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高考改革若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高考改革的根本动力,来自国家对创新型人才培养的迫切需求,其改革主要涵盖了两方面内容:学生素质的评价机制,政府与高校在学生录取中权限的合理分治。  相似文献   

This paper emphasizes the aporetic nature of the Salamanca Statement on Special Needs Education (UNESCO, 1994), adopting a cross-cultural perspective. It draws on an intersectional perspective on inclusion (Connor, Ferri & Annamma, 2016; Artiles & Kozleski, 2016 Artiles, A. J., and E. B. Kozleski. 2016. “Inclusive Education’s Promises and Trajectories: Critical Notes About Future Research on a Vulnerable Idea.” Education Policy Analysis Archives 24 (43): 129. [Google Scholar]; Erevelles, 2014) to argue that although inclusion has been defined by such an international declaration as a transformative project to ensure access to quality education for all students, national inclusive policies are still focused on a pathological construction of student difference, slowly incorporating children from different linguistic and ethnic backgrounds. The focus on Italy and the United States is a response to examine the discourses and practices of inclusion in two countries that have been impacted by the Salamanca Statement thinking. To substantiate our argument concerned with the limitations embedded in the Salamanca Statement, data from two empirical studies conducted in Rome and in Upstate New York will be presented. The studies show how inclusion leads to overrepresentation of migrant students in Special Educational Needs. We conclude that the Salamanca Statement has been transferred into a tool to strengthen normality against difference, and that it should focus on interrupting micro-exclusions for groups sitting at the intersections of race, ability and other identity markers.  相似文献   
马斯洛的“需要层次”理论分析《傲慢与偏见》中三对青年男女的婚恋观:韦翰与丽迪雅的结合纯属“生理需要’’层次的冲动;柯林斯与夏绿蒂的婚姻基本上出于对“生理需要”与“安全需要”的满足;达西与伊丽莎白的婚恋过程则主要是爱情与尊重的有机结合,并体现出“自我实现的需要”。由此揭示出个人不同婚恋选择的最直接原因在于其内驱力因素以及需要层次的差异。  相似文献   
本文从需求分析理论入手,分析教材二次开发的内涵,进而深入探究大学英语教材二次开发的现状及二次开发过程中存在的问题.并尝试提出相应对策.以期为教学实践提供指引,为更深入地研究拓宽思路.  相似文献   
图书馆用户的个性化服务需求实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过问卷调查了图书馆用户个性化服务需求。调查结果显示:用户需要个性化服务;个性化服务使用得并不普遍;用户非常重视个人隐私保护;用户对个性化信息环境的需求高于对个性化服务功能的需求;用户对图书借阅服务的需求高于其他个性化服务功能的需求;性别、图书馆使用行为、网络使用行为等因素对用户的个性化需求产生显著影响。根据调查结果提出了发展图书馆个性化服务的6点建议:图书馆应该提供个性化服务以提高服务水平;个性化服务应当超越Mylibrary模式;加强个性化服务的宣传和推广;个性化服务必须建立在保障用户个人隐私的基础上;必须重视用户的非功能需求;应该重视基础性服务的个性化。  相似文献   
差生转化是班主任工作的永恒话题。特别是中职差生转化工作更是一项复杂、耐心细致的思想教育工作。班主任应特别关注差生成长,认真研究差生的表现,仔细分析差生形成因素,了解、帮助、关爱他们,满足他们正当需要,让他们感受到关爱和尊重,克服自卑心理和消极情绪,提高自我意识,正确认识自我,增强自信心,激发上进的动力,使他们在中职毕业后,以积极的心态面对社会。  相似文献   
大学新生团体辅导浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从中学步入大学,大学新生在生活环境、学习特点、人际关系等都发生了很大的变化。面对由这些环境变化所带来的各种问题和困扰,需要经过一个阶段才能顺利地适应。通过开展新生入学教育,特别是在新生第一学期开展不同主题的团队辅导,有助于帮助学生尽快地融入新环境,正确地看待大学生活和初步理解大学生涯,为今后形成良好的学习习惯奠定基础。  相似文献   
管理就是交换。因为生活中的每个人都有需要,社会中的每个组织都有目标,在个人需要的满足与组织目标的实现之间就要进行交换。作为个人,要获取满足基本需要的工资报酬,同时追求精神上的满足和自我实现;作为组织,则要满足员工合理需要,帮助员工成长,并最终实现组织目标。因此,所谓优秀的企业,就是既能实现组织目标,又能满足员工的合理需要,实现员工与组织的共同成长。马斯洛需要层次论与交换。马斯洛认为:人有五个层次的需要暨生理、安全、社交、尊重以及自我实现的需要。这是管理者交换时应把握的重点。赫茨伯格双因素理论与交换。赫茨伯格把能够带来满意的因素叫做激励因素,而把那些仅仅能够消除不满意的因素叫做保健因素。情感管理与交换。所谓情感管理,就是管理者用自己的真心、真意和真情换得下属的感动和发自内心的追随。作为一名管理者仅仅实现下属员工满意还不够,真正让下属发自内心的愿意追随你,产生一种“士为知己者死”的想法,靠的是超越需要、感动下属。因为超越需要,所以想不到,因为想不到,所以特别感动。综观古今中外,历数先贤今人,无数的事例表明:管理的实质就是交换。  相似文献   
This research aimed to measure Special Educational Needs Co‐ordinators' knowledge of the educational implications of acquired brain injury in children and young people and whether experience of working with pupils with a brain injury or additional training impacts upon this knowledge. Data was collected within one local authority in England using an online survey. The results indicated that the respondents had high levels of uncertainty regarding the impact of a brain injury although they were more confident in those areas which related most closely to their practice. The responses suggested that experience of working with a pupil with a brain injury promoted greater knowledge than receiving training; the results, however, showed that only a minority of SENCos had received any training and those who had tended to have undertaken this independently. This suggests that there is a need for SENCos to be provided with specialist training in order to increase their understanding of the impact of acquired brain injury in children and young people.  相似文献   
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