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《华文文学》作为台港澳及海外华文文学研究期刊,对马华文学的引介起着极为重要的作用。前期《华文文学》对马华文学作品的刊载,为中国大陆对马华文学的接受与熟悉发挥了重要的桥梁作用,也为研究者们提供了可供参考阅读的文本;后期对马华文学研究类文章的刊载,对马华文学研究的进步与成熟起了重要的促进作用,成为马华文学研究的学术重镇。  相似文献   
从许承尧收集的近现代名人书札集册中检出罗长铭致许承尧信札17封,诗13首,词22阕。主要有20世纪20年代末至40年代初罗长铭与友人的一些投赠酬答之作和信函,涉及编辑《艺观》《歙县志》《安徽通志》,对《尔雅正义》等古籍的校注及历史人物渐江、沈天士等活动的考证,书画文物的鉴赏,以及与黄宾虹、汪鞠友、张善子、张大千、汪采白、程霖生、江彤侯、李拔可、汪孟邹、过旭初、许玉田、吴绮川等人的交谊。现将其整理加注发表,以期为研究徽学提供一些史料。  相似文献   
邓小平反"左"理论具有四个方面的理论特质,即辩证性特质,历史性特质,现实性特质和超越性特质;邓小平反"左"理论的正确指导是建设有中国特色社会主义取得巨大成功的根本原因之一.  相似文献   
目的:探讨普罗帕酮对左心室流出道自律细胞的电生理效应.方法:应用常规的玻璃微电极细胞内记录技术,观察普罗帕酮对豚鼠左心室流出道(主动脉前庭)动作电位0相幅值(APA),最大除极速率(Vmax),动作电位时程(APD),50%复极化时间(APD50),90%复极化时间(APD90),自发电活动频率(HR)的影响.结果:1.用0.5μmol/L的普罗帕酮灌流后与正常对照组相比自发电活动频率(HR)显著下降(P<0.01);2.用1μmol/L的普罗帕酮灌流后与对正常照组相比动作电位0幅值(APA)下降(P<0.05),动作电位时程(APD)延长(P<0.05).结论:普罗帕酮能抑制左心室流出道(主动脉前庭)的动作电位0幅值,延长动作电位时程,使自发电活动频率下降.  相似文献   
巴林左旗盖家店出土辽代青铜佛板,为便携式类佛龛造像。佛板内容关联北朝以来数百年造像史,还多有牵涉印度造像艺术,反映了基层民众的西方净土信仰情况,不同于寻常所见具有官方性质的辽代佛教造像,有助于深化认识辽代佛教物质文化和社会。  相似文献   
周而复于1933年考取光华大学后不久即参加“左联”,并于其时进入文学门径,除了本人创作,周而复还参与编辑出版《文学丛报》和《小说家》。1938年在光华大学毕业后告别上海,奔向延安。  相似文献   
本文给出了广义导算子左、右本性可逆的一系列等价条件,其主要结果是定理4和5。  相似文献   
研究了素环上的左Jordan导子,利用素环的性质和已有结论证明了R为2一非挠的素环,若D为R→R的左Jordan导子,则D为R→Z(R)上的一个导子,从而在素环上得到了一个良好的保持性结论。  相似文献   
Why and under which conditions do international student assessment programmes like PISA have success? How can the results of these assessments be useful for advocates of different, even contradictory, policies? What might explain different patterns of using assessment as a tool for school governance? Drawing on historical and comparative research, and using PISA as an example, this paper provides a frame for discussing these and other questions around the international rise of accountability as a key tool of social change. The basic argument is that even though accountability is a global phenomenon, the ways and means of enacting and encountering accountability are not. How accountability is experienced depends on deeply engrained ‘constitutional mind‐sets’, i.e. diverse cultures of conceptualizing the relation between the public and its institutions.  相似文献   

The 1980s was a period when the academic current for leisure studies led to the birth of the study of sports history. Japan was not a latecomer in this scholarly stream. More significantly, cultural issues were thought not the part of various phenomena in a society, but the key issues for class integration and class strife. After writing my PhD thesis on Pierce Egan, one of the earliest sport journalists influenced by the idea of early radicals in the nineteenth-century Britain, my attention turned over to the question of why the study of sport history was necessary. There was the academic impact inherited from the New Left’s belief that ‘without understanding the state of people’s culture, class issues are unable to be truly comprehended’. The Initiation of sport journalism had a similar destiny. This consequence appears to be a synchroflash between the early radicals’ concern in popular culture in the nineteenth century and the New Left’s interest in cultural studies in the twentieth century. There was an obvious reason why the radical essayists and contemporary academics had to pay attention to the ‘cultural turn’ with critical thinking in a society.  相似文献   
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