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Publish and Read agreements between publishers and consortia are leading the way to an open access publishing future. Although these types of agreements are just beginning to be made in North America, it is expected that many universities and consortia will move in this direction in the next few years. Some characteristics of these types of agreements are included along with some of the policies, structural issues and data needs to be successful. The open access publishing program of Cambridge University Press highlights the goal of one press to change their publishing to an open access future.  相似文献   

学术期刊实现Open Access出版的模式与平台   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
李晓宁  林家乐 《编辑学报》2006,18(2):130-132
介绍目前在学术出版界广为讨论的Open Access出版模式,指出Open Access对学术期刊发展的意义。同时介绍国内以期刊编辑部为主体的Open Access出版的概况和特点。结合目前国内流行的Open Access出版平台软件的功能,说明Open Access出版的技术基础,为期刊编辑部建立Open Access出版平台提供参考。  相似文献   


The continual escalation in academic journal prices threatens the quality and future of academic library collections. This situation arises from market forces that react to, and take advantage of, the unique characteristics of academic libraries and scholarly publishing. These characteristics include the unique role of academic libraries, in their mission of serving as accessible repositories of knowledge, and the unique activity of scholarly publishing, in which every journal title is unique without a close substitute. The combination of these of factors leads to the lowest price elasticity of demand for the libraries and the highest degree of product differentiation for each journal title. While some solutions being offered to alter the dilemma hold promise, the unique characteristics of the market appear to discourage more equitable pricing without a radical restructuring of the industry or of the relationships between the consumers and the producers of academic journals.  相似文献   

Library‐led publishing is one of the new approaches to journal publishing and open access that has grown tremendously in the last few years. A 2010 IMLS‐funded survey found that 55% of respondents – from US academic libraries of all different types and sizes – were already implementing or developing a publishing program. Library‐led publishing has garnered such momentum because, by offering low‐ or no‐cost publishing to university scholars, it addresses needs that traditional publishing has not been able to meet. This article presents a series of small case studies to illustrate different journals that have benefited from the library‐publishing model: (i) a journal that struggled to find an affordable publisher in its emerging field; (ii) a small society journal that could no longer afford to support itself in print; (iii) society publications that go beyond the traditional journal format; and (iv) a student journal with a revolving editorial board.  相似文献   

伊兰 《编辑学报》2012,24(4):405-408
对欧洲地球科学联盟(EGU)的刊物《Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics》(ACP,大气化学和大气物理学)的办刊模式进行了探究。通过对《ACP》模式运作流程的分析,总结出其特点和成功的原因。《ACP》在创刊初始就采用了开放存取(OA)的出版模式。更为重要的是,它在全世界首次创立了"交互式开放存取"和"二阶段出版"的办刊程序。《ACP》模式对我国期刊的发展有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In this article, we summarize the cost implications of print and electronic publishing for scientific scholarly journal publishers, libraries, and scientists. In each case, we developed detailed cost models to demonstrate the importance of factors that affect publishing and decisions made by libraries and scientists to determine whether to subscribe to a journal; if so, in print or electronic medium, and, if not, what alternative information sources to use. In all instances, estimates of unit cost are essential for understanding the dynamics of the economic and systemic interdependencies of publishers, libraries, and readers.  相似文献   

Journal publishing has evolved and changed considerably over the years, leaving many libraries to grapple with analyzing and identifying the purpose and scope of these collections. After numerous discussions and an analysis of how the current print journal collection was being used, Kraemer Family Library at the University of Colorado–Colorado Springs decided to withdraw over 50% of the library’s print journal holdings in order to create a collaborative space for students. This article begins with an overview of journal publishing as it relates to academic libraries and the impact of electronic serials on the scope and purpose of a print journal collection. It then highlights the steps used to complete the project, and communication goals and methods employed to keep library staff members, faculty on campus, and other constituents aware of the changes taking place in the library.  相似文献   

外文电子期刊数据库捆绑纸本订购模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着期刊市场纸本与电子共同出版模式的形成,以及期刊出版业的垄断集团化,为了获取高额利润,一些出版商采取纸本与电子版捆绑销售模式来销售电子期刊数据库,其捆绑模式有保留现有纸本订购、规定一个最低订购额以及提供E-only和纸本+电子捆绑三种形式。随着图书馆馆藏数字化,出版商的纸本捆绑销售出现了一些转变,有的出版商允许用户将纸本刊转成电子刊,有的允许用户取消纸本载体转而支付电子内容费,有的取消纸本捆绑启用E-only模式,但这些转变并没有给用户节省多少费用,并没有在真正意义上取消纸本捆绑,只是出版商换了一种销售方式而已。  相似文献   

开放存取(OA)资源对提高图书馆信息资源保障能力和用户服务水平均具有重要意义。桂林医学院图书馆对OA期刊进行搜集、整合,通过建设OA期刊检索平台为用户提供参考咨询服务。高校图书馆在利用OA期刊开展信息服务时应有针对性地进行资源配置,有选择地配备人员,保持数据库建设的持续性,保证OA网站资源的稳定性,重视OA期刊的宣传推荐工作,做好数据的维护更新工作。  相似文献   

通过对中国学术期刊光盘版中收录的医学院校学报在出版时差、收录率、准确率方面的统计和分析 ,提示期刊采购人员在采购印刷型和光盘期刊时避免失误的方法和补救措施。  相似文献   

文章以上海图书馆馆藏中国近现代读书类报刊为样本,统计其创刊数量、创刊时间、出版地分布,整理了出版机构及其重要报刊,并分析了中国近现代读书类报刊的特点。统计得到中国近现代读书类报刊231种,创刊数量随时间的推移而增加,出版地居前的为上海、四川、江苏、北京、浙江,出版机构有报刊社、书局、图书馆、协会和学校等。研究认为,中国近现代读书类报刊具有创刊时间较早、刊物数量较多、出版机构以报刊社与书局为主、出版地域分布不均及红色报刊微光初现等特点。  相似文献   

提出开放学术资源的挑战及应对措施的分析框架,建议图书馆积极支持开放出版并在开放期刊选择、资助政策和论文处理费控制等方面发挥主导作用;提出基于开放资源环境的层级复合馆藏策略,建议充分依靠开放环境提供普遍检索,同时选择关键资源定制个性化服务和保障长期保存,并积极将本地资源融入数字化开放环境。  相似文献   

For this talk, Marks was tasked with summarizing the important trends in scholarly publishing in 45 minutes. The speaker reflected on the rapid changes that have occurred in journal publishing, which followed more than 300 years of relatively slow progress. Marks discussed key technology trends such as data curation, Open Access (OA) mandates, and the changes occurring in the global landscape of scholarly communications and library budgets. Wolters Kluwer Health has been responding to these trends with new publishing experiments including a Platinum OA model in emerging markets. Marks discussed the ways that publishers and libraries need to alter their traditional practices and instill a focus on their customers and communities.  相似文献   

Little more than a decade ago, a discussion of telecommunication standards would have been out of place in a journal issue devoted to publishing standards. Now, however, such standards are crucial, since authors, libraries, and publishers all communicate electronically. Ray Denenberg sets out in detail the standards that apply to the use of modems, public data networks, local area networks, and computer-to-computer communication.  相似文献   

期刊出版质量综合评价指标对高校学报办刊理念的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
期刊质量综合评估体系对现阶段高校学报的办刊理念提出了新的要求。分析了评估体系中基础建设条件、环境资源条件、出版能力、经营能力等4个板块的指标对期刊生存和发展的要求。认为期刊的合理定位、规模、效益等要求高校学报办刊理念具有规范性、经济性、有效性及开放性,期刊编辑尤其是学报编辑办刊理念转变的必要性表现在规范办刊行为、注重办刊过程的经济性、提高科技期刊的各种效益,以及创造条件使期刊保持可持续良性发展等4个方面。  相似文献   

以互联网为前提的众包模式,已应用于文化创意产业、图书馆、翻译以及地理信息采集等领域.本文基于众包模式的优势以及学术期刊众包评审案例,分析网络环境中出版流程碎片化、出版平台便捷化众包出版模式的可行性.认为高校学术期刊的众包出版需要有相应的机制与流程确保其工作效率和质量.在多媒体融合背景下,高校学术期刊众包出版模式可以为高校学术期刊提高社会效益和社会影响力,提供一个新的发展路径和出版模式.  相似文献   

The Local Journal Utilization Report (LJUR) is a customized report about an institution's citation and publishing history. Based on data from the Web of Science database, LJUR can be a useful tool for libraries in a variety of capacities, from informing journal cancellation decisions to quantifying institutional research trends.  相似文献   

国外学术期刊OA出版论文处理费(APC)调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程维红  任胜利 《编辑学报》2017,29(2):192-195
调查了国际知名出版商Elsevier、Springer、Taylor & Francis、Wiley-Blackwell、NPG和国际知名OA期刊社BMC、PLoS、Hindawi、MDPI等OA期刊的论文处理费(APC)的收费标准.2015年度主要商业性出版社完全OA期刊的APC主要分布在1 000 ~5 000美元之间,混合型OA期刊的APC相对高些,分布较窄,基本在3 000美元左右.以瑞士MDPI公司为案例,分析该公司OA期刊的创办、期刊载文量、期刊经营、APC收取策略等.还简要讨论APC和OA出版机制,以期为我国的科研管理部门和期刊管理部门提供参考.  相似文献   

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