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本研究结果表明:民办普通高等学校区域分布及其时间变化受GDP及其变化的显著影响;独立学院区域分布受公立普通高等学校数的显著影响;民办高等学校区域分布及其时间变化同时受GDP和公立普通高等学校数及其变化的显著影响。以市为单位进行分析发现,以省为单位的分析结果会低估公立普通高等学校对于民办普通高等学校的积极影响。  相似文献   

在高等教育经费增长空间暂时有限和公众要求不断提高的情况下,地方普通公立高等学校作为一省或地区高等教育的主力军,发展水平和实力决定着一省或地区的高等教育发展水平和实力,其投入的效率效益问题日益成为高等教育管理的一个重要问题。以J省公立高等学校为样本,基于Super-SBM模型,对J省各个公立高等学校的整体效率得分、冗余变量测度等进行分析研究,并探索问题背后的原因,得出地方高等教育绩效的几点启示,期冀对我国高等教育有所参考。  相似文献   

3月7日,教育部公布2006年教育事业统计,统计显示中国民办高校在校生数已经超过280万,在校生增长速度比全国普通高等学校在校生增长速度还要快,民办高等教育得到持续稳定发展。1.民办高等学校数比上年增长9%2006年,民办高校(含独立学院)总数达到596所,比2005年增加49所,增长了9%;其中,独立学院318所,比2005年增加23所,增长了7.8%。表12005-2006年民办高校数增长情况单位:所2005年2006年06比05增长(%)民办高校25227810.3独立学院2953187.8合计5475969.02.民办高等教育招生数和在校生数持续增长2006年,全国民办高等教育(包括普通及成人本、专科…  相似文献   

高等教育发展的一个战略选择——积极发展民办高等教育陈敏私立(或称民办)高等教育作为与公立(含国立)高等教育并存的一种高等教育举办形式,在世界上许多国家是普遍存在的。我国解放初期也有私立大学,其学校数占高等学校总数的44%①。在1952年开始的院系调...  相似文献   

我国民办高等教育发展的特殊性不仅体现在其发展历史上有一个近三十年的中断期,在发展环境上面对着强大的公立高等教育系统、短缺的公共教育经费投入和不完备的法律制度,而且在办学方式上民办高校大部分是投资办学。分析民办高等教育发展的特殊性,有助于全面认识民办高等教育的发展现状、正确理解民办高等教育的发展趋势,以期明确民办高等学校的性质,完善民办高等教育法律,为民办高等教育营造良好的制度环境。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,中国民办高等教育面临普通高等院校扩招、高等教育市场国际化、国内公立高等学校转制等挑战。要在挑战中生存与发展,政府必须大力扶持;工商界应积极投资;民办高校更应把质量看成是自己生存和发展的生命线。  相似文献   

民办学校,实质上相当于私立学校。中国的私立高等学校,在建国初期,经过接收、调整,全部改为公办或合并于公办院校,30多年来,中国不复存在民办高等学校体制。随着经济体制的改革,多种所有制经济成份的发展,民办高等学校的出现与发展不是不可能的,事实上也已经出现了。因此,重新探讨民办高等教育的体制问题,在社会主义初级阶段教育体制改革中,是有现实意义的。一、历史与现实私立高等学校的历史,在中外高等教育发展史上,是同公立高等学校平行并存的。它的发展,有时比公立高等学校还要快,并且起着相互促进的作用。当今不论发达国家或发展中国家,私立高等学校都为数甚多,如美国为54.4%(1983年)、日本为75.6%(1985年)、菲律  相似文献   

改革开放之后,四川民办高等教育始于20世纪90年代的非学历高等教育机构和学历文凭考试的试点校,至今,民办高等教育从无到有,有了显著发展。2007年,我省已有民办普通高等学校9所,独立学院12所,在校生共计125760人,占全省高等学校及机构的在校学生总数的9.57%。当前,构建公办教育与民办教育共同发展的办学新格局是我国教育发展的必然趋势,民办高等院校定能在这样一个办学新格局中大有作为。展望将来,今后我省民办高等教育的发展前景是广阔的。  相似文献   

新时期我国民办高等教育的发展   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
20世纪 90年代后 ,由于各地经济、文化和公立高等教育发展的不平衡和地区政策差异形成了我国民办高等教育的非均衡发展。当前 ,我国民办高等教育应充分发挥区域优势 ,建立有效的质量保障系统 ,实现民办高等教育成本的合理分担 ,以促进民办高校持续发展  相似文献   

本文将利用回归的方法探索内蒙古的区域经济与高等教育之间的关系.根据统计年鉴中的数据,分别从高等教育与区域经济发展现状、二者的格兰杰因果关系及高等教育对区域经济的贡献三个方面进行研究.结果表明:每万人中受高等教育人数对第一、二、三产业占GDP的比重及人均GDP的影响都是显著的,R&D占GDP的比重、受高等教育劳动人数及未...  相似文献   

Malaysia is a newly industrialized market economy and reliant upon foreign direct investment to increase its economic outlook. Being located in a strategic position between Asia, Australasia and Oceania has made it an attractive proposition for foreign higher education providers wanting to expand their international presence. Despite this, there are many market and regulatory challenges facing foreign providers operating as private higher education institutions (HEIs) within Malaysia. To gain a competitive edge they must clearly understand how the many cultures, values, norms, behaviors, and mindsets within Malaysia can be used to drive strategy. Unfortunately, very little is known about Malaysian perceptions of private HEIs compared to public HEIs. By drawing upon utility theory, the aim of this research is to construct a scale for measuring brand identity of HEIs in Malaysia. Data from a sample of 371 students from private and public HEIs in Malaysia were collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling to form a two-factor measurement model consisting of visual and verbal identity cues. Tests of differences were performed, which showed dimensions such as distribution channel, public relations, promotion, core service, price, and system having significant differences between private and public HEIs.  相似文献   

This article provides an analysis of the academic performance of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Vietnam with 50 universities and 50 colleges in 2011/12. The two-stage semiparametric data envelopment analysis is used to estimate the efficiency of HEIs and investigate the effects of various factors on their performance. The findings reveal that HEIs in the surveyed sample show that there are still potential avenues to improve their existing performance. There appears to be a difference in the efficiencies of public and private HEIs in the reported year. It is noted that the inefficiency of HEIs are not entirely a result of managerial performance, but also influenced by other factors such as location, age and the contribution of tuition fees. Our results are expected to provide more understanding of the operational efficiency of HEIs for educational managers and policymakers to find possible solutions to improve the performance of Vietnamese higher education.  相似文献   

The reemergence and growth of private higher education institutions (HEIs) represent one of the most significant developments in Chinese higher education over recent decades. Against a macroeconomic background of decentralization, this phenomenon is essentially fuelled by a broad spectrum of political and socioeconomic forces. This study sets out with the primary aim of discussing the current policy environment constraints faced by different types of private HEIs based upon a theoretical framework of property ownership rights. This is undertaken through a comparative analysis with HEIs in the United States, as well as case studies on three different types of private HEIs in China (accredited private universities, independent colleges and Sino-foreign colleges). Recommendations are offered on the key issues aimed at overcoming the difficulties encountered by such institutions; these include transfer rights, income rights, government subsidies, access to bank loans and tax-exempted social donations. The government in China has adopted an incremental approach to the regulation of the private higher education sector, thereby providing ad hoc solutions to problems encountered along the way; however, within a mutually understood framework of action, a system of clear property ownership rights is essential to the practical coordination of the activities of the economic actors.  相似文献   

A flexible one-output and two-input cost function is estimated for the degree program offerings of public and private higher educational institutions (HEIs) of the Philippines, employing the data from a nationally representative sample of 29 HEIs. This model, called Flexible Fixed Cost Quadratic cost function includes as output—full time equivalent degree program enrollment, and the two factor inputs—teaching cost and operating cost per student. Units of observation are the degree programs being offered by the sample HEIs. Results indicate that public and private HEIs exhibit structurally different cost functions, with the public sector enjoying markedly better cost efficiency and over-all scale economy.  相似文献   

本文以1999年扩招以来中央预算内财政支出和地方预算内财政支出为研究对象,采用1998年和2003年中央部属院校和地方所属普通高等学校预算内生均经费作为主要指标进行实证研究,以此来分析中央和地方两级政府投入的变化特点,并得出结论:中央投入在扩招过程中相对集中,从而强化了高层次地区的优势,而地方投入的基础性作用增强,有效地对中低水平地区予以支持,最终使地区间高等教育经费差距有所缩减。  相似文献   

Building on a mixed method research approach, this article reports on an analysis of the difference between public and private higher education institutions (HEIs) in Egypt in terms of teaching methods, quality assessment approaches and alumni engagement. An analysis of the survey data compared the experiences of 1 713 graduates of both private and public HEIs. Qualitative case study data seeks to explain the noted differences and similarities. The analysis showed that both types of institutions fall short of providing student-activating teaching methods; engaging students in quality assessment; or supporting graduates through job placement services. The analysis related the similarity between the two types of institutions to the state governance approach and its focus on education inputs, recommending a shift to an accountability regime that is focused on education outcomes and performance.  相似文献   

In recent years, closing down private higher education institutions (HEIs) has become a serious problem in China. It seems that doubt is cast on the rationality of private HEIs and severe competition contributes a lot to their development. Many problems in the process of self-development are caused by both internal and external factors. From the perspective of sustainable development and the healthy development of students, priority should be given to the evolution of an idea to provide a positive environment for the development of private HEIs. This paper is an effort to deal with the statement that higher education in China is a seller's market and aims to do an objective estimate of the development space for private HEIs. In addition, it shows a clear understanding of establishing the prediction system for relevant issues of private higher education to guarantee the sound development of private HEIs. Translated from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2006, (5): 46–53  相似文献   

通过对河南省16所样本高校的问卷调查分析,发现我国普通高校德育教师队伍专业化程度很低。表现为在岗德育教师受过本专业训练的人数少,队伍不稳定,社会声誉不高,准入制度不健全,研究能力不强。因此普通高校德育教师的专用性差,德育效果不理想。原因是高校重视德育工作,但不够重视德育教师队伍建设;教师过于偏重课堂教学而不重视与学生的沟通交流。  相似文献   

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