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This article argues for a shift away from ideology critique as the primary focus of critical communication and media studies. Instead, the author suggests enlisting the work of German Media theorist Friedrich Kittler's Foucault-inspired approach to the epistemological dimensions of media. This focus is relevant to digital media in terms of the selection, storage, and processing of data that are the fundamental concerns of Kittler's media studies. Advertising and drone warfare are used as examples of how this approach differs from ideological critique.  相似文献   

This article introduces a group of articles on the history of paper and issues of scarcity in the history of newspapers and news media generally. The articles discussed share a concern with the parallels between paper scarcities in newspaper history and spectrum scarcities in broadcast history. This introductory essay comments on the similarities and differences between the two kinds of scarcity and comments more broadly on the rise and fall of bottlenecks in media systems, paying attention both to how scholars have discussed materialities of media communication and how legacy news media in the digital era have encountered a new competitive landscape.  相似文献   

This essay examines the grassroots digital media produced by young undocumented immigrants to reveal how these media both enable and restrain immigrants in processes of negotiating the effects of stigma affiliated with being undocumented, abating isolation, and advocating for immigration reform. I problematize the coming out process by revealing the ways digital communication may discourage heterogeneous perspectives, normalize free labor, facilitate hateful and xenophobic responses, and perpetuate confirmation bias. Foregrounding oral history interviews with 25 undocumented or formerly undocumented immigrants in New York City, this project advances understanding regarding the facility and limitations of digital media while simultaneously attending to an existing underrepresentation of undocumented immigrants in U.S. scholarship.  相似文献   

郑自军  蔡叶 《新闻界》2007,(6):86-87
从媒介生态的角度审视,当前民族文化传播失衡实际上是民族文化传播生态恶化的结果.对此,本文提出了解决这一失衡的对策.  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of critical studies of communication, the meanings of the words “communication” and “critical” remain deeply contested. Attending to the history of the use of these terms inside and outside of the academy offers a broader perspective on some of the most pressing issues confronting scholars of communication today.  相似文献   

周仁成 《出版科学》2012,20(3):95-98
借助数字媒体的力量,外国经典作家莎士比亚从精英阶层的文化资本转变为平民大众的文化消费与娱乐对象。与此同时,数字媒体的大众化、符号化、娱乐化传播颠覆了莎士比亚在中国以往崇高的剧作家形象,而各类海量存在的数字化文字文本与视听文本也为莎士比亚作品在中国的平民大众中的接受与理解提供了更为便利的平台。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(95-96):173-186

The Assessing Quality in Digital Reference project is a first step toward understanding the cost of digital reference services in libraries. This article presents three measures isolated by project participants as being most useful for their immediate needs: total cost of providing digital reference service, the cost of digital reference service as a percent of the total reference budget, and the cost of reference as a percent of the total library or organizational budget. In addition, it reviews selected outstanding issues in the ongoing question of how to determine the cost of reference services in libraries and offers direction for further study toward a general cost model for information services.  相似文献   

Governments are increasing digital communication with citizens, yet little is known about how the public sector influences communicators’ daily social media activities. This ethnographic study uses interviews, documents, and participant observation to offer a rare emic view of the US Coast Guard (USCG) social media program. Breaking up the monolithic public sector communication context, influences on social media communication were nested within five contexts: organization, military, parent agency, federal government, and the US public sector. By observing how the contexts and related attributes influence personnel and the program, the study provides insights related to social media communication processes rather than merely content products. Findings extend theoretical and practical applications by identifying enablers and challenges to government social media communication within an applied context. USCG's culture and history of transparency and engagement drive the strategy, while resource constraints and a devaluing of social media within the decentralized organization constrain program effectiveness and real-time engagement.  相似文献   

通过移动端推送博物馆展览是博物馆信息化的重要内容,但不少博物馆面临数字化应用无法实现服务质量和用户体验的预期,导致下载量和使用量较低的处境。本文以“故宫展览”数字化项目为例,通过对开发数字产品观念意识、展示设计能力的分析,总结出在设计数字产品中结合博物馆需求与观众需求,结合观众心理习惯与博物馆特色,构建以“物”为核心的展示内容,兼顾知识性与趣味性的展示形式,应用分众化传播策略等方法,探讨借助移动端数字应用对博物馆以教育为目标的传播属性起到的积极作用。  相似文献   

建设综合性实验教学平台实训复合型现代传媒人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会已是信息社会,以信息传播技术为核心的新闻传播媒介,目前已经进入了采编网络化、通讯数字化、传输同步化的时代。高等院校如何培养适应现代社会需要的上手快、能力强、素质高、后劲足的复合型传媒人才,成为当今传媒教育界迫切需要解决的重大问题,也是传媒实验室所面临的现实问题。  相似文献   


The authors reflect on the methodology of using digital tools to learn about the experiences of Indigenous people enrolled from 1980 to 2000 as adult students at Tranby, an Indigenous-controlled post-secondary college. This collaboration between Tranby and the University of Technology Sydney drew on debates in post-colonial studies, oral history and archival studies. The authors found that participants prioritised personal control in all social media communication and engaged most actively in person-to-person communication to take part in this research. Participants were eager to share memories of student experiences but they have preferred to contribute to online publications which focused on activities, rather than on individuals. To support participants’ desire for control over digital communication, the authors slowed the pace of online outcome development to allow flexible and ongoing consent arrangements along with non-custodial approaches to oral, archival, photographic and material collections.  相似文献   

数字图书馆的资源与信息传播平台的多样性,为其新媒体阅读服务提供了关键支撑。提供知识点阅读、融合式阅读服务将成为数字图书馆的主流服务模式;复制与传播作品片段成为数字图书馆使用作品的主要形式。数字图书馆只有采取开放式交流、嵌入问题环境、通过密封信道传播服务成果、恪守合理复制准则,才能有效控制著作权侵权的发生。  相似文献   

文章旨在在国家倡导档案机构数字转型的战略背景下,探寻我国档案机构系统应用社交媒体的顶层设计及实现路径的启示。文章用案例分析法,全面深入调查NARA的社交媒体应用制度体系和应用实践,解析其经验,并立足档案学与传播学理论及方法,提出社交媒体在国家数字资源整合与服务中的优化策略:多层次构建完备制度;匹配需求强化平台应用效率;基于主体协同机制深化资源建设;强化社交媒体运行机制过程建设;基于社交媒体创新国家数字档案资源整合与服务理念。  相似文献   

数字媒体拓展了图书馆的信息容纳空间,已成为当代图书馆信息传播的强势媒体。文章阐述了数字媒体的概念和传播特点,探讨了数字媒体对图书馆信息传播活动的影响,对于提升图书馆信息传播活动的质量、推动图书馆的数字化发展具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

从传播学的角度看,圈层分化是人际传播所建构的群体认同下的强链接作用,其既利于维系人际交往圈,也是过度媒介化的结果,是移动社交下所衍生出的显著产物。在移动社交时代,人际交往主体对固化的人际交往圈所具有的双重性具有明晰的认知,才可能由内而外地建构自我,了解"主我"和"客我",提高自身媒介素养,更好地适应现代化的人际交往。  相似文献   

数字参考咨询的用户隐私范围主要包括人际交流隐私和个人数据隐私。以此,针对数字参考咨询用户隐私问题具有隐蔽性、依赖于所采用软件的功能设计、个性化信息服务与用户隐私保护产生矛盾、缺少具体可操作性隐私权保护政策等困惑,从行业自律、法律法规、信息控制、技术软件安全和宣传培训五个方面采取措施,进而完善数字参考咨询隐私权保护机制。  相似文献   

本文厘清了数字反哺的理论渊源和概念维度,并在家庭传播视域下考察其现状及影响因素。以全国54座城市954个家庭3291位祖孙三代样本的问卷调查数据为基础,我们在数字接入反哺、技能反哺和素养反哺的三大维度上进行了不同世代的分析与对比。就反哺现状而言,年轻世代"给出去的反哺"与年长世代"接受到的反哺"大体能达成共识,但仍有三成左右互相矛盾。在年长世代中,祖代(老年人)虽然在数字媒体的采纳、使用与素养方面都显著低于亲代(中年人),但他们各维度数字反哺的接受程度都显著高于亲代。进一步的影响因素分析也印证了上述发现,个体特征上处于弱势(年龄大、教育程度低、女性、自我效能感低、心理障碍多)但在家庭结构中位居核心(与家人互动频繁深入且关系亲密)的人越有可能接受数字反哺。  相似文献   

These words critique the ongoing tendency to create false dichotomies between different approaches in media studies. Delivered as part of a panel on the future of media studies at the 2013 Society for Cinema and Media Studies, I offer a definition of critique that all critical media scholars should share.  相似文献   

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