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通过调研,对四川省各市州县区公共图书馆的一般情况,如:有无少儿部(室)设置、有无专职少儿图书馆员、少儿图书的收藏和借阅、各类少儿服务活动、未成年人上网阅读以及和学校图书馆业务与服务的联系等,进行了统计分析和抽样分析,拟找出规律,供改进公共图书馆的少儿服务起参考作用。参考文献4。  相似文献   

魏琦 《图书馆学刊》2019,(10):81-84
在分析当前少儿科普数字阅读现状与需求的基础上,介绍了公共图书馆少儿科普数字阅读推广服务的价值,研究了公共图书馆少儿科普数字阅读推广服务的发展趋势,以及公共图书馆少儿科普数字阅读推广服务模式的设计方案,提出了公共图书馆少儿科普数字阅读推广服务模式构建策略。  相似文献   

网络环境下,公共图书馆少儿服务日益受到关注。通过对全国488家公共图书馆和87家独立建制的少儿图书馆的调研,对互联网环境下公共图书馆少儿服务内容、服务方式及资源建设情况进行了调查与统计分析,为广泛开展少儿数字图书馆服务提供决策参考。  相似文献   

文章分析了公共图书馆开展少儿绘本阅读推广服务的优势与存在的问题,论述了公共图书馆开展少儿绘本阅读推广服务的特色实践,并提出了公共图书馆开展少儿绘本的特色服务的创新之路。  相似文献   

中小型公共图书馆少儿读者服务工作对于图书馆事业的发展十分重要,结合唐山市图书馆少儿读者服务工作的具体开展情况,总结归纳出了开展与创新少儿读者服务工作的基本要求和服务内容,提出了中小型公共图书馆少儿读者服务工作开展中应该注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

公共图书馆少儿服务工作可持续发展探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了我国少儿阅读需求及公共图书馆少儿服务工作现状和问题,提出了公共图书馆少儿服务工作可持续发展的思路。  相似文献   

公共图书馆少儿服务的法律规范问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国、英国等国家在已经出台的公共图书馆相关法律规范中均对少儿服务做以特别强调。在我国现已发布的图书馆相关文件中虽然也对少儿图书馆及其服务规范有所提及,但还没有形成正式的具有法律效力的文本。要实现公共图书馆的少儿服务规范的法律化,可以通过借鉴国外已经制定的公共图书馆面向少儿服务的标准/指南,结合我国公共图书馆少儿服务的具体情况,构建一套与我国基本法相结合的配套性文件。  相似文献   

从公共图书馆少儿服务的重要性入手,通过对美国公共图书馆少儿服务的创新及推广的具体案例研究,为我国公共图书馆少儿服务的发展提供借鉴,进而扩大服务的影响范围,让更多的读者能更有效地利用少儿资源及服务。  相似文献   

随着精神文明建设的深入,少儿阅读服务创新及推广备受社会关注。文章分析了公共图书馆少儿绘本阅读服务的三大优势,提出了公共图书馆少儿绘本阅读服务的创新策略,以期促进公共图书馆少儿阅读服务的持续开展。  相似文献   

程远 《图书馆论坛》2013,33(1):164-167
结合笔者对公共图书馆少儿服务工作的调研和考察,从理论和实践相结合的层面,分析公共图书馆少儿服务区布局的三种形式,提出少儿服务区布局应遵循的四项原则;结合具体事例剖析公共图书馆在少儿多功能服务区布局上存在的问题,提出更科学合理地设置少儿多功能服务区的方法,以期用更有效的手段促进公共图书馆少儿服务工作的健康发展。  相似文献   

Public support of library services must be targeted towards children because these services play a key role in their development. However, no prior research has investigated the value of public library services for children. Specifically, earlier studies evaluated the value of public libraries as a whole, without considering library services for different stakeholders. The fact that children are not autonomous economic agents is another problem to address. These barriers can be overcome by using the contingent valuation method with parents/caregivers as the subjects queried and children used as the objects in this study. Thus, the economic value of library services for children can be obtained to support managerial decisions on services specifically designed for children. More precisely, this study is unique in that it develops a contingent valuation methodology for estimating the value of children's library services based on adults' willingness to allocate a proportion of municipal budgets. Both users and non-users were surveyed to verify the proposed methodology empirically. The results show that the perceived effectiveness (ratio between perceived benefits and costs) of children's library services is 11.2 (11.2 units of benefits for each unit invested) in Czech public libraries compared with 4.3 for a library as a whole. This finding confirms the essential role of children's library services, implying that public libraries should offer a broader selection of children's books and other services. The study also shows that the value of children's library services depends on the age, education and economic structure of the adults queried. In addition, their satisfaction with library services is another important determinant, indicating that public libraries can influence the perceived benefits of children's library services.  相似文献   

在对我国141所公共图书馆的少年儿童服务进行网上调查的基础上,对中美两国公共图书馆少年儿童服务进行比较研究,并对今后完善我国公共图书馆少年儿童服务提出若干建议。  相似文献   


Both Children’s services and Young Adult (YA) services have been recognized as essential in Japanese public libraries. This article reports on the present status of Children’s services and YA services in Japanese public libraries, based on the results of several investigations. These studies show that children’s services in Japanese public libraries already are generally popular. On the other hand, this article indicates that YA services in Japanese public libraries are gradually improving, due to the national recognition of the importance of YA library services. Examples of good practices in Children’s and YA services in Japanese public libraries are described and analyzed to identify the common themes that flow through these innovations. This article concludes with observations about the future involving library services for children and YAs, from the viewpoints of face-to-face traditional services and indirect services through their official websites.  相似文献   

石剑兰  廖璠 《图书情报工作》2019,63(14):121-130
[目的/意义]探究美国公共图书馆少儿创客空间服务的实践案例及服务特色,以期为我国图书馆开展少儿创客空间服务提供参考。[方法/过程]参考2017年美国第10次"星级图书馆排行"评比结果,随机选取五星级图书馆中的30所公共图书馆为调查对象,其中有22所公共图书馆提供少儿创客空间服务,有4种少儿创客空间服务类型,通过典型案例的分析,归纳总结美国公共图书馆少儿创客空间服务的特色。[结果/结论]得出如下启示:重视培养少儿创客并构建少儿创客空间服务模式;促进少儿STEAM教育和创造活动,加大宣传力度以吸引女生关注科技;培养少儿自主学习能力和创造力;丰富少儿创客空间服务项目活动及先进的技术设备;重视协同与互助并加强人才队伍建设等。  相似文献   

文章以数字移动环境下少儿数字阅读推广服务的基本特征为切入点,从图书馆、利益相关者、用户三方视角梳理少儿数字阅读推广服务中的难点与障碍,分析公共图书馆少儿数字阅读推广服务现状,并提出如下建议:重视数字资源内容建设,建立分级阅读服务;加强数字阅读和教育培训,促进儿童数字信息素养提升;打造数字阅读推广平台,创新服务模式;联合社会力量参与合作,重塑少儿数字阅读推广服务品牌。  相似文献   

When schools are on break, some households may be constrained to provide educational resources to their children. Public libraries could be low-cost providers of materials and services that foster educational investment. This research extends existing literature by combining household-level data (public library checkout counts, residential property tax assessment values, student enrollment rosters, and distance to public library measures) to conduct a panel analysis of public library use across the public school calendar. The empirical analyses find that public- school breaks generally impact library use for households with children in public school, but not for households without children in public school or for the lowest socioeconomic status households with children in public school. Distance to library is found to be negatively correlated with public library use for all households, but differentially and dependent on households' socioeconomic status and structure. Lastly, community events and weather are identified to impact use.  相似文献   

劳务工为城市建设做出重要贡献的同时对讲座类公共文化服务也有着迫切需求,公共图书馆又具有开展讲座的专业优势。宝安区图书馆通过对开展劳务工讲座六年多的实践分析研究,提出开展劳务工讲座应整合区域资源、对讲座主题进行专业策划,并增加为劳务工子女开展的讲座,利用讲座衍生产品等对策,在保障劳务工文化权利实现的同时引导广大劳务工利用公共图书馆资源,推广全民阅读,营造书香社会。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过分析与探讨美国公共图书馆未成年人服务岗位的现状与特征,提出研究公共图书馆未成年人需求及服务的新视角,同时为我国公共图书馆未成年人服务岗位的设置、支撑与发展提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 收集美国图书馆协会招聘网站上发布的未成年人服务岗位招聘信息,进而使用内容分析法深入分析美国公共图书馆未成年人服务岗位的岗位描述及任职资格。[结果/结论] 研究发现,在未成年人服务岗位设置上,美国公共图书馆更偏向于以“面向服务对象设岗”为主,以“聚焦服务内容设岗”为辅;在职业能力上,对于“策划、实施活动的能力”以及“外联与宣传”的能力需求更大;“针对读者群体”与“适应时代需求”则是其知识和技能需求的主要表现;此外,美国公共图书馆未成年人服务岗位通常将“工作经验”作为一个重要的参考标准,同时注重学历与经验的等效组合。最后,文章从公共图书馆未成年人服务岗位的“针对性”设置、“标准化”支撑和“专业化”发展三方面探讨我国公共图书馆未成年人服务岗位的发展。  相似文献   

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