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This research explored the relationships among spiritual intelligence (SI), altruism, ethnocentrism, and intercultural willingness to communicate (IWTC), and how these related to the intention to help a culturally different stranger. Controlling for gender and age, the findings for the 281 student participants’ responses revealed that those with higher levels of SI tended to have higher levels of altruism and higher levels of IWTC. Regarding the intention to help, higher levels of altruism were linked to lower avoidance of interacting with a stranger while higher levels of ethnocentrism were linked to a greater likelihood of leaving without acting to help.  相似文献   
阿Q和他的“精神胜利法”是我们大家都熟悉的.他利用其惯用的“自欺”、“忘却”、“容忍”等精神胜利法让自己获得心理上的平衡.实际上,从心理学的角度来看,阿Q的精神胜利法就是心理学上讲的心理防卫机制,是我们每个人在遇到烦恼时都会使用的方法.  相似文献   
In this scenario‐based experiment we examined the relationships among impression management messages, evaluations of reward allocations (fairness and responsibility) and reactions to rewards (anger, approval of manager and overall job satisfaction). The results suggest that impression management messages directly influence fairness and responsibility, and indirectly influence anger and approval. Specifically, justifications and enhancements increased evaluations of fairness, excuses decreased attributions of responsibility for unfair rewards, and entitling accounts increased attributions of responsibility for fair rewards. Also, justifications and enhancements indirectly decreased anger, increased approval, and increased job satisfaction through the mediating influence of fairness. Excuses and entitling accounts indirectly decreased anger and increased approval through the mediating influence of responsibility.  相似文献   

Female priests are a relatively new phenomenon in Hindu Indian culture. Positioned as outsiders within, they have been marginalized from the male-dominated priestly profession, even as they continue to challenge normative expectations surrounding their unconventional occupational choice. This study presents findings from a multi-methods qualitative study that, in addition to analyzing media reports about female Hindu priests of Pune city, interviewed 12 practicing priests. Utilizing data-driven lenses of embodied, emotional–spiritual, and aesthetic (performative) labor, findings from this study revealed how participants communicatively and strategically diffused resistance and redefined competence by negotiating contradictory aspects of their professional realities.  相似文献   
School psychologists have been involved with developing and installing individual contingencies designed to remedy individual students' academic deficits. Group-oriented contingencies can be applied to broader efforts designed to prevent learning problems class-wide. Independent group-oriented rewards are frequently used in school settings to enhance learning by rewarding strong academic performance (e.g., reward for each student who maintains a 90% average). Research suggests overreliance on these contingencies may not be educationally equitable because they may be less effective or ineffective in influencing the behavior and learning of students with weaker academic skills. Theoretical and applied research is analyzed which suggests that maintaining ubiquitous independent rewards and providing supplemental interdependent group-oriented bonus rewards may allow educators to a) maintain their academic standards, b) enhance educational equity by improving learning in students who may not respond to typical independent group-oriented rewards, and c) enhance classroom climates. Also, recommendations are provided that may allow educators to mitigate concerns over perceived unfairness associated with interdependent group-oriented rewards.  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料法与规范分析法,遵循消费者保护法的研究进路,对职业足球赛事的法律属性及其外部法律关系进行研究。研究表明:职业足球赛事应被认定为是由足球经营者向球迷提供的精神产品,具有"产品"的法律属性。购买球票观看足球比赛的球迷与足球经营者成为足球赛事产品消费中的法律关系主体,这种法律关系应受到消费者保护法的规制。而从法律关系的具体内容来看,足球经营者与球迷消费者之间围绕着足球赛事产品消费形成了"安全保障、公平交易以及信息提供"的权利义务关系,而且在经营者违反法定义务时,球迷依法享有索赔的权利。旨在为足球赛事产品消费行为的法律规制问题之深入研究奠定理论基础。  相似文献   
任何国家的国民大众都具有对自由的精神信仰和心理追求,并普遍渴望公平正义和自由平等,而依此演化出来的优好经济制度,构成了任何国家繁荣和民富国强背后的制度奥秘。市场经济最为根本的优越之处,就在于为国民大众灵活而自主性的创造性活动提供了一整套自由选择机制,并确保了经济活动过程中的公平正义,从而造就了计划经济所无法比拟的资源配置效率和经济产出能力。只有经济自由才能为国民大众提供诸多经济创新活动的制度激励,从而自动生成经济发展的长效活力,这就是实现中国之梦的基本制度前提。  相似文献   
基于工作动机理论,把内在激励、薪酬与奖励、组织创新氛围进行整合,作为整体激励体系探讨对员工创新行为的影响.在浙江省高新技术企业进行问卷调查,得到353份有效问卷.分层回归分析结果表明,内在激励、薪酬与奖励、组织创新氛围对员工创新行为有显著的积极影响;内在激励、薪酬与奖励对促进员工的创新行为有显著的交互作用;在高内在激励条件下,薪酬与奖励对员工创新行为有显著的积极影响,但在低内在激励条件下,薪酬与奖励对员工创新行为关系没有显著影响;当内在激励取高水平值时,薪酬与奖励和员工创新行为之间的正向关系更加强烈.  相似文献   
《倾听自我》是克冰先生关于美的艺术的文章结集。置于中外古今美的艺术的讨论比照的背景下,在与自然、日常生活等关系的梳理中,通过对歌词、音乐、小说、绘画、舞蹈、电影等具体文本的赏析,表述了对于艺术、创作、艺术家等内容的独到理解:美的艺术,是表现的艺术;美的艺术世界,是人类创造的理想世界;在美的艺术世界里,人类倾听自我。同时,篇幅短小,道理深刻,质疑批判但富有建设性,行文简明平易,也是文集别具一格之处。  相似文献   
人类赖以生存的环境蕴涵着巨大的精神利益,这些利益理应为每个人所享有.探讨环境侵权精神损害赔偿自然人权利主体的类型化,既是对人获得良好生存环境和精神享受利益的关注,也是完善环境保护法与精神损害赔偿制度的重要方面.环境的污染和破坏必将损害人的环境性精神利益,从更全面地维护人获得良好生存环境和精神享受利益的角度看,环境侵权精神损害赔偿的权利主体应是自然人而非公民.将权利主体类型化为直接受害人与间接受害人,并探讨尚有争议的一些特殊群体,如第三人、后代人及胎儿、欠缺感知能力者等在其中的地位,将符合法理的纳入权利主体范围.  相似文献   
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