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苦难中的温暖故事——上海曾接纳三万犹太难民   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖浩然 《档案时空》2015,(11):46-48
有道是:华夏之德,不思远征而不拒远援.近来,德国人接纳、救助叙利亚几十万难民的新闻报道成为热点,殊不知,“二战”时期,上海人民曾接纳过三万多被纳粹追杀的欧洲犹太难民.那么,在旧中国的悲情岁月里,有着怎样的温暖故事呢? 何凤山:核发“救命签证” 1937年,欧洲上空已战云密布,纳粹德国肆虐横行,掀起反犹恶浪.1938年3月,德国吞并了奥地利.不久,希特勒命各国驻奥使馆,一律改为总领事馆.5月,南京国民政府委任原使馆代办何凤山为总领事.  相似文献   

80年代以降生人,大都有“老味道”情结:当年巷道口早点摊上那漂着细碎青葱的馄饨,转街角零食铺子里粘着白糖的水果干,挑担售卖的芝麻糖,走街串巷的爆米花……经年不见,辗转偶得,简单的幸福直如潮水,从心底涌起汩汨暖意.“老味道”是潜伏在生命中时刻期待唤醒、永远不灭的味觉记忆,是岁月浸润于心的一缕魂魄,是渗透于骨的一种精髓.  相似文献   

一个小镇的魅力在于它的古老与神秘,而这种魅力又恰恰是源于小镇那些变化莫测的云彩和古老的建筑.戏楼、场院、小木桥;老房、老街、老味道;花海、密林、大草坪;高粱、麦垛、鸡鸭跳……这些在都市人们的生活中渐渐远去的影像,至今却依然存留在一座座小镇的光阴里.小镇天与地的结合组成了最为和谐的生命交响曲,在这里人们可以缓解城市化高速发展带来的疏离感,让心灵得到真正的歇息,感受到来自大自然最真诚的问候.很多时候我们被禁锢在钢筋水泥的牢笼中,很难再“看得见山水,记得住乡愁”,也正缘于此,我们的“寻找美丽小镇”活动诞生了.  相似文献   

李相蓉 《青年记者》2016,(22):31-32
今年夏天,降水量大到罕见,7月初,在武汉工作的堂妹,发来楼下积水的照片,说公司放假了.各种伴随降水量而来的突发事件、段子、小视频,开始在朋友圈刷屏. 7月5日,领导打来电话:“收拾东西,准备去江苏吧,注意安全,买好防雨装备.”买了雨靴、雨衣、车票,第二天,我和摄影记者一起前往江苏宜兴. 自7月2日凌晨5点至次日,宜兴成为江苏省降雨量最大县市,达181.5毫米,多处河道水位升高. 通过微博检索,我们发现高塍镇范道村的老街道黎明街被倒灌的河水变成“水路”,没过大腿的水,使这里近百名住户、商户无处栖身.  相似文献   

北京奥运会期间,从世界各地前来采访报道奥运会的注册媒体人员共有21600人,其中中国媒体人员大约有1000多人。分配给各国家和地区的媒体注册名额是由国际奥委会控制的。尽管因为在北京举办奥运会,我们作为东道主在注册名额方面比往届已经翻了番,但是与整个注册媒体  相似文献   

周恩来一生中,曾经与许多国民党政要结下深厚的友谊,与宋子文,与陈立夫,与张治中,与李宗仁……俯拾即是,不胜枚举.周恩来伟大的人格魅力穿越了时空,穿越了意识形态,使残酷的政治坚冰也常常在这浓浓的春意般的热流中融化.在周恩来与国民党政要交往中,最能展现周恩来伟大人格魅力的,莫过于他与国民党中央组织部代理副部长、蒋介石的股肱之臣、陈立夫陈果夫的至信之人、长期担任国民党与中共谈判之责的浙系政要张冲的交往.  相似文献   

<正>庇护于德国驻日本大使佐尔格凭借高超的隐蔽能力,原本可以在中国长期潜伏。但是,1931年底,他奉莫斯科之命,主持营救在上海被捕的共产国际办事处负责人牛兰(使牛兰最终免除死刑),导致国民党特务机关高度怀疑他是苏联间谍,并有逮捕他的可能。别尔津大将获知后,忍痛于1932年11月,把他撤回莫斯科,调往日本。按理说,已在中国暴露红色身份的佐尔格,潜人日本也很难安身。但是,德国与日本的法西斯同盟关系,却让他钻了空子。1933年初,纳粹党魁希特勒成为德国元首。"一贯忠于希特勒"  相似文献   

对高校图书馆勤工助学管理工作的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高等教育改革的不断深化,高校图书馆开展勤工助学活动具有重要的现实意义,但也存在若干问题,因而,加强对大学生勤工助学的科学管理已成当务之急.高等院校图书馆应建立行之有效的勤工助学机制,加强管理,使大学生勤工助学活动得到健康发展.  相似文献   

王平 《湖北档案》2016,(10):44-46
在红二方面军长征途中,有2位特殊人物一直格外引人瞩目.一位是身穿长衫的贵州士绅周素园,另一位是骑着淡红色大骡子的国民党中将师长张振汉.与贫苦工农出身的广大指战员完全不同,他们来自于旧社会的上层,却能含辛茹苦,跟随红军走完了艰苦卓绝的万里长征全程,的确是一个惊人的奇迹.从两人长征返回国统区后为民族解放事业所作出的贡献来看,再次证明了统一战线这一法宝的巨大威力.  相似文献   

杜恩龙 《出版参考》2015,(18):32-34
如果说2012-2013年出版界最火爆的词是“自助出版”的话,2014年最火爆的词就是“众筹出版”.众筹英文称为crowdfunding.“crowd”意为众人,“funding”意味资金、基金,合在一起就是众人投资的意思.众筹出版首创者为美国Kickstarter网站.截至2015年2月28日,该网站已经募集20亿美元资金,有810万注册用户.美国社交平台网站Wattpad为给作者募集写作资金,为已经写好的书稿募集设计、编辑、校对资金发布了一个平台FanFunding.  相似文献   


The history of the almanac in Croatia is reconstructed through primary research in bibliographic and archival sources. The almanac is a vehicle for knowledge communication in informal contexts, engaging both oral tradition and literary forms traceable to medieval literacy and ways of structuring knowledge. The history of the almanac in Croatia reflects the changing context of the book trade, literacy, and the evolution of language. Four main stages are identified: (1) the beginning of the annual almanac in the seventeenth century; astrological almanacs reflecting the sensibility of the Baroque period; (2) the Enlightenment's stimulation of almanac publishing in the spirit of contemporary secular reforms in agriculture and education; (3) nineteenth-and twentieth-century almanac trade, showing complex and overlapping networks for the production, distribution and appropriation of printed almanacs;(4) roughly the end of World War II, when the almanac slowly moved out of the role of a popular mass medium and into specialized niches represented by regional, diaspora, and religious almanacs.  相似文献   

This article is a preliminary summary of the results of a huge study of reading among urban high school students (ages 14–17) in many regions of Russia. It considers such aspects of the topic as: the place of reading in the structure of high school students' life plans and leisure activities; their motives for reading, their preferences, and the amount they read; the level of their culture of reading and information seeking; and the influence of family, peers, libraries, and the Internet on their reading habits.  相似文献   

Salt crystallization is recognized as a major cause of damage to porous building materials, threatening the sustainable preservation of our valuable built heritage. Unfortunately, the crystallization behavior of the detected salt mixtures is complex and not fully understood. While the deliquescence points of single salts are well documented, this is not the case for salts in a mixture where one is confronted with the presence of different cations and anions. In this paper the salt content of the murals and the limestone tracery of the main entrance porch from the sixteenth century church of St. James in Liège, Belgium is investigated and related to the climatic conditions of its environment. Concerning the salt load, the research consists of hygroscopic moisture content measurements, quantitative ion analyses, and the prediction of phase equilibria using the thermodynamic model ECOS/RUNSALT. This model can predict the salt crystallization sequences of a particular ion mixture. The output is mathematically evaluated with collected temperature and relative humidity data, which enables the calculation of the number of salt crystallization–deliquescence cycles. The results show that even small amounts of salts can cause damage over a long period of time when the environment causes frequent cycles of crystallization–deliquescence over time. It is shown how a mixture of small amounts of (double) salts, including hygroscopic ones, can have a significant effect on the decay of historic building materials in the case of daily changing climatic conditions and periods of extreme drought. As a result, the crystallization of double salts and hygroscopic salts such as calcium nitrate cannot be ignored. The scientific method and the results are described.  相似文献   

从个人层次、群体层次和组织层次角度,对目前心理资本理论的研究情况进行介绍及归纳,内容包括:心理资本的内涵、心理资本的测量、心理资本的前因与中介、心理资本的结果、心理资本与结果间的中介或调节变量、心理资本的调节以及图书馆员心理资本相关研究。最后,指出这些研究中存在的问题,并提出心理资本的研究展望及今后图书馆员心理资本研究可关注的方向。  相似文献   


This memoir is my personal story about how I created and came to curate on the International Counterculture Archive collection, which is held in the Global Resources Center of the George Washington University’s (GWU) Gelman library. The first person narrative relates my first encounters with Soviet rock culture and describes how I turned my initial interest into a Ph.D. dissertation on the subculture of Soviet hippies and traditions of Soviet rock music, which subsequently led to my later work as a librarian and curator. I tell the story of my initial encounters with the members of Soviet/Russian rock music subculture and other countercultural personalities and activists during my first trip to Moscow in 1993 to collect samples of Soviet rock music recordings and rock music zines for the European Division of the Library of Congress. During this formative trip I met with a number of counterculture producers and collectors who were instrumental in helping me build the International Counterculture Archive. Upon leaving the Library of Congress, I continued collecting Soviet/Russian countercultural materials on behalf of the Global Resources Center of GWU’s Gelman Library. I talk about the process of creating the Archive at Gelman library, about bureaucratic and financial aspects of this work, and about my many acquisition trips to Moscow, former Soviet republics, and East Central Europe. Much of the narrative centers on my work with Russian collectors and content producers and describes the type of materials that are included in the collection. I also describe how I built the collection of historical Soviet/Russian rock music recordings, focusing on the phenomenon of Soviet/Russian rock music zines and the history of the unique zine collection within the International Counterculture Archive.  相似文献   

The article discusses the program “Registration of the Polish Collections Abroad,” conducted by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland. Its goal is to create a register of the significant Polish collections outside Poland.  相似文献   

利益相关者视角下的图书馆电子借阅服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 以图书馆提供电子借阅服务过程中所涉及的利益相关者为研究对象,厘清各利益相关者的利益关系,提出建立基于社会平衡机制的图书馆电子借阅服务系统的主要路径。[方法/过程] 介绍图书馆电子书和电子借阅的发展现状,引入利益相关者理论分析作者、提供商、图书馆与用户之间的利益关系。[结果/结论] 研究发现图书馆电子借阅服务涉及作者与提供商的商业利益、图书馆提供信息资源的权利和用户获取知识的权利,不同利益主体存在既冲突又合作的关系;图书馆电子借阅服务系统不够成熟,产生明显的资源供需失衡问题。提出以下建议:完善法律制度,维护公共利益;扶持电子书产业发展,规范市场行为;建立许可协议标准模板,保护各方利益;控制采购成本,促进电子书资源利用;发挥电子书优势,促进电子书阅读推广。  相似文献   

Fostering conservation as a discursive and contextual practice, this essay examines transitional media that necessitate new ways of thinking about continuity. It looks at two examples of artworks with the objective of unraveling the varying modes of their transition. An event score, event-performance, object, and film drawn from the artistic legacies of George Brecht and Nam June Paik illustrate that ideas of permanence and impermanence are linked with an understanding of artworks in time and duration. While conservation reveals itself as an intervention in the temporal dimension of artworks, the theories of duration allow us to better understand the reciprocal relations between materials and meanings. In doing so, these theories acknowledge and attempt to make sense of the performative materiality of these works.  相似文献   

从h指数、g指数和e指数的定义出发,通过数学推导和实例验证给出g指数与h指数、e指数的不等式关系和函数关系表达式;通过对文献检索数据的统计分析,总结出论文按引频大小递减排序时,引频数随论文序号的变化规律的数学表达式;通过实例计算和比较,证实g指数对引频数非常敏感,并对这种敏感性的根源进行分析。最后对如何利用g指数客观评价科技工作者学术水平的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

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