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简论南宋的幼儿生养与救助   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南宋是我国封建社会最为重视婴幼儿生养与救助的时期,当时封建政府采取了一系列措施,鼓励婴幼儿的生养和灾荒时期遗弃幼儿的救助。南宋时的幼儿救养措施,对后世特别是明清时期的幼儿救助产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
以《幼儿教育指导纲要》为指导,以诗歌教育方式培养幼儿人文与科学精神不仅必要,且 实践证明能收到很好的效果。  相似文献   
感恩是主体对有利于自身生存和发展的因素表示友好及回报的过程,感恩教育是对受教育者实施的识恩、知恩、报恩和施恩的人文教育。幼儿家庭教育是实施感恩教育的适宜途径,为此家长要了解幼儿的年龄特点,做好感恩的表率;要帮助儿童把握好感恩的度;要注重培养幼儿的感恩意识和感恩行为。  相似文献   
人的社会化是一个持续终生的过程,而幼儿期又是接受社会化的最佳时期。大众媒介的蓬勃发展,给人们的生活带来了诸方面的影响,它逐渐成为影响人社会化的重要因素。大众媒介对幼儿的社会认知、社会性交往以及道德行为的发展都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
幼儿体育课程合理化设置是一项复杂而艰巨的工作,文章通过透视我国幼儿教育、幼儿体育、幼儿体育课程现状,在深入领会<幼儿园工作规程>、<幼儿园教育指导纲要>及素质教育重要精神基础上,通过制定具体可行的课程目标,提炼课程设置的基本原则,构建现代幼儿体育课程基本框架,致力于开发科学、合理、有价值的幼儿体育课程.  相似文献   
随着幼儿教育事业的发展,玩教具制作对教师及幼儿的价值依然未减。通过对目前幼儿教师玩教具制作现状的调查,总体上幼儿教师玩教具制作表现为:玩教具制作认识错位,功利色彩浓厚;玩教具制作中的"虚假参与"与类参与不足;玩教具开发与制作素养有待提升;玩教具制作缺乏良好外在支持环境。因而,今后我们需从内外两方面促使幼儿教师自主、自愿地投身于玩教具制作中。  相似文献   
Very low birth weight (VLBW) infants, born weighing less than 1,500 g, are at risk for several developmental problems. Consequently, there has been interest in developing intervention programs to prevent such problems. This article describes the empirical evidence that guided the development of an innovative, multicomponent intervention program for mothers of VLBW infants, as well as the program content and features. Based on the evidence, the program was designed to include six sessions and commence shortly after birth to reduce maternal psychological distress during the infant's hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit and to promote sensitive mother-infant interaction. The program incorporates various learning activities, including written materials, observational exercises, discussion, and video feedback.  相似文献   
中国婴童产业自上世纪90年代开始,历经二十年发展,已初步呈现规模化、现代化、国际化趋势,但巨大的婴童产业市场掩盖不了中国婴童产业生产力水平不高、结构不够合理、整体竞争力不强等问题。绵阳作为西部发展潜力极大的新兴工业城市,婴童产业融合不够、品牌意识不强、产品层次低端、整体市场非常脆弱,必须立足本地特色产业发展基础,集聚整合科技、资源、市场、政策多种优势,科学规划,合理调整,完善组织,创新模式,推动绵阳婴童产业科学发展,促进区域经济水平快速全面提升。  相似文献   
学前教育专业毕业生由于缺少幼儿教育工作的实践经验,在理解和运用抽象教育理论知识方面存在一定的困难,直接影响到教育理论课目标的达成,理论联系幼儿教育实际一直是学前教育专业的教学理论课改的重要问题。案例教学在幼儿教育教学中的运用有助于缩短教学情境与实际生活情境的差距,有助于提高幼师生的分析能力和实际解决问题的能力,有助于培养幼师生的创新精神,有助于幼师生深刻理解教育理论知识。在案例教学中也存在一些误区:案例教学等同于举例说明或范例教学,单纯运用案例教学单一方式等。  相似文献   
This study examined infant educators’ beliefs about infant language development in the context of early childhood classrooms. Participants were 59 educators who were employed to work directly with under-two-year-old children. Educators were interviewed to determine their understandings of infant language development and Grounded Theory qualitative techniques were used to develop a conceptual model which illustrates their perceptions of the relationships between contextual, personal and teaching and learning components of their classroom contexts. The model provides a means of conceptualising ‘insider’ practitioner voices on how, as a dynamic system, contextual, individual and pedagogical components mutually interact to bring about the kinds of experiences and interactions that can shape language development. Findings have implications for understanding educators’ perspectives on infant room quality, suggesting that issues related to educator-infant ratios, staff consistency, qualifications and professional knowledge about language development processes may impact efforts to provide intentional language development support.  相似文献   
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