considered in general case of tilting journal. Such a find can be used for the coupled electromechanical dynamics analysis of rotor system equipped with magnetic bearings.  相似文献   

在建立卫星姿态运动学方程与姿态动力学方程的基础上,设计了姿态控制器,仿真结果表明该控制系统具有较好的动态和稳态性能;结合有效载荷的两维伺服控制系统模型,提出了卫星运动补偿方案。使用高精度星敏感器与陀螺组合姿态确定的软件,在各种干扰力矩作用下,对卫星运动补偿进行了数学仿真。结果表明,该方案可以提高有效载荷光轴指向精度和指向稳定度。  相似文献   

以对称叠层复合材料构件的机构系统非线性动力学模型为对象,研究弹性连杆机构动态性能优化设计,采用了直接积分法-Newmark算法计算连杆中点的位移响应,并针对连杆中点的最大振幅建立最小优化模型;根据此模型具有非凸、多峰值的特点,运用混沌微粒群算法对此模型进行优化。结果表明,能够获得较满意的优化结果,能使系统的动态性能得到了较大改善,为解决此类优化问题提供了有益的尝试,对实际工程应用也有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

动态软件更新是一种新型的软件演化机制,它允许应用软件系统在运行过程中执行软件更新而不会出现停机状态。一些大型重要的应用软件系统需要提供不间断的可用性服务将受益于此机制,因此将OSGI作为软件构件的支撑平台.提出一种基于代理的OSGi构件动态更新方法。该方法继承了OSGi良好的生命周期管理和动态依赖管理特性.拓展了其动态性和互换性的特点。实验表明,该方法可以准确地进行OSGi构件的动态更新,将对智能家居环境下的系统维护及其软件演化提供一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

为提高火电厂输煤设备检修的效率,解决相应软件系统的实时性和便利性问题,提出了以Comet技术为核心的基于Web的设备故障预警图形系统。系统采用Raphael来绘制矢量图形,结合基于DOM的脚本编程技术实现了图形系统与用户的友好交互;采用Ajax长轮询方式模拟实现数据信息的服务器端推送,Ajax引擎的异步通讯机制有效解决了页面动态更新问题。在提高信息实时性、降低服务器压力的同时,系统带来了良好的用户体验。  相似文献   

通过Matlab建立某型汽车动力传动系13自由度扭转振动的分析模型,对其在临界转速下振动异常的现象加以分析研究,利用得到广泛使用的偏导数分析方法对该车在理想的无阻尼扭转振动下,系统的固有频率对转动惯量和扭转刚度的灵敏度进行了计算.从转动惯量和扭转刚度的角度分析出对固有频率最敏感的结构参数,从而以避开发动机的激励为目的对其进行修改,实现对固有频率的优化.并结合实验说明理论分析起到了很好的作用,同时还会降低厂家的修改设计费用.  相似文献   

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