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随着知识、信息价值的日益突出,充分实现知识、信息的价值成了图书馆的中心任务,但因原有的知识、信息保存体系存在局限,使得“藏”“用”矛盾空前激化,而解决这一矛盾的有效办法是实现知识、信息保存的高度有序化、网络化、数字化。  相似文献   

本文阐述了在数字图书馆的建设中与知识产权有关的几个问题,并对如何解决数字化与知识产权保护之间的矛盾提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

对网络环境下高校图书馆信息资源建设的思考   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:31  
本文从网络环境下高校图书馆信息资源建设的问题出发 ,分析了它与用户信息需求的新矛盾。最后对网络环境下高校图书馆的信息资源建设提出了具体的建议  相似文献   

文章研究了信息资源共享过程中的知识产权问题,提出解决二者矛盾需要建立起相关的法律法规保障体系,实现二者全面接轨,从而推动信息资源共建共享由当前的无序状态进入法制化轨道,促进国家创新体系的建设。  相似文献   

本文就目前我省文献信息资源建设的现状和存在的主要问题,分析了新形势下不断增长的文献信息需求与后进的情报信息服务间的矛盾,指出了文献信息资源共建共享是网络时代图书情报机构发展的根本出路,并提出了相应的对策与措施。  相似文献   

信息污染及其防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对信息社会中存在的信息资源和注意力资源之间的矛盾,分析指出,只有充分认真并采取有效措施治理信息污染、净化信息环境,才能保护人类有限的注意力资源,在信息活动中实现预期目标。  相似文献   

电子政府的外向型信息服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本通过分析我国“政府上网工程”的现状,着重讨论了电子政府的外向型信息服务功能对于有效开发和科学利用政府信息资源,促进民主政治和廉政建设,推动我国社会主义市场经济的发展的重要作用。提出各级政府应正确处理信息公开与信息安全的矛盾,通过信息引导和信息服务职能优化信息资源配置,树立良好的政府形象。对我国政府网站的建设提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

图书馆在馆藏建设与读者需求之间始终存在“藏非所需”的矛盾.这一矛盾在造成图书馆资金使用效益低下的同时,也降低了检索效率,加大了读者时间成本,背离了图书馆以读者为中心的初衷.本文仅就当下数字信息所面临的问题入手,借助案例分析的方法,试图构建一种基于用户驱动的数字信息配置模式,旨在降低图书馆数字资源购置成本,提高用户检索数字信息效率.  相似文献   

李建国 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(4):122-124
阐述互联网发展加剧了传播中的伪装与真实、虚拟与现实、可信度低与点击率高等矛盾现象,并提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

在大力提倡素质教育的今天,教师自身素质的高低在教育教学中尤为重要。本文对教师如何通过利用图书馆的途径学习,来提高自身综合素质的问题进行了有关的探讨,并对图书馆在解决“供与求”的矛盾上所采取的相应服务措施,提出了个人的见解。  相似文献   

亚太地区世界记忆工程是世界记忆工程的重要组成部分,对于保护亚太地区各民族记忆起着重要作用。本文在论述亚太地区世界记忆工程进展的基础上,从与世界记忆工程保持一致、宣传力度较大、记忆名录层次丰富三个方面总结了成绩,从参与度、合作度、网站建设方面分析了存在的不足。最后,本文从宣传、合作与网站建设三个主要方面提出了推进亚太地区世界记忆工程进一步发展的措施。  相似文献   

农村图书馆:中国图书馆事业发展中难解的一个结   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
徐苇  盛芳芳 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(5):23-26,32
近代图书馆在中国诞生之初,有识之士便把注意力投向了广大农村.从1903年常德图书馆创办到1928年和顺图书馆建立,标志着中国的图书馆由县城向农村转移1949年以前,中国乡村图书馆的规模很小。1978年以后,中国的农村图书馆事业有了蓬勃发展.从我国提出发展农村图书馆事业,至今已有六七十年。其发展有时步履蹒跚,有时大步跨越;走走停停,进进退退它是我国图书馆事业发展难解的一个结。  相似文献   

Not Good Enough?     
An increasing flow of amateur images of global crises presents challenges and opportunities for mainstream news media. Furthermore, many news organizations now solicit eyewitness reports for near-instant upload to Web editions. Yet, there is a lack of empirical research on amateur images in the regular news flow, in particular in newspapers. Thus, this case study examines the general frequency of amateur content, the gatekeeping process and the opinions of editors making decisions about images for publication in the online and print editions of four Swedish newspapers. Our findings, based on quantitative content analyses and interviews, indicate that a majority of the content falls in the hard-news category in contrast to findings in previous research about user-generated text content. Moreover, it appears regularly but in small numbers in a tabloid-content daily and a regional paper but hardly ever in broadsheet-content papers, and that opinions in the newsroom about amateur images vary from a lack of interest to a stated need for them in the regular news coverage. The low impact of amateur content may be due to the gatekeeping process and professional standards of photography, as well as a lack of audience interest and difficulties in implementing new structures in the newsrooms. In sum, the findings disprove predictions in the literature of a near-paradigmatic rise of amateur content in the mainstream news media.  相似文献   

关于中国公共图书馆同美国公共图书馆相比较的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
包学鸣 《图书情报工作》2001,45(2):10-12,79
从中国公共图书馆超过美国公共图书馆的方面、同美国公共图书馆相似的方面和与美国公共图书馆不同的方面这三个角度进行比较;通过比较,可使人们对中国公共图书馆近些年取得的成就和存在的问题有个客观的了解,同时也对美国公共图书馆的情况有所了解。  相似文献   

图书馆如何制定知识共享战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在简要明确图书馆知识共享战略含义的基础上,指出图书馆知识共享需要战略的原因,分析图书馆知识共享战略提出的现实背景。图书馆知识共享战略的核心在于确定图书馆知识共享的方向、目标和计划;制定图书馆知识共享战略需要遵循两个基本法则:独特法则和简单化法则;确定图书馆知识共享方向,一要清晰;二要正确。最后提出图书馆知识共享目标确定的注意事项以及图书馆知识共享计划制定的步骤。  相似文献   

The digital divide is severe in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The prevailing digital divide will continue to exist and define the characteristics of the digital information environment of the sub-region as it influences, along with other concerns, the information needs of end-users in the sub-region. The model of information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment and observations and theories from the literature of Library and Information Science (LIS) show that the information needs of end-users in SSA are for information content that is relevant for day-to-day tasks and that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of the information and communications technology (ICTs) that they possess and their level of skill in manipulating the ICTs. The model of the information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment presents the nature of user tasks, the state of electronic resources in use, and user experience in using the electronic resources as factors giving rise to information needs of end-users in a digital information environment. The principles of least effort, satisficing, utility and accessibility particularly give support to the argument of the paper: that end-users need information content that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of ICTs currently in use by the end-users concerned. Recognizing the nature of the information needs of the end-users of SSA will help in meeting their needs as well as in selecting appropriate interventions in addressing the digital divide in the sub-region.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the publication patterns of researchers in the field of applied sciences at Universities of Technology in South Africa. Aspects investigated include publications in SCOPUS-listed journals; number of citations and countries of publication. Collaborative research patterns at national and international levels were also investigated. A bibliometric analysis approach was followed using SCOPUS as the main source of data and analysing the articles published in selected applied science disciplines. Results show that researchers in the field of applied sciences in universities of technology have increased their number of publications over the past 10?years and are also working in conjunction with other researchers both nationally and internationally. The analysis is an important addition to the field in South Africa which helps in measuring how institutions are positively responding to government incentives in research. The results are also important to information professionals who are increasingly playing an important role in research impact assessments.  相似文献   

网络环境下高校图书馆人才结构的合理调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的不断发展和应用,为了适应网络环境对图书馆工作的要求,2002年2月21日国家教育部正式印发了《普通高等学校图书馆规程(修订)》,对高校图书馆专业人员的学历提出了新的规定。随着改革的不断深入,要求我们必须花大力气抓好图书馆的队伍建设,因此高校图书馆人才结构如何合理调节,是图书馆在网络环境下深入发展的关键。  相似文献   

The Medical Library Association's certification plan, never of real significance in employment and promotion practices in health sciences librarianship, does not reflect the many changes which have occurred in swift progression since adoption of the code in 1949. Solutions to the problems which have accumulated since then are sought in a brief examination of trends in credentialing and certification in the health professions and in the library field, both general and special. Emphasis is given to the historical development of provisions in the MLA Code for the Training and Certification of Medical Librarians, the limited opportunity for practical implementation of most of the provisions, the importance of the code in stimulating the Association's educational programs, the impact of the Medical Library Assistance Act, Regional Medical Programs, and increases in demand for health information on manpower requirements for health science libraries, the specific dissatisfactions MLA members have expressed over certification, and the role of the Ad Hoc Committee to Develop a New Certification Code.  相似文献   

通过信任风险、信任相关方关系和信任形成三维视角的分析,发现电子商务信任的核心问题是交易信任,重点是赢得消费者信任;而网站在电子商务信任关系中处于核心位置,初始信任和网站制度控制在促进电子商务信任形成中的作用至关重要。针对这些特性,给出业界提升消费者信任的应对策略。  相似文献   

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