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1973年发现的“监视者”号(USS Monitor)是美国在领海外发现保护的第一艘历史沉船,该沉船及其周边一海里及上覆水体也成为美国第一处国家海洋保护区。它被认作美国海军的第一艘现代战舰,是北方联邦建造的第一艘铁甲舰,在弗吉尼亚州汉普顿锚地战役中改变了南北战争局势,具有独特的科学、历史和社会文化价值,被列入国家历史地标。水手博物馆藏有历次调查取回的文物,尤其是作为“监视者”号国家海洋保护区的主博物馆,有力支持了1990年代沉船部件提取及其保护和展陈,它参与了“监视者”号沉船考古调查发掘,开设了“监视者”号中心,其保护实验室和留在原址的船体也向公众开放,已成为全美最受欢迎的军事博物馆之一。通过梳理“监视者”号沉船的价值、发现及其呈现的考古信息、提取理念和方式、特殊文物处置,探讨对我国博物馆建设的借鉴之处。  相似文献   

本文提出一个有关博物馆中古代文物上的含硫腐蚀产物的发生、发展问题的研究项目.分析表明,这些腐蚀产物决定于它们的形成方式.人们研究了这方面的保护技术,并推荐用1-酰胺-1-丙烯腈、2-2二硫醇钠来溶解硫化物腐蚀层,而将先用苯骈三氮唑处理,然后再用涂料封护的方法作为长期保护手段.  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家对文物考古和文化遗产保护利用的重视,文物方面的新闻成了读者关注的一个热点.像2007年广东“南海一号”古沉船被整体打捞出水,2009年位于河南省安阳安丰乡西高穴村的曹操高陵的发掘,2011年山东定陶“黄肠题凑”汉墓的发掘,以及2011年开始发掘的南昌市西汉海昏侯墓等,都引起国人广泛热议.许多文物考古新闻的大量报道,在普及国人的历史知识和增强人们文物保护意识方面起到了很好的推动作用,也带动起一股收藏热.  相似文献   

锌版制版工艺相对比较复杂,操作人员如果不严格按照制版工艺操作,就会严重影响印刷产品的质量,甚至造成废品,只有熟悉其工艺的每一个环节,严格把关,才会避免产生质量事故。下面就其工艺简述如下:一、无粉腐蚀锌版的理论依据无粉腐蚀锌版是物理作用和化学作用的结果,原理是保护剂加在硝酸中,在机械搅拌下,表面活性剂把油剂以极为细小的油滴均匀分散在硝酸液里,形成乳化液,被乳化的油剂形成一层薄的保护膜,在版面上的附着力不同,通过机器的垂直冲力而达到腐蚀的目的。在腐蚀的过程中,腐蚀液恒温,锌版空白部分被腐蚀生成化学反应热,图线部分未…  相似文献   

石屿二号沉船遗址位于西沙群岛石屿东侧的珊瑚礁石上,未发现船体痕迹。2010年度的水下考古调查,采集的标本均为瓷器,有元代青花、卵白釉、白釉、青灰釉、酱釉等几类。这些瓷器分别产自江西景德镇窑、福建德化窑、晋江磁灶窑以及福建地区的其他窑场,均是当时重要的对外输出商品。尤为珍贵的是,出水的元青花瓷器为国内水下考古工作中首次发...  相似文献   

7月4日,国家广播电影电视总局、国家文物局印发《关于加强对文物鉴定类广播电视节目管理的通知》,其中规定:1.文物鉴定类广播电视节目的内容必须符合《中华人民共和国文物保护法》及相关法规的规定。节目中出现的用于鉴定的文物必须为文物收藏单位收藏的以及公民、法人和其他组织以合法方式取得的文物;  相似文献   

宋晓蕊 《兰台内外》2020,(11):41-42
依托文物藏品建立起来的文物档案,是佐证文物的"身份证",更是开展文物相关工作,进行研究、发掘、拓展等工作的重要信息来源。但是在目前纪念类博物馆中,由于在最初征集过程中存在的问题,之后文物档案保管中存在的弊端,使得文物档案在日常管理和使用中凸显的问题也越来越多。探讨在实际工作中纪念类博物馆文物档案存在的问题,旨在提出相应的措施,为开展工作提供便利。  相似文献   

近年来,以中国钱币博物馆为代表的钱币金融类博物馆迅速发展壮大,但由于钱币类文物具有体积小、数量多的特点,对钱币类文物的保护与利用尚未形成完善的理念。中国钱币博物馆在馆藏钱币类文物科学分析、数据库建设、库房建设、学术研究、举办展览、开发服务等领域取得了丰富的经验,国内外其他博物馆在钱币类文物保护与利用方面也各具特色。通过分析发现,以中国钱币博物馆为代表的钱币金融类博物馆需要加强与文博系统博物馆的合作,共同推动钱币类文物的保护。  相似文献   

文物作为一种物质形态存在于社会 ,有文物才有文物意识。文物意识是文物在人头脑中的反映。文物决定了文物意识 ,反过来 ,文物意识又反作用于文物 ,对文物和文物事业起促进或破坏的作用。正确的文物意识可以促进文物的形成、收藏和保护 ,错误的文物意识可以使文物消失 ,遭到破坏。正确的文物理论、法规、方针和政策是文物工作客观规律的反映 ,可以能动地指导文物工作合乎规律的运转 ,反之 ,文物工作将受到损失。文物的客观性及其形成过程文物是人类在历史发展过程中遗留下来的遗物、遗迹。它或是一处遗址 ,或是一件器物。前者是不可移动文物…  相似文献   

近年来,如何“让文物活起来”是文物保护研究的热门议题,在新媒体环境下,文物的活化也拥有更多的发挥空间,本文以文化类综艺《国家宝藏》为例,探析“媒体+文物”的文物传播路径。《国家宝藏》的文物活化是时间、空间和人三者的整合与互动:节目在传统与现代中寻找再媒介化文物形象的平衡点,通过仪式化传播,横向扩张文物的传播范围,整个过程“落脚”于人与文物,通过人与文物的交流,文物在生活中“活化”。  相似文献   

从青海上孙家寨出土的西汉晚期军事律令文书木牍,可以推知西汉张良、韩信《兵法》和杨仆《兵录》在内容性质上都是军事律令的结集。作为结集而成的"一本书",《兵法》和《兵录》都附有目录,但它们并不是"目录著作"。其所附目录都是勒编成册的一书篇名目录(contents),而不是"莫之或先"的群书目录(bibliography),也不是"最早的兵书专科目录"。此外,《兵录》之"录"意为"依次记载",并不是"名图书目录为录"之所始。  相似文献   

This article describes the investigation of white efflorescence on eight wooden African objects from Malawi and Zambia and the treatment of the objects to remove the deposits. The source of the efflorescence on these objects was determined to be the heartwood from which they were carved. Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, the crystalline efflorescence was found to consist of homopterocarpin and pterocarpin, two isoflavonoid compounds found in woods and shrubs belonging to the genus Pterocarpus, and African Baphida nitida. The crystal growth appeared to be heaviest on areas of the objects that were more deeply carved as well as on those objects without a surface finish. The storage conditions of the collection were studied and found to have likely accelerated the rate and extent of the natural movement of the pterocarpan compounds from the interior of the heartwood to the outer surfaces.  相似文献   


The article examines the most important periodicals of ethnic minorities in Poland. After 1989, many ethnic groups (e.g., Germans and Romanies) were allowed to publish journals and newspapers for the first time since the end of World War II. The publications examined show the rich cultural life of the various ethnic groups as well as their current status in Poland. In addition to popular titles, some scholarly publications are also discussed.  相似文献   

The author answers a reference question on bibliographic sources for the Ukrainian periodical press 1840–1850. Helpful publications include bibliographies, guides, and library catalogs. These potentially make mention of revolutionary developments in Hungary (such as the Twelve Points paragraph of the Demands of the Hungarian Nation in March 1848, the subsequent April Laws, and Hungary's declaration of independence in April 1949), and elsewhere in the Hapsburg Empire.  相似文献   

The author describes the Slavic Humanities Index, a bibliographic database of scholarly and cultural articles on subjects including history; literature; language teaching; linguistics; philosophy; ethnology; performing arts; and cultural, borderland, and regional studies. She discusses its development, its current form and functionality, and plans for the future.  相似文献   

Most studies of collection development mask inadequate theoretical underpinnings with facile assumptions and dazzling statistical manipulations. This essay, in moving toward a model for collection development within both specific collections and library systems as a whole, seeks to demonstrate the full range and complexity of relevant factors. An enlarged theoretical grasp should help highlight both the possibilities and the challenges of existing approaches. One result could be a shift toward gaming or simulation techniques as more realistic analytical tools.  相似文献   

An annotated list is presented describing seventeen periodicals that cover significant aspects of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) community and their culture in whole or in part, with popular content rather than an academic or research focus. The titles included are a selective and representative sampling. The entry for each periodical includes the following information: periodical title, publisher/editor and address, basic information, publication data, content, Internet information, an abstract/annotation, and evaluative statement  相似文献   


Ariel files are the starting point for electronic delivery of interlibrary loan articles through ILLiad, Virginia Tech's interlibrary loan system. Despite some advantages to electronic delivery of articles to their desktops, a large majority of ILL customers continue to prefer print on paper delivery rather than electronic delivery. This fact has implications for introducing additional electronic services. Correctly choosing what services to impose on library customers, and what services to offer as value-added options, is fundamental to maintaining the credibility of libraries during these times of rapid change.  相似文献   


The state of Illinois funded a large scale Ariel project. This is a report of the project's successes and shortcomings. Although widely successful, additional training in the use of sophisticated hardware, primarily Minolta scanners, is needed. Data on sending and receiving is included.  相似文献   


The authors discuss the development of the Slovak periodical press within its historical context and their expectations for its future. The article covers general characteristics of Slovak magazines and newspapers from World War II to 1989, and their later development since the Velvet Revolution up to the present. It also discusses the Slovak press outside of Slovakia from the late nineteenth century.  相似文献   

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