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可能自我是个体对未来自我的认知表征,对可能自我的理解存在过宽或过窄两种偏向。现有理论将可能自我划分为6个维度,可能自我具有正、负效价,对个体行为具有动机作用,其发挥与行为策略、社会认同及平衡可能自我有关。可能自我源自过去自我和现在自我,又借助归因参与对过去自我和现在自我的重构。可能自我与个体的自我图式、社会资本及生活于其中的社会文化密切相关。对可能自我的研究主要采用问卷法、Q分类法、访谈法及参与性生活故事法。已知可能自我对个体的学业、体态和健康具有重要作用。  相似文献   

一、引言 自我,通常是指个体对自身状况、人一我关系的认识,情感以及由此产生的情感意向,包括自我认知、自我情感和自我意向三种成分。它是激发个体对环境信息选择加工和价值估价的积极代理者,从而形成不同的社会行为。嘲这种社会行为的产生,一方面来自个体的人格特质,另一方面来自传统文化的塑造,  相似文献   

个体是社会发展的基本元素,其行为对社会产生直接而深刻的影响,是维护社会秩序的基础力量。教育使个体秉承了一种自我塑造的基本权利,是人们行为方式形成的重要因素,并使培养个体行为秩序化成为可能。教育目的的实现依凭于教育秩序的建构,而在当前我国教育失序的状态之下,教育培养维护的基点——个体行为,处于一种无秩序约束的"自由"状态。因此,应该以制度建设为契机整合与建构教育秩序,培植出一个相对稳定的个体认知框架和行为规则,推动个体行为秩序化的形成,进而营造出秩序化的社会。  相似文献   

张新会 《考试周刊》2015,(45):174-175
职业自我效能感是个体对自己能否胜任和职业有关任务或活动具有的信念,在人们职业发展中起着重要作用,近年来成为自我效能感理论中的研究热点。本文从其概念、形成与发展、测量及相关研究几个方面对职业自我效能感进行整理归纳,并提出未来研究展望,促进人们更全面地认识职业自我效能感。  相似文献   

班级管理中,批评成为教师开展教育的法宝,但成效低下,甚至产生更多的负面作用。本文意在建立新的学生管理核心理念,探索更有效的学生行为管理方式。教育的本质是让学生认识自我,建构自我,成为具有自主性的个体,而不是通过种种批评塑造学生。  相似文献   

自我与自我发展的理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我是人类个体与动物相区别的本质特征,是人类个体行为的动力源泉。心理科学对自我的研究主要是两个方向:一是自我结构的研究,通过对自我结构要素的分析来认识自我的本质,并为自我的操作性研究指明方向;二是自我的发展研究,探索人类个体自我的发展进程及影响的主要因素,以期为儿童个体教育发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

教师专业发展本质上是教师个体的、内在的提高。本文从实践的角度提出“自我指导式”教师专业发展设计的七条准则。认为教师在专业发展的过程中 ,应成为完全意义上的自我发展主体 ,成为一个“自我指导式”的学习者 ,理智地复现自己、筹划未来的自我、控制今日的行为。  相似文献   

<正>中职生职业自我效能感是指中职学生对自己在职校学习的理论知识和技能训练的知觉,以及对未来从事职业行为及取得职业发展的信心。自我效能感有四个信息来源:个体的主体经验、替代性经验、社会说服和生理情绪状态。个体通过这四个信息源来获得某些行为信息和经验,并对它们进行认知整合,从而形成自我效能感。而对于中职生来说,职业自我效能感的信息来源主要是学校、教师和学生个体。因此,构建中职生职业自我效能感  相似文献   

自我监控是一种重要的社会认知特质,影响个体的自我呈现以及相应的社会行为发生。研究简要介绍自我监控研究的起源和发展,比较和分析了相关概念和理论观点,对近年来相关自我监控的前因后效的研究结果进行了梳理和表格化呈现,认为未来的研究需要系统而动态地考虑其综合特质和过程机制,在研究方法上要突破单一的自陈量表形式,应采用多种实证方法深入揭示其本质及其作用机制,并提倡运用综合研究范式探讨不同群体间的自我监控差异。  相似文献   

乐观是个体对未来的期望,对个体当下的行为有重要影响。通过对乐观研究的相关概念、形成及培养、测量方法和研究领域进行介绍,提出乐观研究中国化和乐观的作用机制的问题。  相似文献   

This paper explores the under‐researched area of extracurricular activity undertaken by students through the lens of the possible selves literature, which has largely been developed in the North American context. In the UK the employability agenda assumes an orientation towards the future and employers are increasingly expecting students to display capacities beyond those of simply achieving a degree. Extracurricular activity is one site where students might be able to develop these additional capacities towards their future imagined selves. Our case study, based on in‐depth interviews with 61 students, found different orientations towards the future, with only some displaying future selves attuned to employability. Other students were more firmly orientated to the present and developing student identities or unable to elaborate or act on imaged futures because of the contingencies of the present. We conclude that paying attention to differing temporalities and to the insights derived from the possible selves literature are likely to be fruitful for further research on extracurricular activity.  相似文献   

This article explores the shaping of Australian and Malaysian pre-service teachers’ possible selves in a short-term mobility programme. With the theory of possible selves, individuals imagine who they will become based on their past and current selves. The focus of the research was on pre-service teachers’ possible selves as global and culturally responsive teachers. The experiential learning through participation in the programme allowed participants to consider their future possible selves as teachers with a deeper understanding of diverse learners’ needs and how they might strive to address these needs in their own classrooms. The scaffolding of reflections in the programme encouraged the pre-service teachers to take on multiple perspectives, to step outside their comfort zones and in many ways to see the world from different eyes. The research found that through experiential learning in the short-term mobility programme both the Australian and Malaysian pre-service teachers gained in positioning their cultural selves currently and as future teachers, suggesting that there is merit in utilising the theory of possible selves in future research in the area of shaping teacher identity.  相似文献   

Possible selves theory describes the relation between self-concept and regulation of future-oriented behaviours. This theory helps conceptualise issues related to teacher development, including preparation and retention, but few researchers have done so. The validation of a Likert-type instrument intended to measure ‘new teacher possible selves’ is described. Student teachers in the United States (n?=?335) completed the new measure in their final practicum semester. Results from two confirmatory factor analyses indicate that data fit well the models of new teacher expected and feared possible selves. Limitations and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   


Thoughts about the self in the future, called possible selves, are an important component of the current identity of individuals. This study specifically focused on possible selves in the domain of memory and cognition. Both older and younger groups spontaneously reported possible selves in the cognitive domain, e.g., “learning a new skill,” but younger adults did not spontaneously mention any memory-related possible selves. In contrast, almost 1/3 of our well-educated older adults reported possible selves related to memory—and nearly half had memory or cognitive concerns. Furthermore, every older adult who spontaneously listed a memory self also selected this as his or her “most dreaded” feared self. These people reported engaging in physical and mental exercise to try to prevent this feared self from materializing. Although fears about cognition and memory are important in the self-concept of well-educated older adults, these individuals also appear to have a proactive approach to dealing with such fears.  相似文献   

This research uses the psychological construct of ‘possible selves’ to investigate the aspirations of 25 students in Year 11. ‘Possible selves’ provide a conceptual link between self-concept and motivation. The study compared the positive, negative and impossible possible selves of Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) attendees with participants from a secondary school. Whereas 100% of the school students generated positive possible selves, only 69% of the PRU participants did so. The school students were more able to provide sub-goal strategies to achieve positive possible selves and could articulate alternatives if their first aspiration eluded them. PRU participants generated divergent impossible selves. The findings suggest that in comparison with those in school, PRU attendees have fragile positive selves and more negative perceptions of their prospects. This may indicate a lack of internalisation of positive future options. There are implications for practice as those who work in the PRU context aim to provide meaningful experiences.  相似文献   

During late childhood and early adolescence, there is a dramatic increase in cognitive skills which influences how young people begin to think about their futures. The construct of possible selves has been used to help understanding of adolescents’ views of their future plans and goals by exploring their social perceptions to gain insight about how they think about the world and themselves. This study examined the role of perceived teacher support in adolescents’ development of possible selves. Results suggest that the four groups (White males, Latinos, White females and Latinas) in this study think in different ways about their future possible selves of graduating from a 4-year university. This study provides important theoretical as well as practical implications.  相似文献   

人的未定性和复杂性从根本上决定了儿童的成长是一个生成的过程,儿童在自由中不断生成新的自我。生成性儿童观的要求是确保教育不成为压迫性、控制性的存在,而是作为引导的力量,顺遂儿童的生成本性,促进儿童的自由发展,不断趋近于充分的自由个性实现。  相似文献   

The study examined the relation between possible selves, academic performance, motivation, self‐esteem and persistence on task. The assumption was that envisioning a desired end‐state produces information processing favouring the desired state and, as a consequence, the action seems more likely and people are able to construct more efficient plans. We hypothesized that academic performance is best for subjects who are able to produce well‐elaborated, vivid pictures of future selves. The sample consisted of 289 students, 14 and 15 years old, of both sexes. The statistical analysis revealed that those who endorsed specific, elaborated positive selves outperformed the other groups in academic achievement. There was also indication that this group of students showed more persistence on task. The results are discussed in terms of their importance for the motivational role of possible selves in achievement situations.  相似文献   

马库斯关于自我图式、可能自我、工作的自我概念等观点形成了自我的社会认知理论。自我图式是个体对源于过去经验的自我的认知类化,能够组织和引导个体与自我有关的信息加工过程。可能自我代表了个体可能成为的、喜欢成为的、担心成为的自我,它具有联系自我认知与动机、与自我情感的重要作用。工作的自我概念是在当前的思维和记忆中处于活跃状态的自我概念。马库斯及其同事的跨文化研究表明,文化与人格是相互建构的。  相似文献   

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