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“大阅读”活动是一类阅读活动的统称,倡导通过阅读提升社区、社群的氛围,形成社区、社群的凝聚力,从而建设书香社会.它最早起源于英国,随后兴盛于美国,并逐步影响全世界,形成一个世界范围内广泛而持续不断的阅读热潮.“大阅读”活动的组织机构不一,有的由单一的传媒组织推动,也有的由阅读推广组织、传媒组织和图书情报机构等联合推动.通过对“大阅读”活动的发展历程及特点的总结、分析,将对我国开展“大阅读”活动、建设书香社会提供可资借鉴的启示.  相似文献   

This article is a critique of the National Endowment for the Arts report, To Read or Not To Read: A Question of National Consequence (2007). Author Nancy Kaplan originally published an analysis of this report on a blog, IF: Book at http://www.futureofthebook.org/blog/archives/2007/11/reading_responsibly_nancy_kaplan.html. She edited and rewrote that original presentation for publication in PLQ. Much of Kaplan's method involves a rigorous analysis of the same data that the NEA report writers used. However, she demonstrates, contrary to the organizational researchers' conclusions, that voluntary reading rates among teenagers and young adults did not decline between the early 1970s and 2004. Neither, Kaplan finds, is there any reliable data to support the NEA's editorial claims about the declining proficiency in adult readers. She concludes that the NEA authors truncated the time dimension of the available data and otherwise manipulated or misinterpreted data to obtain their results. Kaplan concludes that library professionals should discount the highly publicized NEA findings and focus on the clear statistical realities reported on the source documents and summarized here instead.  相似文献   

《全民阅读推广手册》序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
书的形体和内涵的丰富多样,给我们提出了"多读书"和"读好书"的阅读推广任务。阅读是一门科学,也是一门艺术。一个现代人必须养成读书、阅网、观景三结合的阅读生活习惯。"全民阅读"这一理念覆盖阅读客体、阅读主体、阅读本体三个重要领域,凸现了"大阅读"观的时代价值。《全民阅读推广手册》一书推介古今阅读理论的精华和中外阅读实践的经验,不仅总结了有关阅读的传统理论和成熟经验,而且展示了阅读实践的新方法和新进展,是一部开卷释疑、读之益智的重要工具书。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对当前我国图书馆面临的不确定性复杂环境, 引入情景规划理论, 建立嵌入情景的大学图书馆战略规划实施模型, 旨在丰富图书馆战略规划理论, 并在实践层面上为我国大学图书馆及其他类型图书馆战略规划提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 运用系统研究方法, 融合战略规划与情景规划理论, 突出情景规划的系统学习、应急性与反馈性等特性, 构建大学图书馆情景规划模型, 以香港理工大学图书馆为例阐释说明其实现过程与实施效果。[结果/结论] 结果显示, 作为面向复杂多变的不确定性环境的战略规划方法, 大学图书馆情景规划有助于形成面向未来导向与公共导向的未来情景, 培养与形成图书馆共享心智模式, 在成本预算、建筑修复、员工技能等方面, 为图书馆制定面向未来的战略规划研究与实践提供有益参考。  相似文献   

公共图书馆面积规划是建筑规划的重要组成部分,在规划时要遵守.以服务人口定面积"、"以需求定面积"和"基于图书馆业务统计"的原则.在这些原则的基础上,当前公共图书馆面积规划主要提供了依据人均经费定面积、依据服务定面积和以人口数量为基础测算图书馆面积的三种方法,文章结合实例,就上述三种方法一一作了论述.  相似文献   

The planning, development, and organization of a one-day or multiple-day conference is time consuming, challenging, and requires a well-prepared framework. This article discusses the guidelines and strategies developed by the Southeast Florida Library Information Network Reference Committee for the organization of a successful local conference. These guidelines offer a model for any organization that is planning a conference and for incorporating future events into the planning process. They also serve as a collaborative model for what a regional network can achieve toward promoting and providing professional development and leadership opportunities for its libraries, librarians, and library staff.  相似文献   

This study surveys librarians' reactions to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) report on “Reading at Risk”. Using census data, the NEA concluded that there has been a drastic decline in “literary” reading and it is most sharply pronounced in the youngest group surveyed. To determine whether librarians' perceptions of reading, especially among youth, were consistent with the NEA findings, a Delphi study was conducted. Eleven youth library professionals and educators, identified as experts, responded to survey questions probing whether digital media impact leisure time reading for both adults and adolescents; whether reading is at risk; and whether the decline in literary reading foreshadows erosion in cultural and civic participation. Library experts tended to agree with the effects of digital media on leisure time reading for children. Experts were split on how digital media impact leisure time reading among adult readers. They were closely aligned against the assertion that participation in literary reading foreshadows participation in cultural and civic participation.  相似文献   

策划为 "王"   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
汪晓 《编辑学报》2006,18(6):419-421
对于媒体的生存发展来说,策划为"王".策划的实质始终在于创造性地整合资源.没有策划,就没有精品科技期刊的发展与兴盛.真正的策划是对期刊完整意义上的打造,其中选题、栏目、审稿和作者队伍、相关活动的策划是重点.树立新闻意识、建立策划的长效机制、实行重点选题的项目负责人制,以及在实践中锻炼办刊能力是提高策划水平、促进精品科技期刊发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

图书馆战略规划组织结构模型的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战略规划组织模型对于图书馆战略规划的制定和实施具有重要的意义。本文通过引入相关管理理论,考察国外图书馆战略规划实践,分析规划文本和利用实证研究结论进行了模型构建。战略规划组织模型主要由专职机构设置、组织结构、人员组成及职能四方面构成。  相似文献   

美国专业图书馆的战略规划--个案研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
图书馆通常注重制定馆藏计划,但忽略战略远景规划;即便制定了规划计划,总得不到贯彻执行。有的图书馆并没有从满足用户需求、确保完成主管单位(母机构)使命的角度出发来确立起相应的最终目标和阶段性目的。当前的经济形势迫使图书馆必须努力证明自身的存在价值。越来越多的专业文献开始探论图书馆的规划、组织战略、战略管理和战略计划等命题,以期帮助图书馆在主管单位(母机构)的各组织部门中保持战术性优势。通过对图书、管理人员的招聘广告展开调查和分析,不难发现战略规划已经成为图书管理人员的重要工作部分。战略规划已成为现代图书馆管理的核心。小型图书馆的馆长则必须一手制定和实施所有的计划。本文将通过个案调查,解释并且展示美国专业图书馆如何制定和执行战略计划。它同时也将证明专业图书馆能够为确保主管单位(母机构)宏观使命的成功扮演起不可或缺的重要角色。  相似文献   

通过对高校图书馆员的问卷调查,了解他们对图书馆战略规划的重要性、规划流程、组织机构、内外部影响因素、规划文本组成、规划时长等要素的认识。总结高校图书馆在开展战略规划实践中应强化馆员的战略意识、制定科学的规划流程、成立专门的组织机构、鼓励多元参与、关注多元的影响因素及编制规范的规划文本等启示,以期为我国高校图书馆战略规划的制定提供借鉴。  相似文献   


Through a review of the literature, the author sought to identify what assessment planning practices exist in libraries, how the assessment planning process works in libraries, and what components constitute a library assessment plan. The findings suggest that, while libraries determine and report a great many aspects of organizational performance, general assessment planning (which encompasses total organizational impact and value) is not frequently used or integrated into the library's comprehensive strategic planning process, and it does not always effectively cover the scope of the assessment activities and information needed by organizational leaders and administrators to develop effective strategic plans and decisions. This lack of integration creates disconnects between the library's ability to determine and report organizational value and the library's need to provide accountability evidence to stakeholders and use the performance measurement results effectively in executing strategic planning and decision making. Using the findings of the review, the author proposes an alternative set of assessment planning components and focus areas.  相似文献   

国外公共图书馆战略规划研究现状及趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
国外对公共图书馆战略规划的研究始于上世纪后半叶,经过近半个世纪的发展,所开展的研究在关注的视角、采取的相关研究理论等方面均已发生变化。通过对国外公共图书馆战略规划研究现状进行考察,探讨其研究的主要领域,剖析其研究特点,分析其研究的发展趋势,为推进我国公共图书馆战略规划研究提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This column focuses on the closely related topics of strategic planning and assessment in all types of libraries. The column examines all aspects of planning and assessment including (but not limited to) components, methods, approaches, trends, tools and training. Interested authors are invited to submit articles to the editor at wvdole@ualr.edu. Articles on both theory and practice and examples of both successful and unsuccessful attempts in all types of libraries are invited.

In this issue, Anne Marie Casey, Dean of Retention and Student Success at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, reminds us that real life challenges such as staff resistance and reallocation of campus space have serious impacts on planning. She presents a case study of one library's attempt to deal with these challenges by using a variety of methods, including active employee input, appreciative inquiry, and scenario planning to encourage staff buy-in. For the most part, these attempts proved successful.

Strategic planning is often considered a managerial tool. The management of an organization surveys the environment and develops a plan that they introduce to the organization as a whole. Most modern organizations seek employee involvement in the planning process and feedback to some degree with varied results. But for one academic library, employee involvement in the development and execution of the strategic plans has been a vital part of the processes. The Hunt Library at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has been developing strategic plans for several years with active input from the librarians and staff. This case study chronicles the different approaches the library staff have used to create new plans. One method was to hold a set of retreats where all library staff provided ideas for new initiatives to explore and old processes to retire. Another involved the SOAR approach, which uses appreciate inquiry to determine strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results. A third method employed scenarios to encourage staff input into the next strategic plan. Each of the different approaches yielded interesting results; some failures and many successes. Some processes were more positive than others but they all included mutually agreed-upon strategies that guided the library as it planned future innovations.  相似文献   

潘拥军 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(3):32-34,21
战略规划是国外图书馆有效管理的重要工具,是图书馆管理规范化和专业化的重要标志,但在国内的应用并不普遍。通过广州图书馆战略规划编制实践,介绍了规划编制的方式与流程,论述了影响战略规划成功的几个关键因素,以期为公共图书馆规划管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

论图书馆管理中的规划   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文论述了规划在图书馆管理中的地位和作用,从国际经验归纳了图书馆规划的基本结构和要素,总结了我国图书馆应当借鉴其法制化、重视过程、借助外部力量和重视评价与更新等特点。  相似文献   

图书馆规划编制实践研究——以广州图书馆为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆战略规划管理是制定图书馆长期目标并付诸实施,是国外图书馆管理的重要工具。规划编制是规划管理的基础。本文剖析《广州图书馆2011—2015年发展规划》编制实践,以期为图书馆规划编制提供借鉴。  相似文献   


It is imperative for libraries of all types to be responsive to the forecasted changes in the demographics of the library workforce. Succession planning is a key strategy for ensuring that libraries are prepared to meet changing and emerging organizational needs. Succession planning is broadly defined as a range of activities focused on both internal and external talent development to fill anticipated needs for library leadership and other key personnel. The aim of this article is to offer a number of recommendations relevant for LIS education to help build an awareness of succession planning for future library managers. In particular, practical ideas for course-related activities and assignments that may help to incorporate succession planning more fully into the LIS curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

In planning for a new library construction project for the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa, graduate students enrolled in the University of Oklahoma (OU) School of Library and Information Studies collaborated in an innovative effort to develop a commons-based reference service. By first considering a philosophical approach to the need for a commons, blending in the experiences of other libraries that have created similar spaces, and focusing on the workflow issues likely to be encountered by the graduate assistants staffing the commons itself, this planning team developed an uncommon peer-to-peer approach to reference and education services, one focused on the patron as student.  相似文献   

We present a multidisciplinary methodology for E-Government project planning. The set of expertise needed for the design of E-Government systems includes social, juridical, economic, organizational, and technological perspectives. To properly address such a broad range of influences requires a unique vision. Our long-term aim is to use an integrated approach to examine a number of issues which currently present challenges in many E-Government projects. This paper in particular focuses on social and technological aspects of E-Government. The methodology has four phases: (1) state reconstruction, (2) quality assessment, (3) new quality targets definition, and (4) preliminary operational planning. A case study provides evidence of the feasibility and effectiveness of the methodology.  相似文献   

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