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社会性别是相对于生理性别的概念,“一般来说,是指男女两性在社会文化的建构下形成的性别特征和差异,即社会文化形成的对男女差异的理解,以及属于男性或女性的群体特征和行为方式”。①随着女权主义的兴起,“社会性别”已经成为研究人类社会与历史的一个基本分析范畴,在人文社科领域被广泛运用。20世纪70年代以来,“媒介与社会性别研究”成为传播学研究的重要领域,媒介和社会性别的关系自然是无法避免的研究课题。随着媒介的发展和社会的变迁,不同的传播现象和传播形态为研究此类问题提供了新的研究对象和研究角度。电视荧屏上的“暖男”形象便是当前研究媒介和性别建构的现象之一,虽然涉及的是男性形象,但是也反映了女性的社会心理和女性主义在西方和东方的不同处境。  相似文献   

为拓展传播学学科领域,促进中外性别传播研究的深入对话,及时总结我国性别传播研究的新进展,共同研讨当代性别传播研究发展的深层问题,中国传媒大学媒介与女性研究中心、联合国教科文组织"媒介与女性"教席与牛津大学国际性别研究中心,于2008年12月12~13日共同主办"性别传播的国际对话与合作"研讨会.来自联合国教科文组织、英国、美国、日本、中国香港等地区及中国大陆的专家学者,全国各地高校与科研机构的科研工作者、青年学子,以及各地妇女界人士及传媒业界人士,共60余位代表参加了研讨会.  相似文献   

目前,我国妇女编辑出版领域空前繁荣,对女性学与编辑学的研究已经成为编辑出版中的热领域。这将对社会生活发生广泛而深刻的影响,尤其对妇女发展和塑造社会性别环境作用更为直接。但在编辑学研究著作中,从性别视角探讨编辑活动的研究却难以见到,编辑学研究领域存在着性别意识缺失的现象。因此,有必要对编辑学领域的性别研究问题进行探讨。一、编辑学研究领域的性别意识缺失与女性学1.编辑学研究领域的性别意识缺失为了了解编辑学女性/性别研究状况,笔者进行论著和论文收集。在国家图书馆网,用“编辑”对“学位论文”和“中文普通图书库”的“所有字段”分别检索,然后用“女性”、“妇女”分别进行二次检索,在1994年-2003年的38篇博士论文中没有发现,在图书中没有与“性别”、“女性”有关的,与“妇女”有关的13本图书鲜有论著。在中国期刊网全文数据库用“编辑”检索1994-2000年的“关键词/篇名/摘要”为16602篇,再用“性别”、“女性”、“妇女”分别检索,得到15篇、22篇、6篇;其中不仅多有重复,有些内容不属于女性研究的范畴。用“传媒”对该网络数据检索,得到1508篇,对“篇名”的二次检索中“性别”有20篇,“妇女”有29篇,重复大多...  相似文献   

网络与性别研究,是信息时代与新媒体普遍发展背景下,媒介与性别研究(Gender Communication Studies)体系中一个充满创造力与研究活力的分支研究方向。文章概述了国外关于网络与性别研究的四个新议题,展现了该领域研究的新特征与趋向,包括对信息时代的性别鸿沟的判别,梳理了有关妇女接近信息和传播技术(ICTs)的核心议题,分析并阐释了在新信息和传播技术领域对妇女进行研究的六个主题和三项缺失,呈现了女性日记体博客阅读中身份认同与解读文本的范式。  相似文献   

曹晋 《新闻大学》2005,1(4):3-12
一、研究动机、研究问题与研究方法在西方学术界,“社会性别”已经和“阶级”、“种族”一样成为研究人类社会与历史的一个基本的分析范畴,在各个人文社科领域被广泛运用。“社会性别”、“阶级”以及“种族”也是传播研究的一个论述领域,如格尔·戴尼斯与杰母·胡木滋(Gail Dines &  相似文献   

"拇指运动"作为大学校园一种流行的情感沟通方式对大学生产生了广泛而重要的影响。而"异地恋"和"女性大学生"分别在恋爱领域和性别领域中处于相对劣势的地位。运用问卷调查、内容分析等实证研究方法探讨"拇指运动"对异地恋女性大学生情感沟通造成的负面影响与原因,有利于深层次地进行女性与传播等社会科学研究,有利于异地恋大学生建立亲密合理的爱情与性别关系,同时为女性性别工作者和女性心理研究学家提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

凌菁 《东南传播》2011,(11):51-52
“性别与媒介”研究一直是我国传播学领域中的一个研究热点话题,目前我国“性别与媒介”研究主要集中在对媒介女性形象问题的探讨上,对女性传播者、受众以及媒介生产中形成的非均衡性报道的成因、媒介对性别意识建构等方面探讨的不多,本文通过梳理这十几年来的研究成果,探讨目前我国“性别与媒介”研究存在的困境,并对其进行反思,试图拓宽“...  相似文献   

透视女性名记者的性别尴尬   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从“足球宝贝”李响,到“战地玫瑰”间丘露薇,到“非典英雄”柴静,提起这些曾经名噪一时的成功记者,人们的目光不约而同地转向她们的性别。她们的女性身份使得人们以不同的视角去猜测、审视她们的成功。在男性话语霸权的大背景下,女记者的成功往往负载着沉重的压力和历史的偏见。如今越来越多的女性活跃在新闻传播领域,这对于中国新闻传播史上女性的长期失语无疑是一个令人鼓舞的突破。  相似文献   

我国发展传播学研究状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、发展传播学的 基本情况 作为传播学的主要分支领域之一,发展传播学兴起于上世纪50年代末,以美国学者勒纳在1958年出版的《传统社会的消失:中东的现代化》①为标志。这一学科在六七十年代开始受到广泛关注,1982年获“国际传播协会”承认,发展传播与跨文化传播,成为该协会的8个研究专题小组之一。 发展传播学可以解释为:“运用现代的和传统的传播技术,以促进和加强社会经济、政治和文化变革的过程。”②“广义地讲,发展传播学就是一  相似文献   

周琼 《东南传播》2010,(3):65-67
电视传媒在社会性别角色观念的宣传和女性自身的形象塑造中扮演着重要角色,它充当了一个重要的性别传播器。故电视应打破传播领域内的偏见和歧视,运用女性视角重塑新时期女性形象,在构建和谐社会的过程中,促进社会的性别平等。  相似文献   

The rich diversity among women has long challenged feminist rhetorical study to go beyond essentialism and universalism. Current feminist rhetorical study commits itself to theoretical pluralism, political inclusiveness, and the democratic values of equality for all peoples. However, the attention to the difference-between women and the simultaneity of oppressions has also fragmented women's identity and their social-change agenda. The essay performs a rhetorical analysis of a feminist text, in which a new position of women as trickster-like figures is introduced. The essay concludes that the open and shifting locations taken by trickster-like figures warrant trickster discourse to be the dynamic, open, and radical narrative form needed for the feminist social-change agenda. As such, trickster discourse, along with trickster-like figures, can have significant implications for feminist praxis and theorizing.  相似文献   

This study engages in current scholarly debates regarding third-wave versus postfeminist media icons through an analysis of Tina Belcher, the eldest daughter in the animated series Bob’s Burgers and a paragon of what I coin “millennial feminism.” In it, I argue that Tina rejects popular postfeminist discourses and experiences a politicized feminist awakening. While Tina is significant in her own right, most remarkable is the way millennial audiences have utilized the internet to position Tina as a feminist folk hero. Ultimately, I trace how popular critics use Tina to theorize a millennial feminism that reflects the values and characteristics of the millennial generation. Revisiting Sarah Banet-Weiser’s (2004. “Girls rule! Gender, feminism, and Nickelodeon.” Critical Studies in Media Communication, 21, pp. 119–139) argument that Nickelodeon’s girl power programming demonstrated third-wave feminist politics for its audiences, I argue that adult-oriented animated sitcoms lend themselves to an absurdity and disregard for hegemonic gender ideologies which have the potential to unsettle dominant ideologies of gender and sexuality and can define contemporary feminist politics for viewers.  相似文献   

Hollaback! is an international movement seeking to end street harassment. Its website invites women to share narratives of their experience of street harassment as well as photos of the men who harassed them. We treat Hollaback! as an exemplar of feminist online activism and aim to identify lessons for other feminist online activists and organizations. In particular, we argue that the site’s narrative-image posts provide a powerful means of enacting countervisuality in public spaces. After analyzing 26 narrative-image postings on the Hollaback! website, we identify three collective rhetorical effects of countervisuality: Altering the traditional dichotomy of male/observer and female/observed, enacting feminist rhetorical agency through mobility in public spaces, and generating women’s solidarity through shared experience. We then argue that Hollaback!’s strategy of countervisuality insufficiently enacted the core principles of feminist rhetorical resilience, especially the concept of mêtis. We conclude by offering recommendations for feminist online activists and scholars.  相似文献   

Over the last couple of decades, the modern Australian women’s movement has been the subject of history, which includes the creation of feminist archives in various locations This essay analyses one particular collection – the personal papers of the feminist activist, Merle Thornton – as an account of the making and meaning of a feminist archive. I wish to explore the ways in which the feminist subject impacts on the archive. Accordingly, I analyse the archival process, as well as the contents of Thornton’s personal papers. What emerge are the difficulties of negotiating the public–private divide for this feminist activist.  相似文献   

This study considered health coverage in 3 highly circulated U.S. feminist magazines: Ms., Bitch, and Bust. The authors used critical discourse analysis to examine 80 print and online articles for representations of liberal, social, radical, and postfeminist feminist ideologies in health coverage; the rhetorical strategies publications used for health content and how they compare with mainstream women’s magazines; and their emphasis on health policy and public health initiatives. The findings suggested that the magazines relied on discursive approaches resembling those of mainstream magazines when covering health, such as prioritizing personal health issues and individualized responses. However, through distinctive feminist lenses, they also performed better than mainstream women’s magazines in presenting health issues, representing a broader range of concerns affecting women, addressing people from diverse communities, and suggesting opportunities for collective response.  相似文献   

The Media: Contexts of Study (114 pp.---$6.30)

The Study of Culture 1 (152 pp---$7.65)

The Study of Culture 2 (144 pp.---$7.65)

The Audience (104 pp.---$6.16)

Media Organization 1 (106 pp.---$6.l6)

Media Organization 2 (60 pp.---$5.31)

Media and Society 1 (92 pp.---$6.16)

Media and Society 2 (53 pp.---$4.25)

Secrecy and the Right to Know, by Dina Goren (Ramat Gan, Israel: Turtledove Publishing, 1978---no price given)

Newspapers: The Power and the Money, by Simon Jenkins (London: Faber & Faber, 1978---E1.95, paper)

The Abuse of Power, by James Margach (London: W.H. Allen, 1978---95 p, paperback)

The Spanish Media Since Franco, by William Chislett (London: Writers and Scholars Educational Trust, 1978---£3.00)

T.J. Allard's Straight Up: Private Broadcasting in Canada 1918-1958 (Canadian Communications Foundation, 165 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ontario KiP 5S2---$10.95 1 paper including mailing)

Oswald H. Ganley's The Role of Communications and Information Resources in Canada (Program on Information Resources Policy, 200 Aiken, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138---$10.90, paper--ask for Working Paper W79-1)

Anthony Smith's The Newspaper: An International History (London: Thames and Hudson, 1979 ---$14.95)  相似文献   

In this article the author examines expressions of the third-person effect found in an extensive feminist reception study investigating, for the first time, how Israeli women interpret images of women and femininity in TV commercials. Adopting the feminist and interpretive approach, the qualitative study was based on in-depth personal interviews with Israeli women from diverse cultural, economic, and social backgrounds. Grounded theory methodology, used for analysis of the interviews, revealed unexpected expressions of the third-person effect in the women's discourse on the potential influence of the images on different categories of “others.” The article presents this evidence and discusses its significance in the Israeli sociocultural context. As such, it uses different methodology in examining expressions of third-person effect than is traditionally used in this field.  相似文献   

Yonah Alexander's The Role of Communications in the Middle East Conflict: Ideological and Religious Aspects (new York: Praeger Special Studies, 1974—$17.50)

Paul Hartmann and Charles Husband's Racism and the Mass Media: A Study of the role of the Mass Media in the formation of White Beliefs and Attitudes in Britain (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, l974—$13.50)

Towards Modern Management in Radio and Television: International Colloquy European Broadcasting Union, 1 rue de Varembe, CH-1211, Geneva 20 Switzerland—$2.00, paper)

In Search (Information Canada, 171 Slater St., Ottawa KiA 0S9 Canada—quarterly, $2.50 per year)  相似文献   

结合我国图书馆中女性研究的主要方向和问题,选择该领域研究及实践相对成熟的北美地区为考察对象,从主要著述、相关学者及其观点、研究主题框架三个维度梳理当前的研究情况,以供我国相关学者参考。与此同时,结合国外现有研究指出,我国对图书馆中女性的研究宜融入女性主义视角。  相似文献   

The current study tests whether media consumption is associated with negative intergroup emotions toward Blacks, Latinos, and Asians and whether media use indirectly influences intergroup emotions via threat perceptions. We do so using a two-study survey design. Results from Study 1 indicated that media consumption is associated with anger toward Latinos and Asians but not anger toward Blacks. We also found that media use was associated with anxiety toward Blacks, Latinos, and Asians. Results from Study 2 indicated that media use indirectly influences anger and anxiety toward Blacks and Latinos through perceptions of threat. Media consumption did not indirectly influence anger and anxiety toward Asians, though perceptions of threat did directly influence intergroup emotions toward this group. The discussion highlights the important, but negative, role of media in intergroup processes.  相似文献   

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