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高超 《东南传播》2018,(2):119-120
当代青年亚文化比历史上任何一个时期都要活跃和丰富,大学生群体强调个性、善于接触新事物,凸显了青年亚文化中的主要形态。在这一背景下,传统的媒介素养教育改革迫在眉睫。只有把握当代大学生群体的特点,构建起学生的主体地位、因材施教,并积极地利用新媒体的平台,才能收获媒介素养教育的题中应有之义。  相似文献   

当今媒介对青少年成长的影响正日益趋强,通过多种渠道加强青少年的媒介素养教育已势在必行。电视媒体是青少年最熟悉、最易接近的大众传播媒介,将电视媒体作为青少年媒介素养教育的实施主体和样本,针对青少年的特点开展媒介素养教育,不仅能增进青少年的学习成长,而且能有效搭建起宽阔快捷的交互平台,产生积极的教育效果。  相似文献   

电视媒体与当代青少年媒介素养教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
媒介对当代青少年成长的影响日益趋强,加强青少年媒介素养教育势在必行。本文试从处于社会转型期的青少年特点入手,探讨作为大众媒介重要组成部分的电视媒体,在促进当代青少年媒介素养教育方面的重要意义、独特优势以及实现途径。  相似文献   

网络时代已经到来,各种信息铺天盖地,眼花缭乱。而青少年媒介素养教育的意义在于能够让青少年在纷繁复杂的信息时代中对媒介内容进行理性辨别和正确选择,能够利用媒介信息增强自身阅历并寻求自我提升与发展。本文通过对媒介素养教育的内涵进行解读,对青少年媒介素养教育的现状进行分析,以期为发展青少年媒介素养教育提供一些可行性建议。  相似文献   

青少年媒介素养教育的内涵青少年的媒介素养教育,是指导青少年正确理解、建设性地享用大众传播资源的教育,教育的目的是鼓励学生"认清并抵制"不良大众媒介的影响,帮助  相似文献   

我国农村青少年媒介素养的实证研究尚显不足,通过对桂东南某农村初中学生媒介素养教育现状的调查发现,农村青少年素质教育中依然存在:媒介素养教育呈"原生态";农村青少年也存有"追星"倾向;教师的媒介素养水平参差不齐;学校偏应试指导轻媒介素养教育等。鉴于此,建议多方培养媒介素养教育师资;学校应建立以媒介素养教育课程为主、渗透式多层次教学为辅的教学体系;教育主管部门加大监管力度;政府部门出台相关政策等作为改进媒介素养教育的应对之策。  相似文献   

通过对广西区青少年媒介素养及道德状况进行抽样调查发现,青少年日常中接触媒体的比例很高,对新媒体的使用频率普遍大于传统媒体。青少年对媒介使用的目的多集中在娱乐、消遣、获取信息、辅助学习上。青少年的价值观念、道德状况容易受到媒介影响,政府和高校、家庭、社会应该联合改进青少年的媒介素养教育和道德教育。  相似文献   

(一) 本文所分析的青年受众的媒介素养,是依据近年来这一领域的最新成果的研究而形成的.这一成果集中地表现在2007年和2008年两届西湖媒介素养高峰论坛发表的110余篇论文和研究报告中.这些成果从不同的视野、角度、背景,对我国的媒介素养教育,特别是青少年的媒介素养教育予以了极大的关注和热情,具有较高的学术水平.  相似文献   

孙琳琳 《今传媒》2011,(11):132-133
青少年社会主义核心价值观教育是学校思想政治教育的重要内容。然而随着媒介化社会的来临,大众媒介对青少年价值观的影响越来越显著,甚至弱化学校思想政治教育和家庭教育的成效。本文在简要回顾国内外媒介素养教育研究的基础上,提出通过加强青少年媒介素养教育,提升其对媒介信息的辨别能力和使用媒介的能力,从而促进青少年核心价值观的内化。  相似文献   

本文在对媒介素养进行简要概述的基础上,进一步阐述了媒介素养教育的规模化、模式多样化以及全球化的现状发展特点,并分析了媒介素养教育对青少年思想道德建设、社会公民教育以及终身学习体系构建的积极影响作用,希望能促进媒介素养教育的不断推广和完善。  相似文献   

Moving media literacy messages out of the classroom and onto the Internet, where much news consumption happens, offers an opportunity to extend media literacy education to a wider public. However, in doing so it becomes important to consider how the context in which such messages are seen conditions their impact on media literacy attitudes and knowledge. The results of an experimental test suggest that a media literacy public service announcement was more effective in reinforcing media literacy beliefs when paired with a partisan, rather than a neutral, political program. The effects of presenting media literacy messages outside of the classroom are discussed.  相似文献   


Studies on information and media literacy focus on describing activities and frameworks individually, and most of the time, connect within the field of library science. However, other frameworks and practices can be used. This case study presents the application of Behrman’s Critical Literacy Practices to information and media literacy to engage students to think critically about information within their field of study. The purpose of this research is to model the information behavior of education students through the perspective of constructivist learning. The study used a qualitative method with six upper-level undergraduate education majors. Activities that comprise practices and theories in both education and library sciences are presented to form a continuous exposure to critical thinking. Factors that influenced how students perceived the validity of information came from personal, educational, and societal factors. This research contributes to the ongoing discussion about critical thinking skills in undergraduate students, presenting a model that describes how practices from other fields can be used and incorporated with information and media literacy.  相似文献   

Cable in the Classroom (CIC) is the cable industry's education foundation and has been active in the fields of media and information literacy for more than fifteen years. This article explains media literacy and its connection to information literacy, details CIC's work in these areas, and describes related resources available on CIC's Web site (http://www.ciconline.org). Finally, the article examines digital citizenship, a new term encompassing teaching youth about Internet safety, media and information literacy, and digital ethics that is generating attention in education policy circles.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]传统的信息素养教育强调检索技能和方法,联合国教科文组织近年来提出的"媒介信息素养"(简称MIL)概念,首次将媒介素养和信息素养融合形成复合型概念,对目前媒介融合环境下的信息素养教育有着指导性意义,明确提出和媒介素养融合的思路和策略,有利于提高信息素养教育的人文性和社会性,突破学科的局限性,探索新的跨学科结合点,实现创新和发展。[方法/过程]通过归纳分析近年来有关媒介素养和信息素养比较研究的成果,结合国内外的媒介信息素养理论和实践,尝试提出媒介素养和信息素养融合的途径。国内信息素养教育应融合媒介素养教育,实行参与式教学,革新在线课程,建立学科之间融合交流的平台,加强国际合作交流,发挥图书馆的中介作用,实现从技能型向素养型教育的转化。[结果/结论]信息素养教育需要避免单纯的技术至上的取向,将技能学习和媒介信息解读能力结合培养;与媒介素养结合是趋势所向,媒介信息素养概念的提出,拓展了信息素养的学科视野。  相似文献   

iSchool作为新兴的信息职业高等教育机构联盟,其内部的出版传媒类专业教育具有显著的领域特色,对我国出版传媒类专业改革具有一定的启示意义.通过对16所iSchool院校的出版传媒类专业网络调查和统计分析,发现iSchool院校出版传媒类专业普遍注重信息素养和多媒体技能教育,专业课程的学科交叉性突出,与非iSchool院校的出版传媒类专业存在较明显差别.  相似文献   

论媒介认知能力的建构与发展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着信息时代的来临 ,媒介已成为人们最重要的知识来源之一 ,正是在这种大背景下 ,西方近年来兴起了媒介认知能力运动。媒介认知能力指的是获取、分析、评价与传播各种形式的信息的能力 ,它不仅包含了获取信息、分析信息、评价信息及传播信息这四个要素 ,更可以进一步划分为媒介信息认知与媒介社会认知两个层面。本文还同时探讨了与媒介认知能力运动有关的各种争论 ,并指出依据国情在国内开展具有中国特色的媒介教育的迫切性  相似文献   

In this study the author considers the perceptions of university faculty members regarding media literacy education at the university level. Data from faculty interviews (N = 16) suggest that faculty members across multiple disciplines feel that it is important for university students to develop media literacy competencies. Nevertheless, faculty members fell into three categories regarding the extent to which they address media literacy: willing, unwilling because of systemic factors, and unwilling because of personal factors. An exploration of these categories demonstrates the challenges associated with addressing media literacy competencies within higher education.  相似文献   

介绍了全媒体时代医学生信息素养教育应融入视频信息素养、媒介信息素养及移动信息素养教育等新内涵,提出了全媒体环境下医学生信息素养教育应包括更新教学模式、增加教育内容及提高全媒体展示能力等新策略。  相似文献   

This study tested the double-edged desirability hypothesis to investigate whether a lack of reduction in desirability perceptions signified failure of a media literacy intervention to reduce the appeal of sexual portrayals or whether it instead represented an improved awareness of message-design techniques and, therefore, a successful intervention. Data from two media literacy curriculum evaluations, both pretest–posttest quasi-experiments with control groups (N1 = 922, M = 14.13, SD = 1.07; N2 = 1,098, M = 14.26, SD = 1.06) showed that the media literacy treatment in both studies eliminated the effect of desirability on participants’ attitudes, reduced the effect of message desirability on participants’ expectancies, and reduced the effect of message desirability on participants’ efficacy in one of the evaluations. The results supported the double-edged desirability hypothesis, which holds that media literacy education can diminish the influence of desirable but unrealistic sexual media messages on adolescents’ decision making concerning sex, regardless of whether it decreases their affinity for the messages. This approach appears to represent a more effective alternative to demonizing media messages teens find desirable.  相似文献   

Qualitatively analyzing 35 responses from a letter-writing homework in a media literacy education program, this study examines sixth graders’ understandings of producers’ responsibility in creating media content. Responses suggest their understandings about producers’ responsibility are bounded within the context of their media use as consumers, rather than as citizens. Findings focus on the importance of introducing contextual factors of media production as well as the challenges that researchers and educators might face.  相似文献   

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