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在网络环境下,数字图书馆面临着著作权的侵权风险。在传统著作权例外适用范围狭窄,大部分著作权人误认为数字图书馆负有网络审查责任的境况下,数字图书馆建设的法律保障十分必要。我国数字图书馆适用"避风港"规则已有较为完善的法律基础、社会政策基础,在适用"避风港"规则时,数字图书馆需履行合理的注意义务以及收到著作权人合格侵权通知后的删除义务以避免侵权责任。  相似文献   

难以摆脱版权侵权一直是视频网站UGC经营者的最大劣势和困局。对相关问题的探讨,必须以具有逻辑关系的两个基本理念为基础:一是履行注意义务是过错责任认定的核心,也是减免间接侵权责任的前提;二是"合理人"标准与"红旗"标准是尽到注意义务的判断标准。"合理人"的拟制根据主要有两个:视频行业从业者具备的一般知识、经验和技能;具体的案件环境。  相似文献   

文章认为公益性图书馆在提供传输通道、缓存、存储空间和搜索工具这四类网络服务行为中可以采用"避风港"规则,以免于侵权赔偿责任,并提出公益性图书馆虽然没有主动审查义务,但需履行合理的注意义务及收到著作权人合格侵权通知后的删除义务,以避免滥用"避风港"规则.  相似文献   

网络服务提供者是否严格履行"通知删除"规则对打击网络盗版行为起到至关重要的作用。针对"通知删除"规则实施存在的问题,我国应规定网络服务提供者负有义务证明侵权作品由用户上传并建立便捷的"通知删除"程序;需要进一步明确"有效"通知的具体判断标准和网络服务提供者删除作品或断开侵权作品链接的具体时限限制。  相似文献   

网络服务提供者利用多种方式向用户提供服务,在方便用户的同时,也滋生了大量的网络侵权案件。面对愈演愈烈的侵权事件,制度保障,技术支持等均为外部条件,只有网络服务提供者明确其义务、严格履行,并形成一种有效的自律机制,才能从根本上保证网络信息传播的有序进行。  相似文献   

本文讨论了在强制缔约条款缺位的情况下,如何确认用户与有线电视网络经营者的合同关系,从而要求后者履行相应的合同义务。  相似文献   

2008年12月18日,人称“人肉搜索第一案”北京朝阳区人民法院做出一审宣判,大旗网和“北飞的候鸟”两家网站的经营者或管理者,侵犯原告王菲名誉权及隐私权,判网站停止侵权、公开道歉,并分别赔偿王菲精神抚慰金3000元和5000元;天涯虚拟社区网由于在王菲起诉前及时删除了侵权帖子,履行了监管义务,因此不构成侵权。这在一定程度上凸现了网络媒体在利益表达中所面临的法律困境。  相似文献   

党颖 《中国出版》2015,(12):38-41
微博作为新媒体的典型代表,在经过了快速发展之后,已经明显加快了社会信息之间的流通。但是,当人们在享受着新媒体带来快捷、便利生活的时候,自身和他人的权利却因各种因素而受到侵害,这就是微博侵权。文章对导致微博侵权的因素进行分析研究并对微博侵权行为提出相应的法律监管对策:明确微博服务商的责任;及时履行审查义务;净化网络环境,健全管理机制;完善相关网络侵权法律,明确各方需承担的法律责任与义务。  相似文献   

视频分享网站著作权侵权现象评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在著作权纠纷案件中,视频分享网站通常认为自己履行了通知+移除程序即可免除侵权责任,这是对避风港规则的误读。明知或应知是判断其是否侵权的关键,这就要求视频分享网站承担起合理注意的义务,担当善良管理人角色,不能放任侵权视频作品在网站上传播。  相似文献   

为合理保护著作权人的利益,信息储存空间网络服务商不应仅仅承担避风港原则中的消极"删除"义务,还应当承担积极"注意义务"。具体而言,我国《著作权法》应当规定信息储存空间网络服务商运用合适技术措施以防止侵权的一般"注意义务"和对热播影视作品或其他受欢迎作品实施"主动审查"的特别"注意义务",并以此作为判定其"过错"的评判标准。另外,"应知"对象应当指向特定作品而非一般作品被侵权这一事实。  相似文献   

文章归纳了图书馆版权诉讼的侵犯信息网络传播权、署名权和作品原件所有权三个诉因,提炼了诉讼中涉嫌侵权行为类型,并对侵犯作品原件所有权、侵犯署名权、以镜像站点方式订购与使用电子文献数据库的法律问题以及网站深度链接问题进行了分析,为图书馆规避版权诉讼风险提供了相关建议.  相似文献   

在图书馆显性知识共享中,图书馆获取著作权人的授权,依据约定的方式传播与共享作品知识,就不会侵犯著作权人的发行权和信息网络传播权;依据合理使用的四要素规则,引用作品知识才不会侵犯作者的署名权。在图书馆隐性知识共享中,从隐性到隐性知识共享方式不会有侵权争议;从隐性到显性知识共享的方式中,图书馆必须恪守只有注入"独创性"成分,才能有效控制侵权行为发生。  相似文献   

王渊 《出版科学》2016,24(1):24-29
美国法院按照以下两个程序认定被告是否侵权并在此过程中确定侵权认定标准:首先,原告对作品是否拥有有效的版权;第二,被告是否侵犯了原告的版权。“被告是否侵犯了原告的版权”认定也有两步:一是被告是否事实上抄袭了原告作品,二是被告是否抄袭了原告作品中受版权保护的表达部分并足以构成侵权。而对于“抄袭是否足以构成侵权”的判断就是“实质相似”判断。在美国,随着时间的变化、技术的发展和人们认识的变化,不同的巡回法院在不同的阶段对“实质相似”判断方法是不同的,依时间变化分别有专家证言与抽象测试法、一般观察者的“整体判断”测试法、“整体概念和感觉”测试法(后来改进为“外在/内在”测试法)、“作品所针对的对象”测试法、“更敏锐的观察者”分析法和“抽象-过滤-比较”测试法。  相似文献   

When the American Library Association's Reference and Adult Services Division adopted "Information Services for Information Consumers: Guidelines for Providers" in June of 1990, it set the positive tone that reference work can and should have throughout the decade and beyond. Efforts by corporations to promote end-user online services, consumer-oriented CD-ROMs, and the like constitute an attempt to recreate the library. These attempts are, however, inherently flawed in that, unlike the library, they do not marshal the wide variety of information resources - print, online, CD-ROM, audio-visual, etc. - that libraries routinely make available. "Information Services or Information Consumers: Guidelines for Providers" challenges information providers (i.e., libraries and reference librarians) to take full advantage of new information and communications technology to make not only the services marketed to end users useful to library patrons, but to realize more fully the potential of the rich resources already concentrated in libraries. The guidelines offer reference librarians and library administrators and governing boards a vision of a comprehensive information service centered in and delivered by the library to the members of the community it is intended to serve. They also challenge reference librarians, library administrators, and governing boards to make that vision a reality. This will require creativity, entail some risks, and depend for its success upon the quality of the resources allocated to the task. The most important variable will be the quality of the front-line reference librarians and their commitment to that vision and the spirit of the guidelines.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a framework and methodology for establishing indicators and metrics in order to assess the quality and performance of one-stop e-Government service offerings. The set of quality and performance indicators and metrics proposed has been derived in an outcomes assessment approach, based on the perspectives of e-Government service providers and end-users and following a goal-question-metric line of work that departs from some key quality and performance benefits. A methodology that employs the proposed framework to set improvement targets according to alternative scenarios is presented, and a strategy is elaborated for analyzing root causes of potential quality and performance shortcomings and undertaking appropriate countermeasures. Some results of application in a real case study, in the context of an EU-funded R&D project, are also provided. Finally, recommendations are given about usefulness of the proposed approach for e-Government service providers, as well as policy and decision-makers, and directions of future work are discussed in order to enhance the conceptual coverage of this approach, while at the same time not compromising its simplicity of application and generality of purpose.  相似文献   

This virtual issue (VI) has been assembled to coincide with the 8th Annual Patient Information Conference 2013 organised by the UK Patient Information Forum (PiF). The conference theme ‘Information and support – a service in its own right’ is a response to policy documents and initiatives in both Scotland and England which signal the coming of age of patient/consumer information. The VI consists of a collection of open access articles and addresses the question ‘What can health science librarians do to ensure that the public are able to find, appraise and use health information?’ This material provides research evidence, and examples of the types of initiatives librarians have undertaken to make information a health and care service in its own right. Two recurrent messages are that health science librarians need to form partnerships with healthcare providers and they have a role to play in improving health literacy skills.  相似文献   


The object of this study is to assess Texas A&M University (TAMU) students/faculty/staff members’ use and awareness of the Libraries’ free document delivery and interlibrary loan service, branded as “Get It For Me.” Since 2010, we have continued to see a decline in new user registrations each year. Previous Get It For Me user surveys conducted in 2003 and 2011 indicated that the overall satisfaction of registered users was high and customer feedback gleaned from these surveys was used to initiate a number of service improvements. But what about the large percentage of the campus community who do not use the Get It For Me service? Are they aware of what this service has to offer? If so, why might they choose not to use it? If they are not aware of the service, might they use it if they knew more about how it can assist them in their scholarly endeavors? Instead of only surveying those customers who have used this service, we invited everyone on TAMU College Station campus to participate in the survey. Promoting the service is a vital component of service delivery.  相似文献   

北京三面向版权代理有限公司诉重庆市涪陵区图书馆网站因链接侵犯著作财产权纠纷一案以涉案图书馆败诉结案,反映出司法机构对图书馆如何合理使用他人作品方面态度的差异。图书馆版权侵权责任包括直接侵权、间接侵权和共同侵权。网站链接侵权适用间接侵权规则,深度链接等同于内容服务而被认定为直接侵权。对涪陵图书馆链接侵权案的责任分配、法律适用提出看法,探究该案对图书馆工作的启示。  相似文献   

段乐川 《出版科学》2012,20(2):26-28
"媒介间性"特征是从整体视野对编辑活动客体对象关系的抽象概括。它是指不同的编辑客体——媒介,在共时和历时的编辑实践中存在着交互作用的关系。这种作用关系表现在三个方面:共存互补性、交互作用性和转换生成性。这一特征不仅是贯通编辑活动历史的编辑客体作用规律,也是编辑活动的整体特征之一。认识和发现这一规律、特征,对于做好当下编辑工作具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

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