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Continuing education is becoming essential to the publishing profession. In this article, Ann Cowan describes the advantages of using university programs for noncredit education to support courses in publishing. These programs permit access to the resources of the industry and enable the university to serve publishers’ educational needs. Ann Cowan is associate dean of Continuing Studies at Simon Fraser University and codirector of the Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing. A graduate of the University of Toronto, she completed her master’s thesis onThe Canadian Forum at Carleton University. She was a general editor at the National Museum of Man before moving to Vancouver, where she initiated the Writing and Publishing Program at Simon Fraser University. Address for correspondence  相似文献   

Relationships between professors as textbook authors and publishing houses as textbook producers have always been fragile. L. Kathy Heilenman examines this relationship and describes how current changes in the climate of universities and in the structure of publishing houses have converged to render this relationship more than usaually problematic. She concludes with suggestions for restructuring the relationship so as to encourage the production of high-quality, innovative textbooks in a partnership between publishers and professors. L. Kathy Heilenman teaches French at the University of Iowa and is one of the authors ofVoilà! a first-year college-level French textbook.  相似文献   

In her report about the German publishing industry in 2010, Veronika Licher shows some of the trends and different stages of digital development. She mentions how different players like the German Publishers and Booksellers Association or book wholesalers changed direction or added new services to adapt to the changing market and how e-book distribution is working its way through traditional and new channels. A short review of the bestselling titles in 2010 and the development in children’s publishing follows as well as an introduction how German publishers are trying to make use of the new reading pens.  相似文献   

In her article Veronika Licher presents some of the trends and developments in the German publishing industry in 2011. She reports how the German Publishers and Booksellers Association including book wholesalers try to add new services to adapt to the challenging changing markets??which not always turn out to be successful and give rise to many internal and external discussions. More and more non-publisher players appear on the stage. There is a trend to move to Berlin, Germany??s capital, as a base camp or location for publishing related services and in some cases publishing houses themselves.  相似文献   

Today it would be hard to imagine the publishing world without literary agents. But agents are relative newcomers. The first arrived on the British literary scene some time in the late 1870s; A. P. Watt is generally regarded as the first true agent. It was Watt who defined the role and function of the agent and established a standard of conduct by which his contemporaries and successors were measured. Watt’s activities had great impact on the business of publishing and on the types of literature writers produced. In fact, the agent was one of the main factors in the radical transformation of the publishing world that occurred at the end of the nineteenth century. This article looks at Watt’s legacy: it focuses on both the publishing world and the institution of the literary agency. It suggests that Watt was a dominant force in both and that, without him, literary agency might not have prospered so well or so quickly. She studied at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and received her D.Phil. in 1988. She is working on a book about the British literary agent.  相似文献   

After giving a brief history of Yale University Library's Baltic collection, the author reports on her acquisitions trip to Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. She visited exchange partner libraries, bookstores, and book dealers in Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, and Tartu. One of her goals for the trip was to set up approval plans with in‐country vendors and exchange partners. She also met with a number of alumni of the Baltic Library Internship at Yale, and some of the librarians who were competing for future internships.  相似文献   

Notes about the February 2016 PubWest Conference (Santa Fe, New Mexico) and a panel discussion about the relationship between academic publishing studies programs and publishers. PubWest is a regional publishers’ organization in the U.S., with Canadian members. The 2016 conference—“A Passion for Books”—included keynotes, intensive sessions, and panels on making publishing more profitable. Per Henningsgaard, Portland State University, chaired the panel “What Publishers and Academics Who Study Publishing Can Learn from Each Other.” Co-panelists: Sybil Nolan, University of Melbourne; David Emblidge, Emerson College. Henningsgaard gave an overview of publishing studies programs worldwide, what they teach and how they serve students interested in entering the publishing business. Emblidge presented a publishing studies student project from Emerson College—a book proposal for an illustrated nonfiction trade book. Nolan commented on broader research interests concerning the book business and its history, shared by academics in publishing studies. Similar conferences for publishing industry professionals and publishing studies courses at various universities are noted here, as is a research project aiming to build a comprehensive database for publishing studies teaching and learning materials.  相似文献   

周雁翎 《出版科学》2011,19(5):32-37
全人教育是20世纪70年代以来在世界范围内被广泛传播的、以促进人的整体发展为目标的教育思想。近年来,全人教育思想在我国产生了越来越大的影响,这种影响也不可避免地波及我国图书出版领域。就面向基础教育的图书出版而言,如何准确地传达全人教育的深刻内涵,是出版人面临的难题。本文对全人教育思想的流变进行初步梳理,探讨全人教育的人文教育、科学教育、传统文化教育和公民教育四个基本维度,并以《北大基础教育文库》为例,对全人教育语境中的图书选题策划进行探析。  相似文献   

刘苏华 《出版科学》2012,20(2):98-104
延安时期中国共产党图书出版业前后经历了兴盛与调整发展两个阶段。在兴盛阶段,图书出版经历了快速发展时期,图书出版集中度较高,马列主义、毛泽东思想图书的出版是其重点。同时,也特别重视文化教育类和社会科学、政治类图书的出版。进入调整发展阶段以后,图书出版类型发生了变化,有关中国共产党的图书以及科学知识普及类读物增长明显。  相似文献   

Sydney eScholarship is a framework and suite of services that enables integration of digital collections, open access repositories, and research data services with scholarly publishing. The primary platform for scholarly publishing at the University of Sydney – Sydney University Press – currently operates as part of the University Library's Sydney eScholarship program. Three sets of publishing initiatives demonstrate the integration of the digital library with scholarly publishing to deliver different forms to different audiences: (i) new publishing and the literary canons – rediscovery, customisation and critical interpretations; (ii) book and web – open access publishing; (iii) publishing in the mix – data and experimental scholarly publishing.  相似文献   

The Colophon, published from 1925 through 1935 for an audience of book collectors and connoisseurs, illuminates the debate over the basis of a book's value: genuine quality or artificial scarcity. It also illustrates the distinction between genuine news about the book industry and “publicity hypnosis”—today’s “hype.” The magazine’s authors, designers, typographers, printers, and illustrators were among the finest of their day. Claire Badaracco is an assistant professor at Marquette University, and is currently writing a series of articles about Anglo-American book publishing, journalism, and publicity trades between 1920 and 1940 with the support of The British Academy, the National Endowment, and the Bibliographical Society of America. Her work has been published inAmerican Literary Realism, Journalism Quarterly, Essays in Business and Economic History, and other journals. The Library of Congress, The Center for The Book, is publishing her monograph “The Lakeside Press Four American Books Campaign 1926–1930.”  相似文献   

In this article, the author analyzes the state of Russian University publishing in 2009, with a focus on the top 20 higher education publishers. By examining national statistics such as the total number of Russian book and pamphlet titles produced in 2009, along with their print runs and other pertinent information, the author concludes that a record number of titles were produced by Russian institutions of higher learning for that year. Nevertheless, print runs declined throughout 2009, indicating a downward production trend in Russia and the world at large.  相似文献   

The Franco-American book trade played a vital role in the struggle for mutual understanding during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. That trade is exemplified by the work of three colorful individuals: Joseph Nancrede (1761–1841), who left his native France and became a publisher in Boston; John Hurford Stone (1763–1818), English supporter of the French Revolution who set up his English Press in Paris, issuing works of American interest; and Nicholas Gouin Dufief (1776–1834), who fled the French Revolution and set up as bookseller in Philadelphia. Thanks to the efforts of Nancrede and Dufief, the writings of French thinkers were made available to American readers, and thanks to the presswork of John Hurford Stone, the writings of Barlow, Paine, Jefferson and others were circulated in France. As publisher, printer, and bookseller, these three bookpeople reflected the ups and downs of Franco-American relations and became instruments of international understanding. Madeleine B. Stern, partner in the rare book firm of Leona Rostenberg and Madeleine Stern, has written numerous books on publishing and bookselling history, includingImprints on History: Book Publishers and American Frontiers. She is the editor ofPublishers for Mass Entertainment in 19th-Century America and is currently completingStudies in the Franco-American Book Trade in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries  相似文献   

In the Greek publishing industry, tradition and the desire for innovation go hand in hand. The industry is influenced by European developments in publishing and bookselling in terms of book promotion methods, the role of chain bookstores and the impact of information technology. Greece shares the features of other small book markets in Europe, whilst retaining the individuality defined by the Greek language and the country’s cultural and social conditions. This article provides an overview of the publishing industry in Greece through a review of the relevant literature and the available statistics. This work also focuses on the need to develop publishing skills through publishing education and continuous professional development.  相似文献   


The WLN Conspectus determines a library's acquisition commitment (growth rate) by considering what percentage of book publishing output it acquired. In 2000, the Bowker Annual changed its source of book publishing from the American Book Publishing Record to Books in Printwith an attendant increase in recorded output. That increase has serious implications for libraries using the WLN formula to determine collecting levels. The recent Art assessment at Jacksonville State University demonstrates how Bowker's change in book title output affects the library's acquisition commitment level, and what adjustments the library made to maintain consistency and continuity.  相似文献   

Publishing research, to be effective and useful, requires the participation of scholars and practitioners in many disciplines: literature, history, sociology, psychology, technology, economics, and education. Examples are drawn from trade and scholarly publishing. The results of such research can benefit all segments of the industry. Beth Luey is director, Scholarly Publishing Program at Arizona State University and have been editor of Publishing Research Quarterly since 1988. She is the author of several books, includingHandbook for Academic Authors.  相似文献   

英国传教士傅兰雅1885年在上海创办了格致书室,这是中国近代最早的科技书店,在中国近代西学东渐史和图书出版发行史上,具有重要地位.格致书室的特点是:主营译书、兼顾编译出版,主营售书、兼营科教仪器,建立网络、扩大发行渠道,开展邮购、满足读者需要,备有书目、注重广告宣传,图书连载、开展新书评论,维护版权、坚决打击盗版,关心收藏、关注教育和图书馆.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 在学术出版与传播机制日益复杂的背景下,学术出版素养成为研究人员不可或缺的技能。美国高校图书馆的学术出版素养教育有一定成功经验,能够为中国的学术出版素养教育提供指导。[方法/过程] 以美国排名前10位的高校图书馆和中国40所"双一流"高校图书馆为调查对象,对这些图书馆开展的学术出版素养教育实践进行调查,主要从教育形式与教育内容方面进行比较,分析中美学术出版素养教育的异同。[结果/结论] 对我国高校图书馆学术出版素养教育的启示是:深化教育合作,促进学术出版素养教育的不断完善;选择适当的教育形式,兼顾教育的系统性与针对性;针对学术出版需求,构建全方位的教育内容体系。  相似文献   

杨曙 《出版科学》2011,(4):49-52
出版业在"80后"作家图书的商品化趋势比在传统精英作家出版中要明晰得多。传统精英作家图书出版往往以"高等教育""高等文化"等为标准定位,使学者习惯倾向围绕既存的"高等"观念的普遍性,而忽略了"80后"作家图书出版与众不同的个别性。"80后"作家图书的出版则可抛射出改变本身以精英面貌出现的精英作家图书作为"文艺场域"一部分的内在能动。"80后"作家图书的出版又具有很强的区分性和等级性。  相似文献   

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